How to apply partition by in lag function using postrgresql - postgresql

I have a table like as shown below
subject_id, date_inside, value
1 2110-02-12 19:41:00 1.3
1 2110-02-15 01:40:00 1.4
1 2110-02-15 02:40:00 1.5
2 2110-04-15 04:07:00 1.6
2 2110-04-15 08:00:00 1.7
2 2110-04-15 18:30:00 1.8
I would like to compute the date difference between consecutive rows for each subject
I tried the below
select a.subject_id,a.date_inside, a.value,
a. date_inside- lag(a. date_inside) over (order by a. date_inside) as difference
from table1 a
While the above works, I am not able to apply partition by for each subject. So, it ends up calculating the difference for all the rows (without considering the subject_id). Basically, the last row of each subject has to be null because that's his or her last row (and should not be subtracted from consecutive record of the next subject)
I expect my output to be like as shown below
subject_id, date_inside, difference
1 2110-02-12 19:41:00 66 hours
1 2110-02-15 01:40:00 1 hour
1 2110-02-15 02:40:00 NULL
2 2110-04-15 04:07:00 3 hours, 53 minutes
2 2110-04-15 08:00:00 10 hours, 30 minutes
2 2110-04-15 18:30:00 NULL

Just add a PARTITION BY clause, and also your expected output seems to want LEAD, not LAG:
SELECT subject_id, date_inside, value,
LEAD(date_inside) OVER (PARTITION BY subject_id ORDER BY date_inside)
- date_inside AS difference
FROM table1

Think of "partition by" to be simiar to how you could use "group by". In this case the logical boundaries are determined by subject_id so just include as part of the over clause:
select a.subject_id,a.date_inside, a.value,
a.date_inside - lag(a.date_inside) over (partition by a.subject_id order by a.date_inside) as difference
from table1


PostgreSQL select statement to return rows after where condition

I am working on a query to return the next 7 days worth of data every time an event happens indicated by "where event = 1". The goal is to then group all the data by the user id and perform aggregate functions on this data after the event happens - the event is encoded as binary [0, 1].
So far, I have been attempting to use nested select statements to structure the data how I would like to have it, but using the window functions is starting to restrict me. I am now thinking a self join could be more appropriate but need help in constructing such a query.
The query currently first creates daily aggregate values grouped by user and date (3rd level nested select). Then, the 2nd level sums the data "value_x" to obtain an aggregate value grouped by the user. Then, the 1st level nested select statement uses the lead function to grab the next rows value over and partitioned by each user which acts as selecting the next day's value when event = 1. Lastly, the select statement uses an aggregate function to calculate the average "sum_next_day_value_after_event" grouped by user and where event = 1. Put together, where event = 1, the query returns the avg(value_x) of the next row's total value_x.
However, this doesn't follow my time rule; "where event = 1", return the next 7 days worth of data after the event happens. If there is not 7 days worth of data, then return whatever data is <= 7 days. Yes, I currently only have one lead with the offset as 1, but you could just put 6 more of these functions to grab the next 6 rows. But, the lead function currently just grabs the next row without regard to date. So theoretically, the next row's "value_x" could actually be 15 days from where "event = 1". Also, as can be seen below in the data table, a user may have more than one row per day.
Here is the following query I have so far:
avg(f.sum_next_day_value_after_event) as sum_next_day_values
from (
lead(bld.value_x, 1) over(partition by bld.user_id order by bld.daily) as sum_next_day_value_after_event
from (
sum(l.value_x) as sum_daily_value_x
from (
user_id, value_x, date_part('day', day_ts) as daily
from table_1
group by date_part('day', day_ts), user_id, value_x) l
group by l.user_id, l.day_ts
order by l.user_id) bld) f
group by f.user_id
Below is a snippet of the data from table_1:
4/2/21 07:37
4/2/21 07:42
4/2/21 09:14
4/5/21 10:09
4/5/21 10:24
4/8/21 11:08
4/15/21 13:09
4/16/21 14:23
4/29/21 14:34
4/4/21 15:31
4/5/21 15:23
4/17/21 18:58
4/17/21 19:00
4/18/21 19:57
4/23/21 20:02
4/29/21 20:39
4/30/21 21:46
Technical details:
PostgreSQL, supported by EDB, version = 14.1
pgAdmin4, version 5.7
Thanks for the help!
"The query currently first creates daily aggregate values"
I don't see any aggregate function in your first query, so that the GROUP BY clause is useless.
user_id, value_x, date_part('day', day_ts) as daily
from table_1
group by date_part('day', day_ts), user_id, value_x
could be simplified as
user_id, value_x, date_part('day', day_ts) as daily
from table_1
which in turn provides no real added value, so this first query could be removed and the second query would become :
select user_id
, date_part('day', day_ts) as daily
, sum(value_x) as sum_daily_value_x
from table_1
group by user_id, date_part('day', day_ts)
The order by user_id clause can also be removed at this step.
Now if you want to calculate the average value of the sum_daily_value_x in the period of 7 days after the event (I'm referring to the avg() function in your top query), you can use avg() as a window function that you can restrict to the period of 7 days after the event :
select f.user_id
, avg(f.sum_daily_value_x) over (order by f.daily range between current row and '7 days' following) as sum_next_day_values
from (
select user_id
, date_part('day', day_ts) as daily
, sum(value_x) as sum_daily_value_x
from table_1
group by user_id, date_part('day', day_ts)
) AS f
group by f.user_id
The partition by f.user_id clause in the window function is useless because the rows have already been grouped by f.user_id before the window function is applied.
You can replace the avg() window function by any other one, for instance sum() which could better fit with the alias sum_next_day_values

