Implementing multitasking for Samsung Tizen TV - samsung-smart-tv

we are developing an samsung tizen os app.
i found out that multitaking feature is a mandatory to publish the app.
there were docs regarding the implementation of multitaking
but i could not find it helpful there
So if there is a way to implement multitaking then how should i do it
can anybody here explain me in simple language here so that we can submit our app for QA.
Thank you in advance

Basically, you need to make changes in your config.xml file and in your JS code.
Here can find Samsung Sample, that demonstrates how you can implement multitasking when using the AVPlay API. -
Changes in config.xml. Add line
<tizen:metadata key="" value="true"/>
Listeners in your app
* Enable multitasking
//When going away from this app suspend player
if( document.hidden ){ // PAUSE
} else { // RESUME
//When going back to this app resume player
* Suspend playback for multitasking
suspend: function () {
* resume playback for multitasking
resume: function () {


Simple app to buzz the watch when it gets disconnected from phone

I would like a simple app that periodically checks the bluetooth connection between the phone and my watch (GTR 3 Pro), and buzzes the watch when it gets disconnected from my phone. This will be useful if I accidentally leave my phone somewhere and walk away from it, or my phone gets stolen or something like that.
Some previous amazfit watches had this feature built-in, but it doesn't seem to be available in my GTR 3 Pro right now. Thank you.
I made it, but only in ACTIVE application. So, if you open your mini-app, then it is possible to handle bluetooth status events (see the picture). Couldn't apply it in the background yet :-(.
You'll need to do a little hack to poll the Bluetooth connection to achieve the desired behavior, but first let's understand why.
Per ZeppOS architectural decision, your app will never run in background on the device. I believe this is for battery efficiency reasons or even available processing power.
With that in mind, We'll use hmApp.alarmNew and hmApp.alarmCancel in order to get it working, as follows:
Create a new page that will be responsible for checking the bluetooth connection, something like page/connectionCheck.js and declare it in your app.json target (you can also use the default index.js if you want)
In the onInit() of the page, register a new hmApp.alarm and cancel the existing ones if needed to avoid waking up the app unnecessarily
In the build() call, verify if it's connected to the cellphone using the hmBle.connectStatus() and alert the user.
Summarizing, it'll look like this:
(I'm using zeppOS API v1.0 here to make it work on all devices)
const WAKE_UP_INTERVAL_SECONDS = 30 // this value must be higher than the screen on time on app
const POLL_ALARM_PREF_ID = 'my_bluetooth_poll_alarm'
const vibrate = hmSensor.createSensor(
onInit(param) {
vibrate.stop() // stop any vibration
vibrate.scene = 27 // set the vibration scene to 27 (1000ms vibration, high intensity)
// verify if this launch was triggered by an alarm or not
if(param === POLL_ALARM_PREF_ID) {
const existingAlarm = hmFS.SysProGetInt(POLL_ALARM_PREF_ID) // get existing alarm reference from system preferences
if(existingAlarm) {
// cancel existing alarm
// always create a new alarm to avoid alarm trigger while using the app
const alarm = hmApp.alarmNew({
file: 'pages/connectionCheck',
appid: 123123, // <YOU APP ID HERE>
hmFS.SysProSetInt(POLL_ALARM_PREF_ID, alarm) // Save new alarm reference on system preferences
build() {
if(hmBle.connectStatus() === true) {
// Do something if already connected, maybe return to the home screen, exit the program or even turn the sreen off
} else {
// show a message to the user / vibrate the watch
onDestroy() {
vibrate && vibrate.stop() // stop any vibration

Is there any way to recieve sensor events when app is closed in flutter?

I am new to flutter and working on the women safety app. I am doing this for the community's help and to make my society safe for everyone. I want to receive event updates when my app is closed and wandering if there is any way to do this in flutter. Specifically, I want to listen to shake events and run a specific code.
Use Case: For example, an app user feels uncomfortable or is in danger. She will shake her phone rapidly and the app will detect the shake and send the SOS alert. Regardless of the running state of the app.
I have used Work-manager and android_alarm_manager_plus plugins to listen to events. But they have limitations for time. Work-manager can be triggered only after 15 minutes and alarm_manager can trigger after 1 minute. I want to listen to shake events all the time. Please let me know if it is possible or not.
Another possible solution can be putting a menu tray in the notification panel and by clicking it the app will send a notification. I searched for this scenario but found nothing. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
you can using:
Step 1: using Shake:
ShakeDetector detector = ShakeDetector.autoStart(
onPhoneShake: () {
// Do stuff on phone shake
Step 2: custom flutter background service:
final service = FlutterBackgroundService();
service.onDataReceived.listen((event) {
if (event!["action"] == "setAsForeground") {
if (event["action"] == "setAsBackground") {
if (event["action"] == "stopService") {

