For ad retargeting, how does Facebook match people who visit your website using a mobile browser with people who have Facebook accounts? - facebook

Consider the following specific scenario: -
You have installed Facebook Pixel javascript code on your website.
You have created a "website custom audience" in the Facebook Ads Manager so that you can show your ads on Facebook only to those people who have visited your website in the past.
Your website does not require people to log in, and it does not capture any emails, phone numbers, or similar data.
Most people use the Google Chrome browser on their smartphones to search for something and land on your website. Those people don't use the Chrome browser on their smartphone to log in to Facebook, but they do have Facebook accounts, and they also use the Facebook Android or Facebook iOS app on the same device.
How does Facebook match the website visitors mentioned in the above scenario with their respective Facebook accounts and include them in your "website custom audience?"
PS: Facebook Pixel uses cookies to track users in a browser, but the FB Pixel javascript code can't share cookies between the Google Chrome app and the Facebook app on a smartphone due to sandboxing of apps.


How to use Google OAuth 2 in facebook embedded browser

I have a new website that require users to log in with Google login (using react-oauth/google package).
The problem starts when users clicking on my website link from the facebook mobile app, and then they're redirected to the website in the facebook embedded browser.
However, since last year, Google login blocks embedded browsers.
Is there any way to either:
Configure something so people coming in from facebook could log in using google-login, without the need of redirecting them to a different mobile browser?
If not, how can I redirect the users out of facebook and into their mobile default browser? window.location.href="my.url" don't actually openning any browser in the mobile.

How can i develop a Facebook app for Pages?

I'm trying to develop a facebook app for facebook pages (Ex: the page has a tab that opens the app directly in the facebook interface).
Unfortunatly i'm not finding any documentation about... I found docs for classical facebook apps, (Ex: a website that want to load some data from facebook).
I don't understand how this kind of apps work.. Are the apps only iframes that show one of my server php? how can I define this relation?

Launch Facebook App from Browser and Post Status Update

I have a mobile website that I would like to allow users to share the url via their native Facebook and Twitter apps (it is tedious to have to login to
I can have a link to fb://post to open the FB app, but I can't figure out how to actually pass params for updating a status. I want the functionality of using the sharer.php link on the desktop, but for the native mobile app.
Is this possible?

How do I and other facebook users embed my simple google gadget on their wall / tab

I have a simple Google Gadget that shows products from a Zazzle Storekeeper's store. I'd like to make this available to those storekeepers on their own facebook wall / tab. Is this possible? It doesn't need access to any of their Facebook info other.
Facebook Page Apps are at their core just simple iFrames which can load any other URL on the internet into them. Read more about Apps on and ensure that what you're doing complies with Platform Policy and it should all be pretty straightforward.

Is there any dedicated facebook request for permission for facebook users of mobile browsers?

Is there any different in getting Request for Permission from Facebook Users between desktop browsers users and mobile browsers users?
for example:,read_stream
When I check facebook developer documentation, I can't find info typically for getting permission from mobile browsers users.
I want to know whether I can still use my current OAuth authentication for mobile sites, to get tokens from mobile browsers users?
Any information that I am missing?
Thanks ahead.
Your current will work but there are dialogs which are more suitable for a mobile device, see below.
show a dialog to a user on a mobile device, change the subdomain of the dialog URL from www to m. Facebook will default to an appropriate view based on the user agent. To override that choice, you can explicitly specify one of two mobile display modes:
touch: Used on smartphone mobile devices, like iPhone and Android. Use this for tablets with small screens (i.e., under 7 inches) as well.
wap: Display plain HTML (without JavaScript) on a small screen, such as a Nokia 7500.
FB.ui is a generic helper method for triggering Dialogs that access the Facebook Dialog API endpoint.
These include:
Publishing a story to the feed
Prompting the user to add a friend
**Prompting the user to authorize your application, or grant it permissions**
Prompting a payment
Prompting the user to send an application request to a friend
Prompting the user to share a link
(sorry for the sloppy answer, in a hurry)