Connect CBPeripheral so that macOS MIDI Studio recognises the connection - swift

This is probably in a book but I don't know which.
I'm trying to connect a BLE MIDI CBPeripheral so that it becomes connected on MIDI Studio, i.e. usable as a MIDI source/sink by all the apps in the system. Although I get the indication that it is connected, it doesn't appear so in MIDI Studio or other apps. I know it's possible because Korg's Bluetooth MIDI Connect is able to do it. But it does seem to open the system's 'Bluetooth Configuration' window, so maybe there's no programmatic way of doing it.
I'm creating a CBCentralManager and keeping a reference to it;
When state is poweredOn I do a scanForPeripherals;
When I get a didDiscover:CBPeripheral, I keep the reference to the CBPeripheral and call central.connect(peripheral...);
I get a didConnect:CBPeripheral and keep my app running, but it doesn't appear as connected to anyone else.
I know 'connected' means connected to my app. But I'd really like to have it available for others.
If this is a purposefully Apple-designed limitation, does anyone know what the purpose is?
If not, is there some CoreMIDI API I can use?

Maybe I am missing something, but the apple guide gives you a hint on how to connect a BLE MIDI device to your Mac:
In the Audio MIDI Setup app on your Mac, choose Window > Show MIDI
In the MIDI Studio window, click the Configure Bluetooth button in
the toolbar.
Set your Bluetooth MIDI peripheral in pairing mode.
Select the peripheral in the list of devices, then click Connect.
There is no need for custom coding. It should be possible for multiple apps to use the same BLE device, but the apps need to connect to it. BLE devices usually don't show up in the system settings but this might be different for MIDI devices.

For items connected by USB, it does keep the connection information. Once you use the Bluetooth Configuration screen and select the devices, do they appear on the MIDI Studio screen. You may have to create a new External Device.
I think it's like using a new printer. You have to add the new printer using manual methods. However, you can print to it using code.
I have an Objective-C program in the BRossTools directory of the GitHub repository . If you run the program, it might be interesting to see what happens when you use "Show Configuration" and "Show Sources/Destinations"


Create an iPad app that can send/receive data via the USB cable?

I want to create an iPad app that connects to another machine, laptop or otherwise, via USB and communicates to some other application I develop running there.
I know that this is easy to achieve via Bluetooth or WiFi but this particular set of solutions must be done via a USB cable.
Is it possible to do so without access to the Apple MFi program? (I am about 5 weeks in and the response is not looking good).
iOS App --> USB Cable --> Mac OSX --> Desktop App (without MFi access)
To use USB communication Apple does not provide any API within IOS SDK. The only option right now is MFI. I don't think Apple will allow this in near future.
To use serial communication, you need MFI as you may have discovered. However, there is a poor man's way of achieving this. I have done so during development.
Enable "Internet sharing" on your device and connect to it. Use "ifconfig" on your Mac to find out the interface to use. You do not need to use this as the default connection, but it needs to be active. If I remember correctly, only one end can initiate connections (it was a while so I am sorry that I don't remember the details).
EDIT: I would also like to point out that I did this on an iPhone, not an iPad.
Not over USB but over RS232 (serial port)
Look here:
The cable uses the old 30 pin connector, but according to them it's compatible with the Lightning adapter
The application won't be accepted on the AppStore, it's for internal use only.
There is a (small) book that explains how to use this cable to connect an iPhone directly to an Arduino, it's been published in late 2011. "iOS Sensor Apps with Arduino Wiring the iPhone and iPad into the Internet of Things"

