Charles Proxy Rewrite & MapLocal - how to match exact query - charles-proxy

I only want to return certain response specifically for /path/embed=profile&prefetch=true&couples_only=false and NOT embed=profile&prefetch=true&couples_only=false&ANYTHINGELSE
But Charles seems to be treating the 2 queries the same
What I've tried
/path/embed=profile&prefetch=true&couples_only=false? - hoping the ? will match 1 character or nothing, ruling out the wanted longer queries
embed=profile&prefetch=true&couples_only=false(?!&) - standard regex, tested in
What else can I do?

From what I remember, it's a bug and it hasn't fixed ever since.
You might try Proxyman, which is similar to Charles and it will solve your problem.
Here is the step:
Setup the certificate on your macOS (Certificate -> Install on macOS)
Make a request
Right-click to show a menu context -> Tool -> Map Local or Breakpoint
Create a rule with default value -> It will match exactly the query as you wish.
For the Map Local, you can modify the local file in the Editor.
For the Scripting (It's the same with ReWrite, but write by Javascript)
Disclaimer: I create this app. Hope that it can help you for daily works.


Where to find "Log Dyld API Usage" and "Log Library Loads" on XCode 11?

I want to disable the printing of Logging Dynamic loader events (dyld) in the XCode console. I found a solution here.
But I couldn't find Log Dyld API Usage and Log Library Loads options in product scheme diagnostics of XCode 11. Please help me find them.
PS: If there is a new process in Xcode11 for disabling logs, please let me know.
Answer: This step by step solution is suggested below in the answers. I am just attaching this picture for a better understanding.
Dynamic loader
Events environment variables
One would say that you can set environment variables like DYLD_PRINT_APIS=0, DYLD_PRINT_APIS=false, DYLD_PRINT_APIS=no, ... but it doesn't work in this way. Check the source code:
else if ( strcmp(key, "DYLD_PRINT_APIS") == 0 ) {
gLogAPIs = true;
In other words gLogAPIs is true when the variable exists. You can set it to whatever value, keep it empty, it will be always enabled if the variable exists.
Xcode scheme
UI for this setting is gone in the Xcode 11, but it can still be in the scheme file. Let's say that you have a simple project Foo. The scheme is located at Foo/Foo.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/Foo.xcscheme1). It's a XML file. Quit Xcode and open this file in any editor and search for the LaunchAction element.
There will be:
LaunchAction element attribute like enableAddressSanitizer = "YES"2) or
DYLD_... environment variable set.
Just remove this attribute/environment variable and you should be fine.
1) The exact path can vary, because it the scheme can be included in the workspace, project, ...
2) I don't have a previous version (10) of Xcode installed, can't check for the exact name, but it should be there and it will be obvious which one it is. This one, I used, is for the Address Sanitizer checkbox. If you find the exact name, let me know and I will update this answer or answer it yourself and I'll delete this one.
Instructions above helped OP to find exact XML element names. One has to remove:
LaunchAction/AdditionalOptions/AdditionalOption elements
where the key is either DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES and/or DYLD_PRINT_APIS

What does the parameter "cvid" in Bing search engine stands for?

