Return from async NSOpenPanel - swift

How can this function be re-written to return the variable "files"? I'm completely unfamiliar with async and completion handlers, so I wasn't able to use existing answers as a starting point. It's a simple function that returns the files from a user-selected directory.
func readFolder() {
let dialog = NSOpenPanel()
dialog.prompt = "Choose"
dialog.allowsMultipleSelection = false
dialog.canChooseDirectories = true
dialog.canCreateDirectories = true
dialog.canChooseFiles = false
dialog.showsResizeIndicator = true
dialog.showsHiddenFiles = false
dialog.begin {
(result) -> Void in if result == .OK {
let directory = dialog.url!
do {
var files = try FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(
at: directory,
includingPropertiesForKeys: nil
} catch {

You're on the right track with your question when you mentioned "completion handlers." With async functions, you aren't going to actually return the value directly, but rather through a function that you provide as a completion handler. This takes some getting-used-to to restructure the way you think of some of your code, but is a great concept to become familiar with.
Code first, then explanation:
func doSomethingThatRequiresFiles() {
readFolder { result in
switch result {
case .success(let files):
case .failure(let error):
func readFolder(completion: #escaping (Result<[URL],Error>) -> Void) {
let dialog = NSOpenPanel()
dialog.prompt = "Choose"
dialog.allowsMultipleSelection = false
dialog.canChooseDirectories = true
dialog.canCreateDirectories = true
dialog.canChooseFiles = false
dialog.showsResizeIndicator = true
dialog.showsHiddenFiles = false
dialog.begin { (result) -> Void in
if result == .OK {
guard let directory = dialog.url else {
assertionFailure("Not a directory")
do {
let files = try FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(
at: directory,
includingPropertiesForKeys: nil
} catch {
} else {
//handle cancelled case
The first function (doSomethingThatRequiresFiles ) is an example of a place in your code where you want to deal with files. You'll see there's a switch statement that lets you handle either success or failure. You can see that the line print(files) is where you would put your code that needs to deal with the files somehow.
In the readFolder function, there's now a parameter (completion) gets a Result type -- it can either be an array of URLs or an Error. Read more about Result:
And detail about why #escaping is used:
Inside the dialog.begin, you can see that completion gets called with either the list of files or the error.
Using async functions will be a familiar pattern when working with the filesystem (in particular if you have to deal with the iCloud APIs) and certainly with networking, where basically everything is asynchronous. It's also a good pattern to be familiar with in situations (like this one) where you're waiting for a UI interaction.


How can I enumerate through a hard coded directory?

I cannot work out why hard coding a directory doesn’t work when trying to enumerate through a directory.
I have written a simple function to open a dialog and return a selected folder. The function includes a starting directory (directoryURL below):
func selectFolder(title: String, directoryURL: String = ".") -> String? {
let openPanel=NSOpenPanel();
openPanel.title = title
openPanel.allowsMultipleSelection = false
openPanel.canChooseDirectories = true
openPanel.canChooseFiles = false
openPanel.canCreateDirectories = true
openPanel.directoryURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: directoryURL)
if(openPanel.runModal() == NSApplication.ModalResponse.OK) {
return directoryURL; // This won’t work
return openPanel.url!.path // This is OK
else {
return nil
In the above function I have prematurely returned with the original directory which is a string, so the whole process is ignored. If I comment out the first return statement, then it will return the selected directory, which is also a string.
Here is a SwiftUI button to test the function:
Button(action: {
let fileManager = FileManager.default
let sourceFolder = selectFolder(title: "test", directoryURL: "/path/to/folder")
if let enumerator = fileManager.enumerator(
at: URL(fileURLWithPath: sourceFolder!),
includingPropertiesForKeys: [.isRegularFileKey],
options: [.skipsHiddenFiles,.skipsPackageDescendants]
) {
for case let fileURL as URL in enumerator {
print("fileURL: \(fileURL)")
}) {
The purpose is to iterate through the contents of the directory, including subdirectories.
If I return the hard coded string from the function, the for case let fileURL as URL in enumerator statement has nothing, and there are no results. There are no errors either.
If I return the openPanel.url!.path, the for case … statement prints the directory contents as expected.
I can’t see what the function returns which is different from the original string.
What can I do to get a hard coded string to work?

