How do I divide a bounding box into sub boxes in Matlab - matlab

I have a bound box and points located inside it in different areas and positions.
I want to divide that box into sub boxes according to the dividing point DP[x,y] into box [ax ay bx by] that may locate close to each other.
Here are examples for illustrating the idea:
I tried to calculate and make it by my hand but they are hundreds, I stuck. Is there any Matlab function to do that?
My question is: How to divide a bounding box into sub boxes according to the specific points?
I used the function point2bbox described here, but it does not a suitable solution in this case because the points are not in the corners of the box.
Here is an example of what I want to do:
bound box = [341 91 24 74]
x = 341, y = 91, width = 24 , height = 74
DP1(349,49) , DP2 (360,70)
points to calculated are: a1(349,91),a2(350,91),a2(360,91), and a3(361,91)
The corners points of big box are: A(341,91), B(365,91), C(341,17), and D(365,17)
bbox1 = [341 91 8 74], bbox2 = [350 91 10 74], and bbox3 =[361 91 4 74].
see the picture below for more clarifying:
Could you suggest any idea to do that, please? I appreciate any help.

Here are the solution steps of my question to divide the Big box to three boxes. Maybe it could help another one.
%% Big box values in [ax,ay,bx,by]
bound = [341,91 ,365,17];
%% Two Divide Points are: [349,49,360,70]in form [x1,y1,x2,y2]
% store as struct
DP =struct('dividePoint1',{349,49},'dividePoint2',{360,70});
DP2 = [DP(1,1).dividePoint1;DP(1,1).dividePoint2];
DP1x = DP(1,1).dividePoint1;
DP1y = DP(1,2).dividePoint1;
DP2x = DP(1,1).dividePoint2;
DP2y = DP(1,2).dividePoint2;
%% Put the two points in one vector
DPmat = [DP1x DP1y;DP2x DP2y];
%% Sort Points
DPSorted = sort(DPmat,'ascend');
%% convert bound to 4 values [ax,ay,bx,by]
axBound =bound(1);ayBound = bound(2);bxBound = bound(3);byBound = bound(4);
%% Initial empty x-axis value
XsValues = {};
%% loop to divide two values to four values DP1,DP1+1,DP2,DP2+1
for k = 1:(numel(DP2))
boxes = [DPSorted(k,1),DPSorted(k,1)+1];
XsValues = [XsValues;boxes];
%% rearrang the points
% convert x-axis values to matrix
xBoxes = cell2mat(XsValues);
xValues = [xBoxes(1,:),xBoxes(2,:)];
subBox1 = [axBound,ayBound,xValues(1),byBound];
subBox2 = [xValues(2),ayBound,xValues(3),byBound];
subBox3 = [xBoxes(4),ayBound,bxBound,byBound];
%% all subBoxes in one matrix
AllBoxes = [subBox1;subBox2;subBox3];
I appreciate all of your help.
If it need improve you can help us also.

Well, another in my opinion clearer option is using mat2cell:
Suppose your matrix origMat is a 22x74 matrix, that you want to split it to three matrices sized 8x74, 10x74 and 4x74 - as in your example.
subboxes = mat2cell(origMat, [8,10,4]); % This gives you 3x1 cell array containing your matrices 8x74, 10x74 and 4x74.
If the question is how to get those numbers 8, 10 and 4, well, in your example, you would simply use DP1(1)-A(1); DP2(1)-DP1(1); B(1)-DP2(1).
Now, for a bit more general case. Suppose you have a matrix origMat. We have DP = L*2 array of division points on the matrix, and we want to divide original matrix to smaller boxes both horizontally and vertically according to those division points. In your example you would also split matrix horizontally to 21, 21 and 32 points from top to bottom. This solution ignores top left corner point position of the original matrix as it is easy to shift all points by some offset if required.
origMat = rand(74,22); %74 row 22 col matrix.
DP = [21,8; 42,18]; % 2 division points at row 21, col 8 and row 42, col 18.
[S1, S2] = size(origMat);
SDPy = sort(DP(:,1));
SDPx = sort(DP(:,2));
% widths are to first division point, then distances between division points, then from last division point to the edge of original matrix.
widths = [SDPx(1), SDPx(2:end)-SDPx(1:end-1), S2-SDPx(end)];
heights = [SDPy(1), SDPy(2:end)-SDPy(1:end-1), S1-SDPy(end)];
subboxes = mat2cell(origMat, heights, widths);
Duplicates in x or y will lead to some 0xN or Nx0 matrices. Remove duplicated sorted entries or points at 0 or S1/S2 in that direction to avoid that if it is undesirable.
If you have division points beyond the edges of original matrix, this code won't work. How to handle points beyond the edges mainly depends what you want to do:
If you want to remove problematic points entirely, you should check DP list and delete rows where x or y are out of bounds.
If you want to keep division in the ok dimension and just ignore the out of bounds part, remove all sorted elements that are out of bounds.
Differences are mainly conceptual - do you want to divide some internal small bounding box (inside a much larger image) only by points inside it, or also by coordinates outside? This depends on application.


