How to get a website link from github API? - github

Is there a way to get the website link via github api? Currently I don't see it when using the following:
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json"
I can get the topics and the description text but not the website (

You'll need to use the GraphQL API, and you're looking for the homepageUrl field under a given repo. For example, the query below will give all public repositories for a given user, and for each repository, it will give its name, description, and homepage:
query MyQuery {
repositoryOwner(login: "username") {
repositories(orderBy: {field: CREATED_AT, direction: DESC}, first: 100, privacy: PUBLIC) {
nodes {
Unlike the REST api, the GraphQL api requires authentication. You can tinker around with the query here.


How do I enable auto-merge on a github pull request via the Rest API

I have permission, the repo allows it. I create a bunch of PRs using a cli tool and then I have to go open N tabs and double click the Enable Auto-Merge -> Confirm process for each one.
Does the API offer an issue/pr modify method to set this attribute automatically without resorting to the UI?
It seems that at the moment it's not possible to do it via Rest API, but you can use GraphQL API mutation enablePullRequestAutoMerge instead.
I solved it like this:
Request POST to to get pullRequestID value
query MyQuery {
repository(name: "repo-example", owner: "org-example) {
pullRequest(number: 49) {
With pullRequest ID make a mutation:
Request POST to
mutation MyMutation {
enablePullRequestAutoMerge(input: {pullRequestId: "$pullRequestID", mergeMethod: MERGE}) {

How to get users by custom attributes in keycloak?

I know that there is admin APIs to get the list of users which returns the user representation array.
GET /admin/realms/{realm}/groups/{id}/members
but is there a way to get users by custom attribute ?
This is not possible by default, but Keycloak offers the possibility to extend its functionalities via a system of Service Provider Interfaces which is very easy to implement.
Here is an example of new route that allows to search by custom attributes :
public class SearchByAttributeResourceProvider implements RealmResourceProvider {
private KeycloakSession session;
public SearchByAttributeResourceProvider(KeycloakSession session) {
this.session = session;
public Object getResource() {
return this;
public List<UserRepresentation> getUsersByStuff(#PathParam("stuffValue") String stuffValue) {
return session
.searchForUserByUserAttribute("stuff", stuffValue, session.getContext().getRealm())
.map(userModel -> ModelToRepresentation.toRepresentation(session, session.getContext().getRealm(), userModel))
public void close() {
You'll find more details here :
This is enabled out of the box from Keycloak version 15.1.0
Using GET /{realm}/users API, parameter q is introduced: A query to search for custom attributes, in the format 'key1:value2 key2:value2'
curl 'http://{{keycloak_url}}/auth/admin/realms/{{realm}}/users?q=phone:123456789'
You can also combine several attributes within this parameter using space ' ' delimiter
curl 'http://{{keycloak_url}}/auth/admin/realms/{{realm}}/users?q=phone:123456789 country:USA'
With latest version of keycloak (18.01), we have api in
List<UserRepresentation> searchByAttributes(#QueryParam("q") String searchQuery);
The query param is of format 'key:value' . Using this we can get list of all users by custom attributes
Update: The /auth path was removed starting with Keycloak 17 Quarkus distribution. So you might need to remove the /auth from the endpoint calls presented on this answer.
Keycloak versions from 15.1.0 upwards
Although not mentioned on the release notes it is possible after Keycloak version 15.1.0 (as pointed out by #Darko) to search users by custom attributes, introduced with this commit. As one can now see on the GET /{realm}/users endpoint of the Keycloak Admin Rest API:
Form example:
curl 'https://${KEYCLOAL_HOST}/auth/admin/realms/${REALM_NAME}/users?q=employeeNumber:444555'
Keycloak versions before 15.1.0
For version before 15.1.0, out-of-the-box you can use the Keycloak Admin API endpoint:
GET /{realm}/users
one can read that :
Get users Returns a list of users, filtered according to query
those (optional) query parameters being:
briefRepresentation (boolean);
email (string);
first (string);
firstName (string);
lastName (string);
max (Maximum results size (defaults to 100)) (integer);
search (A String contained in username, first or last name, or email);
username (string).
As you can see you cannot search for custom attributes. A not so great solution is to get all the users (max=-1), and filter afterwards by the custom attribute.
The other option (pointed out by #Lucas) is to extend Keycloak functionality by adding your own custom Service Provider Interfaces (SPI) and adding your custom endpoint. There you can take advantage of the searchForUserByUserAttribute method from the UserQueryProvider interface.
Step-by-step with Keycloak Admin API versions from 15.1.0 upwards
To use the Keycloak Admin REST API, you need an access token from a user with the proper permissions. For now, I will be using the admin user from the master realm, and later explain how to use another user:
curl “https://${KEYCLOAK_HOST}/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/token” \
-d "client_id=admin-cli" \
-d "username=${ADMIN_NAME}” \
-d "password=${ADMIN_PASSWORD}" \
-d "grant_type=password"
You get a JSON response with the admin's token. Extract the value of property access_token from that response. Let us save it in the variable $ACCESS_TOKEN for later reference.
To get the list of users from your realm $REALM_NAME with a given set of attributes (i.e., ${ATTRIBUTES}).
curl -X GET “https://${KEYCLOAK_HOST}/auth/admin/realms/${REALM_NAME}/users?q=${ATTRIBUTES}” \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}”
I have the aforementioned steps coded in the script on my GitHub repo for those that are interested. An example :
sh localhost:8080 admin admin test_realm 'employeeNumber:4445 something:a'
Assigning the proper user permissions
For those that do not want to get an access token from the master admin user, you can get it from another user but that user needs the permission manage-users from the realm-management client. For that you can check this answer on how to do it
Current Keycloak API version is 4.8 and there is API:
Get users Returns a list of users, filtered according to query parameters
GET /{realm}/users
See doc:
Only this "search" is available from the API. If you need search by user attributes, then you need to implement it in your own code.
You can filter keycloak users using their custom attributes by passing the 'q' get parameter:
<get-users-url>?q=key1:value1 key2:value2
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/admin/realms/realm-name/users?q=key1:value1 key2:value2' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <your-token>'

