is there a way to get the elite and rare status of a creature (WoW Classic)? - battlenet-api

I am working on an Addon and need a list of every Elite and Rare in the game.
The creature method returns its type and name but I don't see a status if it is an elite or not.
Anyone know if it is possible to get that info via an api?
Thank you

Yeah. You can use the creature API from the official documentation for the API.


Google MyBusinessInformation API, where are the services?

I'm stuck with the BusinessInformation API, actually I can add custom categories and services bound to it in the Google MyBusiness interface, but I'm still trying to figure out how to do the same using the API.
So far I found the way to get all the categories here, but I'd like to only get the categories that are bound with my current location.
Then about the services bound to each category, I couldn't figure it out what I only got similar is that link but it's deprecated.
Does someone know the way to do this?
Sorry for this, actually it's OBVIOUS: those are attributes of the Location object.
I'll leave this here though, just in case that someone falls in the same trap.

How to add custom exclude parameter via zap API

I'm looking for a way how to add custom ignore parameter via api. I.E. api equivalent of this UI screen
I'm afraid thats not supported by the API at the moment :(
Could you raise an enhancement request for that?
I'm happy to do that for you, but if you do it then you'll get notified when we start working on it etc.
Thanks, Simon

How to define URI for types of a certain resource

Currently, I have an API for showing a list of spots using this route: GET /spots
I also have an API which gets the details for a certain spot: GET /spots/{spot-id}
Now, I will be making another API, which shows all the categories of the spots. Do you guys know of a proper way to go about with this?
So far I have decided on using GET /spots/categories but my manager said it was kind of weird for the spots resource to have categories.
His current suggestions are GET /spot-categories and GET /spotcategories.
Also, for reference, I have database tables spot and spot_category.
Thank you!
I tend to agree with your manager, your spotcategories look like a different entity altogether, so as a resource it deserves a separate url. That being said, if the goal is to find the categories for a particular spot (as opposed to simply browsing through the different available spotcategories), you should only be able to navigate to them through the spots (presuming your API is on level 3 of the Richardson Maturity Model). As in a link from the spots to the categories (or simply embed them, depending on the usage requirements).
So you might end up with something like
GET /spots/{spot-id}/categories

Is there a way to show all the App Store products from a company?

I tried SKStoreProductViewController but it seems it can only show one known products.I looked through the document of Search API and can't find a way to do this either.
Of course, I can do this by establishing my own database and put it in my server. But it would be better if I can do it in Apple's own way.Or is there a way to get the RSS feed for this?
Does anybody have any suggestions? Thanks
The Search API can help you do this - you just need to know the "artitstId" for the company.
Try this:
Lookup the "artistId" for a specific developer, I pulled it by looking up a single product by that artist.
Now use the lookup API for that specific "artistId" and make sure to ask for the entity you want returned.,iPadSoftware,macSoftware
You can do the same for a Music artist as well. Suppose you want all albums by Adele.

Bing search API with DisableLocationDetection not working

The Bing search API is using my (or my server's) location even when I set the appropriate option. I would like it to provide a location agnostic response.
Am I misunderstanding the documentation? Is this syntax right?<XXX>&query=microsoft&sources=news&options=DisableLocationDetection
Thanks in advance
The syntax is right. According to the doc, the DisableLocationDetection option prevents Bing from inferring location from the query itself ("microsoft" in your example), but not from the properties of the request, such as server's IP.
News requests can specify LocationOverride parameter to get news from a particular US state. Also, if you're having troubles with automatic market detection (if your server is in another country, for example), you can specify Market parameter to override the market detection.
If this still doesn't help you, can you update the question to provide an example of a query which gives you the bad result?