How to Find the 4 furthest points of this rectangle

I have plotted a list of corners I've obtained using Harris Corner detection.
Now I need to find the 4 furthers points that will represent the corners of the rectangle
I know I can get the two top and bottom diagonal corners using
Where C is an n row matrix with a column for x and y like
x y
0 1
2 3
4 5
6 6
But how do I get the other two corners?
I thought I could rotate the matrix and use min and max again, but of course that just returns me a huge n column matrix (and I want a 2 column matrix)
I feel like the answer is obvious, but I'm blanking :(
i don't know how limited is the following method but it worked for an example similar to yours:
% detect possible corners
points = detectHarrisFeatures(BW);
C = points.Location;
% compute par-wise distances between all points
D = pdist2(C,C);
p = zeros(1,4);
% compute maximum distance to find first pair
[m,idx1] = max(D,[],2);
[~,idx2] = max(m);
idx1 = idx1(idx2);
p(1:2) = [idx1, idx2];
% add first pair distance to distance matrix so the next pair will be
% distant from this pair as well, and compute max distance again
D = bsxfun(#plus,D,sum(D([idx1 idx2],:),1));
[m,idx1] = max(D,[],2);
[~,idx2] = max(m);
idx1 = idx1(idx2);
p(3:4) = [idx1, idx2];
% plot
hold on;
another option is to use FEX functions like Polygon simplification and Decimate Polygon, and to set the number of desired vertexes to 4.
Another alternative solution, if you dont want to use corner detection:
hold on, plot(xm,ym,'ro','MarkerSize',12,'MArkerFaceColor','r')
axis image

Matlab fill matrix with certain value between two lines (Bresenham)

For a school project we need to determine any sort of damage on a carbon fiber sheet with eight metal pins. To determine the damage we use resistivity measurements between multiple points.
We us a Matlab script to make the resistance between points visible. We plot the values in a matrix and create a line with the Bresenham function.
for x = 1:8
S1_(x) = 0;
p1 = [150 1];
p2 = [(150+150*sind(45)) (150-150*cosd(45))];
p3 = [300 150];
m1 = zeros(300);
m2 = zeros(300);
[x1_1,y1_1] = bresenham(p1(1),p1(2),p2(1),p2(2));
m1(sub2ind(size(m1), y1_1, x1_1)) = S1_(1);
[x1_1,y1_2] = bresenham(p1(1),p1(2),p3(1),p3(2));
m2(sub2ind(size(m2), y1_2, x1_1)) = S1_(2);
The problem is as follows:
The Bresenham function does create the lines in the matrix, but we are searching for a function too fill the matrix between two lines with the average of those two lines combined. The average of S1_(1) and S1_(2) need to fill the matrix between line x1_1,y1_1 and x1_1,y1_2. The final plot is where all the points are drawn, when all areas between the lines are filled this should create a high top somewhere in the circle:
Could someone help me solving this problem?
We finally got it working, we call a function to create a triangular matrix and add up all those matrices.

MATLAB calculation on specific interval, shifted across data.

