Flutter Stateful Widget Constructor That Does Not Include All Members - flutter

I am building a Stateful Widget in Flutter, and as such, there is a requirement for all arguments passed in the constructor to be final (since Stateful widgets are marked with the #immutable annotation).
Thing is, I want to have two different constructors for my widget and to exclude some of the members of the Stateful widget, depending on the constructor used. I have to stress, that I do not want these arguments to be optional, but mandatory.
For example,
class MyWidget extends StatefulWidget {
final int firstArgument;
final String secondArgument;
MyWidget createState() => MyWidgetState();
When I write this, I get a compiler error, telling me that:
All final variables must be initialized, but 'firstArgument' isn't.
The same goes for the second member variable.
How can I overcome this?
I can't move firstArgument and secondArgument to the state of MyWidget, since I want them to be initialized in the constructor(s) and also because they should not be changed.
I can't mark them as not final since then I will get a compiler warning and also break the Stateful widget paradigm.
Is there a different approach I should use?

Thing is, I want to have two different constructors for my widget and to exclude some of the members of the Stateful widget, depending on the constructor used. I have to stress, that I do not want these arguments to be optional, but mandatory.
If you don't want them to be optional, you need to mark them as required:
MyWidget.first({required this.firstArgument}};
MyWidget.second({required this.secondArgument});
(If you don't have null-safety enabled, you will instead need to use the weaker #required annotation from package:meta.)
My understanding is that you want firstArgument and secondArgument to be required for MyWidget.first and MyWidget.second respectively but that they are not intended to be required together (that is, only one should be set).
You could fix this by explicitly initializing both values in the constructors:
MyWidget.first({required this.firstArgument}} : secondArgument = null;
MyWidget.second({required this.secondArgument}): firstArgument = null;
If you have null-safety enabled, you also would need to make your members nullable:
final int? firstArgument;
final String? secondArgument;

Maybe factory constructors would help?
class MyWidget extends StatefulWidget {
MyWidget._({this.firstArgument, this.secondArgument}};
factory MyWidget.first({#required int first})=>MyWidget._(firstArgument: first, );
factory MyWidget.second({#required String second})=>MyWidget._(secondArgument: second, );
final int firstArgument;
final String secondArgument;
MyWidget createState() => MyWidgetState();
This way, you'll only be able to build this widget using these constructors (since the class constructor is private) and when you call MyWidget.first the value for secondArgument for the widget will be null, and the same applies when you use MyWidget.second with firstArgument


How do I preserve generic type information when accessing a Stateful Flutter Widget property from the Widget State? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Why am I getting TypeError at runtime with my generic StatefulWidget class?
(1 answer)
Closed last month.
I've got a simplified example below. In practice, I'm passing a list of data objects to a StatefulWidget. I want the Widget to copy the provided list into its state object which will then be filtered through future interactions. The filters use a type parameter so they know what fields they can work with in a callback, for example Filter<MyData>.
So, I'm trying to create a Widget that is aware of the MyData type so it can build the FilterChip Widgets using MyData fields. I tried to achieve this by adding a type parameter to both the StatefulWidget and its State class.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
/// Generic type information loss example
class MyWidget<T> extends StatefulWidget {
final List<T> things;
const MyWidget({Key? key, required this.things}) : super(key: key);
_MyWidgetState createState() => _MyWidgetState<T>();
class _MyWidgetState<T> extends State<MyWidget> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
List<T> things = widget.things; // Compiler error (IDE shows widget.things has a type of List<dynamic>)
return Container();
This code results in:
Error: A value of type 'List<dynamic>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'List<T>'.
So what I don't understand is, why does things in the StatefulWidget class have a type of List<T>, but when referenced through the widget property of the class extendingState<MyWidget>, widget.things has a type of List<dynamic>.
And, as a result, any code in the state class that needs to be aware of the type now breaks. At runtime, the filter callbacks result in errors like:
type '(MyData) => bool' is not a subtype of type '(dynamic) => bool'
I think it is only class MyWidget extends StatefulWidget, without <T>.
Then you don‘t need to copy your list to preserve the list. Just use widget.things, this is considered best practice. The data remains during the rebuilds.

How to get the State<> instance inside of its StatefulWidget?

I have an unusual use case where I'd like to add a getter to a StatefulWidget class that accesses its State instance. Something like this:
class Foo extends StatefulWidget {
int get bar => SomethingThatGetsFooState.bar;
State<Foo> createState() => _FooState();
class _FooState extends State<Foo> {
int bar = 42;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container();
Does SomethingThatGetsFooState exist?
I wonder, if your approach is the right way.
Flutter's way isn't 'Ask something about its state'
Flutter is much more like this: 'The consumer of a Widget passes something to another Widget, which the other Widget e.g. calls in case of certain situations (e.g. value change).'
Approach 1
You map pass a Callback Function to Foo and pass that along to _FooState.
If something special happens inside _FooState, you may call the callback and thus pass some value back to the provider of the Callback.
Approach 2
Probably use a state management solution like Flutter Redux. Using Flutter Redux, you establish a state store somewhere at the top of the widget tree, e.g. in MaterialApp.
Then you subscribe to the store at certain other locations, where dependent widgets exist, which need to update accordingly.
In one project I created certain Action classes, which I send to certain so called reducers of those states, to perform a change on the state:
StoreProvider.of<EModel>(context).dispatch( SaveToFileAction())
This call finds the relevant EModel state and asks it to perform the SaveToFileAction().
This way, a calling Widget not even needs to know, who is responsible for the Action.
The responsible Widget can even be moved around the widget tree - and the application still works. The initiator of SaveToFileAction() and the receiver are decoupled. The receiver you told a coordination 'Tell me, if someone tried to ask me for something.'
Could your provide some further details? Describe the usage pattern?
#SteAp is correct for suggesting there's a code smell in my OP. Typically there's no need to access State thru its StatefulWidget. But as I responded to his post, I'm fleshing out the first pass at a state management package, so it's an unusual case. Once I get it working, I'll revisit.
Below worked without Flutter complaining.
class _IntHolder {
int value;
class Foo extends StatefulWidget {
final _intHolder = _IntHolder();
int get bar => _intHolder.value;
State<Foo> createState() => _FooState();
class _FooState extends State<Foo> {
int value = 42;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
widget._intHolder.value = value;
return Container();

