Perl 5.26 on RHEL 7 error - cgi-error - cannot open shared object file - perl

I am attempting to run perl CGI script on RHEL 7, i've used yum installer and it's successfully installed 5.26, i can run perl programs from terminal without problem, but when i run a simple CGI script it writes error to httpd/error.log. I've posted the exact error below.
enabled software collection
$scl enable rh-perl526 bash
perl -v
This is perl 5, version 26, subversion 3 (v5.26.3) built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi
(with 27 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail)
$which perl
$perl -e 'print "Hello Perl\n"'
Hello Perl
When i run a simple CGI script from browser or curl -XGET, i got 500 internal server for
apache error
[Wed Mar 24 21:24:38.308033 2021] [cgi:error] [pid 9437] [client x.x.x.x:35220] AH01215: /opt/rh/rh-perl526/root/usr/bin/perl: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[Wed Mar 24 21:24:38.308245 2021] [cgi:error] [pid 9437] [client x.x.x.x:35220] End of script output before headers:
I've added path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable in .bashrc and i've rh-perl526-perl-libs.x86_64 package installed.
While installing rh-perl526, i noticed it also installed default perl on system as well due to YUM dependency
any idea how to fix this issue ?

LD_LIBRARY_PATH needs to set in apache http.conf file
i have added below line in httpd.conf and it worked
SetEnv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /path/to/libperl
I also removed perl 5.16 from system using yum.


Strawberry Perl v5.30.0 not able to install Tcl (Windows 10)

I downloaded and installed strawberry-perl- from on my Windows 10 and tried to install Tcl module using cpan, but it fails for missing tclsh. What could be the problem?
C:\Strawberry>cpan Tcl
Loading internal logger. Log::Log4perl recommended for better logging
CPAN: CPAN::SQLite loaded ok (v0.217)
Database was generated on Thu, 24 Oct 2019 12:40:15 GMT
Running install for module 'Tcl'
CPAN: Digest::SHA loaded ok (v6.02)
CPAN: Compress::Zlib loaded ok (v2.086)
Checksum for C:\STRAWB~1\cpan\sources\authors\id\V\VK\VKON\Tcl-1.27.tar.gz ok
CPAN: Archive::Tar loaded ok (v2.32)
CPAN: YAML::XS loaded ok (v0.78)
CPAN: CPAN::Meta::Requirements loaded ok (v2.140)
CPAN: Parse::CPAN::Meta loaded ok (v2.150010)
CPAN: CPAN::Meta loaded ok (v2.150010)
CPAN: Module::CoreList loaded ok (v5.20190522)
Configuring V/VK/VKON/Tcl-1.27.tar.gz with Makefile.PL
'tclsh' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
error starting tclsh: $?=256; $!=
No 'Makefile' created VKON/Tcl-1.27.tar.gz
C:\Strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe Makefile.PL -- NOT OK
Stopping: 'install' failed for 'Tcl'.
C:\Strawberry>dir C:\Strawberry\cpan\build\Tcl-1.27-0
Volume in drive C is OSDisk
Volume Serial Number is BCC0-703E
Directory of C:\Strawberry\cpan\build\Tcl-1.27-0
25.10.2019 13.05 <DIR> .
25.10.2019 13.05 <DIR> ..
14.07.2018 11.00 5 207 Changes
22.08.2018 11.21 10 139 Makefile.PL
22.08.2018 11.45 1 723 MANIFEST
22.08.2018 11.45 1 140 META.json
22.08.2018 11.44 617 META.yml
14.07.2018 20.26 1 246 README
25.10.2019 13.05 <DIR> t
25.10.2019 13.05 <DIR> tcl-core
22.08.2018 11.43 43 540
22.08.2018 10.57 46 049 Tcl.xs
16.06.2018 15.18 439 tclcfg.tcl
16.06.2018 15.18 48 typemap
10 File(s) 110 148 bytes
4 Dir(s) 316 953 681 920 bytes free
You can build the missing dependency tclsh by downloading the source distribution from To compile the source you need a C compiler. I tried the community edition of visual studio:
Click download community edition..
