Swift abstraction for enums with associated value - swift

I have an enum with associated value ConfigurationValue that gets stored in a map. I have type specific getters for each possible enum value.
How do I minimize the code duplication between these getters
enum ConfigurationValue {
case bool(Bool)
case int(Int)
case string(String)
var map: [T:ConfigurationValue] = [:]
public mutating func set(key: T, _ value: Bool) {
map[key] = .bool(value)
public mutating func set(key: T, _ value: Int) {
map[key] = .int(value)
public mutating func set(key: T, _ value: String) {
map[key] = .string(value)
private func getValue(key: T) -> ConfigurationValue? {
return map[key]
public func get(key: T) -> Bool? {
guard let value = getValue(key: key),
case .bool(let innerValue) = value else {
return nil
return innerValue
public func get(key: T) -> Int? {
guard let value = getValue(key: key),
case .int(let innerValue) = value else {
return nil
return innerValue
public func get(key: T) -> String? {
guard let value = getValue(key: key),
case .string(let innerValue) = value else {
return nil
return innerValue

I would not use protocols but instead I would add two methods in ConfigurationValue the first to create a configuration value and the other to get the inner value of a case.
enum ConfigurationValue {
case bool(Bool)
case int(Int)
case string(String)
static func with<Value>(value: Value?) -> ConfigurationValue? {
if let value = value as? Bool {
return .bool(value)
if let value = value as? Int {
return .int(value)
if let value = value as? String {
return .string(value)
return nil
func get<Value>(ofType type: Value.Type = Value.self) -> Value? {
switch self {
case .bool(let bool):
return bool as? Value
case .int(let int):
return int as? Value
case .string(let string):
return string as? Value
let boolValue: Bool? = ConfigurationValue.bool(false).get() // Optional(false)
let intValue: Int? = ConfigurationValue.bool(false).get() // nil
let stringValue: String? = ConfigurationValue.bool(false).get() // nil
let boolConfiguration: ConfigurationValue? = .with(value: true) // bool(true)
let intConfiguration: ConfigurationValue? = .with(value: 42) // int(42)
let stringConfiguration: ConfigurationValue? = .with(value: "42") // string("42")
let doubleConfiguration: ConfigurationValue? = .with(value: 42.0) // nil
Now you can avoid boilerplate, let's say you have a struct Foo:
struct Foo<T: Hashable> {
var map: [T:ConfigurationValue] = [:]
mutating func set<Value>(_ value: Value?, forKey key: T) {
map[key] = .with(value: value)
func get<Value>(key: T) -> Value? {
guard let value = map[key] else {
return nil
return value.get()
var map: [String:ConfigurationValue] = [
"bool": .bool(false),
"int": .int(0),
"string": .string("string")
var bar = Foo(map: map)
var bool: Bool? = bar.get(key: "bool") // Optional(false)
var int: Int? = bar.get(key: "int") // 0
var string: String? = bar.get(key: "string") // string
bar.set(true, forKey: "bool")
bool = bar.get(key: "bool") // Optional(true)
bar.set(42, forKey: "int")
int = bar.get(key: "int") // 42
bar.set("Hello World!", forKey: "string")
string = bar.get(key: "string") // Hello World!

It doesn't seem like an enum is the right tool for the job here since you can get the same usefulness out of just casting the values (though admittedly you wouldn't get the benefit of exhaustive switch errors). If you're wanting to utilize generics to cut down on some of this duplication, I'd go with a wrapper around the map like so:
protocol Configurable {}
extension Int: Configurable {}
extension Bool: Configurable {}
extension String: Configurable {}
class ConfigurationMap<Key: Hashable> {
private var map = [Key: Configurable]()
func getValue(at key: Key) -> Configurable? {
return map[key]
func setValue(_ value: Configurable, at key: Key) {
map[key] = value
Here Key would replace your T generic. To incorporate more data types, just extend the type that you want to use to be Configurable. The ConfigurationMap can also be a struct if you don't mind the mutating methods.

