Powershell - only if statement executes despite input - powershell

I'm trying to start my Powershell portfolio with and easy script that calculates Network ID or BroadcastID depending on input from the user. That being said, I can only get my if statement to run. I am unsure what I am missing here. I have tried searching this as I know I cannot be the only one to have this issue, but I am unable to find it. Any education on my error would be appreciated as it seems like a basic flaw.
#prompt for IP and subnet mask
$ip = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter your IP address"
$mask = Read-Host - Prompt "Enter your subnet mask"
[String]$UserDecision = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter N if you would like to calculate your Network ID or B if you would like to calculate your Broadcast address."
$wildcard="$(255 - $splitmask[0]).$(255 - $splitmask[1]).$(255 - $splitmask[2]).$(255 - $splitmask[3])"
# ip and mask variable to ip addresses
$ip = [ipaddress] $ip
$mask = [ipaddress] $mask
#determine networkID
function CalculateNetID {
$networkID = [ipaddress] ($ip.Address -band $mask.Address)
#print NetworkID to console
echo "The Network id is $($networkID.IPAddressToString)"
function CalculateBroadcastID {
$networkID = [ipaddress] ($ip.Address -band $mask.Address)
#convert wildcard to IP addresses
$wildcard= [ipaddress] $wildcard
$broadcast = [ipaddress] $($wildcard.Address -bor $NetworkID.Address)
#print broadcast to console
echo "The Broadcast id is $broadcast"
if ($UserDecision -eq "N" -or "n"){
elseif($UserDecision -eq "B" -or "b"){
echo "Please retry and enter the character associated with the ID you would like to calculate"

Here is your problem:
$false -or 'n' # => True
As you can see, this is what's happening in your first if statement, the correct syntax for your condition should be:
if($UserDecision -eq "N" -or $UserDecision -eq "n") {
Same thing applies for the elseif.
Note that, PowerShell comparison operators are not case-sensitive by default, so the -or conditions could be just removed:
if($UserDecision -eq "n") {
You might also want to consider using a switch statement instead of chained if, elseif, else:
switch($UserDecision) {
N { CalculateNetID }
B { CalculateBroadcastID }
Default {
"Please retry and enter the character associated with the ID you would like to calculate"