Swift - How to wait for something without making the app hanging

I have a code like this:
print("Migration Execution: Successfully uninstalled MCAfee")
migrationInfoPicture.image = NSImage(named: "Unroll")
migrationInfoText.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Unrolling from old server... Please wait!", comment: "Unrolling")
while(!readFile(path:logfilePath)!.contains("result: 2 OK")) {
searchLogForError(scriptPath: scriptOnePath)
print("Migration Execution: Successfully unrolled from old server")
migrationInfoText.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Setting up MDM profile... Please wait!", comment: "Setting up MDM")
while(!readFile(path:logfilePath)!.contains("result: 3 OK")) {
searchLogForError(scriptPath: scriptOnePath)
It actually works in the background, reading from the file works and logging works but since the GUI will be hanging executing a while loop with a quickly completed task, the image and the text changes will not be visible.
Code for searchForLogError is:
func searchLogForError(scriptPath:String) {
if((readFile(path:logfilePath)!.filter { $0.contains("ERROR") }).contains("ERROR")) {
print("Migration abborted")
migrationInfoPicture.image = NSImage(named: "FatalError")
migrationInfoText.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("An error occured: \n", comment: "Error occurence") + readFile(path:logfilePath)!.filter { $0.contains("ERROR") }[0]
migrationWarningText.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("In order to get further help, please contact:", comment: "Error support information")
self.view.window?.level = .normal
btnExitApplicationOutlet.isHidden = false
How can I achieve a visible change of NSImage and NSLocalizedString while constantly looking for log file change without a hanging GUI (or even with a hanging GUI, but with enough time to change the visible elements between the while-loops)?
Polling file system resources is a horrible practice. Don't do that. There are dedicated APIs to observe file system resources for example DispatchSourceFileSystemObject
Create a property
var fileSystemObject : DispatchSourceFileSystemObject?
and two methods to start and stop the observer. In the closure of setEventHandler insert the code to read the file
func startObserver(at url: URL)
if fileSystemObject != nil { return }
let fileDescriptor : CInt = open(url.path, O_EVTONLY);
if fileDescriptor < 0 {
print("Could not open file descriptor"))
fileSystemObject = DispatchSource.makeFileSystemObjectSource(fileDescriptor: fileDescriptor, eventMask: [.write, .rename], queue: .global())
if fileSystemObject == nil {
print"Could not create Dispatch Source"))
fileSystemObject!.setEventHandler {
if self.fileSystemObject!.mask.contains(.write) {
// the file has been modified, do something
fileSystemObject!.setCancelHandler {
func stopObserver()
fileSystemObject = nil

Can't get data returned from dataTask()

For one week I have been trying to get a string returned from dataTask().
I already read a lot here on StackOverFlow and also from serval sites where they tackle this topic. For example, this one. So I already understand that it's that the dataTask doesn't directly return values, cause it happens on different threads and so on. I also read about closures and completion handlers. I really got the feeling that I actually already got a little clue what this is about. But I can't get it to work.
So this is my code. I just post the whole code so no-one needs to worry that the problem sticks in a part which I don't show. Everything is working fine until I try to return a value and save it for example in a variable:
func requestOGD(code gtin: String, completion: #escaping (_ result: String) -> String) {
// MARK: Properties
var answerList: [String.SubSequence] = []
var answerDic: [String:String] = [:]
var product_name = String()
var producer = String()
// Set up the URL request
let ogdAPI = String("\(gtin)&cmd=query&queryid=400000000")
guard let url = URL(string: ogdAPI) else {
print("Error: cannot create URL")
let urlRequest = URLRequest(url: url)
// set up the session
let config = URLSessionConfiguration.default
let session = URLSession(configuration: config)
// make the request
let task = session.dataTask(with: urlRequest) {
(data, response, error) in
// check for any errors
guard error == nil else {
print("error calling GET on /todos/1")
// make sure we got data
guard let responseData = data else {
print("Error: did not receive data")
// parse the result, which is String. It willbecome split and placed in a dictionary
do {
let answer = (String(decoding: responseData, as: UTF8.self))
answerList = answer.split(separator: "\n")
for entry in answerList {
let entry1 = entry.split(separator: "=")
if entry1.count > 1 {
let foo = String(entry1[0])
let bar = String(entry1[1])
answerDic[foo] = "\(bar)"
if answerDic["error"] == "0" {
product_name = answerDic["detailname"]!
producer = answerDic["vendor"]!
} else {
print("Error-Code der Seite lautet: \(String(describing: answerDic["error"]))")
Here I call my function, and no worries, I also tried to directly return it to the var foo, also doesn't work The value only exists within the closure:
// Configure the cell...
var foo:String = ""
requestOGD(code: listOfCodes[indexPath.row]) { (result: String) in
foo = result
return result
print("Foo:", foo)
cell.textLabel?.text = self.listOfCodes[indexPath.row] + ""
return cell
So my problem is, I have the feeling, that I'm not able to get a value out of a http-request.
You used a completion handler in your call to requestOGD:
requestOGD(code: listOfCodes[indexPath.row]) {
(result: String) in
// result comes back here
But then you tried to capture and return that result:
foo = result
return result
So you're making the same mistake here that you tried to avoid making by having the completion handler in the first place. The call to that completion handler is itself asynchronous. So you face the same issue again. If you want to extract result at this point, you would need another completion handler.
To put it in simple terms, this is the order of operations:
requestOGD(code: listOfCodes[indexPath.row]) {
(result: String) in
foo = result // 2
print("Foo:", foo) // 1
You are printing foo before the asynchronous code runs and has a chance to set foo in the first place.
In the larger context: You cannot use any asynchronously gathered material in cellForRowAt. The cell is returned before the information is gathered. That's what asynchronous means. You can't work around that by piling on further levels of asynchronicity. You have to change your entire strategy.

