How to list all of my installed fastlane plugins? - fastlane

I am looking for a command (or parameter) to list all of plugins that are installed in my project.

I was looking for a simple list, but of course viewing the Gemfile to see what is installed is a solution.
less Gemfile.lock
and, of course, the plugins file
less fastlane/Pluginfile


How to deal with local packages freezing my IDE during workspace build

I have a question about local packages and gulp using them. The problem is, I have a packages.json in my working directory of my IDE with a lot of dependencies which also have dependencies. Now that wouldnt be much of a problem, but when I install them through npm, I get the directory node_modules.
The problem is that I have to build often but since the modules are getting installed in my local directory, my IDE starts to scan them and build the workspace. It hangs every time probably due to the complex dependencies. Apparently I need those packages locally because the gulpfile require('')s them.
I wonder if anyone else has stumbled upon this problem and what their strategy was for excluding the dependencies of their workspace. Eclipse (or in fact Zend Studio which I use, derived from it) doesn't seem to have its own exclude for it.
PS: I tried copying all to my global directory (where all packages are installed with the --global flag set) but there are that many dependencies within depedencies that the path becomes too long for Windows to handle (yeah I know, Windows). That didn't became a suitable solution either.
This sounds similar to big Node.js projects in Eclipse issue
The solution would be disabling JSDT nature for there project (see Nodeclipse not recognizing generator functions answer)

How to create an entire Eclipse installation package?

Is it possible to create an Eclipse installation package, that contains a bunch of bundles and plugins? If so, how? (Like the ones that are already being offered by and also from different vendors with their own projects)
The reason I am asking is, that I find it very time-consuming to install a bunch of software into development environment every time I need a clean installation of Eclipse (based on various reasons, corruptions etc.).
So I would like to install all the software I need at once, and save it somewhere else before working with it (as a backup) and if something goes wrong I can install the entire base installation again without being have to handle all the extra software in it.
Eclipse is downloadable as a zip or tar file, so you can dezip it in a folder, add your favorites plugins (their will be store in the eclipse folder in plugins subfolder) and create a new archive with your modified environment (your eclipse folder).
I think It's the simple way to create a backup.
I hope it may help you,
Have a nice day
One option is to use Yoxos, which allows you to create your own package of Eclipse and easily share it (including with yourself).

Where to download Scala RPM or DEB packages?

One of the projects under the official Scala git page is scala-dist, which contains code related to making native packages like msi, deb and rpm.
I'd love to get deb and rpm packages for Scala 2.10.2! Where can I download packages produced with scala-dist? If there's no place that I can download them from, is there a tutorial somewhere on how I can build these packages myself? Do the scripts in scala-dist still even work? Or are they abandon-ware?
Good point, it seems like they are not listed on the Scala 2.10.2 download page.
But they are actually there, you can browse the download directory directly to get them for any version that has them (2.9.2 and above).
For 2.10.2:
I created an issue to track this. Edit: this is now fixed, the download pages have been updated.

How to put Nuget libraries on a folder

i generally add any library from Nuget to my project like issuing this command
Install-Package Mvc3Futures
then i have seen everything related to that library just added in my project. some one told me that library can be added to folder and later we can add that folder to my project like this way tools > options > package manager - add your folder .
really i have no idea how we can add library to any folder from Nuget. if it is possible then please show me the way in step-by-steps. thanks
I cannot give you a step-by-step, but you can relocate/specify the place of the packages folder: Is it possible to change the location of packages for NuGet?. But this way all of your packages location will change, I don't think you can do that per package. During installation you can specify where you install the package from (but not to):, see Install Command.

Specifying a target folder for Eclipse 3.4+ plugins when installing via Software Updates

After searching around I see that eclipse 3.4/3.5 now allow you to use their 'dropin' folder to manually install plugins.
This works well in a situation where you have already downloaded the feature and plugin files, however in cases where you use the Software Updates feature to simply point to a URL and download a plugin, you don't appear to have control over what folder the plugin is installed into.
Is it possible to force plugins to be installed to an arbitrary dropin folder, or otherwise export a plugin to a location so that it can be shared with other people's eclipse installations?
I'd prefer not to have to comb through the plugin info and manually determine which plugin jars to copy into a dropin folder :P
I think the answer in this thread and the mentioned blog post of Michael Scharf can be useful for you, although the procedure is not as simple as it should be :(
The new p2 system in 3.4 is supposed to have a feature called bundle pooling that allows for shared plugins. However, I haven't used it, so I'm not sure about the particulars. I hope this at least points you in the right direction.
When using 3.4.1 you can still enable the "old" update manager in Preferences/ General/ Capabilities. Then you can use the extension points again. But it has been removed in 3.4.2 completely.
You have to remove P2 to get the old update manager.
Note: The P2 team managed to broke everything backward compatible. This tricks does not work with 3.5.