So, I'm working with a spread sheet in which each row has four important columns: x position (0-7000 units), y position (0-7000 units), theta angle (0-90), and phi angle (0-360). I have written the script I need to convert the theta and phi into Cartesian coordinates, then to calculate the eigenvalues for the entire data set as a whole, with no relation to position.
Now, what I'd like to do, is take a section, say 200 units wide, starting at the left of the (x,y) spread, and do the same calculation for all the data that falls into that area (x = 0 to 200), and record the eigenvalues at the center of that section (x=100), then shift the area say, 20 units to the right and repeat, and so on until the 200 unit wide area has shifted entirely across the 7000 unit spread.
Basically, I'm looking to do a sort of moving average where the eigenvalue calculation is my filter, and the width of the area of interest determines the degree of smoothing. I just haven't figured out how to write a loop that advances the 200 unit wide area of interest and can spit out a value at the center of it's current location.
I can supply the code I have to calculate Cartesian components and eigenvalues, although I don't think it's very relevant to what I'm trying to do. This mostly seems to be an issue of having no idea what to search for on the interwebs, so if someone can even point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it.
Hope the below code segment will give you an idea.
clc; clear all;
in = rand(20,1); % assume a 20*1 matrix
w = 5; % range from middle
j = 2; % jump
for i = 1+w:j:size(in,1)-w
in(i,2) = mean(in(i-w:i+w,1));
fprintf('\ni = %d\trange = %d:%d\tavg = %f', i, i-w, i+w, in(i,2));
Following is the output.
i = 6 range = 1:11 avg = 0.528908
i = 8 range = 3:13 avg = 0.501255
i = 10 range = 5:15 avg = 0.531217
i = 12 range = 7:17 avg = 0.557450
i = 14 range = 9:19 avg = 0.570374

How to calculate percent tree cover in a 1ac moving analysis window in Matlab?

In the attached Matlab script, random locations are generated and assigned a value of 1-12. Let's assume that each location >= 1 (i.e. value in the array) is a tree location and every value is a tree canopy radius. I am interested in calculating percent canopy area in a 1 ac (e.g. 63.614 x 63.614) moving analysis window. Let's also assume one pixel in the resulting image is equal to 1m. In ArcGIS, I would use Focal Statistics to make this type of calculation. For all the real programmers out there: How should I make this type of calculation using Matlab?
% Generate a totally black image to start with.
m = zeros(300, 400, 'uint8');
% Generate 1000 random "tree" locations.
numRandom = 1000;
linearIndices = randi(numel(m), 1, numRandom);
% Assign a radius value of 1-12 for each tree
m(linearIndices) = randi(12, [numel(linearIndices) 1]);
% Display it.
Not exactly sure how you want to calculate the percent area (not sure what 1ac means), but one way would be through using nlfilter. For example,
percentAreaImage = nlfilter(double(m), [63 63], #myfun);
function pArea = myfun(block)
% block is 63 x 63 pixles.
sumRadii = sum(block(:)); % sum of canopy radii
blockArea = size(block, 1)*size(block, 2);
pArea = sumRadii / blockArea;
The code obviously may need some amendment, regarding the block size and the calculation of percent area (pArea). The blockArea is constant, so off course, it could be declared once, outside the myfun to improve performance. I left it as it is for clarity though.

What is an simple way to compute the overlap between an image and a polygon?

