How to convert Array of Struct to List Realm? - swift

i want to convert Array from struct to List Realm .
static func mapGenreResponsetoGenreEntity( input genre: [GenreModel]) -> List {
var list = List<GenreEntity>()
return { result in
let newGenre = GenreEntity()
newGenre.gamesCount = result.gamesCount ?? 0 = ?? 0
newGenre.imageBackground = result.imageBackground ?? "Unknown" = ?? "Unknown"
newGenre.slug = result.slug ?? "Unknown"
return list
and the genre is
struct GenreModel: Codable {
let gamesCount : Int?
let id : Int?
let imageBackground : String?
let name : String?
let slug : String?
How can i convert from array genre (Struct) to List realm which is GenreEntity ?

This should just be a matter of adding the new GenreEntity objects to an array and then return the entire array once done.
This should do it
func convertToList(genreArray: [GenreClass]) -> List<GenreEntityRealmModel> {
let genreEntityList = List<GenreEntityRealmModel>()
genreArray.forEach { model in
let genreEntity = GenreEntity()
genreEntity.gamesCount = model.gamesCount
return genreEntityList


passing a struct type as a parameter throwing initialization error

I have the following code which has 3 objects which are then part of a 4th object. I'm getting errors trying to create the init method for the aggregate object (GTFS) because I'm passing (or trying to pass) the type of the 3 component objects (Stop, Route, Trip). I'm not sure why those have to be initialized before just their types being used.
protocol GTFSObject {
static var fileName: String { get }
init(csvRow: [String: String])
struct Stop: GTFSObject {
static let fileName = "stops.txt"
let stopID: String
let stopCode: String
let stopName: String
let stopDesc: String
let stopLat: Double
let stopLon: Double
let locationType: Int
let parentStation: String
init(csvRow: [String: String]) {
self.stopID = csvRow["stop_id"]!
self.stopCode = csvRow["stop_code"]!
self.stopName = csvRow["stop_name"]!
self.stopDesc = csvRow["stop_desc"]!
self.stopLat = Double(csvRow["stop_lat"]!)!
self.stopLon = Double(csvRow["stop_lon"]!)!
self.locationType = Int(csvRow["location_type"]!)!
self.parentStation = csvRow["parent_station"]!
struct Trip: GTFSObject {
static let fileName = "trips.txt"
let routeID: String
let serviceID: String
let tripID: String
init(csvRow: [String: String]) {
tripID = csvRow["trip_id"] ?? ""
routeID = csvRow["route_id"] ?? ""
serviceID = csvRow["service_id"] ?? ""
struct Route: GTFSObject {
static let fileName = "trips.txt"
let routeID: String
let agencyID: String
let routeShortName: String
let routeLongName: String
let routeDesc: String
let routeType: Int
let routeURL: String
let routeColor: String
let routeTextColor: String
init(csvRow: [String: String]) {
routeID = csvRow["route_id"] ?? ""
agencyID = csvRow["agency_id"] ?? ""
routeShortName = csvRow["route_short_name"] ?? ""
routeLongName = csvRow["route_long_name"] ?? ""
routeDesc = csvRow["route_desc"] ?? ""
routeType = Int(csvRow["route_type"] ?? "0") ?? 0
routeURL = csvRow["route_url"] ?? ""
routeColor = csvRow["route_color"] ?? ""
routeTextColor = csvRow["route_text_color"] ?? ""
class GTFS {
let routes: [Route]
let stops: [Stop]
let trips: [Trip]
init(gtfsFolderUrl: URL) {
self.stops = init_struct_from_url(gtfsFolderUrl: gtfsFolderUrl, type: Stop.self)
self.trips = init_struct_from_url(gtfsFolderUrl: gtfsFolderUrl, type: Trip.self)
self.routes = init_struct_from_url(gtfsFolderUrl: gtfsFolderUrl, type: Route.self)
private func init_struct_from_url<GTFSType>(gtfsFolderUrl: URL, type: GTFSType.Type) -> [GTFSType] where GTFSType : GTFSObject{
var returnList: [GTFSType] = []
let rows = try! NamedCSV(url: GTFS_FOLDER_URL.appendingPathComponent(type.fileName), delimiter: CSVDelimiter.comma, loadColumns: false).rows
for row in rows {
returnList.append(type.init(csvRow: row))
return returnList
The error I get is
'self' used in method call 'init_struct_from_url' before all stored properties are initialized
I don't know why I have to initialize the properties of the struct just to pass the type of the struct to this other function. What am I missing?
It's not about the three types that you are passing to init_struct_from_url. It's about the call init_struct_from_url itself.
You are actually calling:
The error is saying that that use of self is not allowed, because self is not initialised. If init_struct_from_url uses a property in self, it could see an uninitialised value.
Since init_struct_from_url doesn't actually use self at all and is just a helper function, you can make it an inner function of init:
init(gtfsFolderUrl: URL) {
func structFromUrl<GTFSType>(gtfsFolderUrl: URL, type: GTFSType.Type) -> [GTFSType] where GTFSType : GTFSObject{
var returnList: [GTFSType] = []
let rows = try! NamedCSV(url: GTFS_FOLDER_URL.appendingPathComponent(type.fileName), delimiter: CSVDelimiter.comma, loadColumns: false).rows
for row in rows {
returnList.append(type.init(csvRow: row))
return returnList
self.stops = structFromUrl(gtfsFolderUrl: gtfsFolderUrl, type: Stop.self)
self.trips = structFromUrl(gtfsFolderUrl: gtfsFolderUrl, type: Trip.self)
self.routes = structFromUrl(gtfsFolderUrl: gtfsFolderUrl, type: Route.self)

