At which point during the first boot are tasks in pkg_postinst_ontarget performed? - yocto

I'm designing a device which would need to perform a number of setup activities at first boot and I'm trying to figure out the best way to do it. One of the tools at my disposal seems to be fantastically incompletely documented pkg_postinst_ontarget.
One of the activities I need to perform depends on an SD card being successfully mounted. Would pkg_postinst_ontarget get executed after all fstab mounting activities have completed?

The yocto build places the post-installation scripts in /etc/ipk-postinsts if you are using ipk packages. Then, those scripts are typically run by systemd on target: the run-postinsts.service unit runs /usr/sbin/run-postinsts which runs and deletes all the scripts stored in /etc/ipk-postinsts. Hence, the scripts are run once at the first startup but disappear after they have been executed.


How to run a foreground task through WinRM / Remote Powershelling

I'm trying to incorporate a test suite that runs nightly on an Azure VM.
As of now, I have a Build process using TFS2015 that publishes my test files, starts the VM, and copies the files.
I'm trying to then use the "PowerShell on Target Machine" task to execute a script that launches a batch file. The reason it'll be executing a batch file is because I can't have the build process wait until that script is finished (it takes around 3 hours for the tasks in the batch file to complete).
My initial logic was to have the powershell script create a task using schtasks. This part works and the task itself is created on the virtual machine, however, it never runs at the scheduled time.
The other issue is that if I manually create these tasks, the task is executed, but everything is executed in the background. I need everything to be executed in the foreground.
I'm aware that this is by design since you should not be able to run foreground processes/applications remotely since it isn't "your session".
So the question will remain, are there any work arounds to this?
I'm trying to do launch selenium webservers and then execute protractor automation tests on the virtual machine. So one batch file starts the selenium server and the second launches protractor with a defined suite. If these are ran in the background (essentially headless) all my tests break.
Any insight would be helpful, or if I need to expand on my question or provide further details please let me know. Thanks.
I'm aware that this doesn't answer your specific question, but have you looked at moving your Selenium tests into VSTS? They're officially supported in the build/release pipelines and other people are taking this approach with protractor here and elsewhere. People are also making it work with TFS.

In UrbanCode Deploy, how do I cause an application process to fail if not all component versions were specified?

Currently, when I run an application process that installs various components, if I don't specify a version for any of them, the deploy component process doesn't run, and it says "No Version Selected". However, the step doesn't fail, and the process continues. Is there a way to configure the process to fail if not all components have a version? Or is there a way for me to interrogate the manifest for the process in a step at the top to figure it out myself and fail accordingly? I currently can find no way to do either of these things. The version of UCD I am using is
If your component process is configured as "Process Type* Operational (With Version)" then if you don't select the version the job will fail.

How to run scheduled Coded UI Tests on Virtual Machine without having a RDP connection

Situation in short:
Virtual Machine with Visual Studio 2013 installed. PowerShell script
runs on the VM to execute Get Latest, Build and Execute Coded UI
Tests. Windows Scheduled Task to execute PowerShell nightly.
auto-logon is enabled (or I'm doing something wrong?)
yes, I've read post Is it possible to run Coded UI tests without having to connect via remote desktop?
I've seen posts about TCM. Does this help and how can I use it in my
I made some tests in Microsoft Test Manager and I also executed and recorded them.
I've loaded these tests in a test project (and changed the script providing categories and custom checks).
I then categorized these (as Development or Acceptance).
I executed out using a PowerShell script on a VM (with Visual Studio 2013 installed) with following actions:
Get Latest
Run latest build with a selected set aka category using mstest.exe
So far everything is going perfectly. All the tests pass.
However, when I create a Scheduled Task on my VM run the PowerShell script everything fails because of a missing session.
Do I have the VM (I have no knowledge of Virtual Machines) then unlock or something?
I also tried to fix this with a Test Agent and Controller, but once I had installed these, all other users of TFS lost their rights, so I prefer not to do this again.
I would be very grateful if you know something that can solve this.
I spent hours on Google finding a solution for this issue, but no solution helped me.
Do I need to provide more information?
The problem you're seeming to have is that the testagent is not setup correctly. You need an active desktop session for Coded UI to be able to run (it needs it to perform all the actions such as clicks).
Microsoft has some nice info about setting up your test agent here.
But to tackle your exact problem of the test failing because of a missing session I'd suggest the following:
Run AutoLogOn.exe from the sysinternals suite (can be found at It will automatically log in with specified user when the machine starts, and keeps the desktop session active.
Alright...I'm making progress.
I've installed test agent and controller. It's all running fine.
Next I've opened Lab Center on my own MTM to create a new environment.
Test Controller is found, but I receive the message in this post "Microsoft Test Manager cannot install test agent on these machines" when creating new Lab Center environment
File and Printer sharing exception is enabled. I don't get the other message.
I don't understand what is wrong.
Maybe I'm completely on the wrong track and it's not necessary to use the Lab Center.
Then the only remaining issue is the non-active desktop issue.

Bullseye: How to enable Bullseye for all processes

From what little documentation I can find on the web, it seems that calling cov01 --on simply updates a user configuration file ($HOME/.BullseyeCoverage/UserSettings). However, how can this be set more globally to intercept coverage for processes running as another user, all built using the same bullseye configuration file?
You will have to call to cov01 for any process you would like to use with Bullseye compiler interceptors. This is actually desired behavior because otherwise one process would determine the gcc behavior for all other processes.

In TeamCity, can I run a command-line application for the duration of a build?

I have a command-line application that I want to run in a build configuration for the duration of the build, then shut it down at the end when all other build steps have completed.
The application is best thought of as a stub server, which will have a client run against it, then report its results. After the tests, I shut down the server. That's the theory anyway.
What I'm finding is that running my stub server as a command line build step shuts down the stub server immediately before going to the next build step. Since the next build step depends on the server running, the whole thing fails.
I've also tried using the custom script option to run both tools one after another in the same step, but that results in the same thing: the server, launched on the first line, is shut down before invoking the second line of the script.
Is it possible to do what I'm asking in TeamCity? If so, how do I do it? Please list any possibilities, right up to creating a plugin (although the easier, the better).
Yes you can, you can do that in a Nant script, have Teamcity run the script, look for spawn and the nantContrib waitforexit.
However I think you would be much better off creating a mock class that the client uses only when running the tests. Instead of round tripping to the server during the build as that is can be a bit problematic, sometimes ports are closed, sometimes the server hangs from the last run, etc. That way you can run the tests, make sure the code is doing the right thing when the mock returns whatever it needs to return etc.