Control Bluetooth audio device with iPhone

I am looking to write application for iPhone which will be able to control radio and CD player in car. Radio and player have Bluetooth connection available.
I started this question in order to obtain all informations I need for this one one place. I have few questions, but if you find anything I didn't ask important for me to start developing this application, please, let me know.
I have read about AVRCP profile and Bluetooth device in car supports AVRCP 1.3, which is good enough for me, having in mind controls which can be performed in that protocol version.
I read a lot about people saying "Apple device can only interact with each other", "Apple device can't be connected via Bluetooth to non-Apple device", "MFi program is obligatory if you want to do that", "MFi is not needed", etc. My first question is:
1)Is it even possible to pair iPhone (4, 4S) with radio and CD player in car via Bluetooth and control radio stations and music with any iPhone version? If yes, what are the limitations for making this kind of successful Bluetooth connection?
There is also very few informations about roles in which iPhone can work. For AVRCP there are two kind of roles: controller and target role. By reading this paper: I didn't find answer to my second question:
2) Can iPhone act as a controller and issue all available commands stated in AVRCP 1.3 to target device (radio and CD player)?
I would also like to know about available frameworks for this particular problem. I know there are several of them, but if anyone recognizes the right one for my problem, I'd like to know:
3) Which framework for interacting with target device should I use?
From developer point of view, I am also interested in available APIs for interacting with connected Bluetooth device. Since I am making my own application and assigning actions to buttons, inside of methods assigned to buttons I need to perform message sending to target device. So my next question is:
4) Does anyone know how if there's a way to send commands to target device (start/stop/pause/forward/backward, etc) as part of some API provided in XCode, or each message which I attend to send via Bluetooth to target device I need to make according to protocol documentation (make entire message (header, body, command part, etc) by myself)?
AVRCP was my thought for accomplishing this application. If I am wrong, please let me know.
Bluetooth has different profiles and when message is sent from one device, as far as I understand, profile itself handles message and interprets it and delivers to target device so target device can understand it. I do not understand how a message sent from iPhone to target Bluetooth device is handled from the moment I send it from my Objective-C (or C) code. That's the main doubt I have and it is related with question 4 - do I need to make raw messages in correct format in order to send AVRCP commands to device or I can use some API which will recognize those messages as AVRCP (or any other kind) and deliver it to target device?
This last question (if I suppose there is any kind of positive answer to all previous) concerns me the most from developer point of view. So, if anyone had maybe experience with this specific problem, I would appreciate any kind of answer or advice.
I am really looking forward to your answers. I hope that constructive and useful discussion will start on this topic and that lots of useful informations will be written.
Best regards.
You can do it using CoreBluetooth if your device (CD Player) is Bluetooth 4.0 LE compliant
Most likely you shall not be able to do it even if your car CD player has BLE 4.0.
With Core Bluetooth devices act as "Central" (client) or "Peripheral" (server), the peripheral "has data" and expose services with characteristics (variables). The central (client) reads data from the peripheral or subscribe for notifications.
Your only chance is to connect to the CD player as peripheral (server) and your iPhone being the central (client). In this case the CD player must expose services that allow you to control it. To be honest I do not know how this can be done, since the central (the iPhone) will read data and receive notifications from the peripheral, not vice versa.
Reversing roles, implementing iPhone as peripheral makes sense, but there is no predefined Bluetooth LE service for remote control, so your car CD player does not know what service to expect from you. It might work using HID service (Human Interface Device), used in general for keyboards and mouse, but according to this post the HID is forbidden by Apple on iOS.

Is it possible to build a smartphone app that stream a screen to a TV, while allowing you to remote control it with the phone itself?

Is it possible to build an Iphone/Ipad app (and Android app) that can do two things: stream an interface and the respective content (particularly video) to a TV and then let me use the phone itself as a remote control for this interface?
Basically the idea is, you don’t need a smart TV anymore or some kind of set-top box or other connected device, just the smart phone which you carry around all the time anyway and which is connected to your local wireless connection. Maybe a docking station with a HDMR connection to the TV, so you are not emptying your battery.
Do you know any comparable implementation or use?
If it is theoretically possible, can you anticipate any performance problems, bottlenecks and how those could be resolved?
If this it’s not possible, which links are missing, what technology would have to be developed first?
Thank you for your thoughts on this!
The iPhone/iPad would work for this. It allows you to output to a second screen. You can stream video, audio, whatever. A cool example I saw was using the TV as the primary display and the phone as a controller for a game.
There are two ways to do it. You can use an hdmi output or a vga output. There is also a AirPlay, which will let you do it wirelessly. You would need an AirPlay capable device (like an AppleTV) for it to work though.

How to launch an iphone app when an external accessory is either paired over BT or plugged into dock connector

