mongodb insertOne inside a loop - mongodb

I want to insert different collections inside a loop.
I already wrote this and it works once.
const client = new MongoClient(uri, {
useNewUrlParser: true,
useUnifiedTopology: true
let insertflowers = async (collectionname,query) => {
try {
await client.connect();
const database = client.db('flowers');
const collection = database.collection(collectionname);
return await collection.insertOne(query);
} finally {
await client.close();
What I want to do is put it inside a loop like this.
arrayofflowers.forEach( val => {
let flowerType = ...
But I get the following error
MongoError: Topology is closed, please connect
Thank you for reading

In short remove await client.close();
Check to insert bulk records at once.
You're in race condition so when insertflowers process is running in parallel connection is closed and opening.
So when you try to insert data connection is closed by another call to insertflowers.
const client = new MongoClient(uri, {
useNewUrlParser: true,
useUnifiedTopology: true
let connection;
const connect = async () => {
if (!connection) { // return connection if already connected
connection = await client.connect();
return connection;
let insertflowers = async (collectionname,query) => {
try {
const conn = await connect();
const database = conn.db('flowers');
const collection = database.collection(collectionname);
return await collection.insertOne(query);
} finally {
console.log('insertflowers completed');
// await client.close(); remove this
Another option - Not a good idea though
Make insertflowers is run the sync.


How to run script in mongoDb during the cypress test

I'm trying to run script in mongodb at the beginning of cypress test. I've added method in plugins/index.js to connect to mongo but I'm not sure what to do next. I've try to add in taks db.command with script, but it doesn't work. Any ideas, how I can do this ?
const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb')
const uri = "someUri"
if (!uri) {
throw new Error('Missing MONGO_URI')
const client = new MongoClient(uri)
async function connect() {
await client.connect()
return client.db()
module.exports = async (on, config) => {
const db = await connect()
on('task', {
I found solution to this if anybody will have same problem.
on('task', {
async updateCarColor() {
await db.collection('collectionName').updateOne({"Id": "45"},
"$set": {"car.color": "red"}
return null

Express and MongoDB without Mongoose

This is not so much of a question but more of a consult request. I couldn't find resources to check my method's validity so I would like to hear MongoDB experts' opinion.
I was playing around with MongoDB and came up with this middleware method to pass client to my routes. I have this Express middleware:
const addClientToRequest = async (req, _, next) => {
const client = new MongoClient(uri);
await client.connect();
req.client = client;
After that, I use req.client in my routes to access my database.
app.get("/:id", async (req, res) => {
const client = req.client;
const id =;
try {
const data = await client.db("mydb").collection("mycollection").findOne({ id });
if (data) return res.status(200).json(data);
} catch (error) {
return res
.json({ message: "Error fetching requested data", error });
return res.status(404).json({ message: "Requested data cannot be found" });
What would be a problem in this approach? Is it okay to use MongoDB client like this?
In my experience, we have always defined a separate utility to load a connection pool at the app startup and then reused those connections.
In the above approach, you seem to be creating a new connection for every HTTP request that is made and then not terminating (or) closing the connection. This may be expensive for a large app.
const { MongoClient } = require("mongodb");
const uri = `mongodb://${process.env.DB_USER}:${process.env.DB_PASSWORD}#localhost:27017/${process.env.DATABASE}?maxPoolSize=2-&w=majority`;
const client = new MongoClient(uri);
const init = async () => {
try {
await client.connect();
} catch (error) {
const getClient = () => {
return client;
module.exports.init = init;
module.exports.getClient = getClient;
//Import modules
require("dotenv").config({ path: __dirname + "/.env" });
const express = require("express");
const dogRoutes = require("./routes/dog.routes");
const db = require("./utils/db.util");
// Define PORT for HTTP Server
const PORT = 9900;
// Initialize Express
const app = express();
(async () => {
await db.init();
app.listen(PORT, (err) => {
console.log(`Server is up at localhost ${PORT}`);
I think that what you could do is to put the client outside of the middleware, so you doesn't re define it and re connect to it each time a request is done.
To do so, simply define it and connect before the middleware, and in the middleware, set the client as req.mongoClient or how you want to name it.
const client = new MongoClient(uri);
await client.connect(); // if this is outside of an async function, either use an async function like (async () => {..script..})(), either define a variable isClientReady and set it on true after the promise resolved.
const addClientToRequest = (req, _, next) => {
req.client = client;

Why are my tests occasionally passing and occasionally failing? (Jest, Mongoose, MongoDB)

