I have a test Grafana setup pointing to my AWS CloudWatch service and CloudWatch logs. I can setup a graph pointing to a specific log group or groups, but what I want is to be able to dynamically set the logs groups, e.g., aws/containerinsights/$cluster/application. But I can't see how to do that or whether its even possible. The log group selection appears to be only from a dropdown and can't be edited. Is this possible? If it's not, I don't see how you can create a dashboard that can be used across clusters.
Usually, what looks like a dropdown (for example also dashboard variable) in the Grafana also takes user input - you can write/paste own text there. So write desired string with dashboard variable manually and then use offered Create: ... option:
We are using grafana to visualize our metrics and very glad to use it.
For one dashboard I need to create custom variable to show host name. For example, we have the first variable: host with query collectd.localhost.ping.ping-* and regexp /ping-(.*)/. It returns a list of hosts that we ping. Now I want to add showing title depends on selected host. I think need to add another custom variable title like map host1:Title1;host2:Title2 and in the panel's title write something like Proxy ${title:json}.${host} in result get Proxy TitleN.
How to do it? We use 7.2.1 grafana version.
Thank you!
I'm not sure if this is a great answer, but given it's been nearly two years without any answer, I'll proffer it. Having just commented how I was surprised no one had in fact answered, I kept poking around. Eventually I found that if added a variable interactively, and then I clicked dashboard settings followed by JSON Model I got to a description that included new data in the templating field. I pasted that into my original JSON description of the dashboard, and restarted Grafana --- the change persisted.
I would like to get a table in my grafana dashboard that lists all annotations shown on the dashboard (gathered via dashboard configuration and (if possible) also the ones contained in panels.
Any idea? I cannot find a detailed documentation on that...
Please see picture,
I didn't add Grafana, Grafana metrics, Graphite Carbon metrics... I don't know where these dashboards are defined but I need to remove them
You can go to the Manage Dashboards page, select the ones you don't want and delete them.
I have created a dashboard in grafana having multiple status panels. I need to provide a dropdown such that when one option is selected all the panels having a name corresponding to the selected option will be filtered. So, basically i need to filter the panels based on their name.Is this possible. If yes, how can we go about it
a bit late for an answer now I suppose but will answer you anyway. You can create filters in Grafana without the need for a plug in through using the Variables feature in your Dashboard settings. Its also used in templating to make your data more dynamic but also crucial in display when you want to filter. Check out the link below
The way to accomplish something like this is with Grafana's Repeating Rows/Panels feature.
Essentially, this lets you dynamically duplicate a row/panel for all the possible results of a given variable. Then a dashboard user can use the variable selection UI to drill down and only show certain rows or panels. Make sure you allow multi-select and/or All as an option for the variable(s) so that you can see multiple results at a time.
I cannot seem to figure out how to get certain metrics from GCP into Stackdriver (google monitoring) in a usable way. They can be viewed using Stackdriver's "Metrics Explorer" tool, but not saved into a graph or alerting policy. As a specific example, only a handful of the metrics outlined in this table are available:
Again, I can use the "Metrics Explorer" tool to immediately visualize any one of them in an ad-hoc graph, but I cannot create an alerting policy or any sort of persistent monitoring for anything except for CPU Usage, Disk Usage, Page Faults, and Used Memory. Does anyone know how to get one of these metrics (such as container/cpu/usage_time) into an alerting policy?
Metrics Explorer includes access to more metrics than are currently available for alerting. We're working on addressing this both for UIs and APIs. Please stay tuned to release notes.
Thanks for using Stackdriver!
You can create a dashboard and add those metrics that you want to view. To do so please follow the instructions below. Further information on dashboards and on creating charts and alerts can be found in this documentation link.
At the Google Cloud Platform click on Products & Services which is the icon with the four bars at the top left hand corner.
On the menu go to the Stackdriver section and click on Monitoring.
A new ‘Stackdriver Monitoring’ window for your project will open up.
At the left-side navigation list click on Dashboards and select Create Dashboard. During this step you also have the option to add a chart to an existing dashboard by clicking on its name.
Give a name to the dashboard you’re creating.
At the right-hand side you can see different options to customize. Click on ‘Add Chart’ and fill in the requested information:
Give a name to the chart you’re creating.
Resource Type: Choose your resource type, e.g ‘GCE VM Instance’.
Metric: Choose the metrics that you want to add, e.g ‘compute.googleapis.com/instance/uptime ‘. Metric information for each product can be found in this documentation link.
Fill in all other information as needed: Filter, ‘Group By’, etc.
You can add more metrics by clicking the ‘Add Metric’ button.
Once you have finished click on the ‘Save’ button to save and create this new chart.
At the left-hand menu list click Dashboard and select the dashboard you have created to view it.