How to delete all the triggers and procedures from a single table? - postgresql

I am working on a problem where I need to rename the table name. The table has few triggers and procedures attach to it.
My steps to do that:
Delete all the triggers and procedures of the table name employee.
Rename table name(employee) to user using ALTER command.
Then create all the triggers and procedures according to the new table.
Database I am using is postgresql.
Below query is used to delete the single trigger on a table.
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_employee_changes on employee;
But I want to delete all the triggers and procedures related to the given table in a single query.

You don't have to drop the triggers and functions. Just use a transaction:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION /* function that uses the new name */
You only have to replace the trigger functions and other functions. Triggers, views etc. don't have to be modified.


postgresql trigger after insert or update or delete

I have table called mdl_user and I added a new columns for this table, the first one is called "LastOperation" and the second one "TimeStamp"
I need to create trigger after insert or update or delete and write the output as "I" or "U" or "D" at "LastOperation" column and the time when this action happenes at "TimeStamp" column
NOTE: All this stuff to be in the same table not to be triggered for another table
You can get what you want and still use standard DML (including delete). It does however require a little behind the scenes manipulation of database objects. What it involves doing your DML against not a table but an update-able view.
Add the new columns as usual to the table.
Rename the table. Say to mdl_user_tab.
Create a VIEW with the same name and definition as the old table. Simple select (no join) from new table name.
Create a trigger function which interprets the DML manipulates the actual table.
Create an INSTEAD trigger for all DML operations against the VIEW.
You now process everything against the view (most existing code will not require updating). But you may need some additional functionality for actually processing the table. See example here.

Postgresql: trigger on foreign table to execute function to truncate/insert into local table

I would like to create trigger to execute function to truncate local database table and insert new data.
Trigger execution must start after new row have insert in foreign database table.
I have read a lot about creating triggers on foreign table, but for me its not working. Trigger seems to not execute function when new row will be inserted in foreign table. It seems like trigger cant see this new row insert event.
What I did:
Created foreign table in my local database, lets call it 'foreign_table'. I tested, I can read data.
Created function to truncate local table and insert new data:
CREATE or replace FUNCTION public.reset_insert_table()
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
SET search_path=public
create temporary table temporary_table_tmp
as select * from public.table1;
TRUNCATE TABLE public.table2;
insert into table2
select * from temporary_table_tmp;
DROP table temporary_table_tmp;
Created trigger to launch function 'reset_insert_table()'
CREATE TRIGGER local_table_update
ON 'foreign_table'
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE reset_insert_table();
Made test: inserted new row in foreign database table 'foreign_table', but I cant see that table is truncated and new data is not inserted. Insertion to foreign_tale was done in foreign database.
Problem was also testing does this trigger function work, executing manually will produce error:
EXECUTE PROCEDURE reset_insert_table();
ERROR: syntax error at or near "execute"
Tried also CALL and SELECT.
I created same function for testing but instead defining 'RETURNS TRIGGER'used 'RETURNS VOID' and function is working.
Can anyone tell why my solution is not working and does trigger on foreign tables must see events happening in foreign tables?
According to your comments, you seem to be using logical replication.
While data modifications are replayed on the standby with logical replication, the parameter session_replication_role is set to replica to keep triggers and foreign key constraints from working.
If you want a trigger to be triggered by the replay of data via logical replication, you have to declare it as a replica trigger:

insert values on trigger in temporal tables in postgres

So I am new to using procedures and triggers and it is really confusing me
I have used temporal tables and want to basically create a history table of records inserted,updated or deleted.
Infact I have created my history table and works fine when I use this trigger sql
DROP TRIGGER if exists versioning_trigger on mytable;
CREATE TRIGGER versioning_trigger BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON mytable FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE versioning('sys_period', 'table_history', true);
This creates records of the rows updated or deleted,precisely copies the old row record from mytable into table_history table and updates the record in mytable.But I want to insert the updated record from mytable to table_history also so that it has records of all types('current active record'and 'record before updation').Also insert some other fields in table_history when the trigger is executed.
I want to ask
How is it possible to have different trigger events(BEFORE or AFTER) together in one CREATE TRIGGER query in temporal_tables?
Is it possible to insert new field values in table_history on trigger execution? How can I accomplish this?
A trigger procedure is created with the CREATE FUNCTION command,
declaring it as a function with no arguments and a return type of
and also
same trigger can't fire both before and after event - just create two triggers if you really need it
Determines whether the function is called before, after, or instead of
the event.
use NEW instead of OLD for new values
Data type RECORD; variable holding the new database row for
INSERT/UPDATE operations in row-level triggers. This variable is
unassigned in statement-level triggers and for DELETE operations.

How to refer to the new inserted row in TSQL Trigger

I know that in plpgsql if one would want to refer to the new inserted row, you can use "NEW".
How can I do this in T-SQL (transact sql)?
The following is the trigger I am trying to create:
CREATE Trigger setAlertId on rules_table
DECLARE #max_id integer
SELECT #max_id = (select max(AlertId) from rules_table)
NEW.AlertId = #max_id+1
I get the error message:
Incorrect syntax near 'NEW'
inserted and deleted pseudo tables:
DML trigger statements use two special tables: the deleted table and the inserted tables. SQL Server automatically creates and manages these tables. You can use these temporary, memory-resident tables to test the effects of certain data modifications and to set conditions for DML trigger actions. You cannot directly modify the data in the tables
In your case why dont you use an identity on the alertid field that increments itself?
If you want to do it in your trigger you will need to select your primary key from inserted and then do an update on rules tables.

Create TABLE in many Postgres schemas with a single command

I have two schemas in my Postgres BOOK database, MSPRESS and ORELLY.
I want to create the same table in two schemas:
Now, I want to create the same table in all my schemas with a single command.
To accomplish this, I thought about event triggers available in Postgres 9.3 ( Intercepting CREATE TABLE command by my event trigger, I thought to determine name of table and schema in which it is created and just repeat the same command for all available schemas. Sadly, event trigger procedure does not get name of table being created.
Is there a way to 'real-time' synchronization of Postgres schema?
Currently only TG_EVENT and TG_TAG is available from an event trigger, but this feature will likely be expanded. In the meantime, you can query information_schema for differences and try to add every table, where its missing; but don't forget that this synchronization will also trigger several event triggers, so you should do it carefully.
But if you just want to build several schemas with the same structure (without further synchronization), you could just write schema-less queries to build them & run it on every schema one-by-one, after changing search path with SET search_path / SET SCHEMA.