Validate and compare incoming parameters in powershell script

I'm just learning the basics of powershell and have a task - create pwsh script which accepts 3 incoming parameters (all are mandatory):
first parameter, value address_1, it's IP address with the format x.x.x.x
second parameter, value address_2, it's IP address with the format x.x.x.x
third parameter, value mask, value in the format x.x.x.x or xx ( or 8)
This script should check address_1 and address_2 belong to the same network or not. Results in output console, yes or no. As I mentioned before incoming parameters not allow to accept not valid arguments, it should show error.
Can someone explain, how I can do that. I will be very grateful for your help.
As per my comment. This stuff already exists for years now, thus no need to try and write this from scratch, unless it's a homework assignment, or you are pushing yourself to learn to do it.
Search is your friend.
'powershell ipv4 address range to cidr'
The first hit in the results...
...and the author's examples:
# IPv4 Range
function New-IPRange ($start, $end)
# created by Dr. Tobias Weltner, MVP PowerShell
$ip1 = ([System.Net.IPAddress]$start).GetAddressBytes()
$ip1 = ([System.Net.IPAddress]($ip1 -join '.')).Address
$ip2 = ([System.Net.IPAddress]$end).GetAddressBytes()
$ip2 = ([System.Net.IPAddress]($ip2 -join '.')).Address
for ($x=$ip1; $x -le $ip2; $x++)
$ip = ([System.Net.IPAddress]$x).GetAddressBytes()
$ip -join '.'
# IPv4 Range - Example
# broadcast IPv4 address from a CIDR range
function Get-Broadcast ($addressAndCidr)
$addressAndCidr = $addressAndCidr.Split("/")
$addressInBin = (New-IPv4toBin $addressAndCidr[0]).ToCharArray()
for($i=0;$i -lt $addressInBin.length;$i++)
if($i -ge $addressAndCidr[1])
$addressInBin[$i] = "1"
[string[]]$addressInInt32 = #()
for ($i = 0;$i -lt $addressInBin.length;$i++)
$partAddressInBin += $addressInBin[$i]
if(($i+1)%8 -eq 0)
$partAddressInBin = $partAddressInBin -join ""
$addressInInt32 += [Convert]::ToInt32($partAddressInBin -join "",2)
$partAddressInBin = ""
$addressInInt32 = $addressInInt32 -join "."
return $addressInInt32
# IPv4 Broadcast - Example
# detect if a specified IPv4 address is in the range
function Test-IPinIPRange ($Address,$Lower,$Mask)
[Char[]]$a = (New-IPv4toBin $Lower).ToCharArray()
if($mask -like "*.*")
[Char[]]$b = (New-IPv4toBin $Mask).ToCharArray()
[Int[]]$array = (1..32)
for($i=0;$i -lt $array.length;$i++)
if($array[$i] -gt $mask){$array[$i]="0"}else{$array[$i]="1"}
[string]$mask = $array -join ""
[Char[]]$b = $mask.ToCharArray()
[Char[]]$c = (New-IPv4toBin $Address).ToCharArray()
$res = $true
for($i=0;$i -le $a.length;$i++)
if($a[$i] -ne $c[$i] -and $b[$i] -ne "0")
$res = $false
return $res
# IPv4 In Range - Example
Write-Output "`r`nTest If IP In Range -"
Test-IPinIPRange "" "" ""
Write-Output "`r`nTest If IP In Range -"
Test-IPinIPRange "" "" "24"
# convert an IPv4 address to a Bin
function New-IPv4toBin ($ipv4)
$BinNum = $ipv4 -split '\.' | ForEach-Object {[System.Convert]::ToString($_,2).PadLeft(8,'0')}
return $binNum -join ""
# IPv4 To Bin - Example
Write-Output "`r`nIP To Bin"
# convert a Bin to an IPv4 address
function New-IPv4fromBin($addressInBin)
[string[]]$addressInInt32 = #()
$addressInBin = $addressInBin.ToCharArray()
for ($i = 0;$i -lt $addressInBin.length;$i++)
$partAddressInBin += $addressInBin[$i]
if(($i+1)%8 -eq 0)
$partAddressInBin = $partAddressInBin -join ""
$addressInInt32 += [Convert]::ToInt32($partAddressInBin -join "",2)
$partAddressInBin = ""
$addressInInt32 = $addressInInt32 -join "."
return $addressInInt32
# IPv4 From Bin - Example
Write-Output "`r`nIP From Bin -"
New-IPv4fromBin "11000000101010000001011111111010"
Write-Output "`r`nIP From Bin -"
New-IPv4fromBin "11000000101010000000101000001010"
# CIDR To IPv4 Range - Example
Write-Output "`r`nIP CIDR to Range"
New-IPRange "" (Get-Broadcast "")
You of course can refactor the above with the Validate code already provided to you by the others.
Some of the documentation can seem over-whelming on frist read, so here's a working framework to study and get you started. The [ValidatePattern()] and [ValidateScript()] attributes validate IPv4 address format and valid value range and errors will be thrown if the conditions they specify aren't met.
Perform you domain comparision in the Process block and branch conditionally on the result. I leave that to you.
Function AddressTest
[Parameter(Mandatory,Position = 0)]
[ValidateScript({[Int[]](($_.Split('.')) -le 255).Count -eq 4})]
[Parameter(Mandatory,Position = 1)]
[ValidateScript({[Int[]](($_.Split('.')) -le 255).Count -eq 4})]
[Parameter(Mandatory,Position = 2)]
[ValidateScript({(($_ -match '^\d+$') -and ([Int]$_ -le 255)) -or (($_.Split('.') -le 255).Count -eq 4)})]
echo $address_1
echo $address_2
echo $mask
Read the documentation at the links others provided in the commnents while picking apart the code to understand how it works.
This is an example of how to use regex validation patterns to test if the two ip address and netmask are valid.
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)][string] $ip1,
[Parameter(Mandatory, Position=1)] [string] $ip2,
[Parameter(Mandatory, Position=2)] [string] $mask
# you can use [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)][IPAddress] $ip1 as input instead of string
# ipaddress param can accept partial ip's like 192.168 and will convert it to
# string with test would probably be better
function IsValidIPv4 ($ip) {
return ($ip -match '^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$' -and [bool]($ip -as [ipaddress]))
# Validate IP's as actual IPv4
if (isValidIPv4 $ip1){
write-host "$($ip1) IS a valid IPv4 Address"
} else {
write-host "$($ip1) is not a valid IPv4 Address" -ForegroundColor Red
if (isValidIPv4 $ip2){
write-host "$($ip2) IS a valid IPv4 Address"
} else {
write-host "$($ip2) is not a valid IPv4 Address" -ForegroundColor Red
if (isValidIPv4 $mask){
write-host "$($mask) IS a valid IPv4 Address"
} else {
write-host "$($mask) is not a valid netmask" -ForegroundColor Red
Then check with the netmask that ip1 and ip2 are in the same network
Note :
As pointed out in my comments above
you can use [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)][IPAddress] $ip1 as input instead of string
ipaddress param can accept partial ip's like 192.168 and will convert it to so this will cause incorrect validation - DON'T USE IT
I find a answer, script, with strange validation pattern:
param (
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2)]
if (($ip1.address -band $mask.address) -eq ($ip2.address -band $mask.address)) { $true } else { $false }
Working correct:
./script.ps1 -ip1 -ip2 -mask
But when I use network prefix it always give a true.
./script.ps1 -ip1 -ip2 -mask 30
How I can modify script, to working with prefix?