In Swift, this is not called a "map", but instead, a "dictionary". Type restriction can be achieved with a protocol, and explicit typing for retrieval.
public protocol ConfigurationValue { }
extension Int: ConfigurationValue { }
extension Bool: ConfigurationValue { }
extension String: ConfigurationValue { }
public struct ConfigurationDictionary<Key: Hashable> {
private var dictionary: [Key: ConfigurationValue] = [:]
public extension ConfigurationDictionary {
subscript<Value: ConfigurationValue>(key: Key) -> Value? {
get { dictionary[key] as? Value }
set { dictionary[key] = newValue }
var configurationDictionary = ConfigurationDictionary<String>()
configurationDictionary["i"] = 1
configurationDictionary["i"] as Int? // 1
configurationDictionary["i"] as Bool? // nil
configurationDictionary["b"] = true
let b: Bool? = configurationDictionary["b"] // true
let i: Int? = configurationDictionary["b"] // nil


Accessing the optional value of a PartialKeyPath in Swift 4

Using the PartialKeyPath API, how can you access a value of a key path's reference? For example, this works for non-optional values, but not with Optional values.
The issue I'm having is that self[keyPath: keyPath] returns a non-optional Any value.
struct Element {
let name: String
let mass: Double?
func stringValue(_ keyPath: PartialKeyPath<Element>) -> String {
let value = self[keyPath: keyPath]
switch value {
case let string as String:
return string.capitalized
case nil:
return "N/A"
case let value:
return String(describing: value)
let element = Element(name: "Helium", mass: 4.002602)
let string = element.stringValue(\Element.mass) /* Optional(4.002602) */
The result is that case nil is never executed and the last case is being printed as Optional(value).
How can I unwrap value properly to extract the optional?
The solution was to use Mirror to unwrap the optional which seems less than optimal. Looking forward to better Reflection support in Swift!
func unwrap(_ value: Any) -> Any? {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: value)
if mirror.displayStyle != .optional {
return value
if let child = mirror.children.first {
return child.value
} else {
return nil
struct Element {
let name: String
let mass: Double?
func stringValue(_ keyPath: PartialKeyPath<AtomicElement>) -> String {
guard let value = unwrap(self[keyPath: keyPath]) else {
return "N/A"
switch value {
case let string as String:
return string.capitalized
return String(describing: value)
let element = Element(name: "Helium", mass: 4.002602)
let string = element.stringValue(\Element.mass) /* 4.002602 */

How can you check if a type is Optional in Swift?

How can you check if a type is Optional in Swift?
Say I have a variable of type PartialKeyPath where:
struct Foo {
let bar: String
let baz: String?
typealias Property<Root> = (key: PartialKeyPath<Root>, value: Any?)
typealias Properties<Root> = [Property<Root>]
Now say I iterate thru an instance of Properties:
properties.forEach { prop in
let valueType1 = type(of: prop.key).valueType
let valueType2 = type(of: value)
How can I check here whether valueType1 is Optional<valueType2>, or whether it is Optional of any other flavor for that matter?
So far the only way I’ve found is really ugly...
Using a similar approach to Optional field type doesn't conform protocol in Swift 3, you could define a 'dummy protocol' for Optional and use this to get the wrapped metatype:
protocol OptionalProtocol {
// the metatype value for the wrapped type.
static var wrappedType: Any.Type { get }
extension Optional : OptionalProtocol {
static var wrappedType: Any.Type { return Wrapped.self }
If you just want to know a type is an optional:
func isOptionalType(_ type: Any.Type) -> Bool {
return type is OptionalProtocol.Type
print(isOptionalType(String.self)) // false
print(isOptionalType(String?.self)) // true
If you want to check if one metatype is the 'optional version' of another metatype:
struct Foo {
let bar: String
let baz: String?
struct Property<Root> {
var key: PartialKeyPath<Root>
var value: Any
let properties = [Property(key: \Foo.baz, value: "hello")]
/// Attempt to get the `Wrapped` metatype from a metatype of an
/// `Optional<Wrapped>`. If not an `Optional`, will return `nil`.
func wrappedTypeFromOptionalType(_ type: Any.Type) -> Any.Type? {
return (type as? OptionalProtocol.Type)?.wrappedType
for property in properties {
let valueType1 = type(of: property.key).valueType
let valueType2 = type(of: property.value)
if wrappedTypeFromOptionalType(valueType1) == valueType2 {
print("\(valueType1) == Optional<\(valueType2)>")
// Optional<String> == Optional<String>
However there's almost certainly a better way to do whatever you're trying to do here with the key paths.
could you use a mirror reflecting Any and check displayStyle is optional?.
func isOptional(any:Any) -> Bool {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: any)
if mirror.displayStyle == .Optional {
return true
} else {
return false
More on mirror display style:
This is a hacky but working solution:
func isOptional(_ type: Any.Type) -> Bool {
let typeName = String(describing: type)
return typeName.hasPrefix("Optional<")
let t1 = Int?.self
let t2 = Bool.self
// true
// false
A tweak of #kelin’s answer:
postfix operator ...?!
postfix func ...?!<T>(_ instance: T) -> Bool {
let subject = "\(Mirror(reflecting: instance).subjectType)"
return !subject.hasPrefix("Optional")
And in the vein of #Ercell0’s answer is this superior method:
func isOptional<T>(_ instance: T) -> Bool {
guard let displayStyle = Mirror(reflecting: instance).displayStyle
else { return false }
return displayStyle == .optional

