How to create a separate routing for a module in Flutter? - flutter

I have two pages: ConversationsListScreen (it displays list of conversations) and ConversationScreen (shows a particular conversation, user gets in here from ConversationsListScreen).
These two pages should be wrapped into a separate module because they both are needed the same data (that I'd like to provide via common cubit class). So that I've created a MessagesModule.
class MessagesModule extends StatelessWidget {
final String _currentUserId;
final String _currentLocale;
const MessagesModule({
#required String currentUserId,
#required String currentLocale,
}) : _currentUserId = currentUserId,
_currentLocale = currentLocale;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return BlocProvider<MessagesModuleCubit>(
create: (context) => MessagesModuleCubit(_currentUserId, _currentLocale),
child: ConversationsListScreen(),
After redirection to ConversationScreen it opens on the same level as MessagesModule, it means that my context doesn't contain MessagesModuleCubit. But I'd like to see ConversationScreen nested to MessagesModule, the same as ConversationsListScreen. Here is a current structure of my widgets
How can I manage routing for these two pages so that I can use their common state from MessagesModuleCubit?

You can move the provider to your main file so it wraps both of the widgets in any case


Pass parameters to a route widget correctly

I am new to flutter, and have some difficulties understanding how to correctly pass parameters to a widget that is navigated to.
My goal is, that when the users clicks on a button, I want to start up a wizard controller with a certain enum parameter based on what button the user clicked.
The wizard controller has an app bar but the primary content is a dynamic child wizard flow widget which is chosen based on the enum parameter. The wizard controller (and its children) needs to be stateful because it, among other things, holds information about the current page in the chosen wizard flow and a model which holds data for the whole wizard flow.
As far as I can see there are two options of instantiating the wizard controller with the enum parameter:
Option 1.
//Pass the parameters when the route is pushed
onPressed: () {
Navigator.pushNamed(context, '/wizard', arguments: EFlowType.WizardFlow2);
//In the build method, extract the parameter from the navigator, and use it here:
class WizardController extends StatefulWidget {
WizardController({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
State<WizardController> createState() => _WizardControllerState();
class _WizardControllerState extends State<WizardController> {
StatefulWidget? dynamicWidget;
void initState() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final flowType = ModalRoute.of(context)!.settings.arguments as EFlowType;
switch (flowType) {
case EFlowType.WizardFlow1:
//Prepare models, set dynamicWidget and do alot of work
case EFlowType.WizardFlow2:
//Prepare models, set dynamicWidget and do alot of work
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text('Wizard controller'),
body: dynamicWidget
The problem is here that I would like to access the flowType parameter in the initState (or in the WizardController class constructor), so I dont need to do all the initialization work every time the widget is being rebuild/UI is updated.
If I try to access the flowtype in the initstate I get this error which I cannot come around: FlutterError (dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<_ModalScopeStatus>() or dependOnInheritedElement() was called before _WizardControllerState.initState() completed.
It is not possible to access the context in the WizardController class, so that is not an option.
Option 2.
In the MaterialApp method I can declare an extra onGenerateRoute setting, for these routes in my app that has parameters:
class WizardController extends StatefulWidget {
EFlowType flowType = EFlowType.MeterChange;
WizardController({Key? key, required this.flowType}) : super(key: key);
State<WizardController> createState() => _WizardControllerState();
onGenerateRoute: (RouteSettings settings) {
if ( == '/wizard') {
return MaterialPageRoute(builder: (_) => WizardController(flowType: settings.arguments as EFlowType));
This makes the flowType available in the initState. But why on earth would I declare context and logic-specific stuff where I am defining my routes? Is this a preferred way of defining widget parameters?
So how would you normally go around this quite normal problem?

