Using an additional Future inside of a StreamBuilder with Flutter - flutter

I am trying to pull favicons dynamically and place them as a leading icon in ListTiles which make up a ListView, which is all contained inside a StreamBuilder. The StreamBuilder 'stream' variable is a FirebaseFirestore instance shown below:
streamBuilder = StreamBuilder<QuerySnapshot>(
stream: FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('users').doc('vault').snapshots(),
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<QuerySnapshot> querySnapShot){
So the stream is updated every time the snapshot is updated. The snapshot contains docs which are iterated through in a for loop to populate each listtile in the listview. Each doc contains a url. I need to use that 'url' to retrieve that Listtile's respective favicon icon.
import 'package:favicon/favicon.dart' as iconz;
for (var doc in {
String urlIcon = doc['urlIcon'];
iconUse = iconz.Favicon.getBest(urlIcon);
leading: iconUse,
The problem is that the getBest() function returns a future. i.e. Using 'await' for my favicon getBest() function is not allowed inside the StreamBuilder, and my StreamBuilder is already dependent upon the snapshot stream. How do I use an additional Future inside of a StreamBuilder that is already dependent upon a different stream?

You can use a FutureBuilder for leading: iconUse
import 'package:favicon/favicon.dart' as iconz;
for (var doc in {
String urlIcon = doc['urlIcon'];
//iconUse = iconz.Favicon.getBest(urlIcon);
leading: FutureBuilder(
future: iconz.Favicon.getBest(urlIcon),
builder: (context, snapshot2) {
if (snapshot2.hasData) {
return; //or whatever object you want to return from your function.


How to set the object variable permanently in Flutter?

I am trying to build an app with Flutter and Dart. Here, I want to retrieve data from my Firebase, and I was able to do so and put it in the replies variable in each Message object that I have as an array type in the Firebase by using a for loop. However, when I try to access the replies variable again, it becomes empty.
I tried using setState, but that just causes the replies variable to keep resetting. Why this is the case, and how can I fix it?
StreamBuilder<List<Message>> pickMessage(
Stream<List<Message>> list, BuildContext context) {
return StreamBuilder(
stream: list,
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasError) {
return const Text('Something went wrong!');
} else if (snapshot.hasData) {
final message =!;
for (var msg in message) {
msg.replies = value.get("replies");
If You Need Some Variable to Initialize Once Put in Init Function or In Builder Function, outside the Scope of StreamBuilder, hope it helps

Flutter: Weird listview/stream builder behavior

I have a home_page.dart file whose body has a StreamBuilder it recieves the stream from my getChats() function. In the StreamBuilder's builder function I sort the all the documents after storing them in a list named docsList based on the lastMessageTime field so that the document with the latest message is at the top (first).
As the ListView is using the docsList for building the cards it is expected that the document which has the most resent message should be displayed first. Which only happens when the list is build for the first time. After that if I send a new message to the chat which is not at the top this happens:
When I send a message which the text 'test' to the chat "Heah Roger" this is how the list gets updated:
As it can be seen the Time on the right and the subtext changes for the first tile but the image and name didn't (same for second tile). Even though the documents are updated in the docsList and are sorted in the desired manner (I printed it to check it). Somehow the photo and the name alone are not being updated in the UI alone.
Note: The correct fields are updated in the firestore. Also if I restart the app after killing it. It shows the desired result:
Stream<QuerySnapshot<Map<String, dynamic>>> getChats(User currentUser) {
return FirebaseFirestore.instance
.where('users', arrayContains:
body: StreamBuilder(
stream: RepositoryProvider.of<FirestoreRepository>(context).getChats(BlocProvider.of<AuthenticationBloc>(context).state.user),
builder: (context, AsyncSnapshot<dynamic> snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasData && > 0) {
List docsList =;
docsList.sort((a, b) =>['lastMessageTime'].compareTo(['lastMessageTime']));
return ListView.builder(
itemCount: docsList.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return SingleChatCard(chatRoom: ChatRoomModel.fromMap(docsList[index].data()));
} else {
return ...
Can anyone help me figure out the underlying problem that is causing this weird behavior?
Looks like an key issue to me,
When you're using your custom Widget to render in a listview, with some complicate data flow,
Flutter react to these changes one level at a time:
You can refer:
In your example, you can do something like this:
return SingleChatCard(
key: ValueKey(index),
chatRoom: ChatRoomModel.fromMap(docsList[index].data()));

Need I do pagination for flutter StreamBuilder?

I'm new to flutter, and now I'm creating an app which has a feed page, I'm using StreamBuilder + firestore to do this, the code is like this:
return StreamBuilder(
stream: FirebaseFirestore.instance
.orderBy('createdAt', descending: true)
builder: (context,
AsyncSnapshot<QuerySnapshot<Map<String, dynamic>>> snapshot) {
if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.waiting) {
return const Center(
child: CircularProgressIndicator(
color: primaryColor,
return ListView.builder(
itemBuilder: (context, index) => Container(
child: createPostViewFromSnapShot(!.docs[index]),// it returns a widget
You can see from the code I didn't do pagination, I want to know when the code runs, it fetch all the post from firestore ? Or it will fetch data by block or something like pagination ?
I want to know if it's necessary to do pagination for StreamBuilder?
Avoid creating Widgets in Methods. That way you cause your App to
become I'm-performant. Because the Widget is not sat directly in the
Tree, but a method, every build that methods gets called, no matter
if the resulting widget would have to be actually be rebuilt.
That stream will not always emit events where data is not null. You will most likely get an exception for using! bang operator
Take a closer look at the documentation:
FlutterFire provides support for dealing with realtime changes to
collections and documents. A new event is provided on the initial
request, and any subsequent changes to collection/document whenever a
change occurs (modification, deleted or added).
For what you are trying to achieve, it would be better to initially fetch a limited set of documents from your collection.
You can than fetch the next elements by using

