Create Db sequence with dynamic seq name - spring-data

I would like to create method in spring CrudRepository to create db seq with seq name as a parameter but it doesn't work when I try to pass parameter
#Query(value = "CREATE SEQUENCE if not exists :sequenceName START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1", nativeQuery = true)
void createSequence(#Param("sequenceName") String sequenceName);
But it works when I do sth like
#Query(value = "CREATE SEQUENCE if not exists table_1_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1", nativeQuery = true)
void createSequence();
Could you tell me how I can obtain it and why it doesn't work?

Unfortunelly I didn't find certain definition in a Spring Data reference, but it is obvious that JPA only supports parameters in certain clauses within the query, not in DDL. So:
first: if you really tend to use dynamic DDL, use concatination to build SQL and then execute it by jdbcTemplate.update or entityManager.createNativeQuery("..").executeUpdate()
second: think, is it nesecessary use dynamic DDL? Use Flyway or Liqubase migrations instead to initialize the DB


How to use a list as a parameter source for SQL queries with Vertx JDBC Client?

I have a Vert.x web application that needs to query an AWS RDS instance running Postgres 10.7. The Vert.x JDBC client is io.vertx:vertx-jdbc-client:3.8.4. I want to query a table with the constraint that a certain column's value is included in a set of values:
select from table where column in/any (?)
I followed the Vertx documentation, which says to create a JsonArray and populate it with the values to inject into the query. The column is of type text and the list that I want to match on is a Java ArrayList<String>. My query code looks like:
String sql = "SELECT a FROM table WHERE col IN (?)";
List<String> values = someObject.someField();
sqlClient.getConnection(connectionResult -> {
if (connectionResult.failed()) {
// handle
} else {
SQLConnection connection = connectionResult.result();
JsonArray params = new JsonArray()
connection.queryWithParams(sql, params, queryResult -> {
if (queryResult.failed()) {
// handle
} else {
// parse
The query fails with the error: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Can't infer the SQL type to use for an instance of io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray. Use setObject() with an explicit Types value to specify the type to use.
I know that in the worst case, I can create a literal SQL string where col in (?, ?, ?, ..., ?) and add each String from the list to a JsonArray, but there must be a way to just add the ArrayList<String> as a parameter and keep the query simple. How can I specify a list of values to match against in my query?
The Vert.x JDBC Client does not support array parameters in queries.
However it is possible with the Vert.x Pg Client, which does not depend on JDBC. You need to modify your query first:
SELECT a FROM table WHERE col = ANY(?)
pgClient.preparedQuery(query, Tuple.of(possibleValues), collector, handler);

updateQuery returns 1 but it's not getting reflected in db (spring data jpa)

But updation works with below code snippet
Department department= departmentRepository.findOne(300L);
but then this scenario being onetone mapping it could be a case where i would end up hitting 3 queries which include 2 select queries and one one update query .
To optimize the way i update it i'm trying to use this approach which is not getting updated thought executeUpdate() returns affected row as 1 .
There is a small mistake in your query.
You have used the = operator instead you should have used the like operator
You can also take help of #NamedNativeQueries
#Query(nativeQuery = true)
public List<Department> update(Long id);
#SqlResultSetMapping(name="updateResult", columns = { #ColumnResult(name = "count")})
name = "Department.update",
query = "UPDATE departmemnt SET name like 'rajiv' WHERE id = ?",
resultSetMapping = "updateResult")
NativeQueries works more faster than normal Hibernate Queries
Yeah may this would help , in case of spring data i found a way to make it updatable and since they insist to use #transactional and extend the functionality of jparepository and now it hits only one line of statement
#Modifying(clearAutomatically = true)
#Query("update Department d set =:name where")
int update(#Param("name")String name,#Param("id")Long id);
in case if i choose to for nativeQuery
#Modifying(clearAutomatically = true)
#Query(value="update Department d set =:name where",nativeQuery=true)
int update(#Param("name")String name,#Param("id")Long id);