Then choose what to install
Then click "Install"
After installation, go to menu "Tools->Command Line->Developer Command Prompt" and run
nmake -f
from the win sub folder of the extracted Tcl source distribution (on my computer it was located at C:\Users\Bruker\tcl\tcl8.4.20\win)
The above nmake command creates a new folder Release_VC13 with an executable file tclsh84.exe. Note that the name of the executable is not tclsh.exe.
Now add the folder of the executable to the system PATH environment variable:
C:\Users\Bruker\tcl\tcl8.4.20\win\Release_VC13, then close the command prompt and reopen again to refresh the path settings.
Try type tclsh84, and you should get a tcl shell command prompt with a leading % prompt. Then type exit to exit the tcl shell.
The next problem is to install the Tcl module using Strawberry perl. Trying first to run:
> cpan Tcl
'tclsh' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
error starting tclsh: $?=256; $!=
No 'Makefile' created VKON/Tcl-1.27.tar.gz
C:\Strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe Makefile.PL -- NOT OK
Stopping: 'install' failed for 'Tcl'.
The problem is that the executable is not called tclsh but tclsh84 (see above).
The next thing I did was to download the source distribution for the Tcl module:
> cpan -g Tcl
Then extracted the downloaded file Tcl-1.27.tar.gz and changed to the source distribution directory. By inspecting the Makefile.PL I found that the Makefile.PL took a command line argument --tclsh that gave the name of the tcl shell command. So I tried:
> perl Makefile.PL --tclsh=tclsh84
and this worked fine now. Then I tried to compile with gmake (which comes with the Strawberry Perl distribution):
> gmake
This also worked, but running gmake test failed, and also installing and testing the module:
> gmake install
> perl -MTcl -e1
failed dlopen(C:/Users/Bruker/tcl/tcl8.4.20/win/Release_VC13/tcl84.dll,...);
failed dlopen(./tcl84.dll,...);
failed dlopen(tcl84.dll,...);
trying dlopen(tcl89.dll,...)
trying dlopen(tcl88.dll,...)
trying dlopen(tcl87.dll,...)
trying dlopen(tcl86.dll,...)
trying dlopen(tcl85.dll,...)
trying dlopen(tcl84.dll,...)
trying dlopen(tcl83.dll,...)
trying dlopen(tcl82.dll,...)
trying dlopen(tcl81.dll,...)
trying dlopen(tcl80.dll,...)
failed all posible tcl vers 8.x from 9 down to 0 at C:/Strawberry/perl/lib/ line 111.
Failed to load Tcl dll! at C:/Strawberry/perl/lib/ line 111.
Unable to initialize Tcl at C:/Strawberry/perl/lib/ line 111.
Compilation failed in require.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.
I plan to come back to this problem later and investigate further.

Why a Perlbrew PSGI application with uwsgi_psgi causes "wrong" Perl include paths?

I want to deploy a PSGI based web application by using an uWSGI gateway interface.
To accomplish this I installed Perlbrew locally on my Debian server where no root access is available.
perlbrew init
# close shell and reopen new shell
perlbrew self-install
# close shell and reopen new shell
perlbrew self-upgrade
# close shell and reopen new shell
perlbrew install-patchperl
perlbrew install-cpanm
# close shell and reopen new shell
perlbrew install -j 10 perl-5.26.1
perlbrew lib create perl-5.26.1#main
perlbrew switch perl-5.26.1#main
# close shell and reopen new shell
Then I checked using cpanm -V the Perl environment:
cpanm (App::cpanminus) version 1.7043 (/home/soeren/perl5/perlbrew/bin/cpanm)
perl version 5.026001 (/home/soeren/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.26.1/bin/perl)
PERL_MB_OPT=--install_base /home/soeren/.perlbrew/libs/perl-5.26.1#main
Everything looks good so I installed Dancer2 as the web framework of choice and successfully launched a skeleton test application:
dancer2 gen --application DemoApp
cd ./DemoApp
plackup ./bin/app.psgi
The Plack-internal HTTP web server has started and was ready to serve the application.
