TTN (The Things Network) counter and Pycom Lopy4 problem - micropython

I have a problem on the counter in TTN. this problem happened after I added machine.deepsleep function in my LoPy4. I have used the nvram_save () and nvram_restore () functions, but the counter in TTN still not increment.
this screenCapture :
So, what's the problem in this case ?
this my code :
enter code here
import ads1x15 as extADC
import gc
import pycom
import socket
from network import LoRa
from uModBus.serial import Serial
from network import LoRa
import machine
import ubinascii
import utime
from machine import RTC, I2C
from machine import Pin
rtc = RTC()
i2c = I2C(0, I2C.MASTER, pins=('P3', 'P4'), baudrate=100000)
adc = extADC.ADS1115(i2c, gain=1)
pinTrig = Pin('P23', mode=Pin.OUT)
# LoRa Socket Connection with two condition
if machine.reset_cause() == machine.DEEPSLEEP_RESET:
pinTrig.value(1) # enable High (12v)
lora = LoRa(mode=LoRa.LORAWAN, region=LoRa.AS923)
lora.nvram_restore() # Nvram restore function
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_LORA, socket.SOCK_RAW)
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_LORA, socket.SO_DR, 5)
print("I'M PowerOn by Humans or Hard reset !")
lora = LoRa(mode=LoRa.LORAWAN, region=LoRa.AS923)
lora.nvram_restore() # Nvram restore function
app_eui = ubinascii.unhexlify('********************')
app_key = ubinascii.unhexlify('-----------------------------')
lora.join(activation=LoRa.OTAA, auth=(app_eui, app_key), timeout=0)
while not lora.has_joined():
print('Not yet joined...')
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_LORA, socket.SOCK_RAW)
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_LORA, socket.SO_DR, 5)
### Begin sensor reading and sending function ##################
def read_data_Sensor () :
### End sensor reading and sending function ####################
print("DeepSleep Mode")
except OSError:
print("Terjadi Error - Restart")

My understanding of the nvmram_save/restore methods is that they restore the full state of the lora stack, including the 'joined/not joined' status.
If you explicitly do the join() every time, then this both wastes energy/time in the join exchange, and this process will always reset the counters back to 0.
I think your code should test lora.has_joined() after the nvram_restore(), and only do the join procedure if this returns False.
btw I have also experienced issues with pycom and nvmram_save/restore with TTN v3.


Micropython GPIO control function in background

How can I write code to allow function run in background in exactly that time that I need?
When I run this func in cycle it's executing after others.
import time
from machine import Pin
a_1 = Pin(21, Pin.OUT)
a_2 = Pin(20, Pin.OUT)
def do_something(x):
def some_other_actions():
def calc_one_two():
return 1, 2
def func(a, b, on_tmr=2, off_tmr=1):
time.sleep_ms(on_tmr) # sleep for 2ms
time.sleep_ms(off_tmr) # sleep for 1ms
time.sleep_ms(on_tmr) # sleep for 2ms
time.sleep_ms(off_tmr) # sleep for 1ms
while True:
one, two = calc_one_two()
func(one, two)
some_other_actions() # actions that need some time
uasyncio is what you should look for. Look at documentation here
Bellow is minimal sample for blinking leds asynchronously, exactly what you are doing
import uasyncio
async def blink(led, period_ms):
while True:
await uasyncio.sleep_ms(5)
await uasyncio.sleep_ms(period_ms)
async def main(led1, led2):
uasyncio.create_task(blink(led1, 700))
uasyncio.create_task(blink(led2, 400))
await uasyncio.sleep_ms(10_000)
# Running on a generic board
from machine import Pin, Pin(20)))

