☸️ Saving the file after performing job k8s - kubernetes

After reading a lot of manuals, I still don't understand if it is possible to save a file to the host after performing a job or a cronjob.
My Job got PVC and PV like that:
- name: name1
claimName: name2
- name: save-file
mountPath: /mnt/dir
Let's say I'm running a script that saves the output to a file:
command: ["dosomething.py"]
args: [" --save-to-file output.txt"]
Is there some way to save it to the host or send it somewhere?

Mount the volume for container and give a mount path-
- name: "name1"
mountPath: "/var/www/html"
The container can save file to it.
Read more details here - https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-persistent-volume-storage/#create-a-persistentvolume


Kubernetes: creating permanent folders in pod

I have a pod in which I'm running a image.
The pod is not mine but belongs to the company I work for.
Each time I mount a new image in the pod it has access to some predefined "Permanent" folders.
When I use the edit deployment command I see this:
- mountPath: /Data/logs
name: ba-server-api-dh-pvc
subPath: logs
- mountPath: /Data/ErrorAndAbortedBlobs
name: ba-server-api-dh-pvc
subPath: ErrorAndAbortedBlobs
- mountPath: /Data/SuccessfullyTransferredBlobs
name: ba-server-api-dh-pvc
subPath: SuccessfullyTransferredBlobs
- mountPath: /Data/BlobsToBeTransferred
name: ba-server-api-dh-pvc
subPath: BlobsToBeTransferred
Now I want to manually add another such mountPath so I get another folder in the pod. But when I add it to the deployment config (the one above) and try saving it I get the following error.
"error: deployments.extensions "ba-server-api-dh-deployment" is invalid"
What can I do to add another permanent folder to the POD?
kind regards
It looks like you haven't specified the volume.
Something looks like this.
- mountPath: /Data/BlobsToBeTransferred
name: ba-server-api-dh-pvc
subPath: BlobsToBeTransferred
- name: ba-server-api-dh-pvc
claimName: ba-server-api-dh-pvc
Note that you already have a PersistentVolumeClaim named ba-server-api-dh-pvc, otherwise you will have to create.

There's any way, in K8S, to source an env file, dynamically generated during an initcontainer?

I'm planning to have an initcontainer that will handle some crypto stuff and then generate a source file to be sourced by a container.
The source file will be dynamically generated, the VARS will be dynamic, this means I will never know the VAR names or it's contents. This also means I cannot use k8s env.
The file name will always be the same.
I know I can change the Dockerfile from my applications and include an entrypoint to execute a script before running the workload to source the file, but, still, is this the only option?
There's no way to achieve this in k8s?
My container can mount the dir where the file was created by the initcontainer. But it can't, somehow, source the file?
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: pod-init
namespace: default
env: sm
name: genenvfile
image: busybox
imagePullPolicy: Always
command: ["/bin/sh"]
# just an example, there will be a software here that will translate some encrypted stuff into VARS and then append'em to a file
args: ["-c", "echo MYVAR=func > /tmp/sm/filetobesourced"]
- mountPath: /tmp/sm
name: tmpdir
image: gcr.io/google.com/cloudsdktool/cloud-sdk:slim
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
name: mypod-cm
tty: true
- mountPath: /tmp/sm
readOnly: true
name: tmpdir
name: tmpdir
medium: Memory
The step-by-step that I'm thinking would be:
initcontainer mounts /tmp/sm and generates a file called /tmp/sm/filetobesourced
container mounts the /tmp/sm
container source the /tmp/sm/filetobesourced
workload runs using all the vars sourced by the last step
Am I missing something to get the third step done?
Change the command and/or args on the main container to be more like bash -c 'source /tmp/sm/filetobesourced && exec whatevertheoriginalcommandwas'.

Kubernetes Persisent Volume

Could anyone clarify on the Persistent Volume in Kubernetes?
In this below example, the /my-test-project is in the persistent volume.Then, why I need these mounts as technically my entire directory /my-test-project is persisted? How these mountpath and subpath would help if entire directory is persisted.Thanks!
- name: empty-dir-volume
mountPath: /my-test-project/data-cache
subPath: data-cache
- name: empty-dir-volume
mountPath: /my-test-project/user-cache
subPath: user-cache
- name: empty-dir-volume
emptyDir: {}
Your /my-test-project entire directory is not persisted.
mountPath or path in host /my-test-project/data-cache is persisted in empty-dir-volume in path data-cache
mountPath /my-test-project/user-cache is persisted in empty-dir-volume in path user-cache
Which mean when you create files inside /my-test-project/data-cache, it will be persisted in data-cache(subpath) inside emtpy-dir-volume. Similarly for user-cache. Whenever you create files inside /my-test-project/ it wont be persisted. Lets say you create /my-test-project/new-dir, now new-dir will not be persisted.
For better explaination, lets take the below example(two containers sharing the volume, but in different mounthPath):
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: share-empty-dir
- name: container-1
image: alpine
- "bin/sh"
- "-c"
- "sleep 10000"
- name: empty-dir-volume
mountPath: /my-test-project/data-cache
subPath: data-cache-subpath
- name: empty-dir-volume
mountPath: /my-test-project/user-cache
subPath: user-cache-subpath
- name: container-2
image: alpine
- "bin/sh"
- "-c"
- "sleep 10000"
- name: empty-dir-volume
mountPath: /tmp/container-2
- name: empty-dir-volume
emptyDir: {}
In container-1:
mountPath /my-test-project/user-cache is persisted in empty-dir-volume in path user-cache-subpath
mountPath /my-test-project/data-cache is persisted in empty-dir-volume in path data-cache-subpath
In container-2:
mountPath /tmp/container-2 is persisted in empty-dir-volume in path "" (which means "/")
touch /my-test-project/user-cache/a.txt. we can see this file in container-2 at /tmp/container-2/user-cache-subpath/a.txt and reverse will work
touch /my-test-project/data-cache/b.txt. we can see this file in container-2 at /tmp/container-2/data-cache-subpath/a.txt and reverse will work
touch /tmp/container-2/new.txt, we can never this file in container-1 as the base path we are have specified subPaths in container-1
Play around similarly for even better understanding
Note: Just to be clear, you are using emptyDir type volume, which means whenever pod gets deleted, data will be lost. This type is used only to share the data between containers.