How to do Github GraphQL Search for code? [duplicate]

I am using the GitHub's GraphQL API to search for files/code containing a particular word. A simple (contrived) example of a search which in this case is to find the term "beef" in files located in "recipes" (the repo) for "someuser" (the owner for the repo) is shown below:
search(query: "beef repo:someuser/recipes", type: REPOSITORY, first: 10) {
edges {
node {
... on Repository {
I tried this in GitHub's GraphQL Explorer ( and receive zero results from the search which is incorrect as I can confirm that the word ("beef" in the example above) is in the files in the repo:
"data": {
"search": {
"repositoryCount": 0,
"edges": []
When I try this using GitHub's REST API (v3) via curl, I definitely get results:
curl --header 'Accept: application/vnd.github.v3.raw'
... So I know that the query (REST v3 API) is valid, and my understanding is that the query string in the GraphQL (v4) API is identical to that for the REST (v3) API.
My questions are:
Am I incorrectly using the GitHub GraphQL (v4) API or am I specifying the query string improperly, or am I trying to use functionality that is not yet supported?
Is there an example of how to do this that someone can provide (or link to) that illustrates how to search code for specific words?
Type: CODE is not supported yet. There is no way you can search the code using graphql right now.
Your understanding is right. Just that you are missing one piece.
The search you are doing is happening against the type: REPOSITORY.
if you replace your search with
search(query: "beef", type: REPOSITORY, first: 10) {
you will get all the repos having beef in their name.
You can add qualifiers, if you want to search "beef" just in names than change the query like
search(query: "beef in:name", type: REPOSITORY, first: 10) {
for further detail you can look at

Search for code in GitHub using GraphQL (v4 API)

I am using the GitHub's GraphQL API to search for files/code containing a particular word. A simple (contrived) example of a search which in this case is to find the term "beef" in files located in "recipes" (the repo) for "someuser" (the owner for the repo) is shown below:
search(query: "beef repo:someuser/recipes", type: REPOSITORY, first: 10) {
edges {
node {
... on Repository {
I tried this in GitHub's GraphQL Explorer ( and receive zero results from the search which is incorrect as I can confirm that the word ("beef" in the example above) is in the files in the repo:
"data": {
"search": {
"repositoryCount": 0,
"edges": []
When I try this using GitHub's REST API (v3) via curl, I definitely get results:
curl --header 'Accept: application/vnd.github.v3.raw'
... So I know that the query (REST v3 API) is valid, and my understanding is that the query string in the GraphQL (v4) API is identical to that for the REST (v3) API.
My questions are:
Am I incorrectly using the GitHub GraphQL (v4) API or am I specifying the query string improperly, or am I trying to use functionality that is not yet supported?
Is there an example of how to do this that someone can provide (or link to) that illustrates how to search code for specific words?
Type: CODE is not supported yet. There is no way you can search the code using graphql right now.
Your understanding is right. Just that you are missing one piece.
The search you are doing is happening against the type: REPOSITORY.
if you replace your search with
search(query: "beef", type: REPOSITORY, first: 10) {
you will get all the repos having beef in their name.
You can add qualifiers, if you want to search "beef" just in names than change the query like
search(query: "beef in:name", type: REPOSITORY, first: 10) {
for further detail you can look at

Get ads and their image in the same query

I'm using the graph API and trying to get a list of ads with their insights and post images.
I don't want to do multiple queries for this as I quickly hit the "(#17) User request limit reached" issue even when I use batch queries.
My current query looks like this:
Now in order to get the post image, I need to take the creative ID that is returned and use it in another query to pull the post like this:
Then use the returned story id to pull the picture like:
Is there any way I can combine these queries to do less requests?
Something like:
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Facebook's Batch API may work for you. It allows for multiple Graph API calls to be made from a single HTTP request and supports dependencies between those requests. Read over the documentation for details and here's a example curl call of how it might work (I've not executed this call so please review against the API documentation and test).
curl \
-F 'access_token=...' \
-F 'batch=[
]' \