PowerShell If statement not equating properly

What am I doing wrong here?
Why do the 2 variables not equal each other?
When I run this script
$temp1 = "#{Dhcp=Disabled}"
$temp2 = Get-NetIPInterface My_Ethernet | select Dhcp
write-host ""
write-host "1" $temp1
write-host "2" $temp2
write-host ""
if ($temp2 -eq $temp1){
write-host "IP address is Static "
Else {
write-host "IP address is Not Static"
I get this result
1 #{Dhcp=Disabled}
2 #{Dhcp=Disabled}
IP address is Not Static
With the helpful suggestion from Mathias this is now working as expected
$temp1 = "Disabled"
$temp2 = Get-NetIPInterface My_Ethernet | select Dhcp
write-host ""
write-host ""
write-host "1" $temp1
write-host "2" $temp2.dhcp
write-host ""
write-host ""
if ($temp2.dhcp -eq $temp1){
write-host "IP address is Static "
Else {
write-host "IP address is Not Static"
Just to complement your own effective solution:
Since your intent was to compare a property's value to another value, select -ExpandProperty Dhcp would have returned that value directly (see the docs for Select-Object):
if ((Get-NetIPInterface My_Ethernet | select -ExpandProperty Dhcp) -eq $temp1) { # ...
However, it would be much simpler to use direct property access, using ., the member-access operator:
if ((Get-NetIPInterface My_Ethernet).Dhcp -eq $temp1) { # ...
Note that .Dhcp would work even if your Get-NetIPInterface call returned multiple objects, in which case an array of values is returned, courtesy of PowerShell's member-access enumeration feature.[1]
Finally, note that Write-Host is typically the wrong tool to use, unless the intent is to write to the display only, bypassing the success output stream and with it the ability to send output to other commands, capture it in a variable, or redirect it to a file. To output a value, use it by itself; e.g. $value, instead of Write-Host $value (or use Write-Output $value); see this answer.
To explicitly print only to the display but with rich formatting, use Out-Host, given that the .ToString() stringification that Write-Host uses on its input is often unhelpful - see this post.
[1] Note that PowerShell's comparison operators such as -eq exhibit filtering behavior when their LHS is an array (collection); that is, instead of returning $true or $false, they then return the sub-array of matching elements - see about_Comparison_Operators.

