HTML displays on the front end of map tabs - plugins

I am using the Hotspots map plugin for Joomla. I have contacted support with no response.
The html for the tab title tags appears incorrect, causing "> to appear in the titles, and <span class= to appear when you mouse over the tabs on the front end. It views this way in any browser.
Is there a way to fix this without rewriting the code of the plugin? I searched in all the plugin files and can't seem to find where this is written.


Some links displayed as text in TYPO3

I have added links to a list of sentences in my TYPO3 backend.
In the frontend, some of these sentences are rendered properly, with a link to them. However, some others are rendered as plain text, with the tag visible.
View of the text in the backend
View of the rendered text in the frontend
What caused the problem, and how can I correct it?
your description of the error is not good enough to give a good answer. please explain more in detail what you are doing: templates, configuration, ...
for the moment I guess: you use fluid-templates and have fluid-variables which contain the rendered content.
instead of outputting the content of a field directly (like {fieldname}), where the rendering is done by fluid you need to output the already rendered output without interfering of fluid (rtefieldname->f:format.raw()}) as for RTE-fields the content is already rendered in html. otherwise all specialchars are converted to show as given.
It might be that the <a> tags aren't closed properly.
Try checking the HTML code from the backend (by clicking the <> button in the backend). See if the </a> tag is where it should be, at the end of each sentences.
You need to find the difference between the lines that work and the lines that don't.

Non Editable element in TinyMCE (related to Mathjax)

I'm building an extended editor around TinyMCE and I have to implement a Math formula module. I've choosen Mathjax for formula rendering, using plain html/css. So far, I've managed to create a plugin that popup a panel with a textarea, you can enter your latex in, there's a preview in the panel.
Once you validate the formula, it's injected into tinymce content. This new content is A LOT of spans with inlined styles, and OF COURSE, I don't want tinymce to be able to edit that directly. (sidenote: we only store latex, not the rendered html output from mathjax)
Basically, I want that a piece of html inside Tinymce to be ignored totally, but displayed in place. I want my carret to be able to move before that piece of html, and after, but not inside.
The "non editable content" plugin seems to be close of what I'm looking for, but it has some limitation (you can't ADD no editable content on the fly, having nested html content inside an element flagged as "non editable" broke some things, etc.)
Is someone could help with that ? I started to tweak the non editable plugin, but it's really really hard to understand existing code. Has someone already did something like that, or is there another third party plugin ?

Editable text widget for GWT?

I have an app in GWT that provides lots of little paragraphs and let's the user edit them. Right now I just have a view mode, just an HTML paragraph, and an edit mode, for which I use a standard HTML TextArea.
Is there a fluid GWT paragraph editing widget that does not require using a TextArea or switching between modes? Note that I do not need a rich text widget as I don't want bold, italic, bullet points, etc.
I would be willing to use a jQuery or other JavaScript library solution as long as it was really robust and cleanly separated from everything else I'm doing. I don't want to babysit/hack on JavaScript.
Somehow I think this problem is hard, as Google Docs doesn't do it well and even stackoverflow has me using a very TextArea-like box to edit text that is later displayed as an HTML paragraph.
I would use HTML ContentEditable.
<div contenteditable="true">
You can use a JS framework to bind to changes. I have noticed issues with the JS 'change' event, but the 'blur' event works well.

Advise for form CSS in Wordpress

I have a WP 3.2.1 site and use Gravity Forms 1.6.2 plugins. I make my first form, and the preview looks good (
But when view in actual page, the second input text field (Official Website) is not float to the right side of first input text (Company Name). Image in
You can visit the live page at: (protected page password: demo)
I am not good at CSS styling, and I think the problem is in the theme style.css but i can't figure it out using firebug in firefox.
Seems like the last column of li is not define well and can't float to the right, or because the site theme css is do not have a usual definition for form input.
Any help to resolve this is appreciated.
The reason for the wrapping is that the list items are slightly too big to floated next to each other so are being pushed down.
In your CSS file add a new rule to set the width on the UL element.

<input type='file'> Browse button issue. Is there any alternate plugin to achieve the same?

I have written
<input type="file">
which results in one small text box along with browse button if i want to apply my custom CSS for this button then how do i do that?
Is there any plug-in to upload file from client to server where for button i can apply my own CSS?
Most browsers don't give you very much control over the styling of inputs of type="file", and even if they did, you wouldn't get a very consistent appearance as the control is rendered differently by different browsers: in Chrome, for instance, there's no input field.
If you want to control appearances, consider a tool such as uploadify
You could definitely apply styles to the upload button. Here's a link which details achieve this.
The options to style this element directly through CSS are very limited. One of the best know approaches to get around these limitations is this one by Shaun Inman.
Another option is an asynchronous upload using Flash, often done using swfupload.