Does it make sense to use kafka-connect to transform kafka messages? - apache-kafka

We have confluents platform in our infrastructure. At core, we are using kafka broker to distribute events. Dozens of devices produce events to kafka topics (there is a kafka topic for each type of event), where events are serialized in google's protobuf. We have confluent's schema registry to keep track of the protobuf schemas.
What we need is, for several events, we need to apply some transformation and then publish the transformation output to some other kafka topic. Of course Kafka Streams is one way to accomplish that, like in this example. However, we don't want to have a java application for each transformation (which increase the complexity of the project and development/deployment effort), and it doesn't feels right to put all streams in one application (modifying one will require to stop all streams ans start again).
At this point, we thought that maybe Confluent's Kafka Connect might be better approach. We can have several workers, and we can deploy them into one kafka connect instance/or cluster. The question is;
Does it make sense to use kafka connect to get message from one kafka topic and send it to another kafka topic? Be cause all the use cases and examples aims to get data from outside (database, file etc.) to kafka, and from kafka to outside.

To clarify, Kafka Connect is not "Confluent's", it's part of Apache Kafka.
While you could use MirrorMaker2/Confluent Replicator with transforms, it honestly wouldn't be much different than extracting the transformation logic into a shared library, then bundling a deployable Kafka Streams application that accepts configuration parameters for input and output topics with the transformation in-between.
You make a good point about single-point of administration, but that's also a single point of failure... If you use Connect, changing your transform plugin will also require you to stop and restart the Connect server, if all topics are part of the same connector, then any task failure would stop some percentage of the topic transformations
Kafka Streams (or KSQL) is preferred for inter-cluster translations, anyway
You could also look at solutions like Apache Nifi for more complex event management and routing


Using Kafka Connect Replicator inside same Kafka Cluster

I consider to use Kafka Connect replicator for event enrichment inside the same cluster.
The idea is to have SMT that will enrich the events and after that the events needs to be sent to Mongo DB & S3 bucket.
I understand that KStream / Flink are alternatives.
My question is: Is it a "make sense" design or I am missing something here?
Replicator is intended to be used between clusters, not within the same. (It's also a paid feature, and you could just use MirrorMaker2 instead to do the same, if it were a possible solution).
KStreams / ksqlDB is meant for a transferring data within a cluster and seems to be the best option here.
Flink, Spark, or other stream processing tools would work, but require an external scheduler, and can themselves write to Mongo, S3, etc without the need of Kafka Connect, so really depends on how flexible you need the solution to be.

How to get data from Kafka into a store without Kafka Connect sink?

When reading about Kafka and how to get data from Kafka to a queryable database suited for some specific task, there is usually mention of Kafka Connect sinks.
This sounds like the way to go if I needed Kafka to search indexing like ElasticSearch or analytics like Hadoop to Spark where there's a Kafka Connect sink available.
But my question is what is the best way to handle a store that isn't as popular say MyImaginaryDB, where the only way I can get to it is through some API, and the data needs to be handled securely and reliably, as well as decently transformed before inserting? Is it recommended to:
Just have the API consume from Kafka and use the MyImaginaryDB driver to write
Figure out how to build a custom Kafka Connect sink (assuming it can handle schemas, authentication/authorization, retries, fault-tolerance, transforms and post-processing needed before landing in MyImaginaryDB)
I have also been reading about Kafka KSQL and Streams and am wondering if that helps with transforming the data before it is sent to the end store.
Option 2, definitely. Just because there isn't an existing source connector, doesn't mean Kafka Connect isn't for you. If you're going to be writing some code anyway, it still makes sense to hook into the Kafka Connect framework. Kafka Connect handles all the common stuff (schemas, serialisation, restarts, offset tracking, scale out, parallelism etc etc), and leaves you just to implement the bit of getting the data to MyImaginaryDB.
As regards transformations, standard pattern is either:
Use Single Message Transform for lightweight stuff
Use Kafka Streams/KSQL and write back to another topic, which is then routed through Kafka Connect to the target
If you try to build your own app doing (transformation + data sink) then you're munging together responsibilities, and you're reinventing a chunk of wheel that exists already (integration with an external system in a reliable scalable way)
You might find this talk useful for background about what Kafka Connect can do:

Kafka streams vs Kafka connect for Kafka HBase ETL pipeline

I have straightforward scenario for the ETL job: take data from Kafka topic and put it to HBase table. In the future i'm going to add the support for some logic after reading data from a topic.
I consider two scenario:
use Kafka Streams for reading data from a topic and further writing via native HBased driver each record
Use Kafka -> HBase connector
I have the next concerns about my options:
Is is a goo idea to write data each time it arrives in a Kafka Stream's window? - suggest that it'll downgrade performance
Kafka Hbase connector is supported only by third-party developer, i'm not sure about code quality of this solution and about the option to add custom aggregation logic over data from a topic.
I myself have been trying to search for ETL options for KAFKA to HBase, however, so far my research tells me that it's a not a good idea to have an external system interaction within a KAFKA streams application (check the answer here and here). KAFKA streams are super powerful and great if you have KAFKA->Transform_message->KAFKA kind of use case, and eventually you can have KAFKA connect that will take your data from KAFKA topic and write it to a sink.
Since you do not want to use the third party KAFKA connect for HBase, one option is to write something yourself using the connect API, the other option is to use the KAFKA consumer producer API and write the app using the traditional way, poll the messages, write to sink, commit the batch and move on.

Where to run the processing code in Kafka?

I am trying to setup a data pipeline using Kafka.
Data go in (with producers), get processed, enriched and cleaned and move out to different databases or storage (with consumers or Kafka connect).
But where do you run the actual pipeline processing code to enrich and clean the data? Should it be part of the producers or the consumers? I think I missed something.
In the use case of a data pipeline the Kafka clients could serve both as a consumer and producer.
For example, if you have raw data being streamed into ClientA where it is being cleaned before being passed to ClientB for enrichment then ClientA is serving as a consumer (listening to a topic for raw data) and a producer (publishing cleaned data to a topic).
Where you draw those boundaries is a separate question.
It can be part of either producer or consumer.
Or you could setup an environment dedicated to something like Kafka Streams processes or a KSQL cluster
It is possible either ways.Consider all possible options , choose an option which suits you best. Lets assume you have a source, raw data in csv or some DB(Oracle) and you want to do your ETL stuff and load it back to some different datastores
1) Use kafka connect to produce your data to kafka topics.
Have a consumer which would consume off of these topics(could Kstreams, Ksql or Akka, Spark).
Produce back to a kafka topic for further use or some datastore, any sink basically
This has the benefit of ingesting your data with little or no code using kafka connect as it is easy to set up kafka connect source producers.
2) Write custom producers, do your transformations in producers before
writing to kafka topic or directly to a sink unless you want to reuse this produced data
for some further processing.
Read from kafka topic and do some further processing and write it back to persistent store.
It all boils down to your design choice, the thoughput you need from the system, how complicated your data structure is.

How Logstash is different than Kafka

How Log stash is different than Kafka?
and if both are same which is better? and How?
I found both are the pipelines where one can push the data for further processing.
Kafka is much more powerful than Logstash. For syncing data from such as PostgreSQL to ElasticSearch, Kafka connectors could do the similar work with Logstash.
One key difference is: Kafka is a cluster, while Logstash is basically single instance. You could run multiple Logstash instances. But these Logstash instances are not aware of each other. For example, if one instance goes down, others will not take over its work. Kafka handles the node down automatically. And if you set up Kafka connectors to work in the distributed mode, other connectors could take over the work of the down connector.
Kafka and Logstash could also work together. For example, run a Logstash instance on every node to collect logs, and send the logs to Kafka. Then you could write the Kafka consumer code to do any handling you want.
Logstash is a tool that can be used to collect, process and forward events and log messages. Collection is accomplished through a number of input plugins. You can use Kafka as an input plugin, where it will read events from a Kafka topic. Once an input plugin has collected data it can be processed by any number of filters which modify and annotate the event data. Finally events are routed to output plugins which can forward the events to a variety of external programs including Elasticsearch.
Where as Kafka is a messaging software that persists messages, has TTL, and the notion of consumers that pull data out of Kafka. Some of it's usages could be:
Stream Processing
Website Activity Tracking
Metrics Collection and Monitoring
Log Aggregation
So simply both of them have their own advantages and disadvantages. But then it depends on your requirements solely.
In addition, I want to add somethings through scenarios:
Scenario 1: Event Spikes
The app you deployed has a bad bug where information is logged excessively, flooding your logging infrastructure. This spike or a burst of data is fairly common in other multi-tenant use cases as well, for example, in the gaming and e-commerce industries. A message broker like Kafka is used in this scenario to protect Logstash and Elasticsearch from this surge.
Scenario 2: Elasticsearch not reachable
When eleasticsearch is not reachable, If you have a number of data sources streaming into Elasticsearch, and you can't afford to stop the original data sources, a message broker like Kafka could be of help here! If you use the Logstash shipper and indexer architecture with Kafka, you can continue to stream your data from edge nodes and hold them temporarily in Kafka. As and when Elasticsearch comes back up, Logstash will continue where it left off, and help you catch up to the backlog of data.
The whole blog is here about use cases of the Logtash and Kafka.