Postgres concurrent transactions unexpected issue - postgresql

When the following transaction is run concurrently on different connections it sometimes errors with
trigger "my_trigger" for relation "my_table" already exists
What am I doing wrong?
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS my_trigger ON my_table;
I am trying to set up a system where I can add triggers to notify about data changes in specific tables. If a table already has such a trigger then skip it. Otherwise CREATE all CRUD triggers. This logic needs to run sequentially in case of concurrent requests.
After trying ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE I noticed that any conflicting transactions are failed and dropped (I would need to manually check sql status and retry). But what I want is to queue up these transactions and run afterwards one by one in the order they're sent.
At the moment I am trying to achieve this by having a my_triggers (table_name TEXT) table that has a BEFORE INSERT OR DELETE trigger. Within this trigger I do the actual table trigger upsert logic. Inserts or deletes on my_triggers are made with LOCK TABLE my_triggers IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE ... which should queue up conflicting CRUD transactions ?!

What happens is following:
Both transactions starts when trigger is not present.
Both succeed in drop trigger because of "IF EXISTS" statement.
First transaction starts creating a trigger. For that a SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE lock is placed on table my_table. The lock SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE conflicts with it self so no other transaction is allowed to create a trigger until the first one completes.
Second transaction blocks on CREATE TRIGGER.
First transaction completes.
Second transaction proceeds with CREATE TRIGGER but it already exists. Exception is raised.
What you need is adding a LOCK before DROP TRIGGER statement. This way you will ensure the trigger is dropped and not created in concurrent transaction.
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS my_trigger ON my_table;


How do I create a temporary trigger in Postgres? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Drop trigger/function at end of session in PostgreSQL?
(1 answer)
Closed last month.
I'm trying to create a system in Postgres where each client can create its own subscriptions via listen + notify + triggers. I.e. the client will listen to a channel, and then create a trigger which runs notify on that channel when its conditions have been met. The issue is that I want Postgres to clean up properly in case of improper client termination (e.g. the remote client process dies). To be more specific, I want that trigger which is calling the notify to be removed as there is no longer a listener anyways. How can I accomplish this?
I've thought about having a table to map triggers to client ids and then using that to remove triggers where the client is gone, but it seems like a not so great solution.
I found an answer to this in another question: Drop trigger/function at end of session in PostgreSQL?
In reasonably recent Postgres versions you can create a function in
pg_temp schema:
create function pg_temp.get_true() returns boolean language sql as $$ select true; $$;
select pg_temp.get_true();
This is the schema in which temporary tables are created. All its
contents, including your function, will be deleted on end of session.
You can also create triggers using temporary functions on tables. I've
just tested this and it works as expected:
create function pg_temp.ignore_writes() returns trigger language plpgsql as $$
return NULL;
create table test (id int);
create trigger test_ignore_writes
before insert, update, delete on test
for each row execute procedure pg_temp.ignore_writes();
Because this trigger function always returns NULL and is before [event] it should make any writes to this table to be ignored. And
insert into test values(1);
select count(*) from test;
But after logout and login this function and the trigger would not be
present anymore, so writes would work:
insert into test values(1);
select count(*) from test;
But you should be aware that this is somewhat hackish — not often used
and might not be very thoroughly tested.
That's not how it works. CREATE TRIGGER requires that you either own the table or have the TRIGGER privilege on it (which nobody in their right mind will give you, because it enables you to run arbitrary code in their name). Moreover, CREATE TRIGGER requires an SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE lock on the table and DROP TRIGGER requires an ACCESS EXCLUSIVE lock, which can be disruptive.
Create a single trigger and keep that around.

insert values on trigger in temporal tables in postgres

So I am new to using procedures and triggers and it is really confusing me
I have used temporal tables and want to basically create a history table of records inserted,updated or deleted.
Infact I have created my history table and works fine when I use this trigger sql
DROP TRIGGER if exists versioning_trigger on mytable;
CREATE TRIGGER versioning_trigger BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON mytable FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE versioning('sys_period', 'table_history', true);
This creates records of the rows updated or deleted,precisely copies the old row record from mytable into table_history table and updates the record in mytable.But I want to insert the updated record from mytable to table_history also so that it has records of all types('current active record'and 'record before updation').Also insert some other fields in table_history when the trigger is executed.
I want to ask
How is it possible to have different trigger events(BEFORE or AFTER) together in one CREATE TRIGGER query in temporal_tables?
Is it possible to insert new field values in table_history on trigger execution? How can I accomplish this?
A trigger procedure is created with the CREATE FUNCTION command,
declaring it as a function with no arguments and a return type of
and also
same trigger can't fire both before and after event - just create two triggers if you really need it
Determines whether the function is called before, after, or instead of
the event.
use NEW instead of OLD for new values
Data type RECORD; variable holding the new database row for
INSERT/UPDATE operations in row-level triggers. This variable is
unassigned in statement-level triggers and for DELETE operations.

INSERT statement that does not fire an INSERT trigger

I am using PostgreSQL 9.2 and I need to write an INSERT statement which copies data from table A to table B without firing the INSERT trigger defined on table B (maybe some sort of bulk insertion operation??).
On this specific table (table B) many INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE operations are executed. During each and every one of this executions, a trigger must fire.
I cannot temporary disable the triggers because of standard, day-to-day DML operations.
Can anyone help me with the syntax for this non-trigger-firing INSERT statement?
Run your "privileged" inserts as a different user. That way your trigger can check the current user and exit if it shouldn't do anything.

how to stop/fire trigger in stored procedure dynamically?

Suppose I have a table MyTab in database. I have a trigger, for example, delete trigger on this table.
Then in a stored procedure, I try to delete data from this table but want to stop the delete trigger only for this deletion. After that, put the trigger back on normal. Is it possible to have codes in stored procedure like:
stop trigger on MyTab;
delete from MyTab where ...;
put the trigger back;
As mentioned here, you can disable and enable the trigger, though I'd probably put this in a try-catch and/or transaction so you don't get stuck with your trigger disabled because of an error.
For example:
set xact_abort on; -- Auto-rollback on any error
begin transaction;
alter table MyTab disable trigger TR_MyTab_Delete;
delete from MyTab where 1/0 = 1; -- Causes div by zero error
alter table MyTab enable trigger TR_MyTab_Delete; -- Won't run becuase of above error
The script above will throw an error but won't leave the trigger disabled, as set xact_abort on guarantees that my transaction is rolled back, including the disabling of the trigger.

Trigger preventing insert

Is there any reason that having a trigger on a table would prevent the original insert statement from inserting? The trigger is run AFTER the row is inserted in the table, and there is no transaction rollback in the trigger.
It will happen when there is an exception in the trigger (when an error happens in a trigger the batch is aborted).