Again, so far so good. But I wanted to go with uWSGI instead of having yet another fully fledged web server in the service chain.
So I installed uwsgi-plugin-psgi which automatically comes with uwsgi-core:
apt install uwsgi-plugin-psgi
Now I wanted to start the uWSGI gateway interface...:
uwsgi_psgi --uwsgi-socket --psgi /home/soeren/DemoApp/bin/app.psgi
...and the application has crashed:
[uwsgi] implicit plugin requested psgi
*** Starting uWSGI 2.0.14-debian (64bit) on [Fri Feb 9 10:41:20 2018] ***
compiled with version: 6.2.1 20161124 on 07 December 2016 16:14:59
os: Linux-4.9.0-5-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.65-3+deb9u2 (2018-01-04)
machine: x86_64
clock source: unix
pcre jit disabled
detected number of CPU cores: 8
current working directory: /home/soeren/DemoApp
detected binary path: /usr/bin/uwsgi-core
*** WARNING: you are running uWSGI without its master process manager ***
your processes number limit is 256817
your memory page size is 4096 bytes
detected max file descriptor number: 1024
lock engine: pthread robust mutexes
thunder lock: disabled (you can enable it with --thunder-lock)
uwsgi socket 0 bound to TCP address fd 3
initialized Perl 5.24.1 main interpreter at 0x557337c6fd40
your server socket listen backlog is limited to 100 connections
your mercy for graceful operations on workers is 60 seconds
mapped 72768 bytes (71 KB) for 1 cores
*** Operational MODE: single process ***
Error while loading /home/soeren/DemoApp/bin/app.psgi: Can't locate WWW/Form/ in #INC (you may need to install the WWW::Form::UrlEncoded module) (#INC contains: /home/soeren/DemoApp/bin/../lib /home/soeren/.perlbrew/libs/perl-5.26.1#main/lib/perl5/5.24.1/x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi /home/soeren/.perlbrew/libs/perl-5.26.1#main/lib/perl5/5.24.1 /home/soeren/.perlbrew/libs/perl-5.26.1#main/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi /home/soeren/.perlbrew/libs/perl-5.26.1#main/lib/perl5 /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.24.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.24 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.24 /usr/share/perl/5.24 /usr/local/lib/site_perl) at /home/soeren/.perlbrew/libs/perl-5.26.1#main/lib/perl5/HTTP/Entity/Parser/ line 5.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/soeren/.perlbrew/libs/perl-5.26.1#main/lib/perl5/HTTP/Entity/Parser/ line 5.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/share/perl/5.24/Module/ line 77.
Can't locate HTTP/Entity/Parser/UrlEncoded in #INC (#INC contains: /home/soeren/DemoApp/bin/../lib /home/soeren/.perlbrew/libs/perl-5.26.1#main/lib/perl5/5.24.1/x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi /home/soeren/.perlbrew/libs/perl-5.26.1#main/lib/perl5/5.24.1 /home/soeren/.perlbrew/libs/perl-5.26.1#main/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi /home/soeren/.perlbrew/libs/perl-5.26.1#main/lib/perl5 /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.24.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.24 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.24 /usr/share/perl/5.24 /usr/local/lib/site_perl) at /usr/share/perl/5.24/Module/ line 77.
Compilation failed in require at /home/soeren/.perlbrew/libs/perl-5.26.1#main/lib/perl5/Plack/ line 17.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/soeren/.perlbrew/libs/perl-5.26.1#main/lib/perl5/Plack/ line 17.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/share/perl/5.24/ line 16.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/soeren/.perlbrew/libs/perl-5.26.1#main/lib/perl5/Dancer2/Core/ line 6.
