How can I find out if any k8s resources are using a specific ConfigMap? - kubernetes

I am on a GCP k8s cluster. I want to be sure that no pods or other kubernetes resources are using a particular ConfigMap first, before deleting the ConfigMap. Is there a kubectl command that I can use to check what is using a ConfigMap?

You could export all your resources and grep for the config map name.
You can use this script to export all selected resources (select resources in the RESOURCES category)
RESOURCES="configmap secret daemonset deployment service"
for resource in ${RESOURCES};do
rsrcs=$(kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE} get -o json ${resource}|jq '.items[]'|sed "s/\"//g")
for r in ${rsrcs};do
mkdir -p "${dir}"
kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE} get -o yaml ${resource} ${r} > "${dir}/${r}.yaml"
Next, you can use grep -nr your_config_map_name your_directory(your name space in this case)
this will show you the files that contain the config map, I.E resources that use it.


find which yaml file was used for the any kubernetes resource?

How to find, that which yaml file was used for the deployment of any kubernetes resource.
I checked "kubectl describe", it doesn't list the same, is there anyway to know.
use case:
I want to update the yaml and redeploy, one option, I guess is to generate the yaml from running resource, update and redeploy.
any suggestions ?
To get yaml for your k8s application deployment.
Use this
kubectl get deploy my-deployment -o yaml --export
kubectl get pod my-pod -o yaml --export
kubectl get svc my-svc -o yaml --export
Editing is also simple.
kubectl get deploy my-deployment -o yaml --export > my-deployment.yml
<Edit the my-deployment.yml file and kubectl apply -f my-deployment.yml>
kubectl edit deployment my-deployment
Hope this helps.
You can use the following command to get the content of an yaml file, that was used to create a deployment:
kubectl apply view-last-applied <resource_type> <resource_name>
In your case it will be similar to:
kubectl apply view-last-applied deployment <deployment_name>
I think you can choose here from two options.
Option 1:
You can grep all YAMLs looking for specific annotations or labels.
$ grep "app: nginx-test" *.yaml
$ grep -e " http" *.yaml
When you find proper file you can edit it (vi, nano, etc) and apply.
$ kubectl apply -f [yaml-name]
Option 2:
When you know name of your deployment you can edit it.
$ kubectl edit deployment [deployment-name]
You will see current deployment YAML with a status: section which describing current status of deployment. If you don't like vi, you can use nano instead
$ KUBE_EDITOR="nano" kubectl edit [deployment-name]
If you want to create YAML from your current deployment I would advise you to use kubectl edit with --export flag. It will removes unneeded information (like status: from previous comment).
$ kubectl get deploy [your-deployment] -oyaml --export >> newDeployment.yaml
Hope it will help.

How to correctly export kubernetes resources?

I've created several resources using k8s Ansible module. Now I'd like to export the resources into Kubernetes manifests (so I don't need to use Ansible anymore). I've started by exporting a Service:
$ kubectl get svc myservice -o yaml --export > myservice.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f myservice.yaml
Warning: kubectl apply should be used on resource created by either kubectl create --save-config or kubectl apply
service/myservice configured
Why do I get the the warning? And why there's service/myservice configured and not service/myservice unchanged? Is there a better way to export resources?
You're doing right, don't worry about the warning.
If you want to get rid of it, you have to delete all the generation, selfLink and so on keys.
Yes, you are doing it right.
Let me show you small trick:
kubectl get svc myservice -o yaml --export | sed -e '/status:/d' -e '/creationTimestamp:/d' -e '/selfLink: [a-z0-9A-Z/]\+/d' -e '/resourceVersion: "[0-9]\+"/d' -e '/phase:/d' -e '/uid: [a-z0-9-]\+/d' > myservice.yaml
Will generate proper yaml file without status, creationTimestamp, selfLink, resourceVersion, phase and uid.
You get the warning because you're using kubectl apply on a resource that you previously created with kubectl create. If you create the initial Service with kubectl apply, you shouldn't get the warning.
The configured instead of unchanged might be because of some metadata or generated data that is also included in the output of kubectl get svc myservice -o yaml --export.

