How do you represent either / or within a use case diagram? [closed] - class

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am making a use case diagram for a school and was wondering how I can show a degree course is either full time or part time and then each degree contains 1 to 10 courses.

The rules you are giving in your question are not captured in the use case model, but in the domain model. The description of a use case is influenced by the domain model. Like for example a use case enroll for term will describe steps where the user enters one or more courses. For a domain model you would create a class diagram.


In the sample super store,how to get customers buying only furniture and not office supplies or technology [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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In tableau for its sample super store dataset,I need to get the exclusive customers who buy only furniture and not office supplies and technology.
Want to display the exclusive customer names and their sales.
You can put Customer on the Filter shelf and on the condition tab, use the following formula min([Category] = "Furniture") For boolean expressions, True > False, so MIN(condition) is true if and only if condition is true for every record. MIN() for booleans can thus be read as "every()" and MAX() can be read as "any()"
If you work with this group of customers a lot, you might want to define a set of Customers that only buy furniture, instead of a filter. There are lots of ways to think of sets, but one is just as a saved named filter.

JCL/REXX - Members in a PDS [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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How can I create a member in a PDS using either JCL or REXX? The member's name must contain the actual date. Is that possible?
It can be done in JCL and by Rexx. You need to remember that member names are a maximum of 8 bytes and cannot start with a numeric so you would need to use something like the 'Julian' date e.g. 2017365. You may have system variables available to populate your JCL - check the JCL manual and level of Z/os that you are using.

RESTful URL design - how to query using OR parameters [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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How would you design a RESTful query to support OR and AND operand between parameters. Let's say my resource has three fields field1 & field2 &field3. How would you design the URL to enable the following query:
"Get myresources where field1=x OR field2=y AND field3=z"
I would probably encode a normal form (eg. CNF) of the relation between the fields somehow. For example:

Example of State monad in business application [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am looking for a simple example of State monad in a business application.
I have found good examples -- memoisation to calculate Fibonacci numbers and random numbers generation -- but I would like to see an example from a business domain (preferably in Scala).
For example, I can easily find examples of using Option, Either, List, Reader, and Writer monads:
option : look up an entity (order, product, customer, whatever) which does not exist
either : any failure
list : customer orders, order items, etc.
reader : read any entity from the database
writer : write to the log
Now I am looking for something similar for State monad, i.e. any stateful computation with a mutable state, as I understand it.
The typical application where I reach for State is where I need a supply of values, like a random number generator or a supply of unique identifiers.
Another typical use case is testing an application that interacts with a database. Using State, you can simulate an in-memory database and check that the program manipulates the database in the expected way.

I am trying to create a configuration script in perl that will make changes in two parameters , I need to know the ideal construct [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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So far I am using the following construct <$ARGV[0]> <$ARGV[1]>
each given argument can be
+n = to increase the current service by n
-n = to decrease the existing services by n
n = to create n number of services ( irrespective of the number of existing services )
I have a doubt whether this is the correct construct , I also have problems in fixing what should i have for nochange (ie existing services should continue ) .
The command-line interface you propose is perfectly fine as long as it's documented.
The GNU coding standards recommend providing long options. It is easy to have those in addition to the short options with Getopt::Long::Descriptive.
to increase the current service by n
to decrease the existing services by n
to create n number of services (irrespective of the number of existing services)
no change in operation, existing services continue as is