I have a setup file for my tests that looks like this:
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
mongoose.set('useCreateIndex', true);
mongoose.promise = global.Promise;
async function removeAllCollections() {
const collections = Object.keys(mongoose.connection.collections);
for (const collectionName of collections) {
const collection = mongoose.connection.collections[collectionName];
await collection.deleteMany();
async function dropAllCollections() {
const collections = Object.keys(mongoose.connection.collections);
for (const collectionName of collections) {
const collection = mongoose.connection.collections[collectionName];
try {
await collection.drop();
} catch (error) {
// Sometimes this error happens, but you can safely ignore it
if (error.message === 'ns not found') return;
// This error occurs when you use it.todo. You can
// safely ignore this error too
if (error.message.includes('a background operation is currently running'))
export default function setupDB(databaseName) {
// Connect to Mongoose
beforeAll(async () => {
const url = `mongodb://${databaseName}`;
await mongoose.connect(
useNewUrlParser: true,
useCreateIndex: true,
useUnifiedTopology: true
err => {
if (err) {
// Cleans up database between each test
afterEach(async () => {
await removeAllCollections();
// Disconnect Mongoose
afterAll(async () => {
await dropAllCollections();
await mongoose.connection.close();
I am then writing tests like this:
import User from 'db/models/User';
import setupDB from 'utils/setupDbForTesting';
it('correctly hashes and salts passwords', async done => {
// create a user a new user
const newUser = new User({
username: 'jmar777',
password: 'Password123'
await (err) {
if (err) {
const user = await User.findOne({ username: 'jmar777' });
user.comparePassword('Password123', function (err, isMatch) {
if (err) throw err;
user.comparePassword('123Password', function (err, isMatch) {
if (err) throw err;
However, every other time I run these tests, they pass (or fail) so for every time T that the tests pass, T + 1 they will fail. My question is - why?
The tests fail because user (in the callback for User.findOne) returns null, even though the user has been saved.
I think the issue lies in the tearing down of the database, but I really can't see any problems. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

Connect Apollo with mongodb

I want to connect my Apollo server with my mongoDB. I know there are many examples out there, but I get stuck at the async part and did not found a solution or example for that (that's strange, am I completly wrong?)
I started with the example from next.js .
But the mongodb integration is missing.
My code
import {ApolloServer} from 'apollo-server-micro';
import {schema} from '../../apollo/schema';
const apolloServer = new ApolloServer({schema});
export const config = {
api: {
bodyParser: false
export default apolloServer.createHandler({path: '/api/graphql'});
import {makeExecutableSchema} from 'graphql-tools';
import {typeDefs} from './type-defs';
import {resolvers} from './resolvers';
export const schema = makeExecutableSchema({
const Items = require('./connector').Items;
export const resolvers = {
Query: {
item: async (_parent, args) => {
const {id} = args;
const item = await Items.findOne(objectId(id));
return item;
const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
const password = process.env.MONGO_PASSWORD;
const username = process.env.MONGO_USER;
const uri = `mongodb+srv://${username}:${password}`;
const client = await MongoClient.connect(uri);
const db = await client.db('databaseName')
const Items = db.collection('items')
module.exports = {Items}
So the problem is the await in connector.js. I have no idea how to call this in an async function or how to provide the MongoClient on an other way to the resolver. If I just remove the await, it returns – obviously – an pending promise and can't call the function .db('databaseName') on it.
Unfortunately, we're still a ways off from having top-level await.
You can delay running the rest of your code until the Promise resolves by putting it inside the then callback of the Promise.
async function getDb () {
const client = await MongoClient.connect(uri)
return client.db('databaseName')
.then(db => {
const apollo = new ApolloServer({
context: { db },
.catch(e => {
// handle any errors
Alternatively, you can create your connection the first time you need it and just cache it:
let db
const apollo = new ApolloServer({
context: async () => {
if (!db) {
try {
const client = await MongoClient.connect(uri)
db = await client.db('databaseName')
catch (e) {
// handle any errors
return { db }

Error when combining Express Router with Massive.js db call

When making an async/await call to database from an express router to postgres db via massive.js instance, the correct response from db is received, but the router apparently returns before async function finishes; therefore, the test invocation returns undefined. From the console out (below), it seems clear that the async function is not waited for >_<
Is wrapping the router in order to pass the app instance causing the issue?
const app = express();
const massiveInstance = require("./db_connect");
const routes = require("./routes");
const PORT = 3001;
const server = massiveInstance.then(db => {
// Add db into our app object
app.set("db", db);
app.use("/api", routes(app));
app.listen(PORT, () => {
console.log("Server listening on " + PORT);
const router = require("express").Router();
const { countRegions } = require("./db_queries");
const routes = app => {
const db = app.get("db");
router.get("/regions/count", async (request, response) => {
try {
const total = await countRegions(db);
console.log(`There are ${total} regions.`);
response.send(`There are ${total} regions.`);
} catch (err) {
return router;
module.exports = routes;
const countRegions = db => {
db.regions.count().then(total => {
console.log(`db has ${total} count for regions`);
return total;
module.exports = {
console output
Server listening on 3001
There are undefined regions.
db has 15 count for regions
You are not returning a promise returned by then in countRegions method.
So you should add return in your code like this
const countRegions = db => {
return db.regions.count().then(total => {
console.log(`db has ${total} count for regions`);
return total;
or simply do,
return db.regions.count();