Function invoke in Flutter to get attributes from Firebase

I want to define and invoke a function in Flutter to get required values from Firebase.
In the below code I have defined getCourseDetails() function and invoking it in the container by passing a parameter to get the value.
The Course_Details collection has many documents with course_id's which has attribute with name (course_name, subtitle). I use these values to build a listview cards in next steps.
I am able to get the values from the function using async await, but for some reason the values keeps on updating and never stops. It kind of goes to loop and keeps on running. I added print statements to check and it keeps on running and printing.
Please let me know what wrong I am doing here or how to define function here to avoid the issue. Thanks
class _CourseProgressListState extends State<CourseProgressList> {
String course_name, subtitle;
getCourseDetails(course_id_pass) async {
DocumentSnapshot document = await Firestore.instance.collection('Course_Details').document(course_id_pass).get();
setState(() {
course_name =['course_name'];
subtitle =['subtitle'];
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
child: StreamBuilder(
stream: Firestore.instance.collection('Enrolling_Courses').where('student_id', isEqualTo:,
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if ( == null) return Text('no data');
return ListView.builder(
itemBuilder: (_, int index) {
var course_details =[index];
Application Flow
On first build of CourseProgressList the Widget State _CourseProgressListState is loaded. This State in the build method uses a StreamBuilder to retrieve all documents from the firestore. As soon as the documents are received the StreamBuilder attempts to build the ListView using the ListViewBuilder.
In the ListViewBuilder you make the async call to getCourseDetails(course_details['course_id']); which when complete populates two attributes String course_name, subtitle;
The problem starts here
When you call
setState(() {
course_name =['course_name'];
subtitle =['subtitle'];
you trigger a Widget rebuild and so the process starts over again to rebuild the entire widget.
NB. refreshing state of a stateful widget will trigger a widget rebuild
NB. Firestore.instance.collection('Enrolling_Courses').where('student_id', isEqualTo: returns a stream of realtime changes implying that your List will also refresh each time there is a change to this collection
If you do not need to call the setState try not to call the setState.
You could let getCourseDetails(course_id_pass) return a Future/Stream with the values desired and use another FutureBuilder/StreamBuilder in your ListViewBuilder to return each ListViewItem. Your user may appreciate seeing some items instead of waiting for all the course details to be available
Abstract your request to firestore in a repository/provider or another function/class which will do the entire workload, i.e retrieving course ids then subsequently the course details and returning a Future<List<Course>> / Stream<List<Course>> for your main StreamBuilder in this widget (see reference snippet below as a guide and requires testing)
Reference Snippet
Your abstraction could look something like this but this decision is up to you. There are many software design patterns to consider or you could just start by getting it working.
//let's say we had a class Course
class Course {
String courseId;
String courseName;
String subTitle;
Stream<List<Course>> getStudentCourses(int studentId){
return Firestore.instance
.where('student_id', isEqualTo: studentId)
//extract documents from snapshot
.map(snapshot => snapshot?.data ?? [])
//we will then request details for each document
.map(documents =>
/*because this is an asynchronous request for several
items which we are all interested in at the same time, we can wrap
this in
a Future.wait and retrieve the results of all as a list
Future.wait( =>
//making a request to firestore for each document
/* making a final transformation turning
each document into a Course item which we can easily pass to our
.then(courseItem => Course(
FutureBuilder -
StreamBuilder -
Future.wait -

next Page stream is not update on Flutter

I used two pages. and I added StreamBuilder in my first page and I passed to next Page. but when value change in 2nd-page value is not changing. How to fix it? I can't call streamBuilder in both pages because it's meaning two read in firebase. Is there any way to create singleton for services and access anywhere?
stream: db.getData(),
builder: (context,snapshot){
return Column(
children: <Widget>[
onTap: ()=> Navigator.pushNamed(context, '/nextPage',arguments: Arguments(
onTap: ()=> Navigator.pushNamed(context, '/nextPage',arguments: Arguments(
When using the above code, a data snapshot is only sent when you Tap on the InkWell. Meaning unless tapped on the inkwell it will not provide new data to nextPage.
To resolve this issue, I would suggest the following:
In First page
Create ValueNotifier instance to observe changes in the common reference:
// change Cast to type that you receive from firebase, or you can omit the cast
final ValueNotifier<snapshot_data_type> firebaseDataNotifier = ValueNotifier<snapshot_data_type>();
Update the value of firebaseDataNotifier when you receive data from firebase:
stream: db.getData(),
builder: (context,snapshot){
firebaseDataNotifier.value =;
Pass the firebaseDataNotifier as data for the nextPage
In the next Page
Wrap the Next page widgets with ValueListenable
valueListenable: valueNotifier,
builder: (context, firebaseData, child) {
// return your next page widget here and use firebaseData instead of
Note: Make sure you keep the ValueNotifier instance outside of both widgets so that they can access it without any dependency.