Flutter: Convert Widget Property into Reusable Data

I am wondering what is the best practice for passing data and content for each route in flutter to multiple widgets on demand.
I have a parent widget that collects Route data:
class BuildApp extends StatelessWidget {
const BuildApp({
Key? key,
this.home = '/',
required this.routes,
}) : super(key: key);
final String home;
final Map<String, MyRouteConstructor> routes;
This allows for a single map of all routes to be passed to BuildApp() with unique string as their key. These MyRouteConstructor's contain data and widgets relevant to each route.
BuildApp then has a child: MyPage() which displays only one route.
class MyPage extends StatelessWidget {
const MyPage({
required this.route
final MyRouteConstructor route;
However MyPage() may nest a further MyPage() as a child and therefore will need the MyRouteConstructor for its child route as well.
The only way I can see this is to pass all routes to each MyPage() Widget :
class MyPage extends StatelessWidget {
const MyPage({
required this.route
required this.routes
final String route;
final Map<String, MyRouteConstructor> routes;
and then use the relevant route in the build function of MyPage():
final MyRouteConstructor thisRoute = routes[route];
However this means passing all the route data to every single incarnation of MyPage(). Although this data never changes it seems like an expensive way to go about this.
Is this an acceptable approach? Should I instead convert routes into statics and if so how?
Provider is heavily used if this could be relevant.
// Edit
The other option was to use a Builder widget inline in BuildApp and call the MyPage from there. However to allow MyPage() to nest a further MyPage() without needing all routes requires a function in the builder that swaps a property of MyPage() for an additional MyPage().
class MyPage extends StatelessWidget {
const MyPage({
required this.route
this.nextRoute = const SizedBox();
Whilst this works, it relies on a function and apparently functions are discouraged. I have a lot of animations and Provider state changes that need to be optimised to avoid rebuilds.

Flutter : how to fetch data and manage app state

I'm trying Flutter and I need (I think I do) an app state management to share datas across widgets and dont have to make an http request each time a route is called.
I have Places and Events, so I first load my Places to list them at creation of app state with :
void main() {
create: (context) => AppStateModel()..fetchPlaces(),
When I click on a Place, I go on place/id screen and as Places doesnt have events props yet, I'm trying to load them with :
class PlacePageArguments {
final String id;
class PlacePage extends StatefulWidget {
const PlacePage({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
State<PlacePage> createState() => _PlacePageState();
class _PlacePageState extends State<PlacePage> {
String id = '';
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final args =
ModalRoute.of(context)!.settings.arguments as PlacePageArguments;
return Consumer<AppStateModel>(builder: (context, appState, child) {
id =;
final place = appState.getPlaceById(id);
return Scaffold(...);
But for sure, as I notifyChange to update widget, It does an infinite loop on fetch events.
What should I do ?
What is the best to achieve something like that, maybe a simple futurBuilder will work, but I want to add events and stay on the same page (add event with modal) and want instant result.
thanks for all
You have two options for bringing in the data for this and none of them require ChangeNotifierProvider.
You can pass data via constructors. This works fine for small widget trees but it can easily get complicated.
You can use Providers. Providers allow you to manage data and functions in one class that stays in one file. For more deals please look here.

Access Providers from Dialogs for Flutter hooks

I am new to Flutter hooks and riverpod
Basically I have a provider that stores the list of books in a book shelf.
class BookList extends StateNotifier<List<BookModel>> {
BookList() : super([]);
void setBookList(List<BookModel> bookList) =>
{state = bookList};
final bookListProvider = StateNotifierProvider<BookList>((_) => BookList());
Then I have a page which display the books and a create button which will shows the create a new book dialog:
class BookShelfPage extends HookWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final bookList = useProvider(bookListProvider.state);
useEffect(() {
//API to get list of books from API);
final Function() onCreateBookButtonClicked = () {
context: context,
builder: (context) => ProviderScope(
child: (new BookCreateDialog())));
//Data is available for this
print("book list length 1: " + bookList.length.toString());
However, I am unable to access the provider values in the dialog:
class BookCreateDialog extends HookWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final bookList = useProvider(bookListProvider.state);
//Data is not available for this
print("book list length 2: " + bookList.length.toString());
Things to note:
I have a ProviderScope wrapping my application.
I have no problems persist or access the providers across different PAGES or any child widget that resides on the PAGES but I am not able to access the provider values from dialogs.
Of course, I can pass the providers' values as parameters to the dialogs but I would like to know if there is any way that I can avoid this as I got a lot values to get from providers.
May I know how to fix this? Much thanks!
You only want to use ProviderScope in two cases. The first is wrapping your app as you mentioned. The other case is when using ScopedProvider.
What you're essentially doing here:
builder: (context) => ProviderScope(child: BookCreateDialog());
is creating a new scope where the value of your StateNotifierProvider is not available (as that value lies within the ProviderScope at the root of your app).
Remove that ProviderScope and you should get the results you are expecting.