Can a StatelessWidget contain member variables?

I have a StatelessWidget that uses a ScopedModel to store its data. The widget basically presents a list of checkboxes and some buttons to save the state of the checked boxes.
Now I want to keep track of if the user has altered any of the checkboxes, i.e. checked/unchecked them since the widget was displayed. So I added something like this:
class MyCheckboxScreen extends StatelessWidget{
bool _hasBeenModified = false;
void _itemCheckedChange(bool checked, MyModel model){
_hasBeenModified = true;
// Code to change the model here
void _onCloseButton(){
if( _hasBeenModified ){
// Show a warning that there are modifications that will not be be saved
void _onSaveButton(Context context, MyModel model){
This seems to work, but my StatelessWidget now contains its own state.
The state isn't used to update the UI and redraw anything, it's only used to check if there are modifications to any checkbox when pressing the "Close" button.
Is it safe for a StatelessWidget to have this kind of internal state? Or could it be a problem? For example, could the widget be recreated unexpectedly, and the internal state lost?
I don't find the documentation to be very clear on this, it just says
For compositions that can change dynamically, e.g. due to having an internal clock-driven state, or depending on some system state, consider using StatefulWidget.
But this sounds like it only applies to state that affects the UI and requires rebuilding the widget.
Yes, a StatelessWidget can have mutable variables (your code compiles) but that's wrong.
A widget that does not require mutable state
This is taken from the documentation. Even if you have a single non-final variable, it means that something can actually be changed in your widget. It's not an immutable class. Ideally, you should use StatelessWidgets like this:
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
final int a;
final String b;
const MyWidget(this.a, this.b);
Or something similar such as
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
const MyWidget();
When you have non final variables, use a StatefulWidget. Your class has to clearly be a StatefulWidget:
// This is not final. It can be changed (and you will change it)
// so using the stateless way is wrong
bool _hasBeenModified = false;
void _itemCheckedChange(bool checked, MyModel model){
_hasBeenModified = true;
The UI doesn't matter actually because here's a matter of variables and mutability. Something is changing (bool _hasBeenModified) so it cannot be a StatelessWidget because it has to be used in all those cases where the state is immutable.
Are there any reasons why you don't use a stateful widget? Stateless widgets aren't intended to be used that way.. And without any benefits, I don’t understand why you overcomplicate things..

What does this (initialisation?) line do in the flutter example app Flutter?

I'm teaching myself Dart and Flutter, and I'm having a look at the example app that is loaded when you generate a fresh Dart project in IntelliJ.
The first line of the MyHomePage class is confusing me, I'm not actually sure what it is doing. Obviously the call to super is passing the key to the inherited class, which makes me think the MyHomePage call is the constructor of the class.
But then the {Key key, this.title}, is creating an object with a key and title variable, where exactly is it getting key from? Is it automatically injecting the value of title in this object to the final string title below it?
If someone could explain this line I'd appreciate it.
class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {
MyHomePage({Key key, this.title}) : super(key: key);
// This widget is the home page of your application. It is stateful, meaning
// that it has a State object (defined below) that contains fields that affect
// how it looks.
// This class is the configuration for the state. It holds the values (in this
// case the title) provided by the parent (in this case the App widget) and
// used by the build method of the State. Fields in a Widget subclass are
// always marked "final".
final String title;
_MyHomePageState createState() => _MyHomePageState();
These are optional parameters when you want to pass a parameter to a class at creation, you will put a variable of your preference
final String title;
and you can pass it as a parameter when creating an object
_MyHomePageState(title : 'hello world');
Keep in mind these are named optional parameters you can ignore them if you like as the example used none of them.
_MyHomePageState();//no parameters passed.
and for more kinds of parameters such as named, optional and others check this link

Flutter dynamic type argument

I'm trying to pass a dynamic type argument to the Provider.of<T>(context)
My Code
class CustomInputField extends StatelessWidget {
final Type stateClass;
Key key,
}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
var state = Provider.of<stateClass>(context);
return TextFormField(
key: state.key,
But this gives me following error:
The name 'stateClass' isn't a type so it can't be used as a type argument.
Try correcting the name to an existing type, or defining a type named 'stateClass'.
Anyone knows how to correctly do this?
It could be that this is not a good practice, or maybe it's even impossible. But thing is, I would like to make a single CustomInputField widget for all the inputfields in my app. I'm using the ChangeNotifierProvider class from the Provider package and would like to pass different states to this CustomInputField widget
You can't pass a type to generic dynamically in Dart. The only way to do it is to have switch/if-else block and return objects with different type in generic.