I have a closed non-self-intersecting polygon. Its vertices are saved in two vectors X, and Y. Finally the values of X and Y are bound between 0 and 22.
I'd like to construct a matrix of size 22x22 and set the value of each bin equal to true if part of the polygon overlaps with that bin, otherwise false.
My initial thought was to generate a grid of points defined with [a, b] = meshgrid(1:22) and then to use inpolygon to determine which points of the grid were in the polygon.
[a b] = meshgrid(1:22);
inPoly1 = inpolygon(a,b,X,Y);
However this only returns true if if the center of the bin is contained in the polygon, ie it returns the red shape in the image below. However what need is more along the lines of the green shape (although its still an incomplete solution).
To get the green blob I performed four calls to inpolygon. For each comparison I shifted the grid of points either NE, NW, SE, or SW by 1/2. This is equivalent to testing if the corners of a bin are in the polygon.
inPoly2 = inpolygon(a-.5,b-.5,X,Y) | inpolygon(a+.5,b-.5,X,Y) | inpolygon(a-.5,b+5,X,Y) | inpolygon(a+.5,b+.5,X,Y);
While this does provide me with a partial solution it fails in the case when a vertex is contain in a bin but none of the bin corners are.
Is there a more direct way of attacking this problem, with preferably a solution that produces more readable code?
This plot was drawn with:
imagesc(inPoly1 + inPoly2); hold on;
line(a, b, 'w.');
line(X, Y, 'y);
One suggestion is to use the polybool function (not available in 2008b or earlier). It finds the intersection of two polygons and returns resulting vertices (or an empty vector if no vertices exist). To use it here, we iterate (using arrayfun) over all of the squares in your grid check to see whether the output argument to polybool is empty (e.g. no overlap).
sqX = repmat([1:N]',1,N);
sqX = sqX(:);
sqY = repmat(1:N,N,1);
sqY = sqY(:);
intersects = arrayfun((#(xs,ys) ...
(~isempty(polybool('intersection',X,Y,[xs-1 xs-1 xs xs],[ys-1 ys ys ys-1])))),...
intersects = reshape(intersects,22,22);
Here is the resulting image:
Code for plotting:
hold on;
for x = 1:N
plot([0 N],[x x],'-k');
plot([x x],[0 N],'-k');
hold off;
How about this pseudocode algorithm:
For each pair of points p1=p(i), p2=p(i+1), i = 1..n-1
Find the line passing through p1 and p2
Find every tile this line intersects // See note
Add intersecting tiles to the list of contained tiles
Find the red area using the centers of each tile, and add these to the list of contained tiles
Note: This line will take a tiny bit of effort to implement, but I think there is a fairly straightforward, well-known algorithm for it.
Also, if I was using .NET, I would simply define a rectangle corresponding to each grid tile, and then see which ones intersect the polygon. I don't know if checking intersection is easy in Matlab, however.
I would suggest using poly2mask in the Image Processing Toolbox, it does more or less what you want, I think, and also more or less what youself and Salain has suggested.
Slight improvement
Firstly, to simplify your "partial solution" - what you're doing is just looking at the corners. If instead of considering the 22x22 grid of points, you could consider the 23x23 grid of corners (which will be offset from the smaller grid by (-0.5, -0.5). Once you have that, you can mark the points on the 22x22 grid that have at least one corner in the polygon.
Full solution:
However, what you're really looking for is whether the polygon intersects with the 1x1 box surrounding each pixel. This doesn't necessarily include any of the corners, but it does require that the polygon intersects one of the four sides of the box.
One way you could find the pixels where the polygon intersects with the containing box is with the following algorithm:
For each pair of adjacent points in the polygon, calling them pA and pB:
Calculate rounded Y-values: Round(pA.y) and Round(pB.y)
For each horizontal pixel edge between these two values:
* Solve the simple linear equation to find out at what X-coordinate
the line between pA and pB crosses this edge
* Round the X-coordinate
* Use the rounded X-coordinate to mark the pixels above and below
where it crosses the edge
Do a similar thing for the other axis
So, for example, say we're looking at pA = (1, 1) and pB = (2, 3).
First, we calculated the rounded Y-values: 1 and 3.
Then, we look at the pixel edges between these values: y = 1.5 and y = 2.5 (pixel edges are half-offset from pixels
For each of these, we solve the linear equation to find where pA->pB intersects with our edges. This gives us: x = 1.25, y = 1.5, and x = 1.75, y = 2.5.
For each of these intersections, we take the rounded X-value, and use it to mark the pixels either side of the edge.