Possible to provide a "resolved" StreamProvider to child widgets via nested ProviderScope?

I am trying to inject a "resolved" Riverpod StreamProvider object into the tree below to remove some unnecessary async calls. If my interpretation of the docs is correct, a nested ProviderScope should help with this but I am getting a runtime exception.
My use case: I need to access a user-specific specs object high in the widget tree. Some of the data from that object is required all over the remainder of the app, including as a parameter for any DB operation. The specs object comes from firebase and is retrieved async with a StreamProvider.
Once execution is inside the HomePage widget I know the specs object must be loaded and valid so I don't want to fetch it again as a Stream Provider that needs to handle load and error cases. This is especially true where the specs provider is input to other combined providers as the additional load and error cases add lots of unnecessary complexity.
// Called at the root of the tree to retieve some firestore object
final specsStreamProvider = StreamProvider<Specs?>((ref) {
// Called further down to provide the object that was retrieved
final specsProvider = Provider<Specs>((ref) {
throw UnimplementedError('should have been overwritten');
// An example of how content will be retrieved from firestore at HomePage widget and below.
// Having to use specsStreamProvider here quickly turns into a mess.
final recordStreamProvider = StreamProvider.autoDispose<List<Record>>((ref) {
final specs =<Specs>(specsProvider);
final database =!));
return database.recordsStream();
class SetupWidget extends ConsumerWidget {
const SetupWidget({Key? key, required this.setupBuilder, required this.homeBuilder}) : super(key: key);
final WidgetBuilder setupBuilder;
final WidgetBuilder homeBuilder;
Widget build(BuildContext context, ScopedReader watch) {
final specsAsyncValue = watch(specsStreamProvider);
return specsAsyncValue.when(
data: (specs) => _data(context, specs),
loading: () => const Scaffold(/.../),
error: (e, __) => Scaffold(/.../),
Widget _data(BuildContext context, Specs? specs) {
if (specs != null) {
return ProviderScope(
// The plan here is to introduce the resolved specs into the tree below
overrides: [specsProvider.overrideWithValue(specs)],
child: homeBuilder(context),
return setupBuilder(context);
According to the Riverpod API a nested ProviderScope is a valid tool to overwrite providers for part of the widget tree. Unfortunately, in my case I get a runtime error 'Unsupported operation: Cannot override providers on a non-root ProviderContainer/ProviderScope'
I also tried to make specsProvider a ScopedProvider but then the combined recordStreamProvider doesn't compile. ('error: The argument type 'ScopedProvider' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'RootProvider<Object?, Specs>'.'
I think I figured it out. I made specsProvider a ScopedProvider set in the parent and changed recordStreamProvider (the one that is called in the children only) to not depend on the scoped provider directly.
However, I would still love to hear from one of the Riverpod experts if what I am doing here is acceptable and no anti-pattern.
Parent setting scoped provider:
final specsStreamProvider = StreamProvider<Specs?>((ref) {
// Called further down to provide the object that was retrieved
// This MUST be a ScopedProvider
final specsProvider = ScopedProvider<Specs>((ref) {
throw UnimplementedError('should have been overwritten');
class SetupWidget extends ConsumerWidget {/* as before */}
Children consuming scoped provider
// no dependency on specsProvider here
final recordStreamProvider =<List<Record>, String>((ref, storeId) {
final database =;
return database.recordsStream();
class HomePage extends ConsumerWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context, ScopedReader watch) {
final specs = watch(specsProvider);
final recordsAsyncValue = watch(recordsStreamProvider(specs.storeId!));
return recordsAsyncValue.when(
data: (records) => /* build a list */
loading: () => /* show a progress indicator */,
error: (e, __) => /* show an alert dialog */,