Postgres find where dates are NOT overlapping between two tables

I have two tables and I am trying to find data gaps in them where the dates do not overlap.
Item Table:
id unique start_date end_date data
1 a 2019-01-01 2019-01-31 X
2 a 2019-02-01 2019-02-28 Y
3 b 2019-01-01 2019-06-30 Y
Plan Table:
id item_unique start_date end_date
1 a 2019-01-01 2019-01-10
2 a 2019-01-15 'infinity'
I am trying to find a way to produce the following
item_unique from to
a 2019-01-11 2019-01-14
b 2019-01-01 2019-06-30
step-by-step demo:db<>fiddle
WITH excepts AS (
generate_series(start_date, end_date, interval '1 day') gs
FROM items
generate_series(start_date, CASE WHEN end_date = 'infinity' THEN ( SELECT MAX(end_date) as max_date FROM items) ELSE end_date END, interval '1 day')
FROM plan
MIN(gs::date) AS start_date,
MAX(gs::date) AS end_date
SUM(same_day) OVER (PARTITION BY item ORDER BY gs)
COALESCE((gs - LAG(gs) OVER (PARTITION BY item ORDER BY gs) >= interval '2 days')::int, 0) as same_day
FROM excepts
) s
) s
GROUP BY item, sum
Finding the missing days is quite simple. This is done within the WITH clause:
Generating all days of the date range and subtract this result from the expanded list of the second table. All dates that not occur in the second table are keeping. The infinity end is a little bit tricky, so I replaced the infinity occurrence with the max date of the first table. This avoids expanding an infinite list of dates.
The more interesting part is to reaggregate this list again, which is the part outside the WITH clause:
The lag() window function take the previous date. If the previous date in the list is the last day then give out true (here a time changing issue occurred: This is why I am not asking for a one day difference, but a 2-day-difference. Between 2019-03-31 and 2019-04-01 there are only 23 hours because of daylight saving time)
These 0 and 1 values are aggregated cumulatively. If there is one gap greater than one day, it is a new interval (the days between are covered)
This results in a groupable column which can be used to aggregate and find the max and min date of each interval
Tried something with date ranges which seems to be a better way, especially for avoiding to expand long date lists. But didn't come up with a proper solution. Maybe someone else?

