Flutter Form controller throws "The method 'validate' was called on null" - forms

The method 'validate' was called on null.
Receiver: null
Tried calling: validate()
I don't understand this. I thought maybe the problem was the Form isn't the root element of the class, it's not return Form(child: Column(children: [... So I tried making the Form Widget the root, it stopped the error, but didn't activate the TextFormField validator or save, it just said 'everything fine, move along'.
It's just one field I presently wish to validate. I've looked up other such queries, both the Form widget & the TextFormField have keys, so I'm stuck.
I declare the form key with final _formKeyForDeposit = GlobalKey<FormState>();
And here is the un-cooperative form:
Form(key: _formKeyForDeposit, child:
controller: _controllerDefaultDeposit,
key: Key('defaultLoanDeposit'),
decoration: InputDecoration(
//icon: Icon(Icons.location_city),
labelText: 'Per item deposit',
hintText: 'Whole numbers',
suffixIcon: IconButton(
icon: Icon(Icons.clear),
onPressed: () {
keyboardType: TextInputType.numberWithOptions(decimal: false, signed: false),
onSaved: (String amountStr) {
print("saving deposit");
user.defaultItemDeposit = int.parse(amountStr.trim());
validator: (String value) {
print(LOG + "validator called");
if(int.tryParse(value.trim()) == null) {
inputCompletionAlert += "But your default item deposit is not a number, please correct.\n";
return 'Not a £-- whole number monetary amount';
if(value == "" || value == "0") {
print(LOG + 'deposit validator called, should launch Dialog from here');
inputCompletionAlert += "Would you like to set a default deposit?";
return "Would you like to set a deposit?";
return null;

Have you tried building a custom validator function and then directly calling it from the validator property.
For example :-
Validator (String value) {
print(LOG + "validator called");
if(int.tryParse(value.trim()) == null) {
inputCompletionAlert += "But your default item deposit is not a number, please correct.\n";
return 'Not a £-- whole number monetary amount';

This was an incomplete question, this array of ExpansionBoxes messes up the validator:
ExpansionPanelList.radio(initialOpenPanelValue: 2,
children: [
I presume that when _formKeyForDeposit.currentState.validate() is called it heads down into the ExpansionPanelList and can't escape to trigger the validator of TextFormFields above it.
Since I only have 1 TextFormField outwidth the ExpansionPanelList, I've used _controllerDefaultDeposit.text to get the Deposit FormField value and manually validate it. It's a hacky solution, but it'll do for now.


How to write data in firebase cloud firestore with data type using flutter

When saving data to the Firebase database I want every data to be saved according to its data type. But my all data is stored in String. How can I do it in flutter... like Amount will be int, Through will be String
here is my function
sandDataToDB() async {
CollectionReference _collectionReferance =
return _collectionReferance
"Details of Sector": _DetailsofSectorController.text,
"Through": _ThroughController.text,
"Amount": _AmountController.text,
"Date": _DateController.text,
.then((value) => dialog())
.catchError((error) => Fluttertoast.showToast(msg: "something wrong"));
here is all code
"Details of Sector", _DetailsofSectorController),
customAdminTextField("Through", _ThroughController),
customAdminTextField("Amount", _AmountController),
customAdminTextField("Date", _DateController),
const SizedBox(
height: 10,
customSubmitButton("Submit ", () {
You have to parse your data. An example for an integer:
"Amount": int.parse(_AmountController.text),
Here you can find the supported data types.
According to your question, you might be using the controller in TextFormField, you can get the value of the TextFormField.
This widget covers a TextField widget in a FormField for convenience.
It is not necessary to have a Form ancestor. The Form merely simplifies the process of saving, resetting, or validating numerous fields at the same time. To use without a Form, supply a GlobalKey to the constructor and save or reset the form field with GlobalKey.currentState.
TextEditingController.text defines the initialValue when a controller is defined. A controller should be given if this FormField is part of a scrolling container that generates its children lazily, such as a ListView or a CustomScrollView.
A stateful widget ancestor of the scrolling container should handle the controller's lifetime.
Example code:
decoration: const InputDecoration(
icon: Icon(Icons.person),
hintText: 'What do people call you?',
labelText: 'Name *',
onSaved: (String? value) {
// This optional block of code can be used to run
// code when the user saves the form.
validator: (String? value) {
return (value != null && value.contains('#')) ? 'Do not use the # char.' : null;
You can also use the onSubmitted parameter in TextFormField. Like: onSubmitted: (String value)
Additionally, you can use something like this in the following code:
_formKey.currentState.save(); calls the onSaved() on each textFormField item, which gives all the fields a value and allows you to utilize them as needed.