User input validation in PowerShell

I have this piece of code in PowerShell. I need user input validation to integer with writing output saying what is wrong with the input and expecting correct input.
$FromObj = "Please input object number"
$FromInput = Read-Host $FromObj
while(($FromInput -isnot [int])) {
#I also want to put in the while that the input has to be an integer, -gt 0, and -lt 800
Write-Output "Your input has to be a number."
$FromInput = Read-Host $FromObj
if ($FromInput -le 0) {
Write-Output "Your input has to be a number greater than 0!"
$FromInput = Read-Host $FromObj
elseif ($FromInput -ge 800) {
Write-Output "Your input has to be a number less than 800!"
$FromInput = Read-Host $FromObj
else {
$FromInput = $FromInput -as [int]
However, this is not working for me. Could you help me with validating it with writing outputs as the ones displayed above?
I think Nicks's link in comment already provides different right answers to your question i.e.: using regex to match \d+ (digits) or using [int]::TryParse(...) but to explain why your code is not working:
Read-Host will store user input as string unless you manipulate it which is what you were already doing on your last condition (the else {...} statement).
This is why you never get past the $FromInput -isnot [int] condition.
To fix the code you could simply attempt to store user input -as [int] since the beginning and since you have 3 Read-Host on your code you could save the user input attempt -as [int] in a ScriptBlock which then can be easily executed as many times as needed:
$FromObj = "Please input object number"
$giveMeNumber = { (Read-Host $FromObj) -as [int] }
$FromInput = & $giveMeNumber
while($FromInput -isnot [int]) {
Write-Output "Your input has to be a number."
$FromInput = & $giveMeNumber
if ($FromInput -le 0) {
Write-Output "Your input has to be a number greater than 0!"
$FromInput = & $giveMeNumber
elseif ($FromInput -ge 800) {
Write-Output "Your input has to be a number less than 800!"
$FromInput = & $giveMeNumber
Note, even though this works, the statement is not entirely correct since you're breaking out of the while loop after the input is [int] the user could force an incorrect input.
Try this instead which will execute indefinitely until right input:
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$FromObj = "Please input object number"
$scriptBlock = {
$FromInput = [int](Read-Host $FromObj)
# Note I'm using Write-Host instead of Write-Ouput, this is because
# we don't want to store the invalid inputs messages in the
# $userInput variable.
if ($FromInput -le 0) {
Write-Host "Your input has to be a number greater than 0!"
& $scriptBlock
elseif ($FromInput -ge 800) {
Write-Host "Your input has to be a number less than 800!"
& $scriptBlock
else {
Write-Host "Your input has to be a number."
& $scriptBlock
$userInput = & $scriptBlock

validate for a 2-digit number

I need to in powershell
-Ask the user for a 2-digit number
-Validate this number is two numeric digits
-Take into account leading zeroes
-If the number is invalid, have the user try again
It seemed that using
$2digit = read-host
$2digit -match "[0-9][0-9]"
was working but it stopped out of nowhere. Any advice?
You are probably getting an a false result when you entered more than 2 characters.
This is because you have not specified length.
$2digit = read-host
($2digit.Length -le 2) -and ($2digit -match "[0-9][0-9]")
You can also change your regex pattern
$2digits -match "^[0-9][0-9]$"
^ - start of string or line
$ - end of string or line
I was able to figure it out
do {
write-host -nonewline "Enter the two digit number: "
$2d = read-host
$value = $2d -as [Double]
$ok = $value -ne $NULL
if ( -not $ok ) { write-host "!!ERROR:You must enter numeric values!!" }
until ( $ok )
if ($2d.Length -eq 2){$holder = $true}
elseif($2d.Length -ne 2){Write-host "!!ERROR:The number must be 2 digits!!"}
while ( $holder -ne $true )
The first do loop will verify that the input is numeric and the second do loop will check it to be 2 numbers.
Regular expressions are your friend. This will only accept digits 0-9 with a length of two. Anything else will not be accepted.
do {
$input = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter the two digit number(0-9)'
if ( $input -match '^\d{2}$' ) {
Write-Host "The value must be a two digit number; $input is invalid"
} while ( $true )

Read-Host in While loop with if statement

This should be really simple, but I cannot make it work. I'm new to the PowerShell so my mistake is probably obvious. I'm trying to ask a user for an input using a while loop, and prompting the user to try again if what was entered was not numeric. In bash it would look like this:
while read -p "What is the first number? " first; do
if [[ $first = *[[:digit:]]* ]]; then
break # if $first is numeric, break loop
echo "$first is not numeric. Enter a numeric value. "
Here's what I have for the PS:
While ($first = (Read-Host "What is the first number?") -as [double]) {
if ($first -eq $null) { Write-Host "Please enter a numeric value." }
else { break }
In the example above, I can break the loop fine when a number is entered, but I can't see the Write-Host statement if I type a string.
Looking at the While line:
While ($first = (Read-Host "What is the first number?") -as [double])
This will only enter/continue the loop body when the input is already a double, because it rolls up the cast to double as part of the loop condition. You want to enter the loop body on any input, and only check if it's a double afterwards. At least, that's what the bash code does:
While ($first = (Read-Host "What is the first number?")) {
if ( ($first -as [double]) -eq $null) { Write-Host "Please enter a numeric value." }
else { break }
Or you could continue using the cast as part of the condition by negating the whole expression, and thus avoid the need for the awkward break:
While (-not ($first = (Read-Host "What is the first number?") -as [double])) {
Write-Host "Please enter a numeric value."
You could use this to keep prompting for a valid number input as you are looking for.
Do {
"Please enter a numeric value." | Out-Host
$first = (Read-Host "What is the first number?") -as [double]
} While($null -eq $first)