TSQL Row Number split by reference and date

Using a single table with a reference and date column example below, how could I produce the out below to split the row number. The same reference on the same day should show as the same row number.
example below;
MAINFRAJOB SyncDate Row Number
7861 02/10/2019 1
7861 02/10/2019 1
7861 03/10/2019 2
1045679 25/09/2019 1
10233649 03/10/2019 1
10233652 04/10/2019 1
10233652 04/10/2019 1
10233652 06/10/2019 2
123456789 02/10/2019 1
123456789 02/10/2019 1
123456789 03/10/2019 2
123456789 04/10/2019 3
I have tried this but it is not producing the correct results;
ROW_NUMBER()over(partition by cast(ard.SyncDate as date), ard.actionref order by cast(ard.SyncDate as date) desc) AS 'RowNo'
Thanks for any guidance.
I think you are really looking for Dense_Rank() as BarneyL mentioned, but you also want to partition by MAINFRAJOB
Select *
,Row_Number = DENSE_RANK() over (Partition By [MAINFRAJOB] Order by [SyncDate])
From YourTable
Try DENSE_RANK instead, you also need to remove the date from the partition otherwise it resets to 1 each date change:
DENSE_RANK()over(partition by cast(ard.SyncDate as date), ard.actionref order by cast(ard.SyncDate as date) desc) AS 'RowNo'

SQL - how to sum groups of 15 rows and find the max sum

The purpose of this question is to optimize some SQL by using set-based operations vs iterative (looping, like I'm doing below):
Some Explanation -
I have this cte that is inserted to a temp table #dataForPeak. Each row represents a minute, and a respective value retrieved.
For every row, my code uses a while loop to add 15 rows at a time (the current row + the next 14 rows). These sums are inserted into another temp table #PeakDemandIntervals, which is my workaround for then finding the max sum of these groups of 15.
I've bolded my end goal above. My code achieves this but in about 12 seconds for 26k rows. I'll be looking at much more data, so I know this is not enough for my use case.
My question is,
can anyone help me find a fast alternative to this loop?
It can include more tables, CTEs, nested queries, whatever. The while loop might not even be the issue, it's probably the inner code.
insert into #dataForPeak
select timestamp, value
from cte
order by timestamp;
while ##ROWCOUNT<>0
declare #timestamp datetime = (select top 1 timestamp from #dataForPeak);
insert into #PeakDemandIntervals
select #timestamp, sum(interval.value) as peak
from (select * from #dataForPeak base
where base.timestamp >= #timestamp
and base.timestamp < DATEADD(minute,14,#timestamp)
) interval;
delete from #dataForPeak where timestamp = #timestamp;
select max(peak)
from #PeakDemandIntervals;
Here's an example of my goal, using groups of 3min instead of 15min.
Given the data:
Time | Value
1:50 | 2
1:51 | 4
1:52 | 6
1:53 | 8
1:54 | 6
1:55 | 4
1:56 | 2
the max sum (peak) I'm looking for is 20, because the group
1:52 | 6
1:53 | 8
1:54 | 6
has the highest sum.
Let me know if I need to clarify more than that.
Based on the example given it seems like you are trying to get the maximum value of a rolling sum. You can calculate the 15-minute rolling sum very easily as follow:
,SUM([Value]) OVER (ORDER BY [Time] ASC ROWS 14 PRECEDING) [RollingSum]
FROM #dataForPeak
Note the key here is the ROWS 14 PRECEDING statement. It effectively state that SQL Server should sum the preceding 14 records with the current record which will give you your 15 minute interval.
Now you can simply max the result of the rolling sum. The full query will look as follow:
;WITH CTE_RollingSum
,SUM([Value]) OVER (ORDER BY [Time] ASC ROWS 14 PRECEDING) [RollingSum]
FROM #dataForPeak
SELECT MAX([RollingSum]) AS Peak
FROM CTE_RollingSum

SELECT record based upon dates

Assuming data such as the following:
ID EffDate Rate
1 12/12/2011 100
1 01/01/2012 110
1 02/01/2012 120
2 01/01/2012 40
2 02/01/2012 50
3 01/01/2012 25
3 03/01/2012 30
3 05/01/2012 35
How would I find the rate for ID 2 as of 1/15/2012?
Or, the rate for ID 1 for 1/15/2012?
In other words, how do I do a query that finds the correct rate when the date falls between the EffDate for two records? (Rate should be for the date prior to the selected date).
How about this:
FROM Table1
WHERE ID = 1 AND EffDate = (
FROM Table1
WHERE ID = 1 AND EffDate <= '2012-15-01');
Here's an SQL Fiddle to play with. I assume here that 'ID/EffDate' pair is unique for all table (at least the opposite doesn't make sense).
SELECT TOP 1 Rate FROM the_table
WHERE ID=whatever AND EffDate <='whatever'
if I read you right.
(edited to suit my idea of ms-sql which I have no idea about).