Extending swift optional for default values

I'm trying to extend Swift's Optional type with default values. Providing empty values in API requests should raise an exception. I've done this for the String type, but I can't achieve the same result with the Integer type:
extension Optional where Wrapped == String {
var unwrappedValue: String {
get {
switch self {
case .some(let value):
return value
case .none:
return ""
The Integer version is throwing the following Error:
Protocol 'Integer' can only be used as a generic constraint because it
has Self or associated type requirements
extension Optional where Wrapped == Integer {
var unwrappedValue: Integer {
get {
switch self {
case .some(let value):
return value
case .none:
return 0
If you use this for a lot of Types you might want to consider the following addition to the answer of Leo Dabus:
protocol Defaultable {
static var defaultValue: Self { get }
extension Optional where Wrapped: Defaultable {
var unwrappedValue: Wrapped { return self ?? Wrapped.defaultValue }
This way you can extend your types very easily:
extension Int: Defaultable {
static var defaultValue: Int { return 0 }
extension String: Defaultable {
static var defaultValue: String { return "" }
extension Array: Defaultable {
static var defaultValue: Array<Element> { return [] }
And usage goes like this:
let optionalInt: Int? = 10 // Optional(10)
let unwrappedInt = optionalInt.unwrappedValue // 10
let optionalString: String? = "Hello" // Optional("Hello")
let unwrappedString = optionalString.unwrappedValue // "Hello"
let optionalArray: [Int]? = nil // nil
let unwrappedArray = optionalArray.unwrappedValue // []
You just need to return Wrapped instead of Integer
extension Optional where Wrapped: Integer {
var unwrappedValue: Wrapped {
switch self {
case .some(let value):
return value
case .none:
return 0
or simply
extension Optional where Wrapped: Integer {
var safelyUnwrapped: Wrapped { return self ?? 0 }
let optionalInt = Int("10")
let unwrappedValue = optionalInt.safelyUnwrapped // 10
You can also achieve using below code:
extension Optional {
func defaultValue(_ val: Wrapped) -> Wrapped { return self ?? val }
var str: String?
var a: Int?
This will work for both data types.