Compilation failed in require at /home/soeren/.perlbrew/libs/perl-5.26.1#main/lib/perl5/Dancer2/Core/ line 29.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/soeren/.perlbrew/libs/perl-5.26.1#main/lib/perl5/Dancer2/Core/ line 29.
Compilation failed in require at /home/soeren/.perlbrew/libs/perl-5.26.1#main/lib/perl5/ line 11.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/soeren/.perlbrew/libs/perl-5.26.1#main/lib/perl5/ line 11.
Compilation failed in require at /home/soeren/DemoApp/bin/../lib/ line 2.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/soeren/DemoApp/bin/../lib/ line 2.
Compilation failed in require at /home/soeren/DemoApp/bin/app.psgi line 10.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/soeren/DemoApp/bin/app.psgi line 10.
unable to find PSGI function entry point.
*** no app loaded. going in full dynamic mode ***
*** uWSGI is running in multiple interpreter mode ***
spawned uWSGI worker 1 (and the only) (pid: 9769, cores: 1)
The fist thing that I see was the architecture. While the other (cpnam and plackup) programs using "x86_64-linux" architecture, only uWSGI is using "x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi" instead.
Well Perl's architecture folder for "x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi" is available but does not contain any modules. Most modules are installed in the "root library path" and "x86_64-linux" architecture folder.
I tried to work around this by using the uwsgi_psgi command line switch --perl-local-lib but had no luck:
uwsgi_psgi --uwsgi-socket --psgi /home/soeren/DemoApp/bin/app.psgi --perl-local-lib /home/soeren/.perlbrew/libs/perl-5.26.1#main/lib/perl5
uwsgi_psgi --uwsgi-socket --psgi /home/soeren/DemoApp/bin/app.psgi --perl-local-lib /home/soeren/.perlbrew/libs/perl-5.26.1#main/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux
I also have messed around with different uWSGI operation modes (single process, prefork, threaded), but also no luck.
Why is uWSGI modifying the include path and how do I either start uWSGI so it works like with the other programs or install the modules for that architecture in addition?
I found a solution, thanks to #simbabque.
My issue was that I was using the system native uwsgi_psgi, which was compiled with the system Perl installation and was not compatible with my local Perlbrew installation.
This mailing list thread suggest to recompile uwsgi within the Perlbrew scope to be able to work (only) with the local Perlbrew installation.
So by doing the following compile I get managed to start the Perl application:
curl | bash -s psgi /home/soeren/perl5/perlbrew/bin/uwsgi
However the above shown command is not the best way since it lacks all further important compile switches (e.g. pcre, jit).
I will improve this answer over time with the further compile switches.

trouble installing MozRepl

I've been trying to install WWW::Mechanize::Firefox through CPAN and I am having trouble installing the dependency MozRepl. The installation goes through but the tests all fail, and when I force install it and run my perl script, I run into an error
Failed to connect to , at /Library/Perl/5.12/MozRepl/ line 467.
SO I uninstalled MozRepl and looked at the tests I get the following errors in the log:
# Failed test at t/10-plugin-repl-enter.t line 11.
Can't locate object method "repl_enter" via package "MozRepl" at t/10-plugin-repl-enter.t line 12.
# Failed test at t/20-plugin-json.t line 16.
Can't locate object method "json" via package "MozRepl" at t/20-plugin-json.t line 17.
# Failed test at t/19-plugin-repl-util-doc_for.t line 14.
Can't locate object method "repl_doc_for" via package "MozRepl" at t/19-plugin-repl-util-doc_for.t line 16.
# Failed test at t/18-plugin-repl-util-help_url_for.t line 14.
Can't locate object method "repl_help_url" via package "MozRepl" at t/18-plugin-repl-util-help_url_for.t line 16.
