Vcpkg package(s) missing on this computer - visual-studio-code

hopefully someone can help me on this. I have cloned azure-iot-sdk-c from Github and attempting to compile the iothub_II_telemetry_sample but am getting this error:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error This project references Vcpkg package(s) that are missing on this computer. For more information, see The missing file is include\azureiot\iothub.h. D:\Azure\SDK\azure-iot-sdk-c\iothub_client\samples\iothub_ll_telemetry_sample\windows\iothub_ll_telemetry_sample.vcxproj D:\Azure\SDK\azure-iot-sdk-c\iothub_client\samples\iothub_ll_telemetry_sample\windows\iothub_ll_telemetry_sample.vcxproj 200
I have followed the link provided in the error and installed vcpkg but still get this error.

Azure IoT SDK uses many libraries (a few from Nuget packages and a few references such as MXchip etc) and you are using the C SDK of azure IoT sample on Windows, so to smooth installation of the required libraries you need vcpkg. Following is the link to install vcpkg, Once you install vcpkg, delete the Temp files and re-start your computer.
Install vcpkg manager on Windows


Visual Studio can't resolve Nuget dependencies after reinstalling operating system

I recently reinstalled my Windows 10 OS, and now Nuget packages are "not compatible". After an explanation, I will be asking, how do I resolve this problem.
Lead up
Due to an unrelated problem, I had to reinstall my operating system. In the course of that, I reinstalled Visual Studio 2019. I cloned my repository (, then opened it locally with VS.
Now when I build, I get several Nuget errors and warnings. These Nuget dependencies have been present in my code since December 2019, and never caused me a problem until this month (July 2020) associated with the reinstallation of VS.
Question: How do I resolve this problem?
Other Details
I am targeting .Net Core 3.1, but it happens no matter which version of .Net Core I target.
The main error seems to be of the pattern:
NU1202 Package System.Drawing.Common 4.5.0 is not compatible with netcoreapp3.1 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v3.1).
This is happening for System.Drawing.Common, netDxf.netstandard, and packages necessary for Microsoft Tests. Specifically, it can't recognize using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; (namespace 'VisualStudio' does not exist), and every attribute ([TestClass], [TestMethod]) now is a syntax error.
What have I already tried
Various combinations of reestablishing the Nuget packages. This includes at least twice clearing the Nuget cache and installing the dependencies again. I also followed the advice here: (Item 3) Close VS, Delete global NuGet.config, start VS and let it rebuild Nuget.config.
None of these work.
One last note: I have tried so many things and got into various different states of not working that my description may have inadvertently conflated a few details.
Visual Studio can't resolve Nuget dependencies after reinstalling
operating system
It is quite strange and in my side, I can also build the project without any errors.(I download the project from your github link and then open it with VS0219----build well).
So I think your Net Core SDK or VS IDE have broken.
1), please try to install the latest Net Core 3.1 Developer SDK.
Or you could open Programs and Features from Control Panel, then right-click on every net core sdk-->Change-->Repair
2) run sfc /scannow to scan your os and you can refer to this link for more steps.
3), try to do a repair in VS Installer. Or if your VS2019 is not the latest, please update it to the latest version.
4) try to create a new net core project and then install these nuget packages to check if the issue still persists.

IBM Mobilefirst 8.0 Server installation issue on DEV enviroment

I'm installing IBM Mobilefirst 8.0 on DEV enviroment.
I followed steps available in IBM portal as below.
However i installed IBM Mobilefirst Installation Manager and WebSphere Liberty Core on DEV enviroment.
While installing MFP server we are getting below error:
./imcl install -repositories /data3/opt/IBM/MFP_Server/MobileFirst_Platform_Server/disk1 -properties user.appserver.selection2=none,user.database.selection2=none,user.database.preinstalled=false,,user.use.ios.edition=false -acceptLicense
Before you start using the product, you must deploy a MobileFirst Server to your application server.
For more information about deploying projects with the Server Configuration Tool or command line tools, see
the documentation at
ERROR: Failed to find required installation files.
CRIMA1161E ERROR: Failed to find required installation files.
Explanation: Installation Manager did not find required installation files from the repository. An issue has occurred with the package that cannot be resolved by Installation Manager.
User Action: If the repository files were transferred from a different location before the installation, verify that the files were not altered during the transfer operation. Copy the repository files to a different location and install from that location. If the repository files were not transferred note the package name and version number and contact customer support.
ERROR: 'zip 1.9.4' not found in /data3/opt/IBM/MobileFirst_Platform_Server/disk1.
server details:
JAVA 1.7
Linux Redhat 6.8
Websphere Liberty core and IBM Installation Manager
ant 1.9.4
is there anything which i m missing?
As specified in the comments, the issue was possible corruption of the binary downloaded the first time - during download or transfer.
Downloading the same repository again and trying resolves the issue.

Provision windows machine with vagrant to install github desktop

I try to install github desktop via chocolatey (vagrant provisioning) on my windows virtual machine. The installation process runs until the actual github installation. The error message looks like this:
Download of GitHubSetup.exe (663.49 KB) completed
WARNING: Ignoring checksums due to feature checksumFiles turned off or option --ignore-checksums set.
Installing github...
github has been installed.
Microsoft's ClickOnce framework is downloading and extracting the ~110
MB install files.
This may take several minutes or longer. Please wait...
The installation hangs at this point. I read about this issue at the official chocolatey webpage . How can I workaround this problem?

Getting "The document was created using an evaluation version of activereports"

I am using ActiveReports6 for my windows forms application
When I install it on my machine providing serial key it works perfectly fine.
But when I don't install it, it shows this red line in the bottom of the report
The document was created using an evaluation version of activereports..
My understanding may not be correct, but what I tried is I installed licensed version of ActiveReports6 to my computer and then copied all the dlls generated for ActiveReports6 from GAC and added them to my project thinking now they will work on any machine as they are generated by licensed version of the software.
And then uninstalled Activereports6, but when I tried it still gave me the same evaluation version message.
So is it mandatory that active reports has to be installed in all the machines where I deploy my client? Or I did something wrong
The license for development. You would install activereports, create your reports and build your application on the licensed machine, the VS compiler will automatically check the licensed components and include the license within your application. You do not need to install ActiveReports itself on your client, only make sure that you are deploying the ActiveReports assemblies with your application. if you are having any issues please contact us at and we would gladly resolve the issue for you.
Found the mistake I was doing.
Actually I had put licenses.licx file in the subdirectory of the project while it should be in the same directory of the project and so I was not generating its exe.licenses file and so did not work.
Once I changed the location of licx file it worked!

Why do I get InvalidDataException installing from local Nuget.Server?

So I installed a local NuGet server using the NuGet.Server package and VS2012. Everything seems to work fine, I have a package that I created based on a web application. The server knows about the package (i.e. I can list it using "nuget list"), but when I try to install it on the target machine, I get an InvalidDataException with a message the the Archive file cannot be size 0.
I am using Win7 x86 and the command-line nuget.exe utility from within PowerShell. Nuget.exe is in \windows.
Also, I can install packages from the public server on this target machine.
In an interesting twist, I am able to install the very same internal package from the very same internal server when I run the same command from within the Package Manager Console in VS2012. I have verified that the nuget.exe versions are the same.
Any help on this?
Turns out there was an issue with the local Nuget cache. Once I cleared it out, the package installed correctly.