Data Studio custom Number Format - number-formatting

How can I set thousand separators in Google Data studio. Instead of 203,206,502 I want to show 20,32,06,502. Kindly help

Set number to currency. in my case peso PHP


Drupal 8 Thunder : how to display only date without time for articles?

I am using Drupal 8 Thunder with the newsplus lite theme and would like to display everywhere only date without time.
Many thanks in advance.
Configure a new date-time format using /admin/config/regional/date-time
Put m/d/Y as a value for this new format.
Then configure the display of your nodes types and set this format for your date field.

Prestashop 1.7 - filtering not working, showing empty results

I have got a problem on my store (still under development) - . It's all about filtering products, for example here: . All the attributes on the left are being displayed correctly, with numbers of products in brackets, but when You click on any filter (like size or color), the list of results is empty.
Help please!
Try yo do the exact same thing with the default theme of Prestahsop. Because this looks like a theme issue.
This is very large bug in ps_facetedsearch module... You can't do anything with this. You must wait for fix. here is list of bugs in module.
It was my mistake - this module uses table ps_stock_available. I was migrating data from previous store to this one (only in phpmyadmin, not panel, because of very different structures), and I didn't know about this table. So it was about my missing data.

How can I process Persian texts using Rapid Miner?

I am working on a persian classification project. Persian texts is very similar to arabic texts. when I use Tokenize, it does not show any word in its wordlist page and in Example Set Page, The Image below will be shown:
I need to classify persian text to some category, but I dont know How?.
I Follow some steps like this:
1- Read Excel(using Read Excel component) dataset with 2 column => col1:persian Text ,col2: Category
2- I use Set role component to labeling data
3- I use Process Documents from Data component containing :(Tokenize(with any mode not change anythings) and Filter Token(min:5,max:25) inside it)
4- Then I use Cross Validation Component to train with SVM or Basian and in test mode to get performance.
The program runs correctly and performance is not bad for e.g accuracy is 50% but I think my work is Wrong.
Any help would be appreciated.
first, make sure your text data have UTF-8 encoding
and if u use filter tokens(by length) 5 is too much for minimum try 2 or at least 3
also, I recommend using Filter Stopwords (Dictionary) operator and the dictionary should have Persian stopwords in each line
hope it will help u

Display thousound with point in Google chart API

is there a way to display a thousand number in the format 1.200,55 instead of 1,200.55?
Thanks in advance for any help.
There is a section in the documentation about numberformats. What you'd need to set are decimalSymbol and groupingSymbol.
var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat(
{decimalSymbol: ',', groupingSymbol: '.'});
Found another way in order to customize text for a country or language, affecting the formatting of values such as currencies, dates, and numbers.

OfficeWriter data marker for sheet name

We only have the Template DLL v.8 installed, we use Microsoft SSIS v.2008R2 to process the data and then use a script task to bind the data to a template.
I have a need to produce a workbook with multiple sheets, the sheet names need to be dynamic.
Can you use a data marker on the sheet name?
Yes you can. You mention version 8, but you don't specify if it is 8.0 or you have a minor version of v8.
Either way this feature was introduced in v8.5.0 of ExcelWriter.
See the OfficeWriter Change log that states:
ExcelTemplate allows data markers in tab names of XLSX/XLSM files
For more specific documentation on using datamarkers in sheet tabs see SoftArtisan's documentation
Just realize the Excel Sheet names have limitations that Excel controls, such as max number of characters, so you by limited in the data marker names you can use. One way to get around that issue would be to use ordinal syntax.