I am running on Mac OSX 10.8.4, 4 GB Ram 2.5 Ghz, Perl version 5.12. Does anybody have any idea what is causing these errors?
i reinstalled mozrepl, and now I get this error when i run my script:
Failed to connect to , problem connecting to "localhost", port 4242: Connection refused at /Users/thui/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.16.0/lib/site_perl/5.16.0/MozRepl/ line 144
This works for me with perl 5.10 or later, latest Firefox (26 as of writing) and Mozrepl from github.
At command propmpt:
(1) Download MozRepl and build the XPI file (Firefox extension):
git clone git://
cd mozrepl
zip -r ../ *
cd ..
mv mozrepl.xpi
(2) Install the extension in Firefox via about:addons [Install from file].
In Firefox:
(3) Menu->Tools->Mozrepl->Activate On Startup
(4) Menu->Tools->Mozrepl->Start
At command propmpt:
(5) which firefox
Make sure the firefox executable (or your OS's wrapper script) is in $PATH - you should get some output!
(6) cpanm WWW::Mechanize::Firefox
(7) Test it!
At this point, if CPANminus reports no errors then WWW::Mechanize::Firefox should be working. The first example from the synopsis is a good test:
use WWW::Mechanize::Firefox;
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize::Firefox->new();
That assumes MozRepl is listening on port 4242 (check in Menu->Tools->Mozrepl->Change Port). You can also change the port from the perl side; see options for ->new().
(8) cpanm HTML::Display::Common
I found that from the examples required this module, but it wasn't installed as a dependency.

Perl module broke my windows xampp installation

PROBLEM: In the process of trying to install gitstat on a Windows7 machine I broke my xampp Apache installation. Now I can't get gitstat or apache to work.
[error] Can't load Perl file: C:/xampp/apache/conf/extra/ for server localhost:80, exiting...`
Other people have reported this issue being caused by the PERL5LIB environment variable, but that variable does not exist on my machine.
I needed the SOAP::Lite module installed so I followed the windows guide here:
As far as I could tell I installed the module successfully, console output below
cpan[1]> install SOAP::Lite
CPAN: Storable loaded ok (v2.21)
Going to read '\xampp\perl\bin\.cpan\Metadata'
Database was generated on Wed, 27 Jun 2012 02:47:03 GMT
SOAP::Lite is up to date (0.714).
I saw a SOAP directory in perl/site/lib which (to me) means that the module should be available. When I look in my perllocal.pod file SOAP:Lite is in there.
Part of the gitstat installation instructions say to copy the file from perl/site/lib/SOAP into gitstat\gstat_pl\lib
However, when I try to perform step nine of gitstat installation (perl HEAD) I get the following:
C:\xampp\htdocs\gitstat\gstat_pl>perl HEAD
Supported versions:
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:/xampp/perl/site/lib/SOAP/ line 34
Compilation failed in require at C:/xampp/perl/site/lib/SOAP/ line 1
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:/xampp/perl/site/lib/SOAP/ li
ne 13.
Compilation failed in require at lib/ line 3444.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at lib/ line 3444.
Compilation failed in require at line 30.
If I don't copy the file from perl/site/lib/SOAP then I get
C:\xampp\htdocs\gitstat\gstat_pl>perl HEAD
Can't locate lib/ in #INC (#INC contains: C:/xampp/perl/lib C:/xampp/perl
/site/lib .) at line 30.
I don't understand why CPAN didn't install the module in the #INC path or why the compilation might fail when the module is available, or most importantly why my Apache install is broken. Also I'm very new to Perl and CPAN and my understanding of Apache is primitive so simpler explanations would be greatly appreciated.