As I searching something with Bing and I open the Chrome development tools. Here is the request url:
So, what does the parameter "cvid" stands for? It seems if i don't set a cvid,i can't get the complete result html in my program.
By the way, the cvid is calculated by the browser automaticlly, so how to calculate?
In the Bing search context, cvid represents the JavaScript parameter ConversationId. Bing uses this key to identify your search result collection as its reply to your query, q. Similarly, pq is PartialQuery. These and other parameters may also apply to different kinds of searches, such as image or video searches.
Next, qs is your query's SuggestionType, sc shows your SuggestionCount, and from the suggestion list (dropped down, if enabled), sp shows the SuggestionPosition you chose. In your case, you did not select a suggestion, so &sp=-1. Toward the end of your string, sk is the SkipValue, because you might skip through your result pages, first tells the issuer how many results belong on the first page, and I'll let you figure out what FORM means. ;)
Navigate to Bing, conduct a search, choose some options, change your displays, and change some search types. Next, open file explorer and navigate to your Windows OS equivalent of the following path.
Next, you may need to adjust your View temporarily to "Show hidden files, folders, and drives." View tab > Options > Change... > View tab again, and click the bullet to "Show...".
In File Explorer's Search pane at the upper right, enter *.js to find all JavaScript files. It may point you several subfolders deeper, and the folder names may be hashed. Choose a JavaScript file you find interesting, right-click the file, and open it with Notepad, your favorite IDE, or some similar editor. You should see something akin to this (truncated; may not run independently):
var AutoSuggest,__extends,Bing,sa_inst;(function(n){var t;(function(n){var t,i,r,u,f,e;(function(n){n.User="SRCHHPGUSR"})(t=n.CookieNames||(n.CookieNames={})),function(n){n.AutoSuggest="AS"}(i=n.CrumbNames||(n.CrumbNames={})),function(n){n.CursorPosition="cp";n.ConversationId="cvid";n.SuggestionCount="sc";n.PartialQuery="pq";n.SuggestionPosition="sp";n.SuggestionType="qs";n.PreviewPaneSuggestionType="qsc";n.SkipValue="sk";n.PreviewPaneSkipValue="skc";n.Ghosting="ghc";n.Css="css";n.Count="count";n.DataSet="ds";n.SessionId="sid";n.TimeStamp="qt";n.Query="q";n.ImpressionGuid="ig";n.QFQuery="qry";n.BaseQuery="bq";n.FormCode="form";n.HashedMuid="nclid";n.RequestElToken="elvr";n.ElTokenValue="elv";n.AppId="appid";n.History="history";n.NoHistory="nohs";n.ApiTextDecoration="textdecorations";n.ClientId="clientid";n.Market="mkt";n.Scope="scope";n.CountryCode="cc";n.HomeGeographicRegion="hgr";n.SetLang="setlang";n.ZeroInputSerp="zis"}(r=n.QueryParams||(n.QueryParams={}))
I hope that helps someone! :D
I'm also trying to find out what this is :)
I'm pretty sure it's an encryption mechanism for bing a la public key cryptography, though I could be wildly wrong. There is another field called pq - and p's and q's are used a lot in crypto theory.
The field is 32 nibbles (e.g. 8D0E519A91024A08B075654D006C0A14) which equals 128 bits. This number results in some arithmetic operation with the binary value of your search and bing's private key - thus making url generation quite difficult.

Why would LayoutObjectNames return an empty string in FileMaker 14?

I'm seeing some very strange behavior with FileMaker 14. I'm using LayoutObjectNames for some required functionality. On the development system it's working fine. It returns the list of named objects on the layout.
I close the file, zip it up and send it to the client, and that required functionality isn't working. He sends the file back and I open it and get a data viewer up. The function returns nothing. I go into layout mode and confirm that there are named objects on the layout.
The first time this happened and I tried recovering the file. In the recovered file it worked, so I assumed some corruption had happened on his end. I told him to trash the file I had given him and work with a new version I supplied. The problem came up again.
This morning he sent me the oldest version that the problem manifested in. I confirmed the problem, tried recovering it again, but this time it didn't fix the problem.
I'm at a loss. It works in the version I send him, doesn't on his system. We're both using FileMaker 14, although I'm using Advanced. My next step will be to work from a served file instead of a local one, but I have never seen this type of behavior in FileMaker. Has anyone seen anything similar? Any ideas on a fix? I'm almost ready to just scrap the file and build it again from scratch since we're not too far into the project.
Thanks, Chuck
There is a known issue with the Get (FileName) function when the file name contains dots (other that the one before the extension). I will amend my answer later with more details and a possible solution (I have to look it up).
Here's a quote from 2008:
This is a known issue. It affects not only the ValueListItems()
function, but any function that requires the file name. The solution
is to include the file extension explicitly in the file name. This
works even if you use Get (FileName) to return the file name
ValueListItems ( Get ( FileName ) & ".fp7" ; "MyValueList" )
Of course, this is not required if you take care not to use period
when naming your files.
Apparently the issue is still with us - I wonder if the solution is still the same (I cannot test this at the moment).

