How to learn Flutter with Node.js and MongoDB with realtime connection? [closed] - mongodb

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm trying to build a realtime chat app with Flutter, Node.js and MongoDB. I am seeking some easy-to-read links or any documentation that explains how to do it.

Try these online courses:
I know they seem quite expensive, but – judging by my personal experience – they're worth every cent. Trust me, Max is a great teacher ;)


Networking on IOS using Alamofire [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I’m an IOS developer. I have a new client who wants me to teach him about Alamofire and the networking stuff, and to be honest, i’m bad at teaching.
so, can anyone suggest me a book or any tutorial that i can follow during the lecture?
thanks in advance.
iOS Networking
Don't forget to check out official documentation as well.

Is there any guide for making KeystoneJS to work with PostgreSQL database? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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KeystoneJS looks like a great CMS framework, however it claims to work with MongoDB only.
Do you think it's technically feasible to make KeystoneJS support PostgreSQL with the least effort?
Is there any guide related to it?

Good tutorials/books starting amazon EC2 java REST web service [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need to build a very scalable REST web service that will be consumed both by mobile apps, clients surfing the web, servers, etc...
Now as you can imagine this is a rather large task and I have no idea where to start, so I wonder if there are any good tutorials or books to help me on my way?
Thanks in advance!
A good starting point would be reading the "REST API - Design Rulebook" by "Mark Masse" published by O'Reilly Media, Inc.

Tutorials and examples for mgwt/gwt-phonegap [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have been trying to follow mgwt and gwt-phonegap through It feels like a pain for me, because I can't find something properly described there for a beginner to follow.
Can any one plz suggest me a good tutorial site or examples for mgwt/gwtphonegap?
if you have questions on how to get started the mgwt user group (!forum/mgwt ) is a very good place to ask questions and there have been already a tremendous amount of questions about it on the group.
We are very friendly (especially to inexperienced users)
Check out the wiki:
Check out the blog:
Also there are a couple of videos out there:
General thoughts:
Getting started:
Simple App example:
We did not document the basics of GWT MVP. This is done very nicely in the GWT docs.

i want to host a wiki site for an internal company project [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I don't have much experience with this. are there any free or low-cost solutions I can deploy? We have a relatively low-powered server running windows NT (ouch, i know).
Preferably something that allows multi-user access though something light-weight is the main consideration.
I used to compare features and prices of over 100 wiki engines last year for my company. Try it out.