CPAN Perl modules installer not finding tar file

It seems I have a configuration problem when installing Perl modules through CPAN and I don't know how to correct it:
[root#ip JESSE]# pwd
[root#ip JESSE]# ls -l
total 240
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 105464 Feb 20 11:39 CHECKSUMS
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9223 Apr 12 2011 Locale-Maketext-Simple-0.21.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 125483 Feb 20 11:39 WWW-Mechanize-1.72.tar.gz
[root#ip JESSE]# cpan -i WWW::Mechanize
CPAN: Storable loaded ok (v2.20)
Reading '/root/.cpan/Metadata'
Database was generated on Mon, 20 Feb 2012 11:10:26 GMT
Running install for module 'WWW::Mechanize'
Running make for J/JE/JESSE/WWW-Mechanize-1.72.tar.gz
CPAN: Digest::SHA loaded ok (v5.61)
CPAN: Compress::Zlib loaded ok (v2.033)
Checksum for /root/.cpan/sources/authors/id/J/JE/JESSE/WWW-Mechanize-1.72.tar.gz ok
CPAN: Archive::Tar loaded ok (v1.82)
Uncompressed /root/.cpan/sources/authors/id/J/JE/JESSE/WWW-Mechanize-1.72.tar.gz successfully
Using Tar:/bin/tar xvf "WWW-Mechanize-1.72.tar":
Couldn't untar WWW-Mechanize-1.72.tar
CPAN: File::Temp loaded ok (v0.22)
CPAN: CPAN::Meta loaded ok (v2.112150)
Package seems to come without Makefile.PL.
(The test -f "/root/.cpan/build/JESSE-n72IRU/Makefile.PL" returned false.)
Writing one on our own (setting NAME to WWWMechanize)
Had problems unarchiving. Please build manually
Running make test
Make had some problems, won't test
Running make install
Make had some problems, won't install
[root#ip JESSE]# ls -l
total 240
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 105464 Feb 20 11:39 CHECKSUMS
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9223 Apr 12 2011 Locale-Maketext-Simple-0.21.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 125483 Feb 20 11:39 WWW-Mechanize-1.72.tar.gz
[root#ip JESSE]# which tar
[root#ip JESSE]# which gzip
The problem seems to be here:
Uncompressed /root/.cpan/sources/authors/id/J/JE/JESSE/WWW-Mechanize-1.72.tar.gz successfully
Using Tar:/bin/tar xvf "WWW-Mechanize-1.72.tar":
Couldn't untar WWW-Mechanize-1.72.tar
The tar.gz file is indeed uncompressed and can be found here in a new directory:
If I run the same command from inside the shell, I get some more info:
cpan[1]> install WWW::Mechanize
CPAN: Storable loaded ok (v2.20)
Reading '/root/.cpan/Metadata'
Database was generated on Mon, 20 Feb 2012 11:10:26 GMT
Running install for module 'WWW::Mechanize'
Running make for J/JE/JESSE/WWW-Mechanize-1.72.tar.gz
CPAN: Digest::SHA loaded ok (v5.61)
CPAN: Compress::Zlib loaded ok (v2.033)
Checksum for /root/.cpan/sources/authors/id/J/JE/JESSE/WWW-Mechanize-1.72.tar.gz ok
Scanning cache /root/.cpan/build for sizes
Use of uninitialized value $newdir in substitution (s///) at /usr/lib64/perl5/ line 502.
Use of uninitialized value $newdir in chdir at /usr/lib64/perl5/ line 510.
Use of chdir('') or chdir(undef) as chdir() is deprecated at /usr/lib64/perl5/ line 510.
Use of uninitialized value $newdir in pattern match (m//) at /usr/lib64/perl5/ line 525.
Use of uninitialized value $newdir in split at /usr/lib64/perl5/ line 531.
