'TypeError: function missing 1 required positional arguments' : Ultrasonic distance sensor interfacing with Rasberry Pi Pico - micropython

I am trying to read distance using Raspberry Pi Pico and ultrasonic distance sensor. While running the code in Thonny, I am getting the error,
TypeError: function missing 1 required positional arguments
The code is as below:
from machine import Pin, Timer
import utime
timer = Timer
trigger = Pin(3, Pin.OUT)
echo = Pin(2, Pin.IN)
distance = 0
def get_distance(timer):
global distance
while echo.value() == 0:
start = utime.ticks_us()
while echo.value() == 1:
stop = utime.ticks_us()
timepassed = stop - start
distance = (timepassed * 0.0343) / 2
print("The distance from object is ",distance,"cm")
return distance
timer.init(freq=1, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=get_distance)
while True:

Your initial problem is that you aren't using timer as an argument to your get_distance call, but you have bigger problems than that. You are using a timer to call get_distance but you are also calling get_distance in a loop. To top it off you have 2 blocking while loops in your get_distance function. Who knows how long the value of echo will stay 1 or 0. Will it stay one of those values longer than the next invocation from Timer? If so, you are going to have big problems. What you want to do is send periodic pulses to the pin to check the values. This can be done as below. This code isn't tested (although, it probably works). It is at least a solid gist of the direction you should be moving toward.
import machine, utime
trigger = machine.Pin(3, machine.Pin.OUT)
echo = machine.Pin(2, machine.Pin.IN)
def get_distance(timer):
global echo, trigger #you probably don't need this line
pt = machine.time_pulse_us(echo, 1, 50000)
print("The distance from object is {} cm".format((pt/2)/29.1))
timer = machine.Timer(-1)
timer.init(mode=machine.Timer.PERIODIC, period=500, callback=get_distance)
Parts of this code were borrowed from here and reformatted to fit your design. I was too lazy to figure out how to effectively get rid of your while loops so, I just let the internet give me that answer (machine.time_pulse_us(echo, 1, 50000)).

Many of the ultrasonic units, such as the SRF04 nominally operate at 5V, so you could have problems if that's what you are using.
The v53l0x is a laser-based time-of flight device. It only works over short ranges (about a metre or so, but it definitely works with 3.3 V on a Pico with micropython and Thonny


How to use functions in the command window of Dymola?

I am working with Dymola, and try to use the functions provided by Modelica standard library in the command window, but it seems that I can't use them, and I couldn't claim a variable of a specific type either. I am wondering if there is some kind of limit of the command I could use in the command window of Dymola. Where should I find all the allowable commands?
I try to use some functions from Modelica.Media, it seems the input variables are out of range, but I tried a lot of times and different units system. I find that I can't declare a variable of pressure type in the command window, but Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.h_pT() requires that I need to provide the variable as pressure and enthalpy type, is this the reason I can't use this function in the command window?
Failed to expand Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.h_props_pT(
phase = 1,
region = 1,
p = 1000000.0,
T = 800.0,
h = 9.577648835649013E+20,
R = 461.526,
cp = 1.8074392528071426E+20,
cv = -3.7247229288028774E+18,
rho = 5.195917767496603E-13,
s = 1.2052984524009106E+18,
pt = 645518.9415389205,
pd = 6.693617079374418E+18,
vt = 357209983199.2206,
vp = -553368.7088215105,
x = 0.0,
dpT = 645518.9415389205
Failed to expand Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.h_pT(1000000.0, 800, 1).
Assuming the inputs are valid there seems to be an issue specifically related to evaluating some media-functions interactively in Dymola (since they shouldn't be evaluated in models). It will be corrected in Dymola 2022x.
A temporary work-around is to first set the flag Advanced.SemiLinear = false; and then:
= 9.577648835649013E+20
(I'm not sure how valid the formulation is in that region.)
But please remember to set Advanced.SemiLinear = true; before translating and simulating any models - in particular models using media-functions.
The problem is that you are giving the function an invalid input. It seems Dymola does not give you the error-message for this based on the screenshot and logs you provided. I tried it in OpenModelica and got:
Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.h_pT(100e5, 500e3)
[Modelica 4.0.0/Media/Water/IF97_Utilities.mo:2245:9-2246:77] Error: assert triggered: IF97 medium function g5: input temperature (= 500000 K) is higher than limit of 2273.15K in region 5
By using a value within the limits, it returns a value:
Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.h_pT(100e5, 1e3)

Is it possible to use callbacks to access a single trajectory in Julia's DifferentialEquations Ensemble Problems?