Swift generic completion handler

I'm trying to figure out how to create a generic completion handler. Below is an example illustrating an example "internal" generic completion handler and the same generic completion handler as I would want to be able to create it if I could do that in "external" form. The problem is that I don't know how to write the equivalent of the internalCompletion<T: MyEnum>... in a completion handler. I've written in the externalCompletion function what I'd imagine it could look like: something along the lines of func externalCompletion(_ completer<T: MyEnum>: ((T) -> Void) where T: Hashable)), but this is obviously not correct. Is what I'm trying to do possible? My hunch is that swift won't let the completion handler remain generic, always requiring a type casting at the function level, which would defeat the purpose per my example (i.e. func externalCompletetion<T: MyEnum>(_ completer: ((T) -> Void)) where T: Hashable, the problem with this being I would have to choose between EnumA, EnumB, and EnumC, not being able to run the completer on all three.)
typealias MyEnumKeyedData<T: MyEnum> = [T: String] where T: Hashable
// MARK : - MyEnum Protocol
protocol MyEnum {
static func all<T: MyEnum>(_:T.Type) -> [T] where T: Hashable
static var all: [MyEnum] { get }
extension MyEnum {
static func all<T: MyEnum>(_:T.Type) -> [T] where T: Hashable { return Self.all as! [T] }
// MARK : - My enums
enum EnumA: MyEnum {
case first
static var all: [MyEnum] { return [EnumA.first]}
enum EnumB: MyEnum {
case first
static var all: [MyEnum] { return [EnumB.first]}
enum EnumC: MyEnum {
case first
static var all: [MyEnum] { return [EnumC.first]}
// MARK : - MyEnum Data Iterator
class MyDataEnumIterator {
var dataA: MyEnumKeyedData<EnumA> = [:]
var dataB: MyEnumKeyedData<EnumB> = [:]
var dataC: MyEnumKeyedData<EnumC> = [:]
func updateData<T: MyEnum>(_ key: T, _ value: String) where T: Hashable {
switch T.self {
case is EnumA.Type: dataA[key as! EnumA] = value
case is EnumB.Type: dataB[key as! EnumB] = value
case is EnumC.Type: dataC[key as! EnumC] = value
default: fatalError("Enum does not exist")
// Internal (This works)
func internalEnumIterator() {
for key in EnumA.all(EnumA.self) { internalCompletion(key) }
for key in EnumB.all(EnumB.self) { internalCompletion(key) }
for key in EnumC.all(EnumC.self) { internalCompletion(key) }
func internalCompletion<T: MyEnum>(_ key: T) where T: Hashable {
let value = "\(key)"
updateData(key, value)
// External (This obviously doesn't, just sketching the idea)
func externalEnumIterator(_ completer<T: MyEnum>: ((T) -> Void) where T: Hashable) {
for key in EnumA.all(EnumA.self) { completer(key) }
for key in EnumB.all(EnumB.self) { completer(key) }
for key in EnumC.all(EnumC.self) { completer(key) }
// MARK : - Test cases (internal works, external does not, just sketching example)
let iterator = MyDataEnumIterator()
iterator.externalEnumIterator({ <T: MyEnum> (T) where T: Hashable in
let value = "\(key)"
iterator.updateData(key, value)
Here is a working version of the code with the minimal changes necessary to get it going
typealias MyEnumKeyedData<T: MyEnum> = [T: String] where T: Hashable
// MARK : - MyEnum Protocol
protocol MyEnum {
static func all<T: MyEnum>(_:T.Type) -> [T] where T: Hashable
static var all: [MyEnum] { get }
extension MyEnum {
static func all<T: MyEnum>(_:T.Type) -> [T] where T: Hashable { return Self.all as! [T] }
// MARK : - My enums
enum EnumA: MyEnum {
case first
static var all: [MyEnum] { return [EnumA.first]}
enum EnumB: MyEnum {
case first
static var all: [MyEnum] { return [EnumB.first]}
enum EnumC: MyEnum {
case first
static var all: [MyEnum] { return [EnumC.first]}
// MARK : - MyEnum Data Iterator
class MyDataEnumIterator {
var dataA: MyEnumKeyedData<EnumA> = [:]
var dataB: MyEnumKeyedData<EnumB> = [:]
var dataC: MyEnumKeyedData<EnumC> = [:]
func updateData(_ key: MyEnum, _ value: String) {
switch key {
case let key as EnumA: dataA[key] = value
case let key as EnumB: dataB[key] = value
case let key as EnumC: dataC[key] = value
default: fatalError("Enum does not exist")
// Internal (This works)
func internalEnumIterator() {
for key in EnumA.all(EnumA.self) { internalCompletion(key) }
for key in EnumB.all(EnumB.self) { internalCompletion(key) }
for key in EnumC.all(EnumC.self) { internalCompletion(key) }
func internalCompletion<T: MyEnum>(_ key: T) where T: Hashable {
let value = "\(key)"
updateData(key, value)
func EnumIterator(_ compeltitionHandler: (MyEnum) -> Void) {
for key in EnumA.all(EnumA.self) { compeltitionHandler(key as MyEnum) }
for key in EnumB.all(EnumB.self) { compeltitionHandler(key as MyEnum) }
for key in EnumC.all(EnumC.self) { compeltitionHandler(key as MyEnum) }
let iterator = MyDataEnumIterator()
iterator.EnumIterator{ key in
let value = "\(key)"
iterator.updateData(key, value)
Here is a sane version of the code that removes all the nonsense, and adds subscript syntax:
// MARK : - MyEnum Protocol
protocol MyEnum {
static func all() -> [MyEnum]
// MARK : - My enums
enum EnumA: MyEnum {
case first
static func all() -> [MyEnum] { return [EnumA.first] }
enum EnumB: MyEnum {
case first
static func all() -> [MyEnum] { return [EnumB.first] }
enum EnumC: MyEnum {
case first
static func all() -> [MyEnum] { return [EnumC.first] }
// MARK : - MyEnum Data Iterator
class MyDataEnumIterator {
var dataA = [EnumA: String]()
var dataB = [EnumB: String]()
var dataC = [EnumC: String]()
subscript(key: MyEnum) -> String? {
get {
switch key {
case let key as EnumA: return dataA[key]
case let key as EnumB: return dataB[key]
case let key as EnumC: return dataC[key]
default: fatalError("Enum does not exist")
set {
switch key {
case let key as EnumA: dataA[key] = newValue
case let key as EnumB: dataB[key] = newValue
case let key as EnumC: dataC[key] = newValue
default: fatalError("Enum does not exist")
func EnumIterator(_ body: (MyEnum) -> Void) {
let iterator = MyDataEnumIterator()
iterator[$0] = "\($0)"