Updating UI after retrieving device settings

I want to do something simple in Swift. I have to retrieve some setting from a device and then initialize some UI controls with those settings. It may take a few seconds to complete the retrieval so I don't want the code to continue until after the retrieval (async).
I have read countless posts on many websites including this one and read many tutorials. None seem to work for me.
Also, in the interest of encapsulation, I want to keep the details within the device object.
When I run the app I see the print from the initializing method before I see the print from the method.
// Initializing method
brightnessLevel = 100
device.WhatIsTheBrightnessLevel(level: &brightnessLevel)
print("The brightness level is \(brightnessLevel)")
// method with the data retrieval code
func WhatIsTheBrightnessLevel(level brightness: inout Int) -> CResults
var brightness: Int
var characteristic: HMCharacteristic
var name: String
var results: CResults
var timeout: DispatchTime
var timeoutResult: DispatchTimeoutResult
// Refresh the value by querying the lightbulb
name = m_lightBulbName
characteristic = m_brightnessCharacteristic!
brightness = 100
timeout = + .seconds(CLightBulb.READ_VALUE_TIMEOUT)
timeoutResult = .success
results = CResults()
results.SetResult(code: CResults.code.success)
let dispatchGroup = DispatchGroup() .userInteractive).async
//let dispatchGroup = DispatchGroup()
{ (error) in
if error != nil
results.SetResult(code: CResults.code.homeKitError)
results.SetHomeKitDescription(text: error!.localizedDescription)
print("Error in reading the brightness level for \(name): \(error!.localizedDescription)")
brightness = characteristic.value as! Int
print("CLightBulb: -->Read the brightness level. It is \(brightness) at " + Date().description(with: Locale.current))
timeoutResult = dispatchGroup.wait(timeout: timeout)
if (timeoutResult == .timedOut)
results.SetResult(code: CResults.code.timedOut)
print("CLightBulb: (After wait) The brightness level is \(brightness) at " + Date().description(with: Locale.current))
self.m_brightnessLevel = brightness
Thank you!
If you're going to wrap an async function with your own function, it's generally best to give your wrapper function a completion handler as well. Notice the call to your completion handler. This is where you'd pass the resulting values (i.e. within the closure):
func getBrightness(characteristic: HMCharacteristic, completion: #escaping (Int?, Error?) -> Void) {
characteristic.readValue { (error) in
//Program flows here second
if error == nil {
completion(characteristic.value as? Int, nil)
} else {
completion(nil, error)
//Program flows here first
Then when you call your function, you just need to make sure that you're handling the results within the completion handler (i.e. closure):
getBrightness(characteristic: characteristic) { (value, error) in
//Program flows here second
if error == nil {
if let value = value {
} else {
print("an error occurred: \(error.debugDescription)")
//Program flows here first
Always keep in mind that code will flow through before the async function completes. So you have to structure your code so that anything that's depending on the value or error returned, doesn't get executed before completion.

