Entity Framework Core: SaveChanges() NON-async throws "A second operation was started on this context before a previous operation completed." - entity-framework-core

I am fairly new to Entity Framework and everything has been moving smoothly, until I encountered this error. My code is attempting to save children of a parent table using SaveChanges() but I get this error:
A second operation was started on this context before a previous operation completed. This is usually caused by different threads concurrently using the same instance of DbContext.
This message seems tied to async calls and having to use await - SaveChangesAsync(). However I am NOT calling the async version of the SaveChanges() method but still get a thread error message.
My code is fairly simple:
public void CreateRange(IList<Section> sections)
// Add new sections and save context.
_SqlRunnerContext.SaveChanges(); // This line throws the error.
The error seems to occur when there are at least two entries in the list. Which makes me think it's the way that Entity Framework is handling the save internally.
The code that calls this method creates a new repository which in turn creates a new dao and SqlContext. Given this I wouldn't think it would be something outside of this code causing the issue. I have also tried a foreach loop and save each item individually with the same error.
If anyone could give me a suggestion or idea what to try, it would be much appreciated.
Thanks again,

Instead of deleting all records then re-inserting. I change the code to simply update if it exists and add if new. This has resolved the issue.


Async Issue for DbContext used in constructor of objects created via DI

I wonder if someone can clarify when to await and when not to. Consider this code
public Task<List<User>> GetUsersForParent(int someParentId)
var qry = Context.Users.Where(u=>u.parent = someParentId)
return FilterActive(qry);
//Actually in a generic base class, but not important (I don't think)
protected Task<List<T>> FilterActive(IQueryable<T> query) where T: BaseEntity
return query.Where( q=>q.Active == true ).ToListAsync();
Then it is used like this
var users = await DbHandler.GetUsersForParent(1);
So the calling method is awaited, but the others are not. Is this correct?
Should the method calling the ToListAsync() be awaited? (this I assume is now doing the work)
My reason for this is I am getting the DbContext is being used by a second thread dreaded exception. I am running out of places to look. My understanding is the methods are building up the whole task which is executed, but could this be messing with the dbContext?
Edit re DbContext error
Having narrowed down the potential locations for the issue, via Debug.Print and SQL Query profiling (just in case that helps anyone else) I can see one statement being profiled (the next in profile is logging the exception) and I can see two methods being run via the debug print.
One of these methods is a PermissionsManager which, when constructed, initialises itself and loads the user data. This is constructed when requested via the DI framework.
The other method is the single query on the OnGet() method for the page. It is running a single query to get an entity by ID, it is awaited correctly.
My working theory at the moment is that the Thread running the DI construction and another thread running the Page initialise are colliding.
When I made the PermissionManager just _person = new Person() // await db.users.get(userid) the issue goes away. I could replicate the issue 1 in 2 or 3 times of refresh, and with that commented I could not replicate, despite refreshing the page 30+ times.
So my real question with async / await is probably more about DI injection and is that construction running on a different thread? if so, any best practice to avoid?
So the calling method is awaited, but the others are not. Is this correct?
I generally recommend using the async and await keywords, and only return the tasks directly if the method is extremely simple.
My reason for this is I am getting the DbContext is being used by a second thread dreaded exception. I am running out of places to look. My understanding is the methods are building up the whole task which is executed, but could this be messing with the dbContext?
No. At least, the code you posted cannot cause that exception. Whether the async/await keywords are used, or whether the tasks are returned directly, the methods are asynchronous and they do not attempt to do more than one thing on the dbcontext at once.
It's possible that your problem is further up the stack. Task.WhenAll is a good thing to search for when tracking this down.
Should the method calling the ToListAsync() be awaited? (this I assume is now doing the work)
If you await the contents of either method you will be returning the result type, not Task of result type which means the execution cannot be deferred.
Your error will be coming up because you either have multiple threads interacting with the same instance of DbContext, awaited or no this would cause problems, that or you have some code calling the ToListAsync()-containing method, or another async DbContext operation without awaiting.
Writing an EF data access layer returning Task is fairly dangerous which can shoot you in the foot very easily.
Given your code structure I would recommend a couple small changes:
public async Task<List<User>> GetUsersForParent(int someParentId)
var qry = Context.Users.Where(u=>u.parent = someParentId)
qry = FilterActive(qry);
return await qry.ToListAsync();
protected IQueryable<T> FilterActive(IQueryable<T> query) where T: BaseEntity
return query.Where( q=> q.Active == true );
Notably here I would avoid returning Task to reduce risks of improper use and potentially intermittent bugs. The base-class method for FilterActive can return IQueryable<T> to apply the filter without triggering the execution of the operation. This way FilterActive can be applied whether you want a List, a Count, or simply do an Exists check.
Overall I would recommend exploring patterns that return IQueryable<TEntity> rather than List<TEntity> etc. as the later results in either a lot of limitations for performance and flexibility, or requires a lot of boiler-plate code to handle things like:
Getting just a Count,
Performing an Exists check,
Configurable filtering,
Selectively eager loading related data, or
Projection to generate efficient queries
Doing this with methods that return List<TEntity> either results in very complex code to support some of the above considerations, has these operations applied post-execution leading to heavier queries than would otherwise be needed, or requires a lot of near-duplicate code to handle each scenario.
So the constructor thing was a red herring. It was a missing await after all, just not where expected and in code that was unchanged.
I tracked down the culprit. There was a method in the basePage which hooked into the Filter of MVC pages. It took the user and loaded their permissions, however, since this loading of user permissions was made async, this method did not get awaited (it didn't need it before as was synchronous). I moved it to one of the async events on the page life cycle and all seems happy now (with a suitable await!). So it was a missing await, but the moral of the story is any time you make a sync method async, check what the heck is actually using it!

