if (layer.isPopupOpen()){
console.log('tooltip is open');
reports that that tooltip is open for the tooltip of a single marker, but not for the tooltip of a cluster group marker. The tooltip is open, just not reported as such. How can I detect that it is open?
Anyone know if we can disable the tooltip in this screen shot? It is so annoying. When I move my cursor up to edit another property this obtrusive popup shows because my mouse hovered over that path. I basically have to move my cursor around the URL in order to avoid it and cannot close it without my mouse leaving the area.
How to keep multiple pop-ups open after clicking on multiple markers? By default, Leaflet seems to close the previous pop-up.
For example, please see
There are 6 orange markers. When any of them is clicked, a popup opens. When the next one is clicked, a new popup opens and the prev one is closed. I'd like to keep them open, until manually closed.
You have an option autoClose for that ...
and you will need bindPopup(Popup) instead of bindPopup(String)
I want to show the dialog box by clicking on a different row (with options to save changes or cancel).
When Editor is open, it will catch the click and is stoping the event propagation, thus underlying Grid does not get the click event and ItemClickEvent is not being fired.
Is it possible to detect a click on the grid row through extensions or another way?
Is it possible to detect a click on the grid row through extensions or another way?
Technically speaking yes. E.g. GridFastNavigation add-on does this trick in order to make possible single click editor opening.
But you could also listen to Editor opening, see (https://vaadin.com/download/release/8.3/8.3.1/docs/api/com/vaadin/ui/components/grid/Editor.html#addOpenListener-com.vaadin.ui.components.grid.EditorOpenListener- ) when you are in unbuffered mode Editor already open, editor will re-open on the row you click. This catching this event could help you find a way.
I am using a dialog box to show some information in my UI. That dialog box has a vertical panel inside it and the vertical panel has a textArea.
Now if we open the dialog box by clicking a button on my page, I am not able to click anywhere outside that dialog box.
Now the consequence of this :
1) I have a session timeout of 10 min after which I am logged out .
2) I have a session refresh event that triggers when we click anywhere on the root panel.
3) But once the dialog box is open, I am not able to click anywhere outside the dialog box which results in my session timing out.
I want something that would enable me to click on my page even when the dialog box is open. Is there a way to do this ?
I have a graphical representation for my model, and I want to implement a tooltip that look like jdt tooltip in the following :
- the tooltip shows up when hover over the object in the canvas
- being able to click on the tooltip window to focus, and scroll bar is there if needed.
- Ability to resize the tooltip window after the user change focus to it
- being able to assign command with F2 keybind to pop up the tooltip window (I know how to create command, and how to associate keybind with it)
- Ability to have hyperlinks in the tooltip text ( optional )
I do not know from where to start.
Which eclipse interfaces/classes to implement, extensions to add, adaptors to support.
I tried to find a work through tutorial but I could not.
Thanks in advance
A lot of what you describe is specific to the Eclipse Text editor and JDT code so won't be available in a Canvas so you would have to write your own code.
You can create a tooltip based on org.eclipse.jface.window.ToolTip. If the tooltip contains StyledText you can create hyperlinks.
There is an example of a fairly elaborate custom tooltip Here
What Eclipse does when the tooltip is clicked is open a new normal window of exactly the same size and contents over the tooltip and close the tooltip.