Test failed to load while creating a Store - flutter

I try to unit-test, but it fails to load:
dart:ffi new DynamicLibrary.open
package:objectbox/src/native/bindings/bindings.dart 21:28 loadObjectBoxLib
package:objectbox/src/native/bindings/bindings.dart 50:41 C
package:objectbox/src/native/model.dart 18:31 new Model
package:objectbox/src/native/store.dart 63:17 new Store
package:productivitie/features/to_do_listing/data/datasource/project_database_data_source_object_box.dart 23:15 new ProjectDataBaseDataSourceObjectBox.<fn>
dart:async _completeOnAsyncReturn
package:path_provider/path_provider.dart getApplicationDocumentsDirectory
Failed to load "F:\Programme\gitProgramme\productivitie\test\features\to_do_listing\data\datasource\project_database_data_source_object_box_test.dart": Invalid argument(s): Failed to load dynamic library (193)
My Constructor, where the problem occours:
21 ProjectDataBaseDataSourceObjectBox(){
22 getApplicationDocumentsDirectory().then((Directory dir){
23 store = Store(getObjectBoxModel() , directory: dir.path + '/objectbox' );
24 box = store!.box<Project>();
25 });
27 }
Flutter Doctor found no issues.
I build_run my models again (overwrote objectbox.g.dart file), didn't help.
My versions are:
objectbox: 0.14.0
objectbox_flutter_libs: any
path_provider: ^2.0.1
I first thought it was a problem with the path_provider, I did set a MockMethodCallHandler to return a mocked directory path if the path_provider tries to getApplicationDocumentsDirectory.
final directory = await Directory.systemTemp.createTemp();
const MethodChannel('plugins.flutter.io/path_provider').setMockMethodCallHandler((MethodCall call) async {
if(call.method == 'getApplicationDocumentsDirectory'){
return directory.path;
return null;
But that didn't help either.

The important part of the error is:
Failed to load dynamic library (193)
From the paths in your question, I assume you're running on Windows. In that case, you need to install the dynamic library so that the compiled test executable can find it. Respecting how Windows loads DLLs this can be either the same directory as where the .exe is, or a system directory. Following Dart CLI apps or Flutter desktop apps installation instructions should help:
Install objectbox-c system-wide (use "Git bash" on Windows):
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/objectbox/objectbox-dart/main/install.sh)
Copy the downloaded lib/objectbox.dll to C:\Windows\System32\ (requires admin privileges).


Flutter js unit test

I have a flutter test project which depends on futter js (javascript environment) this, I wrote a unit test to it. But I keep getting error on this line
jsRuntime = getJavascriptRuntime();
Invalid argument(s): Failed to load dynamic library 'quickjs_c_bridge.dll': error code 126
dart:ffi new DynamicLibrary.open
package:flutter_js/quickjs/ffi.dart 118:26 _qjsLib
package:flutter_js/quickjs/ffi.dart _qjsLib
package:flutter_js/quickjs/ffi.dart 163:19 _jsNewRuntime
package:flutter_js/quickjs/ffi.dart _jsNewRuntime
package:flutter_js/quickjs/ffi.dart 206:14 jsNewRuntime
package:flutter_js/quickjs/quickjs_runtime2.dart 51:16 QuickJsRuntime2._ensureEngine
package:flutter_js/quickjs/quickjs_runtime2.dart 165:5 QuickJsRuntime2.evaluate
package:flutter_js/quickjs/quickjs_runtime2.dart 230:9 QuickJsRuntime2.initChannelFunctions
package:flutter_js/javascript_runtime.dart 63:5 JavascriptRuntime.init
package:flutter_js/quickjs/quickjs_runtime2.dart 46:10 new QuickJsRuntime2
package:flutter_js/flutter_js.dart 40:15
can't figure out how to do flutter js unit test. I want some tips and if possible
Here is the reference but it is written only for windows and linux but I need it for android apk.If possible with eg:
Inside your build directory, copy file runner/Release/quickjs_c_bridge.dll to runner/Debug directory.

