Which way is right for "Strong Reference Cycles for Closures" - swift

In Apple Swift Document
A strong reference cycle can also occur if you assign a closure to a property of a class instance, and the body of that closure captures the instance.
The reCreactJavascriptTool is a property of a Controller which contains a WKWebview. The main work of the reCreactJavascriptTool is reacting with the HTML file.
private lazy var reCreactJavascriptTool: JavascriptTool = {
var reCreactJSTool = JavascriptTool()
reCreactJSTool.reJSBlock = { [unowned self] (module: String?, hareModel: HareModel?) in
if module == "hare" {
reCreactJSTool.bBlock = { [unowned self] (btnId: String?) in
self.lefckId = btnId;
reCreactJSTool.reBlock = { [unowned self] in
if (self.recordUrl?.absoluteString.count)! > 0 {
}else {
return reCreactJSTool
If I type the code like this :
private lazy var reCreactJavascriptTool: JavascriptTool = { [unowned self] in
// And remove all the " [unowned self] " in all Blocks
reCreactJSTool.reJSBlock = { (module: String?, hareModel: HareModel?) in
if module == "hare" {
reCreactJSTool.bBlock = { (btnId: String?) in
self.lefckId = btnId;
reCreactJSTool.reBlock = { in
if (self.recordUrl?.absoluteString.count)! > 0 {
}else {
I don't know which code snippet is right.


Сache images one by one passing them into an array (Kingfisher)

I have to cache images one by one passing them into an array.
When I configure Controller, I got array of images from API. Images I got using Animation, every 0.1 sec I got new Image. But when I got all of them, I need to use cached images instead of load them again
Some variables for help
private var imagesCount = 0
private var nextImage = 0
private var imagesArray: [String] = []
private var isAnimating = true {
didSet {
if isAnimating {
Here I configure VC, and do imagesArray = images, then I will use only my array of urls
func configureView(images: ApiImages) {
guard let images = images.images else { return }
imagesArray = images
imagesCount = images.count
imageView.setImage(imageUrl: images[nextImage])
nextImage += 1
When I start my animation. Every 0.1 I get new one image, but after the end of cycle I want to use cached images
func animateImage() {
UIView.transition(with: self.imageView, duration: 0.1, options: .transitionCrossDissolve) { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
self.imageView.setImage(imageUrl: self.imagesArray[self.nextImage])
} completion: { [weak self] _ in
guard let self = self else { return }
if self.nextImage == self.imagesCount - 1{
//here is end of cycle
self.nextImage = 0
} else {
self.nextImage += 1
if self.isAnimating {
I use kingfisher, so what options I have to put here??
extension UIImageView {
func setImage(imageUrl: String, completion: (() -> ())? = nil) {
self.kf.setImage(with: URL(string: imageUrl), options: [.transition(.fade(0.5)), .alsoPrefetchToMemory]) { result in
Thank you!