DEL(1/10): /root/.cpan/build/CPAN-1.9600-jGTV10
DEL(2/10): /root/.cpan/build/File-Which-1.09-yoVWZC
DEL(3/10): /root/.cpan/build/Test-Script-1.07-aJWrXb
DEL(4/10): /root/.cpan/build/Probe-Perl-0.01-gzZ2eR
DEL(5/10): /root/.cpan/build/IPC-Run3-0.044-AP6EMp
DEL(6/10): /root/.cpan/build/Time-HiRes-1.9721-xxseE6
DEL(7/10): /root/.cpan/build/CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.003-wGtH0a
DEL(8/10): /root/.cpan/build/JSON-PP-2.27105-fvkwNa
DEL(9/10): /root/.cpan/build/Package-Constants-0.02-7Ms_OL
DEL(10/10): /root/.cpan/build/Module-Metadata-1.000004-tXKIBB
CPAN: Archive::Tar loaded ok (v1.82)
Uncompressed /root/.cpan/sources/authors/id/J/JE/JESSE/WWW-Mechanize-1.72.tar.gz successfully
Using Tar:/bin/tar xvf "WWW-Mechanize-1.72.tar":
Couldn't untar WWW-Mechanize-1.72.tar
CPAN: File::Temp loaded ok (v0.22)
CPAN: CPAN::Meta loaded ok (v2.112150)
Package seems to come without Makefile.PL.
(The test -f "/root/.cpan/build/JESSE-DGrTh_/Makefile.PL" returned false.)
Writing one on our own (setting NAME to WWWMechanize)
Had problems unarchiving. Please build manually
Running make test
Make had some problems, won't test
Running make install
Make had some problems, won't install
Failed during this command:
JESSE/WWW-Mechanize-1.72.tar.gz : unwrapped NO -- untar failed
It seems to me that $newdir is not being updated with the dynamically generated /root/.cpan/build/JESSE-DGrTh_/ or /root/.cpan/build/JESSE-KjCEMS/ or whatever the system generates or at least that information is not getting to the tar command
Does anyone know how I can fix the mechanism without having to resort to a manual install ?
I ran into this problem again. All I needed to do was free some memory like Keith Broughton suggested.
I ran into the same problem and tried to find the root cause for this problem. I'm listing my findings here so other Googlers don't have to spend a couple of hours before giving up...
What solved it for me was simply rebooting the system.
Things I tried:
Upgrading CPAN. This would also fail with the "Couldn't untar" error message. I doesn't matter if you try it using the cpan shell, "cpan -i CPAN" or "perl -MCPAN -e 'install CPAN'". I didn't think any of these would solve the problem, but when you start googling all these are suggested as possible solutions.
Replacing tar with a script that logs its input to check if one of the parameters or cwd is incorrect when it is called. The script is never called it seems. The "Couldn't untar" message is still the same, even after temporarily renaming /bin/tar.
Checking CPAN/ and adding print lines near the code that writes the "Couldn't untar" message. It seems that the system() call fails and tar (or ls in my debug code) is never called.
Then I decided to reboot, which was an option because this is not a live system. After that the problem was gone and Perl modules installed on first try.
Other observations:
The system seems to work just fine for the rest. You can still connect to the system, you can edit files, modifications are still there after the reboot. I would expect any of these to fail long before a Perl system() call starts to fail.
A quick scan through the logfiles doesn't show any red flags.
Sometimes this can happen simply due to a lack of available memory. Try turning off some services that are running and try again.
Worked for me :-)
To resolve the following error:
Couldn't untar WWW-Mechanize-1.72.tar
Try install Archive::Tar
On centos 6.X:
yum install perl-Archive-Tar.x86_64
Found the same issue on DigitalOcean droplet with 512MB RAM running Ubuntu (with about 200MB free).
I was able to solve it by rebooting the machine, I tried updating my CPAN using 'install Bundle::CPAN'. It worked for the first few modules, and then the 'Couldn't untar' message appeared again.
Rebooting allowed me to progress in the installation. These repeated reboots are of course a less than optimal solution.
Given that the system has free memory, and the issue re-appears after using the machine for a little while, it seems to be this could be related to an issue with shared libraries.
Shot in the blue: partition is full. Delete some files.