VSCode, Asciidoc, how to disable syntax hint? - visual-studio-code

VSCode v1.54.4
asciidoctor.asciidoctor-vscode extension v2.8.8
Ubuntu 20.04.2
Whenever I type a colon : in the body text, there is an intellisense popup which comes up. As I rarely use attributes, I must dismiss that syntax hint by ESC. But from time to time, I accidentally insert the syntax hint and had to manually delete all the inserted characters.
Is there anyway to disable this syntax hint and ONLY for Asciidoc documents (*.adoc)

This answer is for Markdown documents, but describes the suggestion options that are available.
Based on your question, you might consider adjusting the "editor.acceptSuggestionOnEnter" item, so that accidental insertions of suggestions happens less frequently.


How to hide suggestions on known words in Visual Studio Code?

Suggestions are very useful, but sometimes they're annoying.
I want to hide suggestions when what I typed is a known word in the language or in the current document.
E.g.: Since I used the word elapsed in a document, every single else I typed after it selected elapsed. Very annoying. Since else is a known word, I want the suggestions disappear, so when I hit ENTER the final word is that what I typed. This is a case; there are a lot of cases.
Other editors hide suggestions on known words (e.g.: Kate).
Tuning "editor.quickSuggestionsDelay" doesn't help, because frequently I stop to think and suggestions will appear anyway.
"editor.acceptSuggestionOnEnter": false doesn't help too; I've tried it but I'm not productive using TAB instead of ENTER.
I also tried "editor.wordBasedSuggestions": false, but this is not what I want. It hides every known word, but I want to select known words if I didn't type one.
I would like an option like "editor.hideSuggestionsOnKnownWord": true, but I could not find nothing similar in vscode.
Is there an option or an extension to do that?

How to auto-uppercase MySQL after typing keywords?

I type pretty fast so I want MySQL Workbench to auto-capitalize keywords after I type them. I've seen a solution to a similar question which is MySQLWorkbench-> Preferences-> Query Editor-> Change keywords to UPPER CASE. However this only provides uppercase for autofill. The problem is that the dropdown menu takes a second to load and hinders my work flow.
Is there any solution to this problem? Could I create a trigger for this or is that not helpful?
Not an automatic solution but something useful: look in the Edit -> Format menu. It has entries to upcase + downcase keywords, as well as other formatting commands.

Disabling vscode intellisense for only one word or phrase?

Is there a way to create a "blacklist" of words or phrases that get ignored by vscode intellisense?
Right now I get an autocomplete suggestion every time I type error, which results in a small code block that I do not want, as I only want the word error itself.
I'm not looking to disable intellisense entirely, only on this one instance of a particular phrase, and was wondering if it's possible to do that.

Microsoft Word->Field Code->{TC}

So I am having a problem. This is what I can create on one of my laptop:
On another, when I created something that has {TC} in it, the whole field code disappeared.
For the example above, if on the other computer, both are running Office 2010,
I can input the code to create the table of content from:
{TOC \f \h \z \f 1\t "Heading 1,1,Heading 2,2,Heading 3,3,Title,1}
The moment I type in TC, the whole {} disappears.
Other field codes work just fine, except for {TC}. So my question is how do I get {TC} to show on my other laptop?
Thank you for your time.
Apparently, I found my answer.
When I searched google for my answer, most sites give this as a solution:
For Word 2010, go to File->Options->Advanced
Under Show document contents: Select "Show field code instead of their values"
This is the equivalent of pressing Alt+F9, which DID NOT solve my problem.
Apparently, the solution to get {TC} to show in your document is in:
go to File->Options->Display
and check to always show HIDDEN TEXT.
I hope this helps someone in the future.
Yeah, the disappearing TC code is annoying at first -- seems like it's broken. Other codes work, but why does that disappear, even if entering manually? Word instantly sets TC code to Hidden, even the field code itself.
To temporarily toggle this visible without permanently changing your display to show Hidden Text, you can use the normal Ctrl-Shift-8, which toggles display of spaces, paragraph marks, tabs, and Hidden Text, on and off. This is a good keyboard shortcut to have in your standard back of tricks anyway. It is frequent in Word that you need to toggle paragraph marks on and off, because paragraph formatting is attached to the Paragraph mark, and when they're hidden, it can be tricky to fix various formatting issues.
The original post was a few years ago, but I fear things have gotten worse since then, not better. I am using Word 365 v2201, which should be up to date. The other day, I wasted hours on trying to resolve this issue with TC field codes.
First I tried entering them using Insert > Quick Parts > Field. Word creates what looks like a field code, but it behaves as normal text. Messing around with the various controls to toggle field display and hidden text etc etc, has absolutely no effect. It is basically a faux field. And of course, it is completely ignored when compiling the TOC.
Next, I tried entering it manually, by using Ctrl + F9 to either create a blank field or convert some existing text into a field. Same result as above.
As with the original post, this seems to afflict only the TC field code. Other codes work fine, including TOC. And if I create a TOC field, then edit the code to TC, it immediately loses its properties as a field. If I then put the O back in, it immediately behaves as a field once again. Unlike in the original post, adjusting the settings for field display and/or hidden text, have no impact.
In the end, the only solution was to create the field using Alt + Shift + o to open the Mark Table of Contents Entry dialog box. And finally, this works!

How to disable RubyMine code completion after comment line ending in period?

I am using RubyMine 6.3.2. When I type the following line and press return/enter:
# This is a comment.
the editor inserts additional text, resulting in:
# This is a comment.after() do
I understand that this happens because "aft" is the first item on the dropdown that appears after typing ".". I can preventing the insertion by pressing space after return/enter, but that adds a space to the end of the line, and I have to remember to do it.
Is there a way to disable code completion within comments?
It is a bug: http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RUBY-15127
It was fixed in 6.3.3, which was released yesterday: http://blog.jetbrains.com/ruby/2014/06/rubymine-6-3-3-rspec-3-code-insight-other-fixes/
This duplicate bug report http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RUBY-15195 gives a workaround, which is to go to RubyMine's registry (Control-Shift-A and type "registry") and uncheck "show.live.templates.in.completion". That works, and it revealed to me the existence of RubyMine's registry, so that's cool.