Huawei Cloud DB kotlin language support - huawei-mobile-services

On Cloud Db after creating table we have option to export java file which is kind of model class, if I am writting my code in kotlin can i convert that file in kotlin?? and if i want to add an extra varaiable with getter and setter can i add in the exported java class?

The currently exported Java file can be used directly in the Kotlin project, You can use the exported java file directly in the kotlin project.

The currently exported Java file can be used directly in the Kotlin project, You can use the exported java file directly in the kotlin project.
The exported java file does not need to be converted into kotlin language and can be used directly in kotlin project. Please refer to below screenshots. The red rectangle table java file can be used directly in Kotlin project.
In addition, the getter and setter methods have been configured in the exported java file and have a strong correspondence with the CloudDB type created on the cloud side. It is not recommended or supported to add and modify by yourself.


xtext ide not loading library

I'm building a DSL using xtext 2.12 in eclipse oxygen following the smalljava examples in the Bettini book (2nd ed). Most everything works until I added a library as described in chapter 10. In unit tests that load the library explicitly, everything works: the library file loads, the implicit import succeeds, and I can refer to the types defined in the lib in DSL code.
However, when I now open the IDE it does not automatically load the library, and I end up with a NPE when the library tries to load implicit classes. It's clear that the loadLib method that gets called explicitly in the unit tests is not being called anywhere from the IDE because the log message is never emitted.
How do I get the IDE to load the library on startup? Specifically, I know what to call, I just don't know where to call it from in the IDE.
Please make sure the package containing the library is exported by the plugin containing the library file and the plugin containing the test model file has a dependency to the plugin containing the library file
load lib is never called by the ide. the ide direcly builds the file from the classpath of the model containing project

Eclipse 4 RPC - converting IEclipsePreferences to IPreferenceStore?

Why Eclipse has org.eclipse.jface.preference.PreferenceStore and if i want to use Eclipse 4 RCP, which is based on jface and some eclipse runtime, than i need to use org.osgi.service.prefs.Preferences instances accessible via ConfigurationScope.INSTANCE?
I need to save some config for my jface based UI (SourceViewer), which is already implemented and is using IPreferenceStore.
So how i should save my config? Save it via ConfigurationScope.INSTANCE and than implement custom IPreferenceStore on top of it or how?
I was even thinking about using my own .properties file and than pass it to the PreferenceStore constructor, but i am not sure than where i should place that .properties file (in what directory?)
That Eclipse 4 looks for me a bit incompatible with it self.
It is not all that clear what your question is, here is some relevant information
ConfigurationScope.INSTANCE.getNode("node id")
gives you IEclipsePreference stored in the 'configuration' subdirectory of the RCP installation directory.
InstanceScope.INSTANCE.getNode("node id")
gives the preferences stored in the instance location in the .metadata/plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings directory. The instance location is what Eclipse 3.x calls the workspace.
In Eclipse 3.x the IPreferenceStore for a plugin is actually
new ScopedPreferenceStore(InstanceScope.INSTANCE, "plugin id");
but ScopedPreferenceStore is not available in e4 (unless you copy the source code).

How to add and use a jar library in IntelliJ IDEA?

I created a new Java app from scratch in IntelliJ IDEA. Now I want to use a jar library, e.g. OpenJPA. I added the library using Project Structure -> Libraries like this:
then I tried to use annotations from that library in my Java code, but I don't get the option to import these classes. It looks like IntelliJ IDEA is not known about my library yet:
What am I doing wrong when adding this library? Is there anything more that I have to do to get it working?
After adding this library, it looks like it is automatically added to "Modules":
You have created a library, but you haven't said IntelliJ that the module must use it. Click *ModulesĀµ in the project structure, then select the module you want to add this library to, go to the Dependencies tab, and add the library.
It's simply that the annotation is not part of the jar. You need to add the jpa api jar, not only openjpa.jar
You have to add library to Module dependencies, pls check here:
Configuring Module Dependencies and Libraries

Netbeans, get the right javadoc for EclipseLink

In Netbeans 7.2.1 i've created a new java project
In the project properties, in the libraries section, i've added "EclipseLink (JPA 2.0)" that is a library that ships with Netbeans (at least with this version).
But javadoc isn't provided so, for example, when i try to instantiate an EntityManagerFactory:
Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(String string Map map)
i can't get support, so eventually i don't know what i am expected to pass into the map argument.
How can i determine the correct javadoc file/s to add and where can i find it?
Solution attempt 1
As far as i can see, there is no reference to the url of the project inside the library, so you are supposed to get this information in other places.
Once i've got the information (, i downloaded the zip file and i put in a local directory:
/home/homersimpson/NetBeansLibraries/EclipseLink (JPA 2.0)/
Then, in NetBeans Ant Libraries, i've added, for the "EclipseLink (JPA 2.0)" the zip file to the sources.
I still cannot get help for class: javax.persistence.Persistence
but in the .zip file i have:
I assume NetBeans needs to source to show you the java docs. So ensure you include the source code jar for JPA.
For online java docs see,

How to create a java project as a jar for GWT

I'm wanting to use some java code as a reusable component jar in my GWT 2.4 application.
I need access to that code on the client side, so I've read that the steps involved are to
add an entry in the main projects gwt.xml file pointing to this project,
include a gwt.xml file in the jar
and put the java code under a client folder.
I assume that this has to be a gwt project itself, otherwise there would be no need to add the inherits entry or is it not possible to use a regular java project client-side?
Is there anything else I need to do for this (other than ensure the libraries in the jar fall under the JRE Emulation Reference list)?
We don't use the plugin functionality in Eclipse, but to use another project in your GWT project all you need to do is define a .gwt.xml module file in your project that you want to use in your GWT project and reference that module file with <inherits.../> in your main GWT project. You will also obviously need to add that project as a reference in the build path in Eclipse, so you don't get compilation errors. And all of that is besides the fact that your referenced project has to comply to the JRE emulation reference so it can be fully GWT compilable.