How to include dlls in flutter build windows

I am working on a flutter project that runs fine in development.
However I do not know how to get the build to include dll's referenced using FFI.
I can't find clear instructions on how to do it.
I tried following the steps to build an msix here, which worked but didn't seem to include the dll (it fails in the same way as the regular build)
what is the procedure to have the build process consider the dll's?
other dll's show up in the build directory from 3rd party packages so there must be a way right?
That's really hard to discover by your own, but indeed you can bind those libraries to you MSIX. In my case I just made a package for label printers using Dart FFI and DLL`s provided by manufacturer and this is how I did it.
You need to add these DLL's to your assets setting on pubspec.yaml from your package. This is my case:
- assets/WinPort.dll
- assets/Winppla.dll
- assets/Winpplb.dll
- assets/Winpplz.dll
With this setting you will embed your DLL files in your final MSIX, but this was the easy part. Now you have make sure to load the proper load these files in code.
Based on my own tests, I still dealing with two ways to develop and test code, the first one is when I am running a project in my machine via flutter run I must set the target for current.path, when I get it done and start building for deploy I change this to resolvedExecutable.parent.path. Where is what you need to do.
Loading you DLL in development environment (flutter run):
final String _packageAssetsDirPath = normalize(join(Directory.current.path,'assets'));
On production environment (running from .exe or MSIX installed):
final String _assetsPackageDir = normalize(
join('data', 'flutter_assets', 'packages', 'YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME', 'assets'));
final String _exeDirPath = File(Platform.resolvedExecutable).parent.path;
final String _packageAssetsDirPath =
normalize(join(_exeDirPath, _assetsPackageDir));
After with this var called _packageAssetsDirPath will be easy to load your DLL's, now you invoke a DynamicLibrary constructor:
// Path for DLL file
final String _libDllSourceFullPath =
normalize(join(_packageAssetsDirPath, 'Winppla.dll'));
// Target for copy, place DLL in same place the .exe you are running
final String _libDllDestFullPath =
normalize(join(_packageAssetsDirPath, 'YOUROWN.dll'));
// Try to copy for running exe path
// With this copy, would be simple to load, and if it fails, try in full path
try {
String _packageAssetsDirPath =
normalize(join(Directory.current.path, 'assets'));
String _printerLibraryPath =
normalize(join(_packageAssetsDirPath, 'Winppla.dll'));
DynamicLibrary _library = DynamicLibrary.open(_printerLibraryPath);
return _library;
} catch (e) {
try {
DynamicLibrary _library = DynamicLibrary.open('Winppla.dll');
return _library;
} catch (e) {
// Avoing errors creating a fake DLL, but you could deal with an exception
return DynamicLibrary.process();
At this point you can load a DLL and use it, you can check my package full code at https://github.com/saviobatista/argox_printer check for lib/src/ppla.dart at function _setupDll() and you will see that loading.
I built a simpler option inspired in the solution of Sávio Batista
(You must have your .dll in your assets folder)
if (kReleaseMode) {
// I'm on release mode, absolute linking
final String local_lib = join('data', 'flutter_assets', 'assets', 'libturbojpeg.dll');
String pathToLib = join(Directory(Platform.resolvedExecutable).parent.path, local_lib);
DynamicLibrary lib = DynamicLibrary.open(pathToLib);
} else {
// I'm on debug mode, local linking
var path = Directory.current.path;
DynamicLibrary lib = DynamicLibrary.open('$path/assets/libturbojpeg.dll');
Just replace libturbojpeg.dll for your .dll

Get the current project directory from flutter integration test

Is there a way to get the current project directory in flutter integration test? This is a basic test setup as an example.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:flutter_driver/driver_extension.dart';
import 'package:ivori/main.dart' as app;
import 'package:glob/glob.dart';
void main() {
// This line enables the extension.
print("Where the working directory? ${Directory.current}");
print("What's under the current directory? ${Glob("*").listSync()}");
// Call the `main()` function of the app, or call `runApp` with
// any widget you are interested in testing.
Both of the middle two added lines Directory.current and Glob("*").listSync() are attempts to check/show the current working directory. The output from the above is:
$ flutter drive --target=test_driver/app.dart
Changing current working directory to: /Users/yuchen/Documents/MyDemoApp
Using device iPhone SE (2nd generation).
Starting application: test_driver/app.dart
flutter: Where the working directory? Directory: '/'
flutter: What's under the current directory? [Directory: './home', Directory: './usr', File: './.DS_Store', Directory: './bin', Directory: './sbin', File: './.file',
Directory: './etc', Directory: './var', Directory: './Library', Directory: './System', Link: './.VolumeIcon.icns', Directory: './.fseventsd', Directory: './private',
Directory: './.vol', Directory: './Users', Directory: './Applications', Directory: './opt', Directory: './dev', Directory: './Volumes', Directory: './tmp', Directory:
Not hard to see, the working directory is actually set to the root folder of the computer. Is there a way to get to the current project directory or src directory somehow?
The motivation behind this is to have some test data that will be used during the test but not in the app bundle. There are some discussions (fixes and work rounds) about unit tests in this long thread https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/12999. However, it doesn't seem to have a solution for integration tests.
In my case, I used ext_storage to access the device's storage. The path_provider plugin seems to only able to access the app's directory.
Here's a sample of fetching the storage path for Downloads.
/// Get storage path for Downloads
/// https://pub.dev/documentation/ext_storage/latest/
Future<String> _getPath() {
return ExtStorage.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(
Flutter test command accepts a parameter --dart-define which allows you to set variables
Running your test like this:
flutter test integration_test/test.dart --dart-define=projectRoot=$(pwd)
from the root of your project will allow your test code to access the projectRoot variable and get your files
const projectRoot = String.fromEnvironment('projectRoot');
// now you can access your files like you would expect
final file = File('$projectRoot/test_resources/test.json');
Note: Flutter sets the execution directory to the root of the file system only for integration tests, you don't need this workaround for regular unit (widget) tests