Use the tree-view in Atom editor init script

I'm trying to write a init script for the Atom editor to add a custom command to be able to reveal the currently opened editor file in the tree-view with one key combination, instead of two.
Here is an example code (which makes something different) to make clear how it generally has to look like.
atom.commands.add 'atom-editor', 'custom:cut-line', ->
editor = atom.workspace.getActiveEditor()
The two commands I need should not be sent to the editor, but to the tree-view. Here are the two commands:
I assume I have to do something similar as above, like getActiveTreeView or something like that. I tried to google it but it doesn't seem to be obvious. Does someone know how to do this?
It could look something like this:
atom.commands.add 'atom-editor', 'custom:show-active-file', ->
You can use the atom.commands.dispatch() method to send a command when getting a hold of the object to send the commands to is hard. In your case, you can use:
atom.commands.add 'atom-editor', 'custom:show-active-file', ->
atom.commands.dispatch(atom.workspaceView.element, 'tree-view:toggle-focus')
atom.commands.dispatch(atom.workspaceView.element, 'tree-view:reveal-active-file')
Sadly, Lee's answer is not correct anymore. Within changes in the API the changed the naming of atom.workspaceView to atom.workspace.
So, if anyone gets here (sure questions and answer is a "bit" old), here's the current working script.
atom.commands.add 'atom-editor', 'custom:show-active-file', ->
atom.commands.dispatch(atom.workspace.element, 'tree-view:toggle-focus')
atom.commands.dispatch(atom.workspace.element, 'tree-view:reveal-active-file')

How could I embedded socket in Lua internally, just like oslib, debuglib?

I want to implement the function like embedding the socket function in my Lua build.
So I don't need to copy socket.core.dll any more (just for fun).
I search the maillist, and see some guys discuss the topic,
But I have question for the details steps, who could give me a detailed steps for changing the lua and luasocket code to make them work together (not with dll method).
I tried these steps in windows xp with VC2008:
1) copy luasocket code to Lua project.
2) add some code
static const luaL_Reg lualibs[] = {
{"", luaopen_base},
{LUA_LOADLIBNAME, luaopen_package},
{LUA_TABLIBNAME, luaopen_table},
{LUA_IOLIBNAME, luaopen_io},
{LUA_OSLIBNAME, luaopen_os},
{LUA_STRLIBNAME, luaopen_string},
{LUA_MATHLIBNAME, luaopen_math},
{LUA_DBLIBNAME, luaopen_debug},
{LUA_SOCKETLIBNAME, luaopen_socket_core}, // add this line
{LUA_MIMELIBNAME, luaopen_socket_core}, // add this line
3) build the project, and run it.
When I type print(socket._VERSION), it shows luasocket 2.0.2, it is correct.
When I type print(socket.dns.toip("localhost")), it shows table: 00480AD0, it is correct too.
But when I try to use other features, for example bind, it can't work.
Who could tell me the reason?
you need put luasocket stuff into the package.preload table, in this way:
lua_getfield(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, "package");
lua_getfield(L, -1, "preload");
lua_pushcfunction(L, luaopen_socket_core);
lua_setfield(L, -2, "socket.core");
// add mime.core yourself...
luasocket is a mixed C/lua module, you need to bundle both versions into your application if you want it to work without any extra files.
socket.lua loads socket.core (from socket/core.dll)
mime.lua loads mime.core (from mime/core.dll)
So in order for your application to work you will need to build all the .dll files and the .lua files into your application and manually load them (or set them up to be loaded correctly via custom package loaders).
The email you quoted is tweaking the package.preload table (in a way that appears a tad odd now but might work anyway) to get the built-in C code to be loaded correctly when require is called.
Try running
for k, v in pairs(socket) do print(k, v) end
and maybe we'll be able to help.