COPY file contents into Postgres table that is in PVC

Struggling to wrap my brain around this one...
So I need to execute a Postgres COPY command in a PHP program like the following:
COPY _data_20200404_193855 FROM '/mnt/files/imports/CopyFlatFile.csv.tab' DELIMITER E'\t' CSV HEADER
The /mnt/files/xls-imports/CopyFlatFile.csv.tab is the PVC location, but Postgres Pod is thinking it is a location in the Pod, so it says it can't find the file.
I can manually move the file out of the PVC and into the Postgres Pod with a combination of scp and kubectl cp and the command executes perfectly after copying it into pgAdmin and running it.
Not an ideal method and not very efficient as I'd like the program to handle it.
Any suggestions for how to handle this?
Worst case scenario, I rewrite it to construct a massive INSERT INTO statement, but not sure if it can handle that much data being held in memory. If not, I'll just break it into smaller chunks. Oof...
It looks like I didn't even have my file storage PVC hooked up to the Postgres Deployment... did that and it is now working. Oversight on my part.
- name: postgres-storage
mountPath: /var/postgresql
- name: postgres-storage
claimName: postgres-storage
So I changed it to:
- mountPath: /var/postgresql
name: postgres-storage
- mountPath: /mnt/files/xls-imports
name: file-storage
subPath: xls-imports
- name: postgres-storage
claimName: postgres-storage
- name: file-storage
claimName: file-storage
One possible option is to mount same external filesystem ( such as NFS, CephFS or corresponding SaaS versions like AWS EFS ) to all php and PostgreSQL pods in ReadWriteMany access mode and use it as a shared temporary directory between all pods.

What's the best way to share/mount one file into a pod?

I was considering using secrets to mount a single file but it seems that you can only mount directory that will overwrites all the other content. How can I share a single config file without mounting a directory?
For example you have a configmap which contain 2 config files:
kubectl create configmap config --from-file <file1> --from-file <file2>
You could use subPath like this to mount single file into existing directory:
- name: "config"
mountPath: "/<existing folder>/<file1>"
subPath: "<file1>"
- name: "config"
mountPath: "/<existing folder>/<file2>"
subPath: "<file2>"
restartPolicy: Always
- name: "config"
name: "config"
Full example here
I'd start with this working example from here. Make sure you're using at least Kubernetes 1.3.
Simply create a ConfigMap like this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: test-pd-plus-cfgmap
file-from-cfgmap: file data
And then create a pod like this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: test-pd-plus-cfgmap
- image: ubuntu
name: bash
stdin: true
stdinOnce: true
tty: true
- mountPath: /mnt
name: pd
- mountPath: /mnt/file-from-cfgmap
name: cfgmap
subPath: file-from-cfgmap
- name: pd
pdName: testdisk
- name: cfgmap
name: test-pd-plus-cfgmap
An useful additional information to the accepted answer:
Let's say your origin file is called environment.js, and you want the destination file to be called destination_environment.js, then, your yaml file should look like this:
- name: "config"
mountPath: "/<existing folder>/destination_environment.js"
subPath: "environment.js"
- name: "config"
name: "config"
There is currently (v1.0, v1.1) no way to volume mount a single config file. The Secret structure is naturally capable of representing multiple secrets, which means it must be a directory.
When we get config objects, single files should be supported.
In the mean time you can mount a directory and symlink to it from your image, maybe?
I don't have a reputation to vote or reply to threads, so I'll post here. The most up-voted answer does not work as it is stated (at least in k8s 1.21.1):
- mountPath: /opt/project/config.override.json
name: config-override
subPath: config.override.json
- ls
- -l
- /opt/project/config.override.json
produces an empty dir /opt/project/config.override.json.
I'm digging through docs and google for several hours already and I am still not able to mount this single json file as json file.
I've also tried this:
- mountPath: /opt/project/
name: config-override
subPath: config.override.json
- ls
- -l
- /opt/project
Quite obviously it lists /opt/project as empty dir as it tries to mount a json file to it. File with name config.override.json is not created in this case.
PS: the only way to mount to file at all is this:
- mountPath: /opt/project/override
name: config-override
- ls
- -l
- /opt/project/override
It creates a directory /opt/project/override and symlinks an original filename used in configMap creation to the needed content:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 27 Jun 27 14:37 config.override.json -> ..data/config.override.json
Lets say you want to mount a new log4j2.xml into a running deployment to enhance logging
# Variables
# Create config map and patch deployment
kubectl -n ${k8s_namespace} create cm log4j \
kubectl -n ${k8s_namespace} patch deployment ${deployment_name} \
-p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"volumes":[{"configMap":{"defaultMode": 420,"name": "log4j"},"name": "log4j"}]}}}}'
kubectl -n ${k8s_namespace} patch deployment ${deployment_name} \
-p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"name": "'${container_name}'","volumeMounts": [{ "mountPath": "'${container_working_dir}'/log4j2.xml","name": "log4j","subPath": "log4j2.xml"}]}]}}}}'