Huawei AppGallery : App Release Date mismatching and App Status not showing anything - huawei-mobile-services

App Release Date mismatching and App Status showing empty
a) App has released three months back but date showing in App Gallery is
b) in the version information App status and Review comments are empty.
find the attached image

Please change the version code in the apk package and resubmit. If the version code does not change, the “update date” displayed in AppGallery will be affected.
Please follow the below link for the detailed information:


Facebook Events Manager saying "Ouch! Something went wrong..." when trying to load events

I added the Facebook iOS SDK to my iOS app, and then my Events Manager said I had successfully completed the 2 below steps:
Add Facebook SDK
Release app on the App Store
After I released my latest version with the SDK, my Events Manager seemed to be ready to accept events. However a few days after, events have been failing to load (see screenshot below):
It says "Oops Something went wrong..." but doesn't say what.
Any idea what the problem is?

Which information can be edited in App Store after submission?

In case my app is being reviewed, or has already been approved (and thus is under Ready For Sale status or equivalent), which app information can I edit without having to submit a new version of the app?
According to this Apple Documentation there are some information that may be edited at any time, and a few that need to pass through through the whole app review process (which includes create a new app version and submit a new app binary) to be edited and approved to the App Store.
These can be edited at any time:
Apple TV Privacy Policy
License Agreement
Whats New in This Version
Support URL
Marketing URL
Trade rep
Routing app coverage file
To edit these information, select the Ready for Sale version from the platform header in the left pane, edit the desired fields and then click Save.
Now the information below cannot be edited when the app has already been approved, but may be editable if the app is under other statuses. To check if it is editable or not, go to yours iTunes Connect app page and see if the info is editable at that time. These are:
App name
Privacy Policy URL
Primary Language
App rating
Bundle ID
App Preview
Version number
App review info
Version release
Please note that after submission, the updated info may need up to 24 hours to reflect in the App Store.
This information is pretty useful when you're just depending on the App Store description translators in order to get your app live, for example. Just submit the app right away without the description (don't forget to set it to manual launch) and quicken up the review process. 😉

How do I change display name for app in Facebook app install ads?

See the image below. How do I change the name of the app so that it says "Vinus - Australian Wine App".
I changed the display name in the developers dashboard and re-submitted the app for review. Facebook changed the display name (the app in the dashboard is now called "Vinus - Australian Wine App", but the name of the app in app install ads is still just Vinus.
I tried creating a fresh new app install ad, but the app is still called just "Vinus" in app install ads.
Any help greatly appreciated.
Sorted it out - you need to change the name of the actual app. I.e. release a new version with the the app name changed, in my instance to "Vinus Wine Discovery App".
That seemed to work (after a delay of about a week [I think] after new version released on App Store).

App review link not working anymore

Like many other developers I have a link in my app which takes the user to review my app in the app store (App store link for "rate/review this app"). In iOS7 GM and all of the betas, this link is broken (it currently takes you to a blank white screen in the app store).
I was hoping that it would be fixed by the time of the official release of iOS7 today, but that is not the case. Does anyone know if Apple will restore this link, or if they've mentioned anything about it?
Old style of review url (which contains something like WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/) will not work properly on iOS7. You have to use the new format of app store url instead, something like
will work well.
You can see the issue discussion of some popular rating framework to get more information about it, maybe this or this
If your app is not on the appstore, then you will get null response when you try to open the URL of your app right now.
Once your app will be in "Ready For Sale" status, then you will be directed to the app review page of the app.
For iOS9...
Our link like this BROKE on iOS9:
But we FIXED it by change to itms:

Modify iPhone app store details

Once the iPhone app is in Ready for Sale status, then I want to change some details like support URL or keywords, would it change the status to In Review and again I will have to wait?
You can only change the keywords when you change the binary! We learned this the hard way after our first release.
Support URL and App Description can be changed at any time.
Changing support URL or the app description will NOT change the status of the app. In fact, nothing will unless you explicitely remove the current version from the App Store or upload a new binary (and in that case the current version will remain on sale for the time being).
You can always edit the following information:
Localization deletion
Marketing URL
Rights & Pricing
Contact Email Address
Support URL
Privacy Policy URL
Release Notes
You can only edit the following information if your app is in an editable state:
Large Icon
Localization addition
App Name
Review Notes
Version Number
Version Release Control
Editable states are:
Prepare For Upload
Waiting For Upload
Waiting For Review
Waiting For Export Compliance
Upload Received
Metadata Rejected
Developer Rejected
Invalid Binary
Missing Screenshot (iOS only)
To make changes to your app's Rights and Pricing, In-App Purchases, Game Center, iAd Network settings, and Newsstand go to the app's App Summary page on the Manage Your Applications module. You can edit additional items on the app's Version Details page. Submitted changes should be visible on the App Store within 24 hours.