JBOSS EAP Folder Structure - confused between EAP 7.3 and JBoss-AS - jboss

I am new to J2EE development. I installed EAP 7.3 from internet (version.txt file has the information "Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform - Version 7.3.0.GA"). I see a different directory structure than what is mentioned at https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/jboss_enterprise_application_platform/5/html/administration_and_configuration_guide/server_directory_structure
Was the above link for version 5 and JBoss has completely changed its folder structure in 7.x? I see the followings folders under my top-level folder - .installation, .well-known, appclient, bin, docs, domain, icons, installation, migration, modules, standalone, uninstaller, welcome-content etc.
Is CLI/ Management console the only option to define DataSource etc. OR have I installed something wrong?


Wildfly and JBoss EAP equivalent versions

I recently started working on the wildfly migration and this is completely new for me.
I have searched on the web but did not find relevant data,
Here I need the list of the wildfly and their equivalent JBoss versions. so, I can choose the dependencies accordingly.
If you've got a Red Hat account there is a listing in the knowledge base. For a list of components in JBoss EAP there is a public listing.

picketlink.xml & jboss-web.xml is missing on JBOSS EAP 7.4

I recently downloaded VM and Installed RHEL 8.6 and installed JBOSS EAP 7.4.
I am trying to create a SSO POC and need to do some changed in picketlink.xml and jboss-web.xml.
I checked in all the folders of jboss eap 7.4 but couldnt find.
Do I install separately or how do I fix this.
I am able to start the server and deploy a sample war file too.

Migration from JBOSS-3.3.2 to JBOSS EAP 7.1

I am in process of migrating one of our web application from JBOSS-3.3.2 to JBOSS EAP 7.1. As Jboss 3 will not support JDK1.8*. I was instructed to migrate the jboss to latest jboss version available in our repository.
I referred the following link but it confuses me as both the versions folder structures are different.
One thing I understood is I have to use standalone/deployments folder for my application(war) to be deployed.
In 3.x we have run.jar, run.sh, run.conf. But in newer versions these are not available instead we have jboss-eap.conf, jboss-eap-rhel.sh but no run.jar any where.
Is there any guide or steps available to be followed for migration.
I was not able to find in google.
In the latest JBoss EAP, you have to start the JBoss EAP server using standalone.sh (for standalone mode) or domain.sh(for domain mode) file.
The .sh file is located under $JBOSS_HOME/bin directory.
For configuration, you can configure using standalone.conf or standalone.xml file in standalone mode and for domain mode, you have to add configuration inside domain.xml file.
For migration please refer to the official document.

Jboss 6 in Eclipse runtime installation configuration directory

I have an existing JBoss project on which I am working on.
Currently every time I make a change, even to a JSP file, I have to run an ANT build to make a EAR file and then import the file in JBoss localhost that I started from the command line.
I would like to run JBoss in Eclipse to make development easier.
I have installed JBoss Tools from Eclipse's Marketplace. However, when I try to install a runtime environment, I cannot get past the configuration screen. Even when I point the configuration directory to the directory with my standalone.xml.
This is the picture of screen I cannot pass
Any ideas?
On your New Server Runtime Environment window, instead of selecting JBoss 6.x Runtime from the JBoss Community folder option, you should instead select the folder Red Hat JBoss Middleware and choose the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.1+ Runtime:
That's the runtime suited for JBoss EAP 6.4.0.
Afterwards you just need to set your Home Directory path.

Eclipse Luna with JBoss Tools does not export libraries

I'm attempting to upgrade our environment to Eclipse Luna w/ JBoss Tools from our current Indigo instance. Most things are sorted well enough, but I'm running into a wall when deploying our application to a JBoss server within Eclipse.
As far as I can see, the lib/ directory of the .ear file generated contains none of the transitive dependencies from maven that we would normally expect to see, and as a result the application does not deploy or run correctly on the server. For clarity, we use the 'use workspace metadata' deployment option on the JBoss server within Eclipse.
By contrast, if I right click on the relevant project within Eclipse and say Export... .ear file, the resulting .ear contains all the .jars that I'd expect inside the lib/ folder (there's over 50 of these things, so it's pretty easy to spot the difference). Subsequently dropping the .ear into the deploy directory of JBoss and starting a server manually has the application working fine.
Has anyone ever encountered this sort of issue within JBoss Tools / Luna, and if so what steps were taken to try and remediate it?
Cheers for any help.
EDIT: For what it's worth, this is a JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5.x server instance, and we're using JBoss EAP 5.2