Get callback when ADMOB reward ad is closed without seeing whole ad in ios swift

I am using reward admob ad in my project with latest sdk. How can i get proper callback that the user has closed the ad in between. I know there is a delegate method of fullscreencontentdelegate which has a function adDidDismiss but in that function i am doing some code block which i perform when i complete watching the ad and it just works fine but what if i closed the ad in between, because what happens is that whether i see the whole ad or not this delegate function gets called and there is no way to differentiate how would i proceed with complete and incomplete ad. Please help me with this.
video link
as in the video first time i am not watching the whole ad and i just close it then also the scratch card popup comes because of the delegate method being called, which i dont want to open and then i just watch the whole ad and get my reward which is working fine
My code snippet:
enum RewardAdType {
case avatar, freeChips, scratchCard, chips250
typealias AD_COMPLETION_BLOCK = (_ success: Bool) -> ()
class RewardAdManager : NSObject
var rewardBasedVideoAd : GADRewardedAd? = nil
var rewardValue = ""
var type: RewardAdType? = nil
extension RewardAdManager
func loadRewardedAd(vc: UIViewController, userId: String, type: RewardAdType, imageName: String? = nil, chipsCoin: String? = nil, completion: #escaping AD_COMPLETION_BLOCK)
self.type = type
let adUnit = self.type == .avatar ? Constants.REWARD_AD_AVATAR_LIVE_ID : Constants.REWARD_AD_WINCHIPS_LIVE_ID
let request = GADRequest()
GADRewardedAd.load(withAdUnitID: adUnit, request: request) { [weak self] ad, error in
guard let self = self, error == nil else {
self?.type = nil
self?.rewardBasedVideoAd = nil
let serverSideVerificationOptions = GADServerSideVerificationOptions()
serverSideVerificationOptions.userIdentifier = userId
if type == .scratchCard {
self.rewardValue = self.generateRandomRewardValue()
serverSideVerificationOptions.customRewardString = self.rewardValue
} else if type == .avatar {
serverSideVerificationOptions.customRewardString = imageName
} else if type == .freeChips {
serverSideVerificationOptions.customRewardString = chipsCoin
} else if type == .chips250 {
serverSideVerificationOptions.customRewardString = "250"
self.rewardBasedVideoAd = ad
self.rewardBasedVideoAd?.serverSideVerificationOptions = serverSideVerificationOptions
self.rewardBasedVideoAd?.fullScreenContentDelegate = self
self.showRewardedAd(viewController: vc, type: type, completion: completion)
func showRewardedAd(viewController: UIViewController, type: RewardAdType? = nil, completion: #escaping AD_COMPLETION_BLOCK)
if let ad = self.rewardBasedVideoAd {
self.type = type
DispatchQueueHelper.delay {
ad.present(fromRootViewController: viewController) {}
} else {
self.type = nil
self.checkForSavedLanguage(viewController: viewController)
func checkForSavedLanguage(viewController: UIViewController)
let lang = LanguageCode(rawValue: Defaults[.LangCode]) ?? .english
viewController.showToast(msg: Constants.NO_ADS_MESSAGE.localizeString(string: lang))
func generateRandomRewardValue() -> String
var val = 0
let random = Double.random(in: 0.1...1.0)
if random < 0.20 {
val = 150
} else if random < 0.50 {
val = 200
} else if random < 0.70 {
val = 250
} else {
val = 350
return val.toString()
//MARK: - GADFullScreenContentDelegate
extension RewardAdManager : GADFullScreenContentDelegate {
func ad(_ ad: GADFullScreenPresentingAd, didFailToPresentFullScreenContentWithError error: Error)
self.type = nil
let lang = LanguageCode(rawValue: Defaults[.LangCode]) ?? .english
let userInfo = ["msg":Constants.NO_ADS_MESSAGE.localizeString(string: lang)]
NotificationCaller.shared.showLeaveMsg(userInfo: userInfo)
func adDidDismissFullScreenContent(_ ad: GADFullScreenPresentingAd)
guard let type = self.type else { return }
self.rewardBasedVideoAd = nil
let userInfo: [String:RewardAdType] = ["type":type]
NotificationCaller.shared.showRewardTypePopup(userInfo: userInfo)

Get Proper callback when admob reward ad is closed without seeing whole ad in ios swift

i am using reward admob ad in my project with latest sdk. how can i get proper callback that the user has closed the ad in between. I know there is a delegate method of fullscreencontent delegate which will be called but in that delegate method i am calling some code block which i perform when i complete watching the ad and it justs work fine but what if i closed the ad in between then the same delegate is being called. so how do i decide that the user has watched the ad or closed in between.
my code snippet:
enum RewardAdType {
case avatar, freeChips, scratchCard, chips250
typealias AD_COMPLETION_BLOCK = (_ success: Bool) -> ()
class RewardAdManager : NSObject
var rewardBasedVideoAd : GADRewardedAd? = nil
var rewardValue = ""
var type: RewardAdType? = nil
extension RewardAdManager
func loadRewardedAd(vc: UIViewController, userId: String, type: RewardAdType, imageName: String? = nil, chipsCoin: String? = nil, completion: #escaping AD_COMPLETION_BLOCK)
self.type = type
let adUnit = self.type == .avatar ? Constants.REWARD_AD_AVATAR_LIVE_ID : Constants.REWARD_AD_WINCHIPS_LIVE_ID
let request = GADRequest()
GADRewardedAd.load(withAdUnitID: adUnit, request: request) { [weak self] ad, error in
guard let self = self, error == nil else {
self?.type = nil
self?.rewardBasedVideoAd = nil
let serverSideVerificationOptions = GADServerSideVerificationOptions()
serverSideVerificationOptions.userIdentifier = userId
if type == .scratchCard {
self.rewardValue = self.generateRandomRewardValue()
serverSideVerificationOptions.customRewardString = self.rewardValue
} else if type == .avatar {
serverSideVerificationOptions.customRewardString = imageName
} else if type == .freeChips {
serverSideVerificationOptions.customRewardString = chipsCoin
} else if type == .chips250 {
serverSideVerificationOptions.customRewardString = "250"
self.rewardBasedVideoAd = ad
self.rewardBasedVideoAd?.serverSideVerificationOptions = serverSideVerificationOptions
self.rewardBasedVideoAd?.fullScreenContentDelegate = self
self.showRewardedAd(viewController: vc, type: type, completion: completion)
func showRewardedAd(viewController: UIViewController, type: RewardAdType? = nil, completion: #escaping AD_COMPLETION_BLOCK)
if let ad = self.rewardBasedVideoAd {
self.type = type
DispatchQueueHelper.delay {
ad.present(fromRootViewController: viewController) {}
} else {
self.type = nil
self.checkForSavedLanguage(viewController: viewController)
func checkForSavedLanguage(viewController: UIViewController)
let lang = LanguageCode(rawValue: Defaults[.LangCode]) ?? .english
viewController.showToast(msg: Constants.NO_ADS_MESSAGE.localizeString(string: lang))
func generateRandomRewardValue() -> String
var val = 0
let random = Double.random(in: 0.1...1.0)
if random < 0.20 {
val = 150
} else if random < 0.50 {
val = 200
} else if random < 0.70 {
val = 250
} else {
val = 350
return val.toString()
//MARK: - GADFullScreenContentDelegate
extension RewardAdManager : GADFullScreenContentDelegate {
func ad(_ ad: GADFullScreenPresentingAd, didFailToPresentFullScreenContentWithError error: Error)
self.type = nil
let lang = LanguageCode(rawValue: Defaults[.LangCode]) ?? .english
let userInfo = ["msg":Constants.NO_ADS_MESSAGE.localizeString(string: lang)]
NotificationCaller.shared.showLeaveMsg(userInfo: userInfo)
func adDidDismissFullScreenContent(_ ad: GADFullScreenPresentingAd)
guard let type = self.type else { return }
self.rewardBasedVideoAd = nil
let userInfo: [String:RewardAdType] = ["type":type]
NotificationCaller.shared.showRewardTypePopup(userInfo: userInfo)