Can Swift enums be inferred and restricted generically?

I can't find the syntax, but I want to do something like this:
class MyClass {
let stringValue: String // filled in later
let integerValue: Int // filled in later
init(stringValue: String) {
self.stringValue = stringValue
self.integerValue = stringValue.hashValue
init(integerValue: Int) {
self.integerValue = integerValue
self.stringValue = String(integerValue)
extension MyClass {
// This is invalid syntax, but I think you can understand
// vvvvvvvvv I'm trying to give back an enum whose type is inferred
var enumValue<T: enum>: T? {
get {
// This is also invalid; I want to check the type of the enum's raw value
if T is String {
return T(rawValue: self.stringValue)
} else if T is Int {
return T(rawValue: self.integerValue)
} else {
return nil
The usage would be like:
enum MyEnum: String {
case foo
case bar
func baz(_ some: MyClass) {
if let myEnum: MyEnum = some.enumValue {
let some = MyClass(stringValue: "foo")
baz(some) // prints "foo"
Is this possible in Swift? That is, to have a generically-typed field or function whose type is constricted to enums and inferred based on usage, then use that to instantiate an enum value?
A possible solution would be a generic overloaded function:
extension MyClass {
func enumValue<T: RawRepresentable>() -> T? where T.RawValue == String {
return T(rawValue: stringValue)
func enumValue<T: RawRepresentable>() -> T? where T.RawValue == Int {
return T(rawValue: integerValue)
which is then called as
func baz(_ some: MyClass) {
if let myEnum: MyEnum = some.enumValue() {
Alternatively, pass the enum type as an argument:
extension MyClass {
func enumValue<T: RawRepresentable>(_ type: T.Type) -> T? where T.RawValue == String {
return T(rawValue: stringValue)
func enumValue<T: RawRepresentable>(_ type: T.Type) -> T? where T.RawValue == Int {
return T(rawValue: integerValue)
and call it like
func baz(_ some: MyClass) {
if let myEnum = some.enumValue(MyEnum.self) {