Bad gateway on dataprep job run api - google-cloud-dataprep

previously same api was working fine but now it shows 502 bad gateway. Here is my api call:
def hit_dataprep_job(receipe_id):
url = ""
body = json.dumps({"wrangledDataset": {"id": receipe_id}})
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json","Authorization": "Bearer "+str(key)}
response =, data=body, headers=headers)
if response.json()['reason'] == 'JobStarted':
print('started job successfully')
<Response [502]>
{'code': 13, 'message': 'BAD_GATEWAY', 'details': [{'#type': '', 'stackEntries': [], 'detail': 'application'}]}

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When making a request to the Vision API Product Search an error occurs "message": "The request is missing a valid API key."

When I register a service account for the Vision API Product Search there's a json file downloaded into my desktop that has the private key. However, when making a request into this api there's no place to send that JSON. I'll show you the documentation and my code.
I didn't understand also what is the curl request and how to send it using the http post request.
And This is my code:
Future<void> uploadProductSet() async {
var projectId = 'estoOne';
var locationId = 'europe-west1';
var url = '$projectId/locations/$locationId/productSets';
final responseOne = await http
body: json.encode({
'displayName': 'Product-Set-One',
.catchError((error) {
throw error;
You have to send your access token with the Authorization header.
The API seems to use the Bearer authentication method.
So set the following header in your http request: Bearer $authToken
You should get the auth-token from the credentials file you've downloaded
So your code should look something like this: (untested)
headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer $authToken' },
body: json.encode({
'displayName': 'Product-Set-One',
})).catchError((error) {
throw error

Failed to upload apk via Connect API

I am working on a python script to update the app on Huawei AppGallery via Connect API.
I successfully fetched the token and upload URL but not able to upload the APK/AAB.
Getting this error -
{'result': {'CException': {'errorCode': 70001405, 'errorDesc': 'get no file from request!'}, 'resultCode': '70001405'}}
Here's my python script
def uploadAAB(uploadUrl, authCode, accessToken, appId):
fileName = 'latest_hms.apk'
headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + accessToken,
"accept": "application/json",
"client_id": clientId,
"Content-Type": "multipart/form-data"
uploadBody = {
"authCode": authCode,
"fileCount": 1
with open(aabPath, 'rb') as f:, os.SEEK_END)
print(f.tell()) # printing the correct size
first_phase =
files={fileName: f},
if first_phase.status_code == 200:
body = {
'fileType': 5,
'files': [{
'fileName': fileName,
'fileDestUrl': first_phase.json()['result']['UploadFileRsp']['fileInfoList'][0]['fileDestUlr'],
'size': str(first_phase.json()['result']['UploadFileRsp']['fileInfoList'][0]['size'])
fileHeader = {
'client_id': clientId,
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + accessToken,
params = {
'appId': appId,
second_phase = requests.put(
BASE_URL + "/publish/v2/app-file-info",
except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, requests.exceptions.HTTPError, KeyError) as err:
Please help me out here.
{'result': {'CException': {'errorCode': 70001405, 'errorDesc': 'get no file from request!'}, 'resultCode': '70001405'}}
This error means there is no file in the request. the file is not include successfully in the request. Please make sure the file is achievable.
It seems Huawei made a change to the AppGallery API in February 2022. I don't know if this was intentional, but you must now specify a filename of "file" instead of your original filename (which worked before). See my pull request on Natgho's HMS-Publishing-API code.

Stripe API request working with Postman but failing with Apex Rest Callout

I'm trying to make a callout to a Stripe Api with Apex. I made the exactly same request in Postman with the same Http configuration and have this working well. But when running it with Apex i get a Http 400 (Bad Request) with this error message:
"error": {
"message": "This property cannot be expanded (data).",
"type": "invalid_request_error"
What I want to do is to query a list of Payment Intents from stripe and expand the balance transaction stored in the payment charge data. And here is how I do it
Http http = new Http();
HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
request.setHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer Token');
request.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
String payload = 'expand[]';
request.setEndpoint(API_ENDPOINT + '/v1/payment_intents');
HttpResponse response = http.send(request);
Can anyone help me please to understand what I am missing here?
Try expand[] Instead.

Trying to run code in IBM Cloud Functions

I have following code I am trying to run in IBM function to get billing data out:
iam_token = 'Bearer eyJraWQiOiIyMDE3MTAzMC0wM****'
def processResourceInstanceUsage(account_id, billMonth):
USAGE_URL = "/v4/accounts/"+account_id + \
headers = {
"Authorization": "{}".format(iam_token),
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
print("\n\nResource instance usage for first 100 items")
return response.json()
processResourceInstanceUsage('*****', '11')
For some reason, I keep on getting 201 unauthorized error. I tried creating iam_token many times. It still gives the same error.
There are few things that should be taken care in the code you provided.
The month you are passing is wrong. It should be in YYYY-MM format.
account_id should be the id next to your Account name when you run ibmcloud target
For IAM token, run this command ibmcloud iam oauth_tokens. If you want to generate access token using your Platform API Key, refer to this link. The word Bearer is not required as this is not an authorization token.
Once you have all this in place, create an IBM Cloud function (Python 3), add the below code, pass the account_id and token and invoke the action to see the result . IBM Cloud function expects a dictionary as an input/parameter and JSON as response
import sys
import requests
def main(dict):
iam_token="<IAM_TOKEN> or <ACCESS_TOKEN>"
headers = {
"Authorization": "{}".format(iam_token),
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
response=requests.get(url, headers=headers)
print ("\n\nResource instance usage for first 100 items")
return { 'message': response.json() }
This worked for me and returned a JSON with region-wise billing data.

Error while generating access_token using Ebay 's REST API - Python requests

I'm trying to use the ebay REST-API for the first. I am simply trying to generate an access_token using the client credentials grant-request. I followed the instructions here
HTTP method: POST
URL (Sandbox):
HTTP headers:
Content-Type = application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization = Basic <B64-encoded_oauth_credentials>
Request body (wrapped for readability):
I'm getting this error: {'error': 'invalid_client', 'error_description': 'client authentication failed'} and my code looks like this:
path = ''
app_json = 'application/json'
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Authorization': base64.b64encode(b'Basic CLIENT_ID:CLIENT_SECRET')
payload = 'grant_type=client_credentials&redirect_uri=Searchez&scope='
def get_oath_token():
url = ''
r =, headers=headers, data=payload)
What do I have configured incorrectly? Thanks.
You're base64encoding "Basic " and shouldn't be.
The doc says just encode your Client ID + ":" + Client Secret, and leave the word "Basic" and the space that follows it alone.
In your code, i can see sandbox endpoint URI but in the request body scope, you have used production URL, instead of sandbox