I am new to Julia and trying to use the Julia package DifferentialEquations to simultaneously solve for several conditions of the same set of coupled ODEs. My system is a model of an experiment and in one of the conditions, I increase the amount of one of the dependent variables at mid-way through the process.
I would like to be able to adjust the condition of this single trajectory, however so far I am only able to adjust all the trajectories at once. Is it possible to access a single one using callbacks? If not, is there a better way to do this?
Here is a simplified example using the lorentz equations for what I want to be doing:
#Differential Equations setup
function lorentz!(du,u,p,t)
du[1]= a*(u[2]-u[1])
#function to cycle through inital conditions
function prob_func(prob,i,repeat)
remake(prob; u0 = u0_arr[i]);
u0_arr = [u01,u02];
#initialising the Ensemble Problem
prob = ODEProblem(lorentz!,u0_arr[1],t_span[1],p);
CombinedProblem = EnsembleProblem(prob,
prob_func = prob_func, #-> (prob),#repeat is a count for how many times the trajectories had been repeated
safetycopy = true # determines whether a safetly deepcopy is called on the prob before the prob_func (sounds best to leave as true for user-given prob_func)
#introducing callback
function condition(u,t,repeat)
return 50 .-t
function affect!(repeat)
repeat.u[1]=repeat.u[1] +50
callback = DifferentialEquations.ContinuousCallback(condition, affect!)
# Plotting for ease of understanding example
I want to produce something like this:
But this code produces:
Thank you for your help!
You can make that callback dependent on a parameter and make the parameter different between problems. For example:
function f(du,u,p,t)
if p == 0
du[1] = 2u[1]
du[1] = -2u[1]
du[2] = -u[2]
condition(t,u,integrator) = u[2] - 0.5
affect!(integrator) = integrator.prob.p = 1
For more information, check out the FAQ on this topic: https://diffeq.sciml.ai/stable/basics/faq/#Switching-ODE-functions-in-the-middle-of-integration

Why is the turtlebot not moving continously?

if __name__ == '__main__':
settings = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin)
pub = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=1)
x = 0
th = 0
node = Gray()
We make the publisher(cmd_vel) in main, and run the main function of class gray.
def __init__(self):
self.r = rospy.Rate(10)
self.selecting_sub_image = "compressed" # you can choose image type "compressed", "raw"
if self.selecting_sub_image == "compressed":
self._sub = rospy.Subscriber('/raspicam_node/image/compressed', CompressedImage, self.callback, queue_size=1)
self._sub = rospy.Subscriber('/usb_cam/image_raw', Image, self.callback, queue_size=1)
self.bridge = CvBridge()
init function makes a subscriber, which runs 'callback' when it gets data.
def main(self):
Then it runs the spin() function.
v, ang = vel_select(lvalue, rvalue, left_angle_num, right_angle_num, left_down, red_dots)
self.sendv(v, ang)
Inside the callback function, it gets a linear speed and angular speed value, and runs a sendv function to send it to the subscribers.
def sendv(self, lin_v, ang_v):
twist = Twist()
speed = rospy.get_param("~speed", 0.5)
turn = rospy.get_param("~turn", 1.0)
twist.linear.x = lin_v * speed
twist.angular.z = ang_v * turn
twist.linear.y, twist.linear.z, twist.angular.x, twist.angular.y = 0, 0, 0, 0
and... sendv function sends it to the turtlebot.
It has to move continuously, because if we do not publish data, it still has to move with the speed it got from the last publish. Also, callback function runs every 0.1 seconds, so it keeps sending data.
But it does not move continously. It stops for a few seconds, and go for a very short time, and stops again, and go for a very short time, and so on. The code which selects the speed works correctly, but the code who sents it to the turtlebot does not work well. Can anyone help?
Also, callback function runs every 0.1 seconds.
I believe this is incorrect. I see that you have made a self.r object but never used it anywhere in the code to achieve an update rate of 10hz. If you want to run the main loop at every 0.1 seconds, you will have to call your commands within the following loop (see rospy-rates) before calling rospy.spin():
self.r = rospy.Rate(10)
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
<user commands>
However, this would not help you either since your code is publishing to /cmd_vel within the subscriber callback which gets called only on receiving some data from the subscriber. So basically, your /cmd_vel is not being published at the rate of 10hz but rather at the rate at which you are receiving the data from the subscribed topic ('/raspicam_node/image/compressed'). Since these are image topics, they might be taking a lot of time to be updated hence the delay in your velocity commands to the robot.