I have researched this to death online and cannot find anything regarding auto launching an iphone app when an external accessory is either paired using BT or plugged into the dock connector.
We are an MFi developer with a BT accessory and application that we would like to launch when paired. We have the Info.plist containing our protocols and the device containing the correct protocol all working and communicating. The application works well with our BT device, however I would like to see the app launch when paired.
I have seen this before with accessories plugged into the connector and would live to know how that is accomplished.
Check at 3:15 in the video.
Does iPhone just have that ability for dock connected items to auto start?
I know that the External Accessory framework registers the protocol with the iPhone when the app is installed. This is how the iPhone/iPod knows to take you to the apple store when you connect a BT (or connector) device and you don't have an app for your connected devices protocol.
I don't understand why the app does not launch when paired, I would think this would be a no brainer. Can someone please shed some light on this topic. The best I found is from Apples docs:
Applications that are able to communicate with an external accessory should declare the ?protocols they support in their Info.plist file. Declaring support for specific protocols lets the system know that your application can be launched when that accessory is connected. If no application supports the connected accessory, the system may choose to launch the App Store and point out applications that do."
I cannot understand the meaning by "may choose to launch", does this mean is also chooses to launch? Please help.
The manufacturer of the device needs to include support for this feature at the firmware level. The details of this process are currently confidential by way of the MFi (Made For iPhone/iPod) non disclosure agreement, so unfortunately that is all the detail I can provide. Good luck!

Debugging an iOS app with an external accessory connected via Dock

Am I missing something glaringly obvious or is there no way to debug an iOS app which uses an external accessory that's connected via the 30-pin dock without using a bucket load of logs etc. I want to be able to use things such as breakpoints and Instruments.
Is there a way to remote debug perhaps, over Wi-Fi, Bluetooth?
Note: Yes, I asked this very recently and I deleted it because I thought I found the answer.. but the answer was only Instruments has support over Wi-Fi.. not Xcode debugging. So the question still remains...
And so...: Given that I've had no real luck finding the answer, and no one has given me an answer as yet - I take it that it is a big fat NO. :(
Makes me wonder are we just expected to magically guess where bugs occur, or log the crap out of everything while wearing out our dock connectors by continuously moving it back and forth between the device and accessory?
Time to file a bug report I guess.
At CES today, I talked to a developer from Wahoo Fitness that makes an ANT+ accessory for iPhone. They had this same problem, but found a solution.
They found a pass-through dock extender that has a mini-USB port. They used the mini-USB port for debugging while the accessory was connected.
The product they were using is
This blog talks about remote debugging iOS with a dock accessory attached
You could connect the external accessory to another iOS device (not the one tethered to the Mac running the Xcode debugger). Then tunnel all your EA framework messages from the accessory connected device to the device running the app being debugged over a pair of wifi sockets. Look at the code for tunneling accelerometer messages from a device to the iOS Simulator (a common trick for debugging game code on the Simulator) for one example of how this could be done.
After further researching, and having seen that people had to do sending strings over Wi-Fi to get around this, I'm concluding the answer is no.
I have filed a bug request for this.
In the mean time, it seems like the Wi-Fi logging, and on-device text logging will be the way to go for now.
Here's my understanding for why just the USB protocol works for some external accessories and doesn't for other external accessories. Looks like a fundamental problem, without an arbitrator, two masters can't talk to a single slave over USB, a serial Master/Slave protocol. So XCode is one master, the iPhone is the slave device. If the external accessory is a master too, one won't be able to connect the iPhone (Xcode slave) to the second master (the external accessory).
Probably the Wahoo Key for iPhone" is a slave device and that's why the dockStubz solution works for such an external accessory.
I have tested the dockStubz. It doesn't work for my external accessory. As suspected, the USB protocol can't be used to have two Master devices controlling a single slave device. Trying to hook up a Mac (Master) (via the mini USB ) & an external accessory (Master) (via the 30 pin connector) to the iPhone 4 (Slave) causes the iPhone to go in loop of connect & re-connect.
Following looks promising too, though expensive:
Has any one tried to use USB to Ethernet connectors and use a router to route requests from two masters (XCode & External Accessory) to the slave (iPhone)? I am off to Best Buy to purchase USB to Ethernet cables and hook all three on to my IP router. Will report if it works.
This is what will be needed :
So connect XCode mac using the male end into the USB slot of your computer. . Use a ethernet cable to connect this to a router.
Connect the iPhone to the female part of the IO gear connector. Connect it to the router via ethernet cable.
Connect the external accessory with the male connector (Sabrent USB to Fast Ethernet Network Adapter.) Connect it to router.
I am still researching if this will work. Just ordered the parts. Will get it by Friday & will report back then.
The IOGear male end draws too much current when connected to router. Also, the female end can't charge iPhone when connected to the router even when 5V USB current supplied.
So tried to directly connect the iPhone to the USB slot of the router (used for printers). It does charge the iPhone. Also used USB to Fast Ethernet Network Adapter (BestBuy had one to connect Wii via USB) to connect the Mac to the router. It did connect to internet but couldn't find the iPhone. In the router client list I don't see any login entires for the iPhone. So this experiment was a failure unless someone have other pointers.