In Store Pickup delivery Method is not working - magento2

I Upgrade the Magento Version from 2.3 to 2.4. I integrate the "In store Pickup" Delivery Method.
But this is not work .I follow the all steps Given in ""
Please Guys Let me know if anyone have idea what is the solution.


Trouble using PDF417-phonegap plugin for my Barcode Scanning Application

I am trying to create an application that reads information from a Driving license and gives the result based on that. I am using Ionic framework for my app and have integrated the PDF417- phonegap plugin by MicroBlink with my app.
I followed all the instructions given at:
The app is now successfully reading information from barcode and displaying it in an alert box on my screen. But I cannot find where the alert box is being generated from.
I need to know where the scan result is stored so that I can process the information further.
Can someone please help me with this?
as first, I would suggest using original MicroBlink repository instead of forked one. Using original repository guarantees having latest features and updates.
Next, here you have an example how scan is performed from javascript and how data is returned in JS callback. The example implementation raises alert with returned data.

How to ignore_user_agent in Airbrake 5?

We are migrating to Airbrake 5 and I'm wondering how to replace the functionality of the ignore_user_agent configuration. I know we have to check in an add_filter block, but not sure what/where to check?
Does anyone have an example of replacing the ignore_user_agent configuration option in Airbrake 5?
That would be easy (assuming this fix is merged in and the new gem is published):
Airbrake.add_filter do |notice|
notice.ignore! if notice[:context][:userAgent].match(/curl/)
In the meantime, you can use the class add_filter API.
EDIT: the new gem was published.

how to upgrade jwplayer 5 to 6.x

My question here is simple : how to upgrade my JWPlayer 5 Pro to the current version which is 6.10. I have my own server where the version 5.6 is located but i cant find out whats the upgrade process. I have read the official documentation but for me it does not look that easy
Thanks folks!
There's no simple "process" for doing the upgrade, and no automation is available. In effect, you need to rewrite your pages to use the embedding methods of JW6, which are radically different from JW5.
A synopsis of the changes:
The basic embedding method of JW6:
The embedding options reference:
My own collection of simple examples:

QBO data object for TrialBalance

It look like the SDK for VS C# doesn't have the Trial Balance report object included. Is this correct, and if so, when is the update for this planned, and are there any code examples of how to 'Roll Your Own'.
It is released recently in production. Updated devkit will also be published soon.
Please have a look at the following links

How to cancel the parsing of SBJsonStreamParser?

I use SBJsonStreamParser(class of SBJson) to parse I want to know how to cancel parsing of the class when the class is parsing at runtime.I couldn't find such API.someone please help me !!
I'm afraid there is no such API at the moment. If you need it, I suggest raising an issue in the issue tracker. You are also free to implement it yourself, and send a pull request. I will accept the patch if it's any good.
Disclaimer: I am SBJson's author.
Update: just to let you know, SBJson 4 (released December 2013) supports cancelling.