Detect timescale in System Verilog

How do I detect the timescale precision used in a simulation from the source code ?.
Consider I have a configuration parameter(cfg_delay_i) of some delay value given by user in timeunits as fs .If the user gives 1000 , my code has to wait 1000fs or 1ps before executing further.
#(cfg_delay_i * 1fs );//will wait only if timescale is 1ps/1fs
If the timescale precision is 1fs ,there won’t be any problem but if the precision is higher than that it won’t wait and it will work as 0 delay .
So I want to write a code which will determine the timescale used by the user and give the delay accordingly.My expected pseudo-code will be like below,
if(timeprecision == 1fs )#(cfg_delay_i * 1fs ) ;
else if(timeprecision == 1ps )#(cfg_delay_i/1000 * 1ps ) ;
Please help me with the logic to determine the timescale unit and precision internally.
You can write if (int'(1fs)!=0) // the time precision is 1fs and so on. But there's no need to do this.
#(cfg_delay_i/1000.0 * 1ps)
The above works regardless if the precision is 1ps or smaller. Note the use of the real literal 1000.0 to keep the division real. 1ps is already a real number, so the result of the entire expression will be real. You could also do
#(cfg_delay_i/1.e6 * 1ns)
If the time precision at the point where this code is located is greater than 1fs, the result gets rounded to the nearest precision unit. For example if cfg_delay is 500 and the current precision is 1ps, this would get rounded to #1ps.
Do be aware that the user setting cfg_delay has to take the same care to make sure their value is set with the correct scaling/precision.
This seems to work in Vivado
// Example where we need to check the clock frequency or the time of an event
real tscale_unit;
realtime t_edge1;
realtime t_edge2;
realtime t_event;
real clk_freq;
initial begin
t_edge1 = 0.0s;
#1; // Single unit time delay
tscale_unit = $realtime / 1ps; // Normalise the timescale into picoseconds (1*10^-12)
always begin
#(posedge clk);
t_edge2 = t_edge1;
t_edge1 = $realtime;
clk_freq = 1.0s/((t_edge1 - t_edge2) * tscale_unit * 1ps);
always begin
#(posedge event);
t_event = $realtime * tscale_unit * 1ps;