Nil data returned when copying "working" json data to new struc array

Weird. I swear this was working but then it just stopped working .. or ... Please ignore the i+i ,I will clean this up...
I don't have a clue why but myrecords?[i].title is returning nil. The json.releases[i].date_adde is working fine and full of data. I can "print" it and get a result. but when I go to copy it to the myrecords it is returning nil.
I download the data from JSON, that works fine. then I try to copy the data to a struc array I can get to in other parts of my app and now my myrecords data is empty. what the heck am I doing wrong?
import Foundation
var numberOfRecords : Int = 0
struct routine {
var dateadded : String
var title : String
var artist : String
var year : Int
var recordlabel : String
var myrecords: [routine]?
struct Response: Codable {
var pagination: MyResult
var releases: [MyReleases]
public struct MyResult: Codable {
var page: Int
var per_page: Int
var items: Int
public struct MyReleases: Codable {
var date_added: String
var basic_information: BasicInformation
public struct BasicInformation: Codable {
var title: String
var year: Int
var artists : [Artist]
var labels: [Label]
public struct Artist: Codable {
var name: String
public struct Label: Codable {
var name: String
let url = ""
public func getData(from url: String) {
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: URL(string: url)!, completionHandler: { data, response, error in
guard let data = data, error == nil else {
print("something went wrong")
var result: Response?
do {
result = try JSONDecoder().decode(Response.self, from: data)
catch {
print("Converion Error:\(error.localizedDescription)")
guard let json = result else {
numberOfRecords = json.pagination.items
var i: Int
i = -1
for _ in json.releases {
i = i + 1
myrecords?[i].dateadded = json.releases[i].date_added
myrecords?[i].title = json.releases[i].basic_information.title
myrecords?[i].artist = json.releases[i].basic_information.artists[0].name
myrecords?[i].year = json.releases[i].basic_information.year
myrecords?[i].recordlabel = json.releases[i].basic_information.labels[0].name
You haven't initialized myrecords array.
Otherwise, you cannot use subscript like myrecords[i] when you don't know the capacity of array, it can be out of index.
First, initialize your array.
var myrecords: [routine]? = []
Second, append new element to array instead of using subscript
for _ in json.releases {
let newRecord = routine()
newRecord.dateadded = json.releases[i].date_added
newRecord.title = json.releases[i].basic_information.title
newRecord.artist = json.releases[i].basic_information.artists[0].name
newRecord.year = json.releases[i].basic_information.year
newRecord.recordlabel = json.releases[i].basic_information.labels[0].name
This is the answer. :) THANK YOU All for pointing me in the right direction
struct Routine {
var dateadded : String
var title : String
var artist : String
var year : Int
var recordlabel : String
var myRecords: [Routine] = []
var i : Int
i = -1
for _ in json.releases {
var newRecord = Routine.self(dateadded: "", title: "", artist: "", year: 0, recordlabel: "")
i = i + 1
newRecord.dateadded = json.releases[i].date_added
newRecord.title = json.releases[i].basic_information.title
newRecord.artist = json.releases[i].basic_information.artists[0].name
newRecord.year = json.releases[i].basic_information.year
newRecord.recordlabel = json.releases[i].basic_information.labels[0].name
I will clean up the bad code too but it works and that is good! :)