Flutter how can i get the value that from country code that i've been used from my app

i got the code from pub.dev but its a bit complicated for me to understand when i try to get the value that on the ccp. this is the code what they give me
void _onCountryChange(CountryCode countryCode) {
//TODO : manipulate the selected country code here
print("New Country selected: " + countryCode.toString());
how can i get the value and pass it to other place
i already implement the ccp that look like this
initialSelection: "ID",
favorite: ['+62', "ID"],
it works fine when i did the onChange: print, in the CountryCodePicker. they give the exact thing that i want
you can have a string called picked country code, and on selectig a country code you call setstate and update its value.
String? pickedCountryCode;
void _onCountryChange(CountryCode countryCode) {
//TODO : manipulate the selected country code here
print("New Country selected: " + countryCode.toString());
setState(() {
pickedCountryCode =countryCode.toString();
and then your country code picker
onChanged: _onCountryChange,
// Initial selection and favorite can be one of code ('IT') OR dial_code('+39')
initialSelection: 'IT',
favorite: ['+39', 'FR'],
countryFilter: ['IT', 'FR'],
// flag can be styled with BoxDecoration's `borderRadius` and `shape` fields
flagDecoration: BoxDecoration(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(7),

Flutter: Is it possible to show a Message to User when TextFormField inputFormatter trims the text?

While the inputFormatters is realy well explained here and works like a charm I want to let the user know about what happened to his input.
A simple snackBar or other dialog should be shown that prompts the user: "Your code has been trimmed because of unallowed signs. You are only allowed to enter numbers and letters!"
my example code shows the limitation to numbers and letters:
TextFormField( inputFormatters: <TextInputFormatter>[ FilteringTextInputFormatter.allow( RegExp("[0-9a-zA-Z]"), ), ],
If the user paste a string that contains other signs they will be deleted automaticly but the user might not see that so I want to show a warning to him.
I appriciate all help.
Thanks for your answeres but I solved it on my own as follows:
The inputFormatter blocks all unallowed signs and won't show them in onChanged value of the textController but the onChanged function is triggered and stays even. So I added the following code to the onChanged: function:
onChanged: (val) {
if (count == val.length) {
'You entered an unallowed sign!',
icon: Icons.warning_outlined, // this is from my own class showSnackBar which shows a Row with an optional Icon
count = val.length;
Everytime the user types an unallowed sign this warning pops up because the textcontroller changed but the value of it stays the same.
If there are parts I can do better please comment and I'll correct them.
The complete Code of the TextFormField including the inputFormatters:
First i created a variabel int count = 0;
inputFormatters: <TextInputFormatter>[
obscureText: false,
controller: _controller,
decoration: InputDecoration(
onChanged: (val) {
if (count == val.length) {
'Unallowd sign typed in!',
icon: Icons.warning_outlined,
count = val.length;

Flutter textfield behaves strange (updating with the wrong value)

I ran into a weird behavior related to the TextFormField, so I maintained a list of Objects in the parent widget, I'm using the following code to render a list of child widgets
children: <Widget>[
.map((e) => ChildProfileCard(
childProfile: e,
removeChildProfile: removeChildProfile))
And the ChildProfileCard includes a TextFormField, the code is like the following
decoration: const InputDecoration(
contentPadding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 0),
hintText: "Enter child's name",
validator: (value) {
if (value == null || value.isEmpty) {
return 'Name is required';
return null;
There is a "remove" function that simply removes one of the items from the list like the following
setState(() {
childProfiles = childProfiles
.where((childProfile) => childProfile.id != childProfileToRemove.id)
When there are more than two items (two child widgets), I input some texts in the TextFormField in the first child widgets, then I remove the first item, the text will always automatically apply to the second child widget, what did I do wrong? I can confirm the list is correctly updated, but the text behaves strangely.
Before deleting, you can see we have different texts for different widgets
After deleting, the first widget's text is wrongfully copied over to the next widget, you can see the uuid is the second widget's.
You should Use any unique key while building ChildProfileCard
ChildProfileCard(key: Key(<ANY UNIQUE VALUE>),)
ChildProfileCard(key: Key(e.id),)

How to format the numbers as we type and check validation in TextField in flutter?

I have a text field and currently I am enforcing validation using RegExp as follows:
keyboardType: TextInputType.number,
inputFormatters: [
onChanged: (value) {
setState(() {
if (value.isNotEmpty) {
initialValue = double.parse(value);
} else if (value.isEmpty) {
initialValue = 0;
decoration: InputDecoration(
border: OutlineInputBorder(),
Now I want the number to be formatted with commas (Eg: 1,23,45,678.901) as the user types the number in the TextField. How can I implement this?
I went through this TextInputFormatter-class and EditableText on the flutter docs but did not understand much. So is there a simpler way or should we using EditableText?
Also, in the RegExp I want it to accept commas between numbers but obviously before the decimal as validation.
The easiest way is to look at existing packages. mask_text_input_formatter does exactly what you are describing.