Finding equinox and solstice times with astropy

I would like to use the astropy package to compute the time of equinoxes and solstices. I have worked before with the pyephem package, and it provides easy functions exactly for this: one can, for example, say
>>> print(ephem.next_equinox(ephem.now()))
2019/9/23 07:50:14
and get the time of the next equinox. However, there are no such functions in astropy, so I thought I might try to compute the times by the definition: the vernal equinox is the moment when the ecliptic longitude of the Sun is zero; the summer solstice is the moment when the ecliptic longitude of the Sun is 90° etc.
So it seems that getting the ecliptic longitude of the Sun would be the essential step, and then I could somehow solve that function for time:
def sunEclipticLongitude(t):
sun = astropy.coordinates.get_body('sun', t)
eclipticOfDate = astropy.coordinates.GeocentricTrueEcliptic(equinox=t)
sunEcliptic = sun.transform_to(eclipticOfDate)
return sunEcliptic.lon.deg
My first thought was to use something from scipy.optimize to solve this function for time, but at this point, I got stuck. The Sun's longitude is an angle, so there are obviously many solutions for lon=0 (this year's equinox, next year's equinox ...) How do I find the next time (from a particular origin, for example now) when the Sun's longitude is zero? How do I find the previous time when it was zero? Also, the vernal equinox seems to be a particularly nasty case for solving, since the function has a discontinuity at that point – it jumps from 360 to 0. How to handle that?
To answer your first question, the optimization strategy will still work for periodic functions, but the solution will depend on your optimization starting point. Just pick a point that's already pretty close. You know that equinoxes are Mar 21 and Sep 20 (or something like that), and solstices are June 21 and Dec 21. Pick an arbitrary time of day on those dates, and you'll find the right solution.
As for the discontinuity in the angle, it isn't really there... It's just that in this particular convention you elect to represent angles as numbers between 0 and 360 degrees. But mathematically, the angle of 361 degrees means exactly the same thing as 1 degrees and has just as much right to exist.
As a result, continuous periodic functions like sin(), cos() etc. will not show any discontinuity at that value of the angle (or any other value of the angle that you pick as minimum or maximum).
As you expected, the syzygys can be located using scipy.optimize, via a root-finding function, as in the code snippet below. But rather than looking for the next syzygy, it looks for the nearest one, by picking points 44 days before and after the given date and expecting that there will be one syzygy in between those dates. Since Earth doesn't have seasons shorter than 88 days within plus-or-minus 50,000 years, that's hopefully a pretty safe bet, and the astropy ephemerides aren't accurate for that long anyway. I employed sin(angle*2) in the (poorly named) linearize(angle) code below to convert ecliptic longitudes to a function which crosses zero at each quadrant.
The code is also in a gist, which might get refined: see find syzygy / equinox / solstice with astropy
# Find the nearest syzygy (solstice or equinox) to a given date.
# Solution for https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55838712/finding-equinox-and-solstice-times-with-astropy
# TODO: need to ensure we're using the right sun position functions for the syzygy definition....
import math
from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta
import astropy.coordinates
from scipy.optimize import brentq
from astropy import units as u
# We'll usually find a zero crossing if we look this many days before and after
# given time, except when it is is within a few days of a cross-quarter day.
# But going over 50,000 years back, season lengths can vary from 85 to 98 days!
# https://individual.utoronto.ca/kalendis/seasons.htm#seasons
delta = 44.0
def mjd_to_time(mjd):
"Return a Time object corresponding to the given Modified Julian Date."
return Time(mjd, format='mjd', scale='utc')
def sunEclipticLongitude(mjd):
"Return ecliptic longitude of the sun in degrees at given time (MJD)"
t = mjd_to_time(mjd)
sun = astropy.coordinates.get_body('sun', t)
# TODO: Are these the right functions to call for the definition of syzygy? Geocentric? True?
eclipticOfDate = astropy.coordinates.GeocentricTrueEcliptic(equinox=t)
sunEcliptic = sun.transform_to(eclipticOfDate)
return sunEcliptic.lon.deg
def linearize(angle):
"""Map angle values in degrees near the quadrants of the circle
into smooth functions crossing zero, for root-finding algorithms.
Note that for angles near 90 or 270, increasing angles yield decreasing results
>>> linearize(5) > 0 > linearize(355)
>>> linearize(95) > 0 > linearize(85)
return math.sin(math.radians(angle * 2))
def map_syzygy(t):
"Map times into linear functions crossing zero at each syzygy"
return linearize(sunEclipticLongitude(t))
def find_nearest_syzygy(t):
"""Return the precise Time of the nearest syzygy to the given Time,
which must be within 43 days of one syzygy"
syzygy_mjd = brentq(map_syzygy, t.mjd - delta, t.mjd + delta)
syzygy = mjd_to_time(syzygy_mjd)
syzygy.format = 'isot'
return syzygy
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest
t0 = Time('2019-09-23T07:50:10', format='isot', scale='utc')
td = TimeDelta(1.0 * u.day)
seq = t0 + td * range(0, 365, 15)
for t in seq:
syzygy = find_nearest_syzygy(t)
except ValueError as e:
print(f'{e=}, {t.value=}, {t.mjd-delta=}, {map_syzygy(t.mjd-delta)=}')
print(f'{t.value=}, {syzygy.value=}, {sunEclipticLongitude(syzygy)=}')