What Can I Do If My App/Game Is Rejected Due to the Update Pop-up Failing to Display on a Mobile Phone with HMS Core (APK) 2.5.3 or Earlier? - huawei-mobile-services

My project has integrated HUAWEI IAP and other services using the HMS Core SDK 4.x. However, the app is rejected during Huawei app review, for an update pop-up cannot be displayed on a mobile phone with HMS Core (APK) 2.5.3 or earlier.
I have tried to reoccur this problem by uninstall and update HMS Core to version of 2.5.3 .But the operation fail. how can i reoccur the problem and solve it?

The problem was because the HMS Core (APK) version on your phone is earlier than 2.5.3. Each of the following solutions can be used to reoccur the problem.
Find a Huawei phone and perform the following steps.Go to Settings > Apps > Apps, then searched for and tapped HMS Core (APK). On the displayed page, tapped the button in the upper right corner, and chose to uninstall the APK update.
If the uninstallation fails, find a non-Huawei phone and uninstall
HMS Core (APK).
If the Huawei phone has been rooted, just uninstall HMS Core (APK).
You can try to Log analysis and check the project code,The problem may be due to the input parameter in your project is of the Context type, rather than the Activity type.
For Details,check Docs.

Can you describe how the operation failed (error, screenshots)?
If you don't turn off AppGallery Auto-update apps, it will automatically update your HMS Core immediately to the latest version right after you remove HMS Core updates. If this is the case, you will not be able to test your app using HMS Core 2.5.3.
Please make sure that you turn off Auto-update apps in AppGallery > Settings.
Regardless, you will need to upgrade your IAP to the latest version in order to be approved by AppGallery app review.


HMS Core Playstore Version Cannot use Huawei ID Sign In

Firstly, I made an app with flutter, I just implement Account Kit and Scan Kit for the app. Well, I got a previous bug for using google pixel 3XL (AVD) API Level 30, then I tried to change it to Nexus 6 API Level 28, and it worked (the latest version of HMS Core on both AVD). After I tried to run the application on my phone(Poco F1, using HMS Core Playstore Version), I found a bug like the following picture
But when I use the latest version of HMS Core, the bug is gone. Well, the problem it's not that much but when I submit the app to HMS Gallery, the reviewer found the bug and rejected my application proposal because he found an error message like the picture above, even though I already gave a note to use the latest HMS Core. But I don't think he read my note and it's like he doesn't understand the language(Indonesia) used in my application so he takes issue with the system that we have made, even though the application system that we made is like that.
Error Log - Huawei Sign In (Playstore Version HMS Core):
note for reviewer:
attachment from reviewer:
Comment from the reviewer:
[Description]: An error occurs in your App). Please see the attachment, here is the path: Go to Console > App Service > AppGallery Connect>Find your app from the list and click the version to check the attachment. Please refer to rule 3.1 of "AppGallery Review Guidelines": https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/en/doc/distribution/app/50104 ­[Test Step]: 1. When clicking on "Sign in with Huawei ID", an error message pops up. 2. When login in using the admin test account, a QR code appears and prompts "scan me", but there is no scanning function. [Test Environment]: Wi-Fi connection, EMUI 10.1.0 (Mate 30), EMUI10.0.0(P20 pro) Multilingual settings. ­[Suggestion]: Please identify it accordingly. Then revise and resubmit your app for review.
I've made a demo video for this threat, please check this
Please help me how can I submit this app
In the pics that you provided, we found a configuration issue.
SigningConfigs can contain debug or release.
so you can try to change here
In the screen recording that you provided, Error code 6003 is displayed.
To solve your issue, You need to check whether the certificate fingerprint of the APK signature file submitted to the AppGallery is the same as that configured on the AppGallery Connect website:
Ensure that the device and cloud configurations of the certificate fingerprint are consistent. The certificate packaged by the client application is the same as the SHA256 certificate fingerprint configured for the application on the AppGallery Connect website.
Verify that the certificate fingerprint is correctly configured when you apply for related services. Open the APK file of an app, extract the META-INF directory from the file, obtain the CERT.RSA file in the directory, and run the keytool -printcert -file META-INF/CERT.RSA command to record the signing certificate information.
Sign in to AppGallery Connect, click My projects, and select a required project. On the displayed page, select the app, go to Project settings > General information, and check whether the value in SHA-256 certificate fingerprint is the same as that in step 1.
In addition, HMS Core (APK) will cache the signature file. You need to find HMS Core (APK) on the Apps page of your device and clear its cache, restart your app, and perform the previous operation again.

What do I need to do to update my game to Google Play Billing 3?

I'm using Unity 2018.4.22 and I've installed In App Purchasing 2.2.2 from Package Manager.
When I try to upload my game to Google Play Store, it gives me this error:
We've detected that this app is using an old version of Google Play Billing. By November 1, 2021, all app updates must use Billing Library version 3 or newer. Update to Billing Library 3 before this date.
What exactly do I need to do to fix this problem?
This is probably late for this particular answer but for whom will come here later date.
"This Asset Store version is obsolete, and will be deprecated and no longer supported after June 2021."
Meaning Unity IAP will be implemented via package manager instead of the asset store.
You can check your IAP version through Package Manager/In App Purchasing
You can check your IAP version through menu Window/Unity IAP/IAP Updates... Any IAP version higher than 2.2.1 will have the v3 Google library. You'll want to use the latest Unity IAP 2.2.7 (Asset version) along with In App Purchasing library 2.2.2 (Package Manager).

Many users who tell me that the (Install) button for my application is disabled at the Huawei App Gallery

The users keep telling me that they can't install the app because the App Gallery is disabling the install button of my app
Unfortunately huawei dont have any tools to identify and remove the GMS dependencies from the project. WE ahve remove manually.
Once the app is published, it will be reviewed for the compatibility and if the app is compatible with all the devices, then it will be released to all users
Yeah . I got the answer from
Huawei app doesn't show app gallery event its state released.
But is a pleasure to know that the problem is because GMS so now I have more info about the case, but please How can I remove the GMS from my application
my application is developed by react-native and I just released new apk and pushed to ur app gallery.
Should I remove all react-native google libs like firebase and so on ?
I have no time to release a version integrated with HMS now but for sure the next version will.
If there is away to remove the GMS and republish the apk with no HMS ?

What can I do in this case?

When I integrated the HMS Core SDK into my game. However, the game
was rejected during app review due to the following reason: On a mobile phone
where the latest version of HMS Core (APK) was not installed, a pop-up is
displayed during game launch, indicating that HMS Core (APK) needs to be
Try to locate and rectify the fault first. If HMS Core (APK) cannot be uninstalled or no update pop-up is displayed during fault locating, use a non-Huawei mobile phone to perform the test, and locate the fault based on the logs. Please upload your log file so I can help you further.

Android Appstore rejected Smartface

I am trying to publish app to google play appstrore and rejected. It seems that Google made some security update, because previous version of apps were published? Is there any solution for this?
Note: i have updated latest SDK from manager
Your APK has been rejected for containing security vulnerabilities, which violates the Malicious Behavior policy. If you submitted an update, the previous version of your app is still live on Google Play.
To properly handle SSL certificate validation, change your code in the checkServerTrusted method of your custom X509TrustManager interface to raise either CertificateException or IllegalArgumentException whenever the certificate presented by the server does not meet your expectations. To confirm you’ve updated correctly, submit the updated version to the Developer Console and check back after five hours. If the app hasn’t been correctly upgraded, we will display a warning
Problem is using OpenSSL 1.0.1l in the official 4.5 release SMF and next releasing an upgrade to the 4.5 players to OpenSSL 1.0.2g which is the latest release. Wait SMF 4.5.3.
I wouldnt hold my breath waiting for app studio 4.5.3. I have been in touch with them and they said that they have dropped the desktop IDE as their cloud IDE is doing much better. They gave also mentioned that in 6 months time their cloud IDE will have a WYSIWYG editor.
Hopefully the trusted manager error will not occur when publishing with the cloud IDE