Convert recursive async function to promise

I have a recursive, async function that queries Google Drive for a file ID using the REST api and a completion handler:
func queryForFileId(query: GTLRDriveQuery_FilesList,
handler: #escaping FileIdCompletionHandler) {
service.executeQuery(query) { ticket, data, error in
if let error = error {
handler(nil, error)
} else {
let list = data as! GTLRDrive_FileList
if let pageToken = list.nextPageToken {
query.pageToken = pageToken
self.queryForFileId(query: query, handler: handler)
} else if let id = list.files?.first?.identifier {
handler(id, nil)
} else {
handler(nil, nil) // no file found
Here, query is set up to return the nextPageToken and files(id) fields, service is an instance of GTLRDriveService, and FileIdCompletionHandler is just a typealias:
typealias FileIdCompletionHandler = (String?, Error?) -> Void
I've read how to convert async functions into promises (as in this thread) but I don't see how that can be applied to a recursive, async function. I guess I can just wrap the entire method as a Promise:
private func fileIdPromise(query: GTLRDriveQuery_FilesList) -> Promise<String?> {
return Promise { fulfill, reject in
queryForFileId(query: query) { id, error in
if let error = error {
} else {
However, I was hoping to something a little more direct:
private func queryForFileId2(query: GTLRDriveQuery_FilesList) -> Promise<String?> {
return Promise { fulfill, reject in
service.executeQuery(query) { ticket, data, error in
if let error = error {
} else {
let list = data as! GTLRDrive_FileList
if let pageToken = list.nextPageToken {
query.pageToken = pageToken
} else if let id = list.files?.first?.identifier {
} else {
fulfill(nil) // no file found
So: what would I do when I need to make another async call to executeQuery?
If you want to satisfy a recursive set of promises, at where your "WHAT DO I DO HERE?" line, you'd create a new promise.then {...}.else {...} pattern, calling fulfill in the then clause and reject in the else clause. Obviously, if no recursive call was needed, though, you'd just fulfill directly.
I don't know the Google API and you didn't share your code for satisfying a promise for a list of files, so I'll have to keep this answer a bit generic: Let's assume you had some retrieveTokens routine that returned a promise that is satisfied only when all of the promises for the all files was done. Let's imagine that the top level call was something like:
retrieveTokens(for: files).then { tokens in
}.catch { error in
You'd then have a retrieveTokens that returns a promise that is satisfied only when then promises for the individual files were satisfied. If you were dealing with a simple array of File objects, you might do something like:
func retrieveTokens(for files: [File]) -> Promise<[Any]> {
var fileGenerator = files.makeIterator()
let generator = AnyIterator<Promise<Any>> {
guard let file = else { return nil }
return self.retrieveToken(for: file)
return when(fulfilled: generator, concurrently: 1)
(I know this isn't what yours looks like, but I need this framework to show my answer to your question below. But it’s useful to encapsulate this “return all promises at a given level” in a single function, as it allows you to keep the recursive code somewhat elegant, without repeating code.)
Then the routine that returns a promise for an individual file would see if a recursive set of promises needed to be returned, and put its fulfill inside the then clause of that new recursively created promise:
func retrieveToken(for file: File) -> Promise<Any> {
return Promise<Any> { fulfill, reject in
service.determineToken(for: file) { token, error in
// if any error, reject
guard let token = token, error == nil else {
reject(error ?? FileError.someError)
// if I don't have to make recursive call, `fulfill` immediately.
// in my example, I'm going to see if there are subfiles, and if not, `fulfill` immediately.
guard let subfiles = file.subfiles else {
// if I got here, there are subfiles and I'm going to start recursive set of promises
self.retrieveTokens(for: subfiles).then { tokens in
}.catch { error in
Again, I know that the above isn't a direct answer to your question (as I'm not familiar with Google Drive API nor how you did your top level promise logic). So, in my example, I created model objects sufficient for the purposes of the demonstration.
But hopefully it's enough to illustrate the idea behind a recursive set of promises.