How to get build and version number of Flutter Web app

The keyword here is Web. I can get the build and version number of a Flutter app by using the package_info plugin, but if it is running on the web I can't. How do I get the package info for a Flutter Web app?
I'll include an answer below as a temporary fix, but I am looking a solution that gets the version info from pubspec.yaml.
As a temporary workaround you can create a separate file with the version info in it:
class WebVersionInfo {
static const String name = '1.0.0';
static const int build = 1;
You can use that for all platforms or in your code you can use kIsWeb to just use it for the web:
Future<String> _getAppVersion() async {
if (kIsWeb) {
return WebVersionInfo.name;
} else {
PackageInfo packageInfo = await PackageInfo.fromPlatform();
return packageInfo.version;
Of course, this is not a great solution because now you need to remember to update the version and build information in both pubspec.yaml and in WebVersionInfo every time you update the app.
If you use beta channel you can use package_info_plus plugin that appears to be a drop-in-replacement for package_info. So all you need to change is pubspec.yaml and your import. (I only use version so there could be differences that I haven't noticed)
Change pubspec and your import
pubspec.yaml: package_info_plus: '>=0.6.3 <2.0.0'
import: import 'package:package_info_plus/package_info_plus.dart'
Github issue 46609
For those using Linux and in order to improve Suragch's answer, I suggest automating the build process using bash scripts. For that, we need two scripts: one to increase the version build number and another to call the flutter build command itself, forwarding the parameters. That way, if you prefer to just increment the version build number manually, you can just call the update script and then 'flutter build' later, but if you want to do everything in one step, you can call the builder script.
You will only need to edit the '.app_version' file as the version changes.
The '.build_seq', '.version_number' files are always rewritten, and the '.app_version' file is created only if it is not found.
The scripts:
if [ -f ".app_version" ]; then
VER=`cat .app_version`
echo $VER > .app_version
if [ -f ".build_seq" ]; then
BLD=`cat .build_seq`
echo $BLD > .build_seq
echo "Ver: $VER ($BLD)" > .current_version
echo "
// Auto-generated by updversion.sh. Do not edit.
class WebVersionInfo {
static const String name = '$VER';
static const int build = $BLD;
" > lib/version_info.dart
exit 0
flutter build web $*
exit $?

Could not find openssl in backend

Error I get:
error[E0433]: failed to resolve: could not find `openssl` in `backend`
--> ...\src\...\swagger-0.12.1\src\connector.rs:41:34
41 | native_tls::backend::openssl::TlsConnectorBuilderExt::from_openssl(ssl);
| ^^^^^^^ could not find `openssl` in `backend`
error[E0433]: failed to resolve: could not find `openssl` in `backend`
--> ...\swagger-0.12.1\src\connector.rs:85:34
85 | native_tls::backend::openssl::TlsConnectorBuilderExt::from_openssl(ssl);
| ^^^^^^^ could not find `openssl` in `backend`
Compiling hyper v0.2.1
error: expected identifier, found `"rustc-serialize"`
--> ...\hyper-0.2.1\src\lib.rs:129:14
129 | extern crate "rustc-serialize" as serialize;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected identifier
Generated a server stub user swagger. Ran into issues where cargo couldn't find openssl, giving an error like 'custom build something openssl-sys 0.9.24'. This was a known issue and I overcame it by downloading vcpkg, and using vcpkg to download openssl. Then using environment variables to point to the download folder so cargo could use openssl. But now the error seems to be that openssl doesn't exist in backend?
It also seems to specific to windows, any ideas?
Tried changing the version of native-tls to the most up to date version but it doesn't seem to have an affect at all. It looks like swagger's dependencies need updating but I literally just generated this stub...
You've landed on a flaw from the Rust documentation tools; it picks up what is in a package, but doesn't show the limits.
The backend module definition is defined as:
#[cfg(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "ios"))]
pub mod security_framework;
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
pub mod schannel;
#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "windows", target_os = "ios")))]
pub mod openssl;
In other words, the situation is the following:
If you are on linux (i.e. not macOS, not windows, not iOS), then openssl is available
If you are on windows, then schannel is available
If you are on MacOS or iOS security_framework is available
You should, however, not be trying to target a specific backend, as this defeats the purpose of the library. Instead of importing native_tls::backend::openssl::TlsConnectorBuilderExt, import native_tls::TlsConnectorBuilder and let it decide what backend you need.
This may be easier said than done, however, since by the looks of your error this is caused by a third-party library, which indicates that it was only tested on Linux.