mybatis - Passing multiple parameters on #One annotation

I am trying to access a table in my Secondary DB whose name I am obtaining from my Primary DB. My difficulty is to pass the "DB-Name" as a parameter into my secondary query, (BTW I am using MyBatis annotation based Mappers).
This is my Mapper
#SelectProvider(type = DealerQueryBuilder.class, method = "retrieveDealerListQuery")
#Result(property="dealerID", column="frm_dealer_master_id"),
#Result(property="dealerTypeID", column="frm_dealer_type_id", one=#One(select="retrieveDealerTypeDAO")),
#Result(property="dealerName", column="frm_dealer_name")
public List<Dealer> retrieveDealerListDAO(#Param("firmDBName") String firmDBName);
#Select("SELECT * from ${firmDBName}.frm_dealer_type where frm_dealer_type_id=#{frm_dealer_type_id}")
#Result(property="dealerTypeID", column="frm_dealer_type_id"),
#Result(property="dealerType", column="frm_dealer_type")
public DealerType retrieveDealerTypeDAO(#Param("firmDBName") String firmDBName, #Param("frm_dealer_type_id") int frm_dealer_type_id);
The firmDBName I have is obtained from my "Primary DB".
If I omit ${firmDBName} in my second query, the query is trying to access my Primary Database and throws out table "PrimaryDB.frm_dealer_type" not found. So it is basically trying to search for a table named "frm_dealer_type" in my Primary DB.
If I try to re-write the #Result like
#Result(property="dealerTypeID", column="firmDBName=firmDBName, frm_dealer_type_id=frm_dealer_type_id", one=#One(select="retrieveDealerTypeDAO")),
It throws an error that Column"firmDBName" does not exist.
Changing ${firmDBName} to #{firmDBName} also did not help.
I did refer to this blog - here
I want a solution to pass my parameter firmDBName from my primary query into secondary query.
The limitation here is that your column must be returned by the first #SELECT.
If you look at the test case here you will see that parent_xxx values returned by the first Select.
Your DealerQueryBuilder must select firmDBName as a return value and your column must map the name of the return column to that.
Your column definition is always wrong, it should be:
{frm_dealer_type_id=frm_dealer_type_id,firmDBName=firmDBName} or whatever it was returned as from your first select.
Again you can refer to the test case I have above as well as the documentation here

Injecting JSON parameter in nativeQuery of Spring JPA

I have a table with a JSONB column. In my project I am using Spring JPA and to query that column I want to use nativeQuery. My problem is to inject varibale into the query like below:
#Query(nativeQuery = true, value = "SELECT * FROM items WHERE item_json -> 'attributes' #> '{\"Param1\": \"" + :param + "\"}' ")
List<Items> findByParameter(#Param("param") String param);
The above query does not work as param is not considered as JPA parameter. I am wondering if anyone knows how to do this? or I should do it in another way?

Passing List<Integer> in spring data jpa native query

Using spring data JPA, I am trying to make this sort of query (it is more complex, this is a simple case)
#Query(nativeQuery = true,
value = "SELECT * FROM events WHERE typeId IN (?1)")
List<Event> findEventsByType(List<Integer> types);
When I launch the query, an exception raises:
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Can't infer the SQL type to use for an instance of java.util.ArrayList. Use setObject() with an explicit Types value to specify the type to use.
I have tried List < Integer >, Integer[], Object[] and String but it is not working...
Can't I pass list of values?
Which is the best approach to make this sort of queries?
Try taking away the #Query and make the method name:
public List<Event> findByTypeIn(List<Integer> types);
See table 2.2 in the link:
I tried like below and it works for me.
#Query(value = "select * from events where type_id in :types", nativeQuery = true)
List<Event> findEventsByType(#Param("types") List<Integer> types);
#Query(value = "SELECT c from Company c where " +
"c.companyName IN (:company_names)")
List<Company> findCompaniesByName(#Param("company_names") List<String> companyNames);
This is the solution to your problem.
Here I am passing List which contains company names and I am querying DB and storing result in List.
Hope this hepls!
Use JPQL. A native query is or should be passed to the database exactly as you have created the SQL string, and unless your driver can take a serialized collection and understand that the single parameter needs to be interpreted as many, it just won't work. The collection you pass in needs the SQL expanded from (?) to (?, ?,...) based on the number of elements in a collection, and JDBC drivers just are not able to do this, and JPA providers are required to execute the string as is.
A JPQL query allows the JPA provider to create the SQL it needs dynamically based on the list passed in, so it can expand the collection for you.
Try this. It will work for Native Query in SpringBoot JPA:
#Query(value = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE columnName IN (:inputList)" ,
nativeQuery = true)
List<Object> findByObjectList(#Param("inputList") List<Object> inputList);
And also in case of JPA, try the below :
List<Object> findByObjectList(List<Object> inputList)
I know this is a little bit out of context (we use Update and not Select), but this can be usefull for others :
* Update the state of list of entities using their ids
* #param ids request ids
* #param state new state
* #return
#Query(value = "UPDATE AbstractRequest SET state = :state WHERE id IN (:ids)")
int updateStates(#Param("ids") List<Long> ids, #Param("state") InternalRequestStep state);
pass array this way inside IN Clause
#Query(value = "select name from teams where name in :names", nativeQuery = true)
List<String> getNames(#Param("names") String[] names);
Call this way
String[] names = {"testing team","development team"};
List<String> teamtest = teamRepository.getNames(names);
Remove brackets around (?1) parameter. Your query value should look like that:
#Query(value = "SELECT * FROM events WHERE typeId IN ?1")
try querying like this:
#Query(nativeQuery = true,
value = "SELECT * FROM events WHERE typeId = ?1")
List<Event> findEventsByType(List<Integer> types);
did it work?