deleting all k8s objects by environment

what is the command to remove all objects using kubectl for a specific environment?
kubectl -n squad-mb get all
returns all environments for example, and in order to delete one environment I would like to know how to see it, and which command would be required to delete the specific environment (i.e. develop)
To delete all resources of a given namespaces use:
kubectl delete all --all -n {my-namespace}
Usage: kubectl delete ([-f FILENAME] | TYPE [(NAME | -l label | --all)]) [options]
all: all resources types. If you want to delete only some resources you can do kubectl delete deployments,pods,replicasets,services --all
--all: delete all resources of a type (or all types if using all). Example: kubectl delete pods --all
-n: selects the desired namespace. If empty the command is valid for the default namespace of your context. You can select all namespaces with --all-namespaces
Just re-create the namespace:
kubectl delete ns squad-mb
kubectl create ns squad-mb
This will recursively delete everything inside.
kubectl -n namespace delete all pods -l env=dev

How to delete all resources from Kubernetes one time?

Daemon Sets
Replica Sets
Replication Controllers
Stateful Sets
If has replicationcontroller, when delete some deployments they will regenerate. Is there a way to make kubenetes back to initialize status?
Method 1: To delete everything from the current namespace (which is normally the default namespace) using kubectl delete:
kubectl delete all --all
all refers to all resource types such as pods, deployments, services, etc. --all is used to delete every object of that resource type instead of specifying it using its name or label.
To delete everything from a certain namespace you use the -n flag:
kubectl delete all --all -n {namespace}
Method 2: You can also delete a namespace and re-create it. This will delete everything that belongs to it:
kubectl delete namespace {namespace}
kubectl create namespace {namespace}
Note (thanks #Marcus): all in kubernetes does not refers to every kubernetes object, such as admin level resources (limits, quota, policy, authorization rules). If you really want to make sure to delete eveything, it's better to delete the namespace and re-create it. Another way to do that is to use kubectl api-resources to get all resource types, as seen here:
kubectl delete "$(kubectl api-resources --namespaced=true --verbs=delete -o name | tr "\n" "," | sed -e 's/,$//')" --all
Kubernetes Namespace would be the perfect options for you. You can easily create namespace resource.
kubectl create -f custom-namespace.yaml
$ apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
Now you can deploy all of the other resources(Deployment,ReplicaSet,Services etc) in that custom namespaces.
If you want to delete all of these resources, you just need to delete custom namespace. by deleting custom namespace, all of the other resources would be deleted. Without it, ReplicaSet might create new pods when existing pods are deleted.
To work with Namespace, you need to add --namespace flag to k8s commands.
For example:
kubectl create -f deployment.yaml --namespace=custom-namespace
you can list all the pods in custom-namespace.
kubectl get pods --namespace=custom-namespace
You can also delete Kubernetes resources with the help of labels attached to it. For example, suppose below label is attached to all resource
name: label-demo
env: dev
app: nginx
now just execute the below commands
deleting resources using app label
$ kubectl delete pods,rs,deploy,svc,cm,ing -l app=nginx
deleting resources using envirnoment label
$ kubectl delete pods,rs,deploy,svc,cm,ing -l env=dev
can also try kubectl delete all --all --all-namespaces
all refers to all resources
--all refers to all resources, including uninitialized ones
--all-namespaces in all all namespaces
First backup your namespace resources and then delete all resources found with the get all command:
kubectl get all --namespace={your-namespace} -o yaml > {your-namespace}.yaml
kubectl delete -f {your-namespace}.yaml
Nevertheless, still some resources exists in your cluster.
Check with
kubectl api-resources --verbs=list --namespaced -o name | xargs -n 1 kubectl get --show-kind --ignore-not-found --namespace {your-namespace}
If you really want to COMPLETELY delete your namespace, go ahead with:
kubectl delete namespace {your-namespace}
(tested with Client v1.23.1 and Server v1.22.3)
In case if you want to delete all K8S resources in the cluster. Then, easiest way would be to delete the entire namespace.
kubectl delete ns <name-space>
kubectl delete deploy,service,job,statefulset,pdb,networkpolicy,prometheusrule,cm,secret,ds -n namespace -l label
kubectl delete all --all
to delete all the resource in cluster.
after deleting all resources k8's will again relaunch the default services for cluster.

Get YAML for deployed Kubernetes services?