Create Value Array From Model into String in Swift

I want to create data like
From model like
but the data that I get is like this
how can i get the data structure like that (top)? clean there is no model name and no optional in data
Note: i use method create value like this
for i in 0 ..< self.dataProduct.count {
let id_sell = "\(self.dataProduct[i].seller_id ?? 0)"
let origin = self.dataProduct[i].origin ?? 0
let product = self.dataProduct[i].product ?? []
var dataItem = [DataCheckoutMitras.ProductItemCheckout]()
var itemMitra : DataCheckoutMitras?
var dataCourierSelected : CourierObject?
for x in 0 ..< product.count {
var item : DataCheckoutMitras.ProductItemCheckout?
item = DataCheckoutMitras.ProductItemCheckout(product_id: product[x].product_id ?? 0,
name: product[x].name ?? "",
price: product[x].price ?? 0,
subTotal: product[x].subTotal ?? 0,
quantity: product[x].quantity ?? 0,
weight: product[x].weight ?? 0,
origin_item: origin,
notes: product[x].notes ?? "")
for x in 0 ..< self.id_seller.count {
if id_sell == self.id_seller[x] {
dataCourierSelected = self.dataKurir[x]
itemMitra = DataCheckoutMitras(origin: origin, select_price_courier: dataCourierSelected, items: dataItem)
The issue you are facing is because you are printing definition of your struct. What you want is the JSON to do so you will need to:
Implement Codable protocol in both of your struct
This also applied to your CourierObject
struct DataCheckoutMitras: Codable {
let origin: Int?
let items: [ProductItemCheckout]?
struct ProductItemCheckout: Codable {
let product_id : Int?
let name : String?
encode the struct to JSON data using JSONEncoder
let encodedJSONData = try! JSONEncoder().encode(mitras)
convert JSON to string
let jsonString = String(data: encodedJSONData, encoding: .utf8)

Array of structs: UserDefaults, how to use?