pause and resume listeners not working in phonegap on iOS4.3 and iOS 5

I was making a native app in iPhone4 with iOS 4.3
in my Body onLoad i m adding
document.addEventListener("pause", Game.prototype.pauseListener.bind(this), false);
document.addEventListener("resume", Game.prototype.resumeListener.bind(this), false);
and in that same file i m writing a function
Game.prototype.resumeListener= function()
console.log("in resumeListener");
Game.prototype.pauseListener= function()
this code is working perfectly fine in Android and when i manually minimise the app, but when the application is interrupted by a voice incoming call the application dont pause.
Basically Pause and Resume event are not fired.
I m using Phonegap1.4.1
I believe your event listeners are not being established because you are using Object.bind() on the handler functions, and .bind() is not available in the iOS WebKit widget. (This is surpising because .bind() is available in the desktop WebKit (Chrome and Safari) versions.)
The easy solution is to add a polyfill definition for Object.bind(). I use the one from the MDN bind documentation page, and haven't had any problems with it.
sorry but i cant make a comment yet ;)
have you checked the two other events (active and resign only for ios)? more information:
or see iOS Quirks in the documentation:
You need to add your listeners in the deviceready instead of in the onLoad.
Just like here for example
function onLoad() {
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
document.addEventListener("pause", onPause, false);
function onPause() {
Hope it helps :)

PhoneGap Events Not Firing On iPhone

I've started developing for iPhone using PhoneGap and an iPhone running iOS 5. With the following code, the deviceready and online events appear to fire when the application starts but none of the others, in particular, the resume / pause events appear to. I've tried using the menu button to close the app and then re-open it but nothing appears to fire the resume event.
If anyone could shed any light on this it would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
window.addEventListener('load', function () {
document.addEventListener('deviceready', onDeviceReady, false);
}, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
document.addEventListener('resume', onResume, false);
document.addEventListener('pause', onPause, false);
document.addEventListener('online', onOnline, false);
document.addEventListener('offline', onOffline, false);
function onResume() {
function onPause() {
function onOnline() {
function onOffline() {
For me this was an ID10-T error: my PhoneGap app was redirecting to a URL which I had changed in one place but not in the other. The result was it looked like I was running my development code but I was actually running against a remote server running code without onResume and onPause events!
BTW, documentation for these events can be found at

display soft keyboard (iPad) when is connected a bluetooth input device

I'm really bangin' my head because I can't find the way to show the soft keyboard when there's a bluetooth input device connected to the iPad. I made some search on the web and this is the result:
a question on stackoverflow with a very short answer How can I detect if an external keyboard is present on an iPad?
an application developed by erica sadun for the cydia env
Erica said that the trick is to answer to the system that "There's no hardware keyboard attached".
I tried to write a category for UIKeyboardImpl and I overrided:
- (BOOL)isInHardwareKeyboardMode {
DEBUG(#"is called");
return NO;
But until now I haven't obtained anything. The overrided method is called but there's no soft keyboard.
Erica also said the application works by dynamic linking but I don't know how can I accomplish it. I don't need to be in the AppStore because this is a private application so I don't bother about rejection.
Thanks in advance
Ok. Finally got it. Many thanks to David, Matthias and Enrico. Here are the steps:
import the private framework GraphicsServices
call GSEventSetHardwareKeyboardAttached(NO) inside the viewDidLoad
add a button that toggles the keyboard by calling
static void toggleKeyboard(UIKeyboardImpl * keyImpl){
if (UIKeyboardAutomaticIsOnScreen()) {
} else {
I've found this function on
Now I can take input from the soft keyboard and from the bluetooth device at the same time.
To get around it using the apple keyboard you hit the eject key. Perhaps you can implement an action that sends the eject keycode? I think iSSH has a feature where you can tap the onscreen keyboard icon to bring it up even when a bluetooth keyboard is connected.