I am trying to deploy my app to Kubernetes running in Google Container
The app can be found at:
The Dockerfile is built into an image on Google Container Registry.
I have deployed the app in Kubernetes via the + button. I don't have the YAML
for this.
I have inserted a Secret in Kubernetes for the PEM file required by the app.
How do I get the YAML for the Deployment, Service and Pod created by
Kubernetes by filling in the form?
How do I get the Secret into my Pod for usage?
To get the yaml for a deployment (service, pod, secret, etc):
kubectl get deploy deploymentname -o yaml
How do I get the YAML for the Deployment, Service and Pod created by
Kubernetes by filling in the form?
kubectl get deployment,service,pod yourapp -o yaml --export
Answering #Sinaesthetic question:
any idea how to do it for the full cluster (all deployments)?
kubectl get deploy --all-namespaces -o yaml --export
The problem with this method is that export doesn't include the namespace. So if you want to export many resources at the same time, I recommend doing it per namespace:
kubectl get deploy,sts,svc,configmap,secret -n default -o yaml --export > default.yaml
Unfortunately kubernetes still doesn't support a true get all command, so you need to list manually the type of resources you want to export. You can get a list of resource types with
kubectl api-resources
The same issue is discussed at kubernetes GitHub issues page and the user "alahijani" made a bash script that exports all yaml and writes them to single files and folders.
Since this question ranks well on Google and since I found that solution very good, I represent it here.
Bash script exporting yaml to sub-folders:
for n in $(kubectl get -o=name pvc,configmap,serviceaccount,secret,ingress,service,deployment,statefulset,hpa,job,cronjob)
mkdir -p $(dirname $n)
kubectl get -o=yaml --export $n > $n.yaml
Another user "acondrat" made a script that do not use directories, which makes it easy to make a kubectl apply -f later.
Bash script exporting yaml to current folder:
for n in $(kubectl get -o=name pvc,configmap,ingress,service,secret,deployment,statefulset,hpa,job,cronjob | grep -v 'secret/default-token')
kubectl get -o=yaml --export $n > $(dirname $n)_$(basename $n).yaml
The last script does not include service account.
Now that --export is deprecated, to get the output from your resources in the 'original' format (just cleaned up, without any information about the current object state (unnecessary metadata in this circumstance)) you can do the following using yq v4.x:
kubectl get <resource> -n <namespace> <resource-name> -o yaml \
| yq eval 'del(.metadata.resourceVersion, .metadata.uid, .metadata.annotations, .metadata.creationTimestamp, .metadata.selfLink, .metadata.managedFields)' -
Syntax for downloading yaml's from kubernetes
kubectl get [resource type] -n [namespace] [resource Name] -o yaml > [New file name]
Create yaml file from running pod:
kubectl get po -n nginx nginx-deployment-755cfc7dcf-5s7j8 -o yaml > podDetail.yaml
Create replicaset yaml file from running pod:
kubectl get rs -n nginx -o yaml > latestReplicaSet.yaml
Create deployement yaml file from running pod:
kubectl get deploy -n nginx -o yaml > latestDeployement.yaml
Also its possible to use the view-last-applied command e.g.
kubectl apply view-last-applied services --all > services.yaml
which will return all the manifests applied to create services. Also you can specify a certain k8 resource by services/resource-name label.
If you need to get 'clean' export, removing the annotations added by Kubernetes, there's an opensource project that does that by piping the output of kubectl get -
It removes the timestamp metadata, etc.
kubectl get pod mypod -o yaml | kubectl neat
kubectl get pod mypod -oyaml | kubectl neat -o json
Use this command to get yaml format of your service
kubectl get service servicename -n <namespace> -o yaml
You can put it in some file also
kubectl get service servicename -n <namespace> -o yaml > service.yaml
The following code will extract all your K8s definitions at once and place them on individual folders below the current folder.
for OBJ in $(kubectl api-resources --verbs=list --namespaced -o name)
for DEF in $(kubectl get --show-kind --ignore-not-found $OBJ -o name)
mkdir -p $(dirname $DEF)
kubectl get $DEF -o yaml \
| yq eval 'del(.metadata.resourceVersion, .metadata.uid, .metadata.annotations, .metadata.creationTimestamp, .metadata.selfLink, .metadata.managedFields)' - > $DEF.yaml
You can store output of deployed kubernetes service by using below command -
kubectl get svc -n -o yaml > svc-output.yaml
For deployments -