SwiftUI app freezing when using multiple product identifiers in StoreKit

I'm currently learning Swift and following some tutorials but I'm stuck on a StoreKit issue.
The code works when I provide a single productIdentifier, but when I provide more than 1 in the Set, the entire app hangs on loading. This is in the iOS Simulator, and on a device. I've got 2 identifiers in the set, and both of these work individually, but not at the same time. My code looks the same as the original tutorial (video) so I don't know where I'm going long.
Entire Store.swift file below. Problem appears to be in the fetchProducts function, but I'm not sure. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
import StoreKit
typealias FetchCompletionHandler = (([SKProduct]) -> Void)
typealias PurchaseCompletionHandler = ((SKPaymentTransaction?) -> Void)
class Store: NSObject, ObservableObject {
#Published var allRecipes = [Recipe]() {
didSet {
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
for index in self.allRecipes.indices {
self.allRecipes[index].isLocked = !self.completedPurchases.contains(self.allRecipes[index].id)
private let allProductIdentifiers = Set(["com.myname.ReceipeStore.test", "com.myname.ReceipeStore.test2"])
private var completedPurchases = [String]()
private var productsRequest: SKProductsRequest?
private var fetchedProducts = [SKProduct]()
private var fetchCompletionHandler: FetchCompletionHandler?
private var purchaseCompletionHandler: PurchaseCompletionHandler?
override init() {
fetchProducts { products in
self.allRecipes = products.map { Recipe(product: $0) }
private func startObservingPaymentQueue() {
private func fetchProducts(_ completion: #escaping FetchCompletionHandler) {
guard self.productsRequest == nil else { return }
fetchCompletionHandler = completion
productsRequest = SKProductsRequest(productIdentifiers: allProductIdentifiers)
productsRequest!.delegate = self
private func buy(_ product: SKProduct, competion: #escaping PurchaseCompletionHandler) {
purchaseCompletionHandler = competion
let payment = SKPayment(product: product)
extension Store {
func product(for identififier: String) -> SKProduct? {
return fetchedProducts.first(where: { $0.productIdentifier == identififier })
func purchaseProduct(_ product: SKProduct) {
buy(product) { _ in }
extension Store: SKPaymentTransactionObserver {
func paymentQueue(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue, updatedTransactions transactions: [SKPaymentTransaction]) {
for transaction in transactions {
var shouldFinishTransactions = false
switch transaction.transactionState {
case .purchased, .restored:
shouldFinishTransactions = true
case .failed:
shouldFinishTransactions = true
case .deferred, .purchasing:
#unknown default:
if shouldFinishTransactions {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.purchaseCompletionHandler = nil
// loading products from the store
extension Store: SKProductsRequestDelegate {
func productsRequest(_ request: SKProductsRequest, didReceive response: SKProductsResponse) {
let loadedProducts = response.products
let invalidProducts = response.invalidProductIdentifiers
guard !loadedProducts.isEmpty else {
print("Could not load the products!")
if !invalidProducts.isEmpty {
print("Invalid products found: \(invalidProducts)")
productsRequest = nil
// cache the feteched products
fetchedProducts = loadedProducts
// notify anyone waiting on the product load (swift UI view)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.fetchCompletionHandler = nil
self.productsRequest = nil
It looks like you're running all of your requests on the main DispatchQueue, this will block other main queue work until completed. You should consider handling some of these tasks with a custom concurrent queue. This bit of sample code should get the ball rolling.
func requestProducts(_ productIdentifiers: Set<ProductIdentifier>, handler: #escaping ProductRequestHandler) {
// Set request handler
productRequestHandler = handler
// Request
productRequest = SKProductsRequest(productIdentifiers: productIdentifiers)
productRequest?.delegate = self
func requestPrices() {
// Retry interval, 5 seconds, set this to your liking
let retryTimeOut = 5.0
var local1: String? = nil
var local2: String? = nil
let bundleIdentifier = Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier!
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: bundleIdentifier + ".IAPQueue", attributes: .concurrent)
// Request price
queue.async {
var trying = true
while(trying) {
let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)
requestProducts(Set(arrayLiteral: SettingsViewController.pID_1000Credits, SettingsViewController.pID_2000Credits)) { (response, error) in
local1 = response?.products[0].localizedPrice
local2 = response?.products[1].localizedPrice
// We will keep checking on this thread until completed
_ = semaphore.wait(timeout: .now() + retryTimeOut)
if(local2 != nil) { trying = false }
// Update with main thread once request is completed
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.price1 = local1 ?? "$0.99"
self.price2 = local2 ?? "$1.99"
extension SKProduct {
// Helper function, not needed for this example
public var localizedPrice: String? {
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .currency
formatter.locale = self.priceLocale
return formatter.string(from: self.price)

