Is there a mainframe z/OS image to run in cloud platforms? [closed] - zos

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I might be asking a stupid question. Is there an OS image for mainframe similar to Linux and Windows? what does it mean GCP or a cloud platform says "can run a custom image of an application" ? Is it only within Linux and Windows flavors ? Please refer any learning links for me to understand the basics.

You need a license from IBM to run z/OS, and you must run it on an IBM approved platform. Approved platforms are IBM Z systems (and predecessors), and IBM zPDT environments.
Hercules is not an approved platform, and it is unlawful to run any recent IBM mainframe operating system on Hercules.


Is there a way to run Elasticsearch and Kibana behind the scenes (hidden) via windows cmd? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Currently I'm running Elasticsearch and Kibana in their own console windows. I don't want these console windows to be able to be seen, some users should not be able to be able to view these windows. I wanted to run them in Docker containers, but docker is not compatible with windows server 2012 r2. Would it be possible to create a .bat file to launch Kibana and Elasticsearch, then execute the created .bat file from PowerShell hidden? I have no experience in PowerShell and would prefer a different approach if possible.
It is in the documentation, these are the steps to run elasticsearch as a service in Windows. For Kibana you will need to create a service, you can use something like NSSM to do that. –
1 hour ago

How do I update node-red on the IBM Bluemix website [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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My IBM Bluemix version is out of date,
Is it possible to update my version without doing a complete reinstallation
The documentation describes how to upgrade Node-RED on IBM Cloud here -
You need to set the NODE_MODULES_CACHE environment variable via the IBM Cloud console and they cause you application to restage using the command-line. That will cause it to reinstall the node modules from npm, rather than use the locally cached versions.

SonarQube - Community edition - Reporting Plugin [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have SonarQube 7.0 -Community version.
I was looking for some reporting plugin that would bring the code smells, bugs and other issues in a PDF report.
I found Governance report plugin, but that was only for commercial editions.
Is there any reporting plugin in the community edition that would fit my need?
You can use this open source app:
It is officially available on SonarQube Marketplace.
It generates a docx report and an xlsx file with all issues. You can also generate markdown and csv files based on your own templates.

Looking for GWT Developer Plugin for IE9 standalone installation files [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am looking to download the standalone installation file for GWT Developer plugin for IE9. I searched on Google and found the following URL's but both the URL's don't work...
I tried installing it from within IE9, the installation starts but after a while it fails with The Download Failed message. See below...
Can someone please tell me where I can find the standalone installation file. (I am running Windows 7.)
Thank you!
The first URL you tried has moved to

jcraft, eclipse sftp plugin documentation [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I installed jcraft, but don't know how to use. is there any documentation available?. I googled, checked their site with no help.
THat should be related to this Guide to FTP & WebDAV support, which includes:
Introducing Target Management
Importing a remote directory into the workspace as a project
Exporting a folder to a remote directory
Synchronizing with the remote directory