I've already check all of those topics:
How to save an array of custom struct to NSUserDefault with swift?
How to save struct to NSUserDefaults in Swift 2.0
STRUCT Array To UserDefaults
I have a struct containing some Strings and an other struct: MySection.
struct MySection {
var name: String = ""
var values: [MyRow] = []
And there is MyRow which is store in MySection.values
struct MyRow {
var value: String = ""
var quantity: String = ""
var quantityType: String = ""
var done: String = ""
Two arrays for use it
var arraySection: [MySection] = []
var arrayRow: [MyRow] = []
And in my application, I add dynamically some values in those arrays.
There is the delegate method for get datas from my second ViewController
func returnInfos(newItem: [MyRow], sectionPick: String) {
arrayRow[arrayRow.count - 1] = newItem[0]
manageSection(item: sectionPick)
And there is the manageSection function.
func manageSection(item: String) {
var i = 0
for _ in arraySection {
if arraySection[i].name == item {
arraySection.insert(MySection(), at: i + 1)
arraySection[i + 1].values = [arrayRow[arrayRow.count - 1]]
i += 1
arraySection[arraySection.count - 1].name = item
arraySection[arraySection.count - 1].values = [arrayRow[arrayRow.count - 1]]
My need is to store datas of the two arrays in UserDefaults (or CoreData maybe??) and use these datas when the user going back to the application.
I don't know how to do it, I've already try methods from the 3 topics but I'm not even doing a good job.
How can I do it?
Thanks guys!
Since both types contain only property list compliant types a suitable solution is to add code to convert each type to a property list compliant object and vice versa.
struct MySection {
var name: String
var values = [MyRow]()
init(name : String, values : [MyRow] = []) { = name
self.values = values
init(propertyList: [String: Any]) { = propertyList["name"] as! String
self.values = (propertyList["values"] as! [[String:String]]).map{ MyRow(propertyList: $0) }
var propertyListRepresentation : [String: Any] {
return ["name" : name, "values" : { $0.propertyListRepresentation }]
struct MyRow {
var value: String
var quantity: String
var quantityType: String
var done: String
init(value : String, quantity: String, quantityType: String, done: String) {
self.value = value
self.quantity = quantity
self.quantityType = quantityType
self.done = done
init(propertyList: [String:String]) {
self.value = propertyList["value"]!
self.quantity = propertyList["quantity"]!
self.quantityType = propertyList["quantityType"]!
self.done = propertyList["done"]!
var propertyListRepresentation : [String: Any] {
return ["value" : value, "quantity" : quantity, "quantityType" : quantityType, "done" : done ]
After creating a few objects
let row1 = MyRow(value: "Foo", quantity: "10", quantityType: "Foo", done: "Yes")
let row2 = MyRow(value: "Bar", quantity: "10", quantityType: "Bar", done: "No")
let section = MySection(name: "Baz", values: [row1, row2])
call propertyListRepresentation to get a dictionary ([String:Any]) which can be saved to User Defaults.
let propertyList = section.propertyListRepresentation
Recreation of the section is quite easy, too
let newSection = MySection(propertyList: propertyList)
Use the propertyList initializer only if you get data from UserDefaults in all other cases use the other initializer.
For example replace
#IBAction func addButtonPressed(_ sender: Any) {
newProducts.append(MyRow(propertyList: ["":""]))
newProducts[newProducts.count - 1].value = nameTextField.text!
newProducts[newProducts.count - 1].quantity = quantityTextField.text!
newProducts[newProducts.count - 1].quantityType = type
newProducts[newProducts.count - 1].done = "No"
delegate?.returnInfos(newItem: newProducts, sectionPick: typePick)
navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)
#IBAction func addButtonPressed(_ sender: Any) {
let row = MyRow(value: nameTextField.text!,
quantity: quantityTextField.text!,
quantityType: type,
done: "No")
delegate?.returnInfos(newItem: newProducts, sectionPick: typePick)
navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)
and replace
func returnInfos(newItem: [MyRow], sectionPick: String) {
arrayRow.append(MyRow(propertyList: ["":""]))
arrayRow[arrayRow.count - 1] = newItem[0]
manageSection(item: sectionPick)
func returnInfos(newItem: [MyRow], sectionPick: String) {
manageSection(item: sectionPick)
Basically first create the object, then append it to the array. The other way round is very cumbersome.

Swift 3 which is the best way to store of an Object with array etc

I started to develop with Swift 3 and i´m getting crazy. Following Situation:
class subObject
var name : String
var list : [Int]
init( _name : String, _list : [Int] ){ = _name
self.list = _list
class mainObject
var subObjectList : [subObject]
init( _list : [subObject] ){
self.subObjectList = _list
var data : [mainObject]
Which way is state of the art to store var data : [mainObject] persistently. I've already unsuccessfully tried .plistand NSKeyedArchiver.
Sorry but my english is worse.
NSCoding cannot be used because the classes aren't subclasses of NSObject.
Since all properties in both classes are property list compliant you could add a computed property propertyListRepresentation and an appropriate initializer.
Class names are supposed to start with a capital letter and parameters starting with an underscore are unusual in Swift.
class SubObject
var name : String
var list : [Int]
init(name : String, list : [Int] ){ = name
self.list = list
init?(dictionary : [String:Any]) {
guard let name = dictionary["name"] as? String,
let list = dictionary["list"] as? [Int] else { return nil } = name
self.list = list
var propertyListRepresentation : [String:Any] {
return ["name" : name, "list" : list]
class MainObject
var subObjectList : [SubObject]
init(list : [SubObject] ){
self.subObjectList = list
init(propertyList : [[String:Any]] ){
self.subObjectList = propertyList.flatMap{ SubObject(dictionary: $0) }
var propertyListRepresentation : [[String:Any]] {
return{ $0.propertyListRepresentation }
To use it:
let subs = [SubObject(name: "Foo", list: [1, 2, 3]), SubObject(name: "Bar", list: [4, 5, 6])]
let main = MainObject(list: subs)
let list = main.propertyListRepresentation
let data = try! list, format: .xml, options: 0)
print(String(data:data, encoding: .utf8)!)
let restoredList = try! PropertyListSerialization.propertyList(from: data, format: nil) as! [[String:Any]]
let restoredMain = MainObject(propertyList: restoredList)