Azure Devops pipeline. Visual Studio Build or MSBuild steps: clean without a build - azure-devops

I have Azure Devops build pipeline and I want to add a step to it which will run a solution Clean task. I'd like to achieve the same behavior as when I press Build->Clean Solution in Visual Studio. The problem is that I haven't found how to do Clean only without a Build after. I looked through predefined build tasks (Visual Studio Build, MSBuild) without success.
How can I do this? I know that I can use a Command Line task to run MSBuild, but I wonder maybe I miss some straightforward solution.

There is an Clean option on the Get Source tab, which could perform different kinds of cleaning of the working directory of your private agent before the build is run:
We could set the value to true to clean the working directory of your private agent. Even if the build is failed.
You could check the document Clean the local repo on the agent for some more details.
If you are using YAML, you could try below script.
- job: string # name of the job (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and underscore)
clean: outputs | resources | all # what to clean up before the job runs
Check this document YAML schema reference for some details.
The default work folder is _work, open it, we could see some folder 1,2,3... such as below:
If you create a new pipeline, It will create a new folder under folder _work, each pipelines have their own work folder, the clean button just clean their work folder, it will not clean other work folder.


How to exclude file or folder from build task in azure devops

I have vs solution which contains multiple projects,
And im now configuring CI/CD pipeline for the solution in azure.
There is one project i dont want to be include in release.
Im trying to remove that project in restore and build tasks.
But still it included in restore and build.
if anyone has an idea about this ?
I've tested on my side using build task, the exclude pattern is working as expected, please check the following sample and compare with yours:

.NET Core WebJob Console App CI/CD using Azure DevOps Pipelines

I'm trying to build my console application through Azure DevOps. So to this I'm following this tutorial.
The follow images, are from what I already did.
Build Solution Pipeline
Build Solution Pipeline / Publish
Build Solution Pipeline / Artifact
Deploy WebJob Pipeline
Deploy WebJob Pipeline / Variables
When I run the Build Solution the zip seems to work, because I see it.
But when I run the Deploy WebJob Pipeline I get ##[error]D:\a\1\s\***.zip not found.. I tried wwwroot/App_Data/jobs/, but still the same error.
What could I be doing wrong? What's the right way to set the zippedArtifactPath?
You're following the tutorial incorrectly. The tutorial is telling you to create a release. You're using a build pipeline to try to release. Although you can do that, you shouldn't.
You have two options:
If you want to keep using the visual designer, use a release. Look at the "Release" tab for this. Releases can be tied to build artifacts and will handle downloading the build artifact automatically.
If you want to use YAML, refer to the YAML documentation and set up a multi-stage pipeline to release.
What could I be doing wrong?
Check your error messgae ##[error]D:\a\1\s\***.zip not found we can find in the second build pipeline, the PS tried to get the in xxx\s folder while in first build pipeline you published the to xxx\a folder.
The $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) for build pipeline is xx\s folder while that for release pipeline is xx\a folder. In first build pipeline we published the to Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory which is a xx\a folder, so we can't access the from xx\s folder in second build pipeline's PS script.
What's the right way to set the zippedArtifactPath?
It's not recommended to build and deploy one web app using two build pipelines. For normal logic, we should do this by using combination like build+release pipeline just like the Toturial and Daniel suggests above.
We can use this variable $(Release.PrimaryArtifactSourceAlias) to get the artifact directory.
In your powerShell script you can set path variable like:
$path = "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\$(Release.PrimaryArtifactSourceAlias)\webjobs_drop\[ZIP_File_Name].zip"
[your build artifact name]\webjobs_drop[your zipped files].zip
"your build artifact name" - you should get it from your release pipelines Artifacts stage from where you are selecting your build artifacts

