Desync scroll in VS Live Share - visual-studio-code

My friends and i work on code(c++) using VSCode.
When he scroll down, my screen starts lagging and keeps dragging me towards his position. Same happens to him, if i try to scroll. I want to completely disable scroll sync when we work on one code.
How to disable scroll sync? Where can i find in VSCode?
I have tried to find something on the internet, but nothing and i need to disable this. I dont know exact name, but i think its scroll sync. I use 1.54.2 version.

Ctrl+Alt+F works, as well as there is an icon in the top right hand side of VSCode, a thumbnail that turns on/off follow participant.

Ctrl+Alt+F, thank you Kevin, you saved us.


Issues with Ionic 5 keyboard

I am currently working on an Ionic 5 and I am facing 2 issues with the keyboard.
When I click on the ion-input and the keyboard appears:
The ion-content is pushed up so it is right above the keyboard, which cause everything to be crammed. I tried a bunch of solutions, but none of them properly worked, and most of them involve android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustNothing", which leaves the ion-content as it is, hence the ion-input is not visible and so the user can't see what they're typing and they also can't see the next button, so they must first close the keyboard in order to see what they wrote and be able to move on to the next step.
When the keyboard is about to dismiss, it leaves a white space in the space it was taking up. It's only for a split second but it is visible and makes the app feel like it's slow or lagging.
These 2 issues seem to be very common as I found questions about them since 2014, and I tried most solutions mentioned in the answers but nothing seems to work.
I seem to be having this issue in this app only, but I know that it is not an ionic 5 issue as people faced the same issue in older versions.
What the structure of the page looks like, I had to close all code blocks so that I could take one screenshot:
android:windowSoftInputMode is ised for native fields (EditText,etc..) so when you click on native xml it will take effect. All what you need to do is in your androidManefist.xml on line applicarion or activity, there is keyboardresize="adjustResize" which is the default, change it to adjustPan and content will not be pushed up , instead keyboard will go up as actionsheet from bottom without effecting the content.

How do I have an autoscroll to the right on my text in Xcode (swift)?

For example: spotify-screenshot
If the name of a song is too long in spotify, it will automatically scroll to the right in order to show the full name of the song. I want to achieve something like this with Xcode (version 9), but I don't know how to do it. Currently trying with a textview.. but any help would be appreciated.
edit: I also want to disable manual scrolling of that text field. I want it to exclusively automatically scroll, and reset back to it's original place in some time, which would restart the process of scrolling.
All you are looking for is Marquee Label. Check this link

Customize/change keyboard buttons in iOS7, while using PhoneGap/Steroids

I'm part of a team building a mobile web app using AppGyver Steroids (PhoneGap). We are having an issue with the iOS7 keyboard displaying a very faint "Done" button on the keyboard when the user is operating in a text area or an input select. I suspect this is a problem that is actually global in our app, but these are the instances where I have observed them.
I've searched and searched for a solution or how to "customize" the keyboard in order to make this "Done" button more obvious, but I haven't found any solutions yet. Can anyone point me in the direction of how to adjust the "Done" button or any other keyboard/input controls?
Attached are two screenshots showing the issue.
Have you seen the issue on github? It's now fixed. They'll be including the option for custom colours in the near future.

scrollview with page control reset

Okay, I have a Scroll View with Page Control that works properly between 2 sections (2 pages).
So I can scroll left and right once. Is it possible to always scroll right?
Like when you get to page 2, it expands to the right, but not allowing to scroll back left.
I dont need it to simply add another page and have 3 pages then 4. at all times there should be only 2.
The reason I need this function is because I will use the scrolling to reset data. As you scroll to the right a duplicate of the interface with cleared fields will come on to the screen as the interface with the old data will go off. Its a neat way to reset, not just a boring old button.
Can someone point me in the right direction on how to do this?
There are many examples of this. Here are a couple.
Hope this helps.

iPhone using voiceover moves off screen, cannot press button

I have run into a baffling behavior using VoiceOver. Basically when using the "swipe forward" gesture on a screen, the cursor will run off the bottom of the screen and the view will not "move" with it as it should. Worse of all, I have a button down there that is not activated by a double tap when this behavior exists.
What I can gather is that this only seems to happen on two screens, both of which feature customized appearances of the cells in a table view.
I have tried manipulating the accessibilityFrame property of these cells and these table views. I have gotten nowhere. I have tried setting the accessibilityFrame property of the cells as they are made but there was no change in behavior.
Has anyone encountered this behavior? Any ideas for trying to tackle this problem?
I've seen it, but it's not a problem, at least not in my app -- you can double-tap anywhere, not just on the button. (In other words, a blind user won't realize this is going on, because it just works.)