SAPUI5: Create multiple forms for display based on number of elements in an array - sapui5

I have an array which has too many fields to display inside a table. So, I was wondering, is it possible to have a pre-defined Form that can be generated dynamically for display? For example, if my array has 10 elements, 10 forms will be displayed to the user one under the next.
If this is possible what is the best way to achieve it? Eg. do we need to use a Component Container or Fragment? Thanks for your guidance.

you could use something like XML Templates or build the depending UI part inside the controller.


odoo 12 show different forms based on state values

How to show different forms on odoo 12 based on state value. I want a switch between the states to alter the form as well while keeping the same tree view of course
you can't have two different form view based on the state from a single tree view. But you can control fields/groups/pages or other elements visibility based on state using the invisible attribute.
One could create a single form create different groups in the form or even further add different notebooks and pages whose visibility can be controlled using attributes and passing in a state change in a domain.

How to create page break between elements inside list entry?

My Jasper Report has Detail element that holds List element. Every list entry of which contains number of tables.
I need to add page break between those tables.
The problem is that it is not possible to add line break. I am able to drag it between tables but the report stops working after adding it. It turns out that break is not supported in such places.
Is there a way to workaround this? Currently I'm thinking of adding some fake element that would consume some space but will be invisible, however it is not as simple.
I know it could be achieved by introducing sub-reports, but this requires complete redesign of my report so it is not an option for me.

Is it possible to change the way a form loads with different data fields and values (Acces 2010)

I have Access 2010. I was wondering if there is a way to get the form to load different for every selection.
Item A has 10 Rows and 6 columns of filled in data
Item B has 3 Rows and 2 Columns of filled in data
Both are from the same table.
Is there a way when a certain item is selected from a drop down menu to load, without having multiple forms, only the filled in data? Output would resemble Excel format.
Thank you in advance for any help.
Quick Answer (TL;DR)
Creating dynamically-generated form structure in MSFT Access can be done with sub-forms.
Detailed Answer
MSFT Access
Creating forms
Scenario: Developer wishes to create context-specific form structure that depends on the query output.
Create one or more sub-form with attached VBA that changes dependent on the query ouput.
Connect the subform(s) to the primary form and load as needed depending on the context.
See also
How to dynamically load, access and unload subforms in microsoft access

FileMaker Pro 14 - Pass Variable From Button Press

I have a number of columns, and I want to be able to have the user press the label for each column to sort the data alphabetically\numerically by that field.
I can already accomplish this rather easily, but not very efficiently. I could make one script for each column and set it to sort by that column, perhaps even creating a global variable to keep track of the direction. Instead, I'd like to reduce it to one script and pass a variable to the script based on what button\label was pressed.
So far I've found people saying you can change the color of each one and get the variable that way, but I don't want the category headers to be different colors. Yes, I could simply use a one-step process for each one, but no way to reverse it when they click it a second time. Any ideas?
You can pass a script parameter where you specify the script to be performed on the button. From there, you can specify what field to sort on and if you like, set global variables for how the fields were sorted (order and name) that you can use in conditional formatting to give visual feedback.
There are lots of techniques out there for this, but this is one I have used especially for arbitrarily large data sets where sorts should not be done on calculations.

SSRS Multiple parameters in single drop-down

I have a feeling I am probably out of luck on this one, but Is it possible to have more than one parameter in a single drop-down list on an SSRS report? For example, the drop-down could be titled shape/color, and when opened, the top of the list shows shapes, and one can be checked, then below that in the same list, is a list of colors, where one can also be checked. Possible at all?
It is really best to have separate drop-downs for each attribute, but within a single drop-down you would first set it to "Allow multiple values". You can setup your drop-down to be formatted so that the sections of available values are grouped together. Finally, you'll need to add a query or function to check that valid combinations were selected before trying to display the results. In other words, make sure only one shape was selected. You can set an error message with a visibility that toggles based on the selection. This is one method to do what you are looking for, but if you are new to SSRS, you will probably have more specific questions along the way. Once you have more details on a specific step, you can get help with that.