kubectl get deploy <deployment-name> -n <your-namespace> -o yaml > deploy-output.yaml
For Pod -
kubectl get pod <pod-name> -n <your-namespace> -o yaml > pod-output.yaml
You can get your secret details using below command -
kubectl get secret -n -o yaml
In order to use update your deployment file by using below command -
kubectl edit deploy -n
Under your pod template add below -
this will go under pod containers section to mount secret volume to container
- name: foo
mountPath: "/etc/foo"
readOnly: true
this will go inside your pod template section in deployment
- name: foo
secretName: mysecret
for the 2nd question regarding the secret, this is from the k8s documentation. see for more info.
Create a secret or use an existing one. Multiple pods can reference the same secret.
Modify your Pod definition to add a volume under spec.volumes[]. Name the volume anything, and have a spec.volumes[].secret.secretName field equal to the name of the secret object.
Add a spec.containers[].volumeMounts[] to each container that needs the secret. Specify spec.containers[].volumeMounts[].readOnly = true and spec.containers[].volumeMounts[].mountPath to an unused directory name where you would like the secrets to appear.
Modify your image and/or command line so that the program looks for files in that directory. Each key in the secret data map becomes the filename under mountPath.
I have used this and it works fine.
Like mentioned above "--export" is one option to get the manifest corresponding to the kubeernetes objects
But "--export" is considered to be buggy and there is a proposal to deprecate it
Currently the better option is to do "-o yaml" or "-o json" and remove the unnecessary fields
The main difference is "--export" is expected to remove the cluster specific settings (e.g. cluster service IP of a k8s service). But it is found to be inconsistent in this regard
All services
kubectl get service --all-namespaces -o yaml > all-service.yaml
All deployments
kubectl get deploy --all-namespaces -o yaml > all-deployment.yaml
We can get the contents associated with any kind from a Kubernetes cluster through the command line if you have the read access.
kubectl get <kind> <kindname> -n <namespace> -o <yaml or json>
For example, if you want to export a deployment from a namespace follow the below command -
kubectl get deploy mydeploy -n mynamespace -o yaml > mydeploy.yaml
kubectl get deploy mydeploy -n mynamespace -o json > mydeploy.json
To get all yaml file deployments backup (not a specific deployment):
kubectl get deployments -n <namespace> -o yaml > deployments.yaml
for getting all yaml file services backup (not a specific deployment):
kubectl get services -n <namespace> -o yaml > services.yaml
enjoy it.
To get YAML for current running deployment on kubernetes, you can run this command:
kubectl get deployment <deployment_name> -o yaml
To generate YAML for deployment you can run the imperative command.
kubectl create deployment <deployment_name>--image=<image_name> -o yaml
To generate and export the deployment you can run the imperative command.
kubectl create deployment <deployment_name>--image=<image_name> --dry-run=client -o yaml > example.yaml
kubectl -n <namespace> get <resource type> <resource Name> -o yaml
With the command above, any resource defined in Kubernetes can be exported in YAML format.
You can try use kube-dump bash script
With this utility, you can save Kubernetes cluster resources as a pure yaml manifest without unnecessary metadata.
GitHub repository
Review of the utility in blog page
We can get yaml for deployed resources using below command.
kubectl get <resource name> -o yaml
kubectl get <resource name> <name of pod> -o yaml
kubectl get deploy Nginx -o yaml
above commands will give you yaml output.
if you want to store the output into any file you can use below command.
kubectl get pod nginx -o yaml > Nginx-pod.yaml
above command will redirect you output to Nginx-pod.yaml in your courrent directory.
If you need to view and edit the file use:
kubectl edit service servicename
You can get the yaml files of the resources using this command
kubectl -n <namespace> get <resource type> <resource Name> -o yaml
To get the secret into your pod,
use something like this
- valueFrom
name: secret_name
key: key_name
- secretRef:
name: secret_name
Is only minor difference from #Janos Lenart's answer!
kubectl get deploy deploymentname -o yaml > outputFile.yaml will do
I know it is too old to answer, but hopefully, someone will find it helpful.
We can try below command to fetch a kind export from all namespace -
kubectl get <kind> --all-namespaces --export -o yaml