How to download files from self hosted VM to VSTS

I have python solution which resides in VSTS repository. Using build pipeline and private agent, the source code gets copied to VM.
After executing the python files, output is stored in 3 different files at the source directory level.
I want to download/copy these output files from private hosted VM to VSTS repository.
How can this be achieved?
Thank you
The only way to get something into the repository is by checking it in via source control.
Maybe it's enough for you to just publish these files as a build artifact. You have the option to publish directly to VSTS or to any Windows file share.
If you really want these files in your repository I'd suggest you publish them as build artifacts and check them in with a release pipeline. You could add a new stage in your existing release pipeline or add a new release pipeline that triggers automatically every time your build completes.
You can call git command to add and push changes to repository, for example:
Check Allow Scripts to access the OAuth token option
Add Command Line task (Tool:git; Arguments: add [file path]; Working folder: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory))
Add command line task (Tool:git; Arguments: commit –m “add build result”; Working folder: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory))
Add command line task (Tool: git; Arguments: push https://test:$(System.AccessToken)#{account}{project}/_git/{repository} HEAD:master
Related article: Keep Git repository in sync between VSTS / TFS and Git
On the other hand, the better way is publishing the result files as artifact of build through Publish Build Artifact task.

Error MSB4126: The specified solution configuration "release|any cpu" is invalid

I had setup the devops flow for one of my client application. It’s woking fine in build and release level. But after some days suddenly my build failed with the following error.
node_modules\uws\build\binding.sln.metaproj(0,0): Error MSB4126: The specified solution configuration "release|any cpu" is invalid. Please specify a valid solution configuration using the Configuration and Platform properties (e.g. MSBuild.exe Solution.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform="Any CPU") or leave those properties blank to use the default solution configuration.
Can anyone please tell me how to resolve this issue?
You can use PowerShell tasks to change the .sln file.
Assume if you want to build projects except a website project, then you can remove the website project info in GlobalSection of the .sln file.
Get the project ID you want to remove, the formate as ECF93D95-5096-497E-B4B8-83416DABB516.
Then add a PowerShell task before VS build task which build other projects. The script as:
(get-content "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\relative\path\to\solution") -notmatch "{project_ID}.$(BuildConfiguration)" | out-file "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\relative\path\to\solution"
Such as below example to remove the project ECF93D95-5096-497E-B4B8-83416DABB516 from .sln file:
(get-content "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\ConsoleAppCore\ConsoleAppCore.sln") -notmatch "{ECF93D95-5096-497E-B4B8-83416DABB516}.$(BuildConfiguration)" | out-file "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\ConsoleAppCore\ConsoleAppCore.sln"
After the VS Build task, you can add another PowerShell task to recovery the changed .slnas the same version in git repo. The script as:
git reset --hard head
For building websit project except other projects, you can use the same way to skip the project for building.
Note: for PowerShell task, please deselect Fail on Standard Error option.
I think the best option is to use multiple solutions which target group of projects together (Partitioned Solution)
Here is link to get more info about it
Partitioned Solution
Also I implement in many open source project, here one of them
Project on GitHub using Partitioned Solution
I had this problem once while using VSTS. I suggest you to use MSBuild arguments directly
Ho to add to MSBuild Arguments:
/p:Configuration=$(BuildConfiguration) /p:Platform="$(BuildPlatform)"
Note: leave Platform and Configuration empty

How to create custom folder from the release folder of Windows Work flow for TFS Build process?

I have used the
/p:GenerateProjectSpecificOutputFolder=True for creating build for each and every project in my solution and now i wanted to customerize the folder structure on my needs. How can we achieve this?
enter image description here
If you are using XAML build, you can customize Binaries folder in TFS Team Build by modifying the build process template. Adding CreateDirectory Activity and FindMatchingFiles activity are necessary, following this blog for more details.
If you use the new build system, that will be much easier to manage artifacts. With task Publish Build Artifacts, you can specify contents in the task, also you can add as many Publish Build Artifacts task as you want to manage artifacts. More details, check
Alternatively you can extend your build definition with a PowerShell script at different points within the build:
Note I am using the TfvcTemplate.12.xaml template. This is the build template that comes with TFS 2013.