Third Party Lib disposes context

Without the first two lines of the following, the Email is saved to the database just fine.
However, when I send the email using SendGrid's lib, an exception is thrown when the repository tries to save it, as the Context has been disposed.
It makes no sense to me unless the library is somehow mishandling threads or some such.
var response = await this._emailSender.SendEmailAsync(email);
email.ResponseStatusCode = (int)response.StatusCode;
My workaround is to create a new context:
var context = new ApplicationDbContext(this._options, this._applicationUserProvider);
Is there a better way to resolve this?
unless the library is somehow mishandling threads or some such.
It's an async method. The line after await may run on a different thread at a later time.
The place to look is in the calling code. If you call the method containing this line and don't wait/await the returned task, then the calling code can Dispose your DbContext while the email-sending Task is still running.

How to fix "EntityMemberChanged was called without first calling EntityMemberChanging"

This came up time and again for us. After reading such a message, there's nothing intuitive to do and debug.
What this poorly-documented error is trying to say is that you accidentally set up a system in which tracking changes causes more changes.
When Entity Framework changed a property on one of your entities, such as during SaveChanges with identity ID updates, you ran code that changed other tracked properties.
For example, the property that Entity Framework was setting triggered an event, perhaps INotifyPropertyChanged, which perhaps was subscribed to by a BindingSource or some binding list, whose ListChanged event handler was in the UI and triggered a calculation of some other property, and the change tracker detected the second property change.
The simple diagnosis is to place a breakpoint on the SaveChanges() call and immediately after the SaveChanges call(). When the first breakpoint is hit, place a breakpoint on each event handler that could possibly be triggered. (BindingSources are notorious for multiplying each other's events.) Continue debugging. If any breakpoint is hit other than the point immediately following SaveChanges, you know where the problem is.
The simple solution is to set a flag, such as IsSaving, on each side of the SaveChanges call. Then in each misbehaving event handler, do a simple check and do not modify any entities if the DbContext is in the process of saving. Make sure you use finally in case SaveChanges throws an exception that you catch at a higher level:
IsSaving = true;
await db.SaveChangesAsync()
IsSaving = false;
(One other possibility is that you were changing the entity from multiple threads — never involve the change tracker in multiple threads!)
I had the exact same issue. I had wired to the INotifyPropertyChanged event that created the possibility for a property to change during the SaveChanges() call. I think it is a better practice to unwire the event handlers of you tracked entities when performing dbContext.SaveChanges(), Remove().
I'll explain my experience with this error, hoping it might help someone. And thanks to jnm2 for beautiful explanation.
I had Invoice and Receipt entities, and InvoiceViewModel.
Thie ViewModel was subscribed to Invoice property changed, inside which it was raising CanExecuteChanged events.
I added Receipt to Invoice navigation property and called SaveChanges(), which raised Invoice.ReceiptID property changed and triggered OnPropertyChanged event handler on the ViewModel, which in turn raised all kinds of CanExecuteChanged events.
The problem was that one of the CanCommandNameExecute methods was calling Context.ChangeTracker.HasChanges() which ultimately threw an exception.
How I fixed it?
I followed jnm2, I flagged VM with IsSaving and checked for the flag inside OnPropertyChanged event handler.
Once again, thanks jnm2, and hope someone finds this helpful as well.

GWT app getting java.util.ConcurrentModificationException from MVC pattern

I am getting this error everytime my Observers are traversed.
public void notifyObservers(ModelViewInterface model) {
for(Observer<ModelViewInterface> o : this.observers)
GWT does not have threads, so it is not a synchronization issue.
It seems to happen after I press a button, any ideas of how to avoid this error?
From the javadoc of ConcurrentModificationException:
Note that this exception does not always indicate that an object has been concurrently modified by a different thread. If a single thread issues a sequence of method invocations that violates the contract of an object, the object may throw this exception. For example, if a thread modifies a collection directly while it is iterating over the collection with a fail-fast iterator, the iterator will throw this exception.
So in your case, it seems that o.notify(model) modifies this.observers - directly or indirectly. This is a common phenomenon when modifying the collection you're iterating over.
To avoid concurrent modification, you can operate on a copy of the collection like this:
for(Observer<ModelViewInterface> o :
new ArrayList<ModelViewInterface>(this.observers)) {
However, sometimes this is not what you want - the current behaviour of o.notify could also indicate a bug.

REQUIRES_NEW annotated method is executed without a transaction?

I have a stateless bean resposible for persisting entities to a database. This stateless bean is called by a message bean's onMessage method. The wired thing is that on the first message everything works fine, but on the next message the method responsible for persisting is invoked outside a transaction, even though the method is annotated with REQUIRES_NEW.
public StateChange persistChange(long deviceId, ...) {
StateChange change = new StateChange(...);
em.refresh(change); // To provoke the error
return change;
Calling refresh triggers the following exception:
Caused by: javax.persistence.TransactionRequiredException: no transaction is in progress
Any ideas? I'm fairly new to JTA so I might have missed something important?
I tried a lot to solve it and after about 16 hours or so it seems to be working. I'm not sure exactly what did the trick, but it might be the upgrade to Glassfish 2.1.
Finally able to sleep at night again!