Swift How to wait for callback to finish before exiting function?

The problem I'm having on this request is the first function syncRequest always returns nil since the function exits before the (reply, error) comes back to fill out my return dictionary.
Is there a way for it to wait for the callback to return before returning out of my closure?
public typealias KKWatchSyncResponse = Dictionary<String, AnyObject>
func syncRequest() -> KKWatchSyncResponse? {
var syncResponseDict : KKWatchSyncResponse?
createRequest(KKWatchRequest.Sync, parameter: nil) { reply, error in
if reply == nil || error != nil {
} else {
syncResponseDict = KKWatchSyncResponse()
if let songInfo = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData(reply!["songInfo"] as NSData) as NSDictionary? {
syncResponseDict!["songInfo"] = songInfo
if let albumArtImage = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData(reply!["albumArt"] as NSData) as? UIImage {
syncResponseDict!["albumArtImage"] = albumArtImage
if let isPlaying = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData(reply!["isPlaying"] as NSData) as? Bool {
syncResponseDict!["isPlaying"] = isPlaying
return syncResponseDict
func createRequest(request:KKWatchRequest, parameter: KKWatchAPIRequestParameter?, callback:KKWatchAPICallback) -> KKWatchAPIParentRequest {
var requestDict : Dictionary<String, AnyObject> = [KKBOXWatchAppRequestType : request.rawValue]
if parameter != nil {
requestDict += parameter! //Combine 2 dictionaries
return { WKInterfaceController.openParentApplication(requestDict){ reply, error in
callback(reply, error)
Your help us much appreciated!
Could you have syncRequest() take a closure that gets called with the results when ready? Change the definition to something like:
func syncRequest(callback:(KKWatchSyncResponse?)->Void) { ... }
Then at the end of your createRequest() call, you could call the callback on syncResponseDict, since now it's been populated with your data... callback(syncResponseDict).
EDIT: Here's the solution I had in mind.
func syncRequest(callback:(KKWatchSyncResponse?)->Void) {
createRequest(KKWatchRequest.Sync, parameter: nil) { reply, error in
if reply == nil || error != nil {
} else {
var syncResponseDict : KKWatchSyncResponse? = KKWatchSyncResponse()
if let songInfo = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData(reply!["songInfo"] as NSData) as NSDictionary? {
syncResponseDict!["songInfo"] = songInfo
if let albumArtImage = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData(reply!["albumArt"] as NSData) as? UIImage {
syncResponseDict!["albumArtImage"] = albumArtImage
if let isPlaying = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData(reply!["isPlaying"] as NSData) as? Bool {
syncResponseDict!["isPlaying"] = isPlaying
It is straight forward to implement a locking variable. This is most helpful for unit tests that do some async network loading.
func waitingFunction()
//set a lock during your async function
var locked = true
RunSome.asyncFunction() { () -> Void in
//after your sync function remove the lock
locked = false
//wait for the async method to complete before advancing
//move on from the lock
func wait()
NSRunLoop.currentRunLoop().runMode(NSDefaultRunLoopMode, beforeDate: NSDate(timeIntervalSinceNow: 1))