x = 1.25 is rounded to 1 (for the edge y = 1.5). We therefore can mark the pixels at (1, 1) and (1, 2) as part of our set.
x = 1.75 is rounded to 2 (for the edge y = 2.5). We therefore can mark the pixels at (2, 2) and (2, 3).
So that's the horizontal edges taken care of. Next, let's look at the vertical ones:
First we calculate the rounded X-values: 1 and 2
Then, we look at the pixel edges. Here, there is only one: x = 1.5.
For this edge, we find the where it meets the line pA->pB. This gives us x = 1.5, y = 2.
For this intersection, we take the rounded Y-value, and use it to mark pixels either side of the edge:
y = 2 is rounded to 2. We therefore can mark the pixels at (1, 2) and (2, 2).
Well, sort of. This will give you the edges, but it won't fill in the body of the polygon. However, you can just combine these with your previous (red) results to get the complete set.
First I define a low resolution circle for this example
Like your example it fits with in a grid of ~22 units. Then, following your lead, we declare a meshgrid and check if points are in the polygon.
[a b] = meshgrid(1:stepSize:22);
inPoly1 = inpolygon(a,b,X,Y);
Only difference is that where your original solution took steps of one, this grid can take smaller steps. And finally, to include anything within the "edges" of the squares
inPolyFull=unique( round([a(inPoly1) b(inPoly1)]) ,'rows');
The round simply takes our high resolution grid and rounds the points appropriately to their nearest low resolution equivalents. We then remove all of the duplicates in a vector style or pair-wise fashion by calling unique with the 'rows' qualifier. And that's it
To view the result,
[aOrig bOrig] = meshgrid(1:22);
imagesc(1:stepSize:22,1:stepSize:22,inPoly1); hold on;
plot(inPolyFull(:,1),inPolyFull(:,2),'w.'); hold off;
Changing the stepSize has the expected effect of improving the result at the cost of speed and memory.
If you need the result to be in the same format as the inPoly2 in your example, you can use
Hope that helps. I can think of some other ways to go about it, but this seems like the most straightforward.
Well, I guess I am late, though strictly speaking the bounty time was till tomorrow ;). But here goes my attempt. First, a function that marks cells that contain/touch a point. Given a structured grid with spacing lx, ly, and a set of points with coordinates (Xp, Yp), set containing cells:
function cells = mark_cells(lx, ly, Xp, Yp, cells)
% Find cell numbers to which points belong.
% Search by subtracting point coordinates from
% grid coordinates and observing the sign of the result.
% Points lying on edges/grid points are assumed
% to belong to all surrounding cells.
sx=sign(bsxfun(#minus, lx, Xp'));
sy=sign(bsxfun(#minus, ly, Yp'));
cx=diff(sx, 1, 2);
cy=diff(sy, 1, 2);
% for every point, mark the surrounding cells
for i=1:size(cy, 1)
cells(find(cx(i,:)), find(cy(i,:)))=1;
Now, the rest of the code. For every segment in the polygon (you have to walk through the segments one by one), intersect the segment with the grid lines. Intersection is done carefully, for horizontal and vertical lines separately, using the given grid point coordinates to avoid numerical inaccuracies. For the found intersection points I call mark_cells to mark the surrounding cells to 1:
% example grid
lx = linspace(0, 1, nx);
ly = linspace(0, 1, ny);
cells = zeros(nx-1, ny-1);
% for every line in the polygon...
% Xp and Yp contain start-end points of a single segment
Xp = [0.15 0.61];
Yp = [0.1 0.78];
% line equation
slope = diff(Yp)/diff(Xp);
inter = Yp(1) - (slope*Xp(1));
if isinf(slope)
% SPECIAL CASE: vertical polygon segments
% intersect horizontal grid lines
ymax = 1+floor(max(Yp)/dy);
ymin = 1+ceil(min(Yp)/dy);
x=repmat(Xp(1), 1, ymax-ymin+1);
cells = mark_cells(lx, ly, x, y, cells);
% SPECIAL CASE: not horizontal polygon segments
if slope ~= 0
% intersect horizontal grid lines
ymax = 1+floor(max(Yp)/dy);
ymin = 1+ceil(min(Yp)/dy);
xmax = (ly(ymax)-inter)/slope;
xmin = (ly(ymin)-inter)/slope;
% interpolate in x...
x=linspace(xmin, xmax, ymax-ymin+1);
% use exact grid point y-coordinates!
cells = mark_cells(lx, ly, x, y, cells);
% intersect vertical grid lines
xmax = 1+floor(max(Xp)/dx);
xmin = 1+ceil(min(Xp)/dx);
% interpolate in y...
ymax = inter+slope*lx(xmax);
ymin = inter+slope*lx(xmin);
% use exact grid point x-coordinates!
y=linspace(ymin, ymax, xmax-xmin+1);
cells = mark_cells(lx, ly, x, y, cells);
Output for the example mesh/segment:
Walking through all polygon segments gives you the polygon 'halo'. Finally, the interior of the polygon is obtained using standard inpolygon function. Let me know if you need more details about the code.