Permission problem in TYPO3 v8 for non admin users - typo3

Users in the editor group ("Redakteure") are not allowed to edit two content elements, the two bottom ones, which were created by me, the admin. The users in the group are allowed to edit their own content element, the top one. The creator of the page is a member of the editor group and the permissions say they should be allowed to edit it, but the edit button is not visible for them. "Restrict editing by non-Admins" is not active on these two elements.
How can I give a user or group edit permissions to all content elements on one page?
Admin view:
User view:
User is in the group:

You are missing some permissions in the backend usergroup «Redakteure». Use the list module on page [0] and edit the backend usergroup «Redakteure».
In tab «Access Lists» at bottom allow the content elements «Table» and «Regular Text Element»:
Explicitly allow/deny field values: Page Content: Type: Text
allow/deny field values: Page Content: Type: Table


How to set permission or role to edit dialog's field in Magnolia CMS

I would like to restrict access to a dialog's field (input field) to a given role.
Only specific role can enter the value in the the input field others can read only the field.
I looked into the Dialog Definition documentation of Magnolia CMS and found nothing on this topic.
Need code like
label: Model ID
$type: textField
- superuser
# could also be written as
# roles: [superuser]
Might be duplicate of Magnolia CMS: permission to edit dialog
Anyhow, you can restrict either Path that user can access or you can restrict actions that user can invoke.
In former case, user will still be able to open the dialog and see the values in it in read only mode.
In latter user will not be able to open dialog or if you also apply same availability rules on the commit action in the dialog itself, user would not be able to save the dialog even if you failed to restrict all the actions that lead to opening the dialog.
But all in all it is important to remember that there are multiple ways to access the content hence if you want to restrict someone from either modifying or seeing certain content, you should restrict content by type/path not just hide the dialog.

How to add permission to editor user on Record Storage Page?

I am using TYPO3 version 9.5, and I am trying to show (enable) Record Storage Page for editor users inside plugin.
So what I want to do is to show this input for a Used - Editor
TCEMAIN { = show,edit,delete,new,editcontent
permissions.groupid = 1
The permissions on the fields of tables (like pages, tt_content, etc) are set at usergroup level, so you should edit the backend usergroup of your User Editor (located in the "root" folder) and go to the "Access List" tab.
Here you can set for the editors that belong to that group:
allowed modules
read and write permissions for the tables
allowed page types
allowed fields for every table (fields that are set with exclude=>true in TCA)
allowed content types
allowed languages

TYPO3: Custom CE backend permissions

I created several content elements, some of them with the help of the "mask" extension.
The issue is that backend users in the "editor" user group are unable to edit custom content elements.
Where can I edit those permissions ?
Open the configuration of the backend user group.
Open the tab "Access Lists"
Add the tables which are needed for inline elements in "Tables (listing)"-section and "Tables (modify)"-section
Allow the fields needed in this tables and tt_content (Page Content) in the "Allowed excludefields"-Section
Allow the usage of the elements in the "Explicitly allow/deny field values"-section
This should do the job.

tiki-wiki: how do i force newly created pages into a category based on the user's group?

I need for certain users to only be able to create pages in certain categories based on their permissions. One reason for this is approvals ("flagged revisions"). If a user can create content outside of any category, then it could show up live on the web site. Even thought it wouldn't initially be linked anywhere directly in an existing page (except other unapproved pages) this can still be a problem.
I can prevent the user from creating a new page in the global scope (apparently this corresponds simply to "edit" permissions as I don't see a special permission for creating new pages), and then I can grant them permission to edit pages in the category their group is authorized to edit. But I can no longer see the "Menu:Wiki:Create a Wiki Page" option, and I can't figure out how to allow the user to create a new page in that category.
I can edit the group and set the "Default category assigned to uncategorized objects edited by a user with this default group" to the desired category. When I do that, a user in that group now has a "Create a Wiki Page" option show up in the Menu:Wiki sub-menu, but clicking on that does not bring up a new page for editing; instead if just brings up a list of existing wiki pages, without the option to create a new one!
If I create a link to the new page from an existing page, I am unable to edit it in any way. Clicking the link takes me to a page which indicates that the page does not exist, but which does not provide any way to edit it. Putting the title of the page directly in the URL, as in tiki-editpage.php?page=New+Page+Name brings up a "You do not have permission to edit this page" error page. Since any new page created by the user should have the category they have permission to edit, this does not make sense unless the category isn't set until after the initial edit permission check occurs, which creates a catch-22!
How do I let the user create a new page in any of the categories they have permissions to edit in?
If Categories are not the best tool for the task that's okay too. I don't really understand the difference between Categories and Structures with regards to which is better for what I'm trying to accomplish, however it seems Categories are the more "native" feature, which is why I am trying to use them.

TYPO3: Divider element is missing

I have here a TYPO3 4.2.10 and I want do add a divider element (special element) in the content. But there is no divider element. Has anybody an idea what is wrong?
You might not have admin rights, or the user is not allowed to insert the page or content type "divider". Check the permissions at the user groups or users Access Lists.
For groups:
Module list > Page root > Backend usergroup
Edit the group you belong to.
Go to the tab Access Lists (check if necessary):
Scroll down and check if any options are explicitely denied:
Another way is to check the TSconfig for the user group, at the tab Options. The content element can also be disabled in the Page TSconfig, which can be found at the page settings, tab Resources. In both cases, check for this code:
TCEFORM.tt_content.CType.removeItems = div
and replace it by something suitable, e.g.:
TCEFORM.tt_content.CType.removeItems >