uPY uart not communicating correctly with EG25-G

I had a motor controller connected to GP0 and GP1 so I know they work, however I cant seem to get a response from the SIM controller. Without the pico attached to the board, I can get it to work, but when I add the pico it seems like it wont send AT commands or translate received data if the pico is getting any at all. I have tried to run the code line by line in a live session and all I get is a single number that is equal to the number of letters inside the string that I am sending to the sim controller. ie uart.write(bytearray(b'ATE1\r\n')) would return >>> 6 6 being the number of characters in the code after b. I'm ordering a new pico to see if just maybe it was my sub par soldering, but in the mean time I could see if anyone more experienced than I can point out a error.
import machine
import os
import utime
import time
import binascii
from machine import UART
pwr_enable = 22 # EG25_4G Power key connected on GP22
uart_port = 0
uart_baud = 115200
# Initialize UART0
uart = machine.UART(uart_port, uart_baud)
def wait_resp_info(timeout=3000):
prvmills = utime.ticks_ms()
info = b""
while (utime.ticks_ms()-prvmills) < timeout:
if uart.any():
info = b"".join([info,])
return info
def Check_and_start(): # Initialize SIM Module
while True:
rec_temp = wait_resp_info()
if 'OK' in rec_temp.decode():
print('OK response from AT command\r\n' + rec_temp.decode())
power = machine.Pin(pwr_enable, machine.Pin.OUT)
print('No response, restarting\r\n')
def Network_check():# Network connectivity check
for i in range(1, 3):
if Send_command("AT+CGREG?", "0,1") == 1:
print('Device is NOT connected\r\n')
def Str_to_hex_str(string):
str_bin = string.encode('utf-8')
return binascii.hexlify(str_bin).decode('utf-8')
Response is
>>> Check_and_start()
No response, restarting
New Pico fixed my issue, I believe it to be that my inadequate soldering skills created the issue. Symptoms were, no UART data was being transmitted or received through UART pins 0 and 1. Solution was new Pico board was inserted in place of old one, same code was uploaded and ran successfully first time.

Dash app connections to AWS postgres DB VERY SLOW

I've created a live-updating dash app connected to a public facing AWS Postgres database. I've put db connection within my callback so it updates, but I find that it takes a long long time to retrieve data and create the graph, such that if the interval time is reduced to 10 seconds or less, no graph loads at all. I've tried to store the data in but the initial load still takes a very long time. My abbreviated code is written below. I'm assuming the lag time is from the engine connecting to the database, because I am only reading a few rows and columns. Is there anyway to speed this up?
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import dash
import dash_core_components as dcc
import dash_html_components as html
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, State
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData, Table
from sqlalchemy.ext.automap import automap_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, func, Date, ARRAY
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
app = dash.Dash(__name__, external_stylesheets=[BS], suppress_callback_exceptions=True, update_title=None)
app.layout = html.Div([
dcc.Store(id='time', storage_type='session'),
dcc.Store(id='blood_pressure', storage_type='session'),
html.Div(dcc.Graph(id='live-graph', animate=False), className='w-100'),
html.Div(id= "testing"),
)]), width={"size": 10, "offset": 0.5}),
dash.dependencies.Output('live-graph', 'figure'),
dash.dependencies.Output('blood_pressure', 'data'),
dash.dependencies.Output('time', 'data'),
[dash.dependencies.Input('graph-update-BP', 'n_intervals')],
Input('live-graph', 'relayoutData'),
def update_graph_scatter_1(n):
trace = []
blood_pressure = []
time = []
engine = create_engine("postgresql://username:password#address:5432/xxxxx", echo=True, future=True)
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()
Base = automap_base()
Base.prepare(engine, reflect=True)
User = Base.classes.users
Datex =
for instance in session.query(Datex).filter(Datex.user_id == 3).filter(Datex.date_time == 'Monday,Apr:26'):
blood_pressure.append([instance.systolic, instance.mean, instance.diastolic])
for i in range(0, len(blood_pressure)):
fig = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=1)
def append_trace():
for i in range(0, len(trace)):
fig.append_trace(trace[i], 1, 1)
return fig, blood_pressure, hr,
You can increase performance in your app in the following ways:
Non-programming methods:
If your app is deployed on AWS, ensure your app is connecting to your database over private IP. This reduces the number of networks your data has to traverse and will result in significantly lower latency.
Ensure your virtual machine has enough RAM. (If you're loading 2GB of data to a machine with 1GB available RAM, you're going to see the IO hit disk before loading to your program.)
Programming methods:
Modularize connecting to your database, and only do it once. This decreases the overhead required to reserve resources and authenticate connecting to the database
import os
class DbConnection:
"""Use this class to connect to your database within a dashapp"""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.DB_URI = os.environ.get('DB_URI', kwargs.get('DB_URI'))
self.echo = kwargs.get('echo', True)
self.future = kwargs.get('future', True)
# Now create the engine
self.engine = create_engine(self.DB_URI, echo=self.echo, future=self.self)
# Make the session maker
self.session_maker = sessionmaker(bind=self.engine)
def session(self):
"""Return a session as a property"""
return self.session_maker()
# -------------------------------------------
# In your app, instantiate the database connection
# and map your base
my_db_connection = DbConnection() # provide kwargs as needed
session = my_db_connection.session # necessary to assign property to a variable
# Map the classes
Base = automap_base()
Base.prepare(my_db_connection.engine, reflect=True)
User = Base.classes.users
Datex =
Cache frequently queried data. Unless your data is massive and dramatically varying, you should expect better performance from loading the data from disk (or RAM) on your machine, than over the network from your database.
from functools import lru_cache
def get_blood_pressure(session, user_id, date):
"""returns blood pressure for a given user for a given date"""
blood_pressure, time = [], []
query = session.query(Datex)\
.filter(Datex.user_id == 3)\
.filter(Datex.date_time == 'Monday,Apr:26')
# I like short variable names when interacting with db results
for rec in query:
blood_pressure.append([rec.systolic, rec.mean, rec.diastolic])
# finally
return blood_pressure, time
Putting them all together, your callback should be a lot quicker
def update_graph_scatter_1(n):
# I'm not sure how these variables will be assigned
# but you'll figure it out
blood_pressure, time = get_blood_pressure(session=session, user_id=user_id, date='Monday,Apr:26')
# Create new traces
for i in range(0, len(blood_pressure)):
# Add to subplots
fig = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=1)
for i in range(0, len(trace)):
fig.append_trace(trace[i], 1, 1)
return fig, blood_pressure, time
Lastly, it looks like you're recreating your graph objects each update. This is a heavy operation. I'd recommend updating the graph's data instead. I know this is possible, since I've done this in the past. But it looks like the solution is not-trivial, unfortunately. Perhaps an item for a later response or follow up Q.
Further reading:

Micropython webserver stops working when add code to read data from dht11

I've downloaded webserver code from, it worked well. But after adding code reading dht11 values, webserver stops responding. What's wrong with my code?
import machine
import dht
import socket
import network
sta_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
sta_if.connect(SSID, PASS)
addr = socket.getaddrinfo('', 80)[0][-1]
d = machine.Pin(5, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_UP)
def measure():
temp = d.temperature()
hum = d.humidity()
return temp, hum
s = socket.socket()
print('listening on', addr)
while True:
cl, addr = s.accept()
print('client connected from', addr)
cl_file = cl.makefile('rwb', 0)
while True:
line = cl_file.readline()
if not line or line == b'\r\n':
response = measure()
I see two problems with your code:
First, to read the DHT11 sensor you need to use a DHT object. Try replacing
d = machine.Pin(5, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_UP)
d = dht.DHT11(machine.Pin(5))
Second, the output of your measure() function is a numeric tuple and you're passing that directly to cl.send(), but that method needs a bytes object. You need to encode the two values into a string then convert that into bytes first. Instead of
you probably want something like
message = 'Temperature {} Humidity {}'.format(response[0], response[1])
cl.send(bytes(message, 'utf-8'))

OMNET++ wireless communication client-server

It's the first time I'm using OMNET++.
I want to start from the very basic stuff to understand how it works.
I successuffly created my first simulation with two hosts continuosly exhanging mesagges (from tictoc example).
What I would like to do now is to simulate a simple client-server wireless communication between one AP and one wireless node. I'm trying to do that using elements from the inet class but I'm stuck and it is not working.
import inet.networklayer.configurator.base.NetworkConfiguratorBase;
import inet.networklayer.configurator.ipv4.IPv4NetworkConfigurator;
import inet.networklayer.configurator.ipv4.IPv4NodeConfigurator;
import inet.node.inet.WirelessHost;
import inet.node.wireless.AccessPoint;
import inet.physicallayer.common.packetlevel.RadioMedium;
import inet.physicallayer.contract.packetlevel.IRadioMedium;
import inet.physicallayer.ieee80211.packetlevel.Ieee80211RadioMedium;
// TODO documentation
network net
string mediumType = default("IdealRadioMedium");
wirelessHost1: WirelessHost {
accessPoint1: AccessPoint {
iRadioMedium: <mediumType> like IRadioMedium {
iPv4NetworkConfigurator: IPv4NetworkConfigurator {
assignDisjunctSubnetAddresses = false;
and then I created a source file using the tictoc beahviour to make the two nodes communicate.
But it is not working, I get this error:
<!> Error in module (inet::IPv4NodeConfigurator) infrastructure.wirelessHost1.networkLayer.configurator (id=13) during network initialization: Configurator module 'configurator' not found (check the 'networkConfiguratorModule' parameter).
But before doing something, it was another error about the Access Point (could not find wlan[0] module).
Can someone help me to understand how to configure this model?
Here's the configuration .ini file
network = infrastructure
#cmdenv-output-file = omnetpp.log
#debug-on-errors = true
tkenv-plugin-path = ../../../etc/plugins
#record-eventlog = true
**.constraintAreaMinX = 0m
**.constraintAreaMinY = 0m
**.constraintAreaMinZ = 0m
**.constraintAreaMaxX = 600m
**.constraintAreaMaxY = 500m
**.constraintAreaMaxZ = 0m
**.mobility.typename = "StationaryMobility"
**.mobilityType = "StationaryMobility"
# access point
*.accessPoint.wlan[0].mac.address = "004444444444"
*.accessPoint.wlan[0].radio.channelNumber = 11
# host1 is associated with AP1 on channel 0
**.wirelessHost1.wlan[0].mgmt.accessPointAddress = "004444444444"
*.wirelessHost1.**.mgmtType = "Ieee80211MgmtSTASimplified"
# global data rates
**.wlan*.bitrate = 11Mbps
# application level: host1 pings host2
**.numPingApps = 1
*.wirelessHost1.pingApp[0].destAddr = "accessPoint"
*.wirelessHost1.pingApp[0].sendInterval = 10ms
but running the simulation I get
<!> Error in module (inet::ICMP) infrastructure.wirelessHost1.networkLayer.icmp (id=17) at event #4, t=0.008442657441: check_and_cast(): cannot cast (inet::GenericNetworkProtocolControlInfo*) to type 'inet::IPv4ControlInfo *'.
An instance of IPv4NetworkConfigurator in network has to be named configurator. After changing its name your second problem should be resolved too.
Moreover, the name of RadioMedium instance module has to be: radioMedium (instead of iRadioMedium).
You have made two mistakes.
AccessPoint does not have network layer, because it only relays and sends MAC frames using MAC layer and MAC addresses - like in real network. As a consequence, it does not have an IP address and it is impossible to send ICMP ping to it.
OMNeT++ allows to use module's name instead of an IP address in ini file, for example **.destAddr = "wirelessHost1". In your ini you are trying to use non existing accessPoint instead of accessPoint1 (which is incorrectly because of the first error).
I suggest adding a new WirelesHost (for example wirelessHost2) and sending ping towards it, i.e